117th Ohio Voluntary Infantry; 1st OVHA
[There doesn't appear to be a soldier by the name of Huntington in this unit. It's possible he may have been a reporter, but in his writing he seems to consider himself a part of this regiment. This started out as the 117th OVI but designation was changed to the 1st Regiment Ohio Heavy Artillery in May of 1863.
N. Elvick]
Camp at Ashland, Ky., Nov. 30th, 1862
Mr. Harper:—Dear Sir:
As old Gallia is strongly represented in the 117th Regiment, she having one Company, Capt. Gatewood's, and sundry other individuals from the north-west portion of her boundaries in Jackson county Companies, I propose to give you a little history of our strength, locality, &c. At the last call by President Lincoln for three hundred thousand more volunteers, the 11th district being so very prompt in supplying its quota, it was thought by the Military Committee of the District, that it could also furnish with volunteers its quota of the more recent call for the three hundred thousand drafted men, thus saving the disgrace of a draft. Accordingly the Committee convened at Portsmouth, at which place they nominated, or recommended to the Gov. of Ohio for his appointment, the Field and Staff Officers of the 117th Regiment. They also apportioned to each county comprising the District, its quota of men to furnish for the Regiment. Gallia county was to furnish one Company, which she had done, but some county or counties have failed to respond to the call. C. G. Hawley, of Ironton, who was nominated for Colonel, and F. N. Keith, of Jackson, who was nominated for Lieut. Colonel, could only receive the appointments of Lieut. Colonel and Major until the Regiment is full and organized, then to be promoted to Colonel and Lieut. Colonel. Only by active and energetic means have these two men succeeded in raising two Companies, averaging about ninety men rank and file—not yet a minimum Regiment. Active measures are now being taken to secure two more Companies. We hope soon to be able to report the 117th full and organized.—The material composing the Regiment is good, and we think if we are ever called upon to do any fighting, we will do such work as will be creditable to any Regiment.
We were ordered from Camp Portsmouth, O., about a month since to Catlettsburg, Ky., but upon arriving at this place received orders from Col. J. Craner of the 40th O.V.I., who commands the Division of Eastern Kentucky, to remain here until further orders. We encamped without tents in the fair-ground adjacent to the town, for about one week. As there was no prospect of our being ordered from here very soon, we moved into town and took possession of vacant houses, where we are now comfortably quartered. We expect to be permanently located here during the winter. The health of the men is comparatively good. Our experience at scouting, as yet, is quite limited, as we have been out on but three or four expeditions—nothing of much importance occurring. You will please send me the Journal, And oblige,
The Gallipolis Journal
December 11, 1862
Covington Barracks, Ky., March 18, 1863
Mr. Harper:
With your permission, I wish to notify all the absentees from the 117th Regiment O.V.I. now in Gallia county or elsewhere, through the columns of your valuable paper, of our whereabouts, what is required of them by their officers, and what they may expect if they do not obey the summons.
Henry F. Krumine, John Firebaugh, Abram Booten, Jerome Iron, Isaac Sowards, John W. Brumfield, Burrell Symmes, and John E. Thornton, privates in Company G, 117th Regiment O.V.I. are ordered to report at these Head-Quarters before the 1st day of April, 1863, or they will be hunted down, captured, brought to their Regiment, and be obliged to suffer the penalty of a deserted [sic] to the letter, which is hard labor with ball and chain during the war, or death. If these absentees report before the 1st day of April, no punishment will be inflicted other than the stoppage of their pay for the time they have been absent.
Our Regiment is now in the Forts surrounding Covington and Newport, and doing provost duty in the two cities. From the disposition that has been made of the Regiment, I suppose we are elected to remain here for some length of time. Major Keith of the 117th enters upon the duties of Provost Marshal of Newport, to-day. Company G is in the Barracks.—General good health, aside from the measles.
Yours, very respectfully,
T. S. Matthews, Adjutant
The Galllipolis Journal
March 26, 1863
Transcribed by Eva Swain Hughes