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St. Nicholas Church
Clay Township

St. Nicholas Church
St. Nicholas Restoration
Notes: (Mary James)
These notes come from a little notebook of minutes from St. Nicholas Church loaned by Linda Criner. The pages are faded, worn and torn and some extra pages have been hand sewn in. It contains about a year of Sunday school minutes and treasurer’s notes. The treasurers note contain only amounts taken in, no other information. The minutes all follow the same form. Sunday school is opened with prayer and scripture reading. After which the classes are “arranged” and the roll called. The teachers then discussed the scripture read earlier, asking questions which pupil answered. After this two or three question on the Bible were given to be answered the next week. Attendance ranged from 25 to 48, with as many as 53 listed as members. There was mention of four class teachers elected, but no roll was found for the fourth class. (Mr. Park Reed) The first meeting was June 1889 but on the membership list some of the names are marked 1862, which would suggest that this was a re-organization of an earlier group.
The following was taken from this note book.
St Nicholas Christian Church
On the ninth day of June 1889 there was an appointment held to organize Sunday School at St. Nicholas Church June 23. On said June 23 the people of this vicinity met and after some little difficulty succeeded in electing the following offices with Mr. F. B. Gilmore acting as chairman. For Superintendant, Mr. John White; Assistant Superintendant, Harvey Broyles; Secretary J. R. Patterson; Assistant Secretary, Miss Sarah E. Gilmore; Treasurer, Mr. Samuel Patterson and Librarian John Mayse.
The classes were arranged and teachers elected for each. For first class Miss Della Gilmore was elected. For the second class Mr. C. C. Gilmore was elected teacher. For the third class Miss Myrtie White and for the fourth class Mr. Park Reed was elected.
After a word of advice from the chairman and the Superintendant, Sunday school closed to meet June 30. Signed J. R. Patterson
Teacher Della B. Gilmore
Zelda M. Patterson
Sarah E. Gilmore
Alma Gilmore
Elizabeth Gillingham
Mrs. Hannah White
Mrs. Sarah Forth
Samantha Patterson
Pearlie Gillingham
Rowenia Patterson
Mrs. Maggie Harrington
Mrs. Sarah Patterson
Ella Wise
Elizabeth Gilmore
Dochie Houck
Teacher: C. C. Gilmore
J.R. Patterson
John Mayse
Harvey Broyles
Samuel Patterson
William White
Charles Gillingham
J.B. Patterson
F.B. Gilmore
Quincy Cottrell
Earnest Halley
Delman Darst
Sanford Drummond
Bertie Patterson
Alva Cottrell
Albert Notter
Leu Earwood
Edward Cottrell
Lewis Notter
Teacher: Myrtie White
Carrie Patterson
Bettie Ward
Omega White
Eva Houck
St. Nicholas Members of Christ Church Congregation April 19 1896
John White (1862)
Park Reed (withdrawn)
Samuel Patterson
Daniel Gilmore
R.J Patterson
J.B Patterson
Wesley White
Harvey Broyles
Congregation Members
Judith Fawcett
Roena Gilmore (Rowena)
T.B. Gilmore
Elizabeth Gilmore
Alma Gilmore
J.R. Patterson
D.B. Patterson
Sarah Forth
Elisabeth Dodd
John H. Mayse
Julianna Mayse
H.J. White
Elisabeth Patterson
John Mayse
Romani Mayse
Maggie West
Myrtie Elkins
Paris Elkins
Thelma Elkins (Jan 22 1887)
Maggie White
Alva Waugh
Samantha Waugh
Mary A. Patterson
Joseph White
Sarah Patterson
Margret Smith
M.R. Patterson
Z.M. Patterson
Roena Patterson
Caroline Patterson
J.H. Patterson
Delpha Patterson
Romane McFadden
Sarah McFadden (gave letter)
Elen Wise
Louisa Reed
Nicholas Broyles
Pheba Gibson
Sarah A. Hemphill
Wm. Criner
Caroline Criner
Emma Jenkins
John Houck
Mary Houck
Alice Burnett
Lizzie Waugh
Sarah A. Waugh
Mary A. Mooney
James Long (deceased)
Mary Long
James Broyles
Missouri Broyles
Eli Broyles
Lizza Broyles
Barbara Ward
Bettie Earwood
Henry Broyles
Fidela Broyles
George Broyles
Leota Broyles
Sarah Neff
Mary Craft
W. Kensinger
Mary Kesinger
[NOTE: the next two membership lists are listed as by Martin and by Burges, these may be ministers.]
By Martin
1895 L.P. Gilmore
“ James Gilmore
“ Jessa Burnett
“ Dora Walden
“ Bes Angle
“ Emma White
Jan 21 1895 Rhoda Broyles
Jan 22 1895 Leona Broyles
Jan 24 1895 W. H. Patterson
Jan 24 1895 James Long
Jan 24 1895 Georga Gilmore
Jan 25 1895 W.E. White (Deceased Dec. 8, 1895)
Jan 27 1895 Lizzie Houck
Jan 27 1895 Maud McFadden
Jan 28 1895 John H. White
Jan 30 1895 Omega E. White
Jan 31 1895 James Fawcett
Jan 31 1895 Pearl Broyles
Feb 1 1895 S.B. White
Feb 1 1895 Bert Gilmore
Feb 1 1895 Fred Gilmore
Feb 1 1895 Lawrence Haner
Feb 1 1895 Nettie McCormack
Aug 12 Maud Burnett
Aug 14 Mother Nebler
By Burges
Feb 23 1896 Frank Hemphill
Feb 26 1896 Bettie Houck
1899 Elmer Broyles
1899 George Waugh
1899 Mary Houck |
Author unknown
Gallipolis Tribune
Transcribed by Marian Schoonover Top of Page |