Athens Messenger
Feb. 18, 1875


Fifty cases have been called at the present term of the Gallia county court.

Joseph Hunt retired from the clerkship of Gallia county on Monday of last week, after sixteen continuous years in that position.  The bar and officers of the Gallia county court signalized the occasion by presenting the retiring incumbent with a gold lined silver snuff box as a "token of their esteem."

A large meeting was held on Tuesday evening of last week, by the citizens of Gallipolis to devise means for the relief of grasshopper sufferers.

The recent report of the Grand Jury exhibits the jail of that county in no enviable light.

There is to be a grand fireman's ball complimentary ball in Gallipolis, on the 22nd inst.

Athens Messenger
22 Apr 1875   


A tabernacle meeting will be held shortly at Gallipolis.

A telegraph office has been established at Cheshire .

There are at present nine prisoners in the Gallia county jail.
The new postmaster at Gallipolis, Mr. Mullinex, entered upon his duties Friday, 9th inst.

The Gallipolis Journal says that it learned that Dr. W.A. Jenkins died while enroute to the Asylum in Athens .

The managers of the Gallia County Agricultural Society have fixed the 6th, 7th and 8th days of October as the time for holding their next annual Fair.

A tenement house on the Blessing farm, near the Blessing bridge, Gallia county, occupied by Mr. Jacob Fierbaugh, was burned on Wednesday, 14th inst.

The Pomeroy colored band and the Gallipolis colored band played a match on the Public Square in Gallipolis, recently. Both are said to have done well.

Athens Messenger
July 08, 1875


The jail of this county is undergoing repairs.

The Teachers'  Institute of this county, will commence Monday, July 26th.  Prof. Chase is to have charge of the Gallia Academy during the ensuing year.

Green township, Gallia county, Grangers talk of establishing a Granger's store.

Ex-Governor Hayes will address the citizens of this county, at Gallipolis,  on the 5th of next month.

The first interment in the Mound Hill Cemetery , near Gallipolis, took place on Saturday,the 26th June 1875.

The gas in an old salt well in Gallia  county exploded the other day, blowing the accumulated rubbish quite a distance.

The Fireman, of Gallipolis and neighboring towns, had a platform dance in the public square of that city on last Saturday evening.

The colored people of this county are making preparations for a big meeting at Harrisburg, on the third Sunday of this month.

The Methodist congregation, of Gallipolis, are holding Sabbath school and services in the Coiurt House during the building of their new church.

The recent Republicabn Convention, of this county, was the largest ever assembled in the county. Hon. E. A. Stone was re-nominated for the Legislature.

A Tabernacle meeting, to continue for several weeks, commences today the 8th at Gallipolis.  

Athens Messenter
Aug. 19, 1875


Considerable damage was done to bridges in this county by the recent freshets which prevailed throughout south-eastern Ohio.

The new M.E. Church structure, at Gallipolis, is progressing rapidly. The walls are above ground and the work is going on satisfactorily.

The residence of Josiah Hawk, near Gallipolis, was recently entered by burglars and property to the amount of about $150 abstracted therefrom.

The Gallia County Fair will be held on the grounds of the society, at Gallipolis, October 6th, 7th and 8th.  D. T. Smithers is president of the society.

On Saturday morning, 7th inst., the jewelry store of Walter McFarland, at Gallipolis, was entered by burglars who carried away about $1000 worth of watches and jewelry.

Athens Messenger
Sept. 16, 1875


Wm. Watson, of Point Pleasant , is in jail at Gallipolis for forgery.

There are fifty-five criminal cases on the docket for the next term of the Court for this county.

James A. Mauck, a young gentleman well known in Gallipolis, died September 5th, 1875 at Cheshire .

For the year ending March 31st, there were in Gallia county 664 births and 241 deaths.  348 marriage licenses were issued, and 13 were sent to the Lunatic Asylum.

Charles Adkins, the leader of the band of outlaws who robbed Mr. Rice, in Guyan township, was captured in West Virginia , recently, and lodged in jail in Gallipolis.

The Gallipolis Journal says: There is talk that there will be a raid made upon the jail to liberate the robbers therein.  It is, we hear, to be made by the balance of the gang.

The barn of Mr. C. A. Smith, in Perry township, in this county, was discovered to be on fire under such circumstances as to leave no doubt of its being the work of an incendiary.--The barn and its contents were destroyed.  Loss $800.

Athens Messenger
Nov 18, 1875


Judge Kent , of Gallipolis, slipped and fell recently, injuring himself seriously.

It is proposed to place a clock in the tower of the new M.E. Church , at Gallipolis.

The jail at Gallipolis was burgarlized on the night of the 8th inst., and an officers trowsers robbed of $16.

Mr. Hiram Dale, who has long been a miller at the mill of R. Aleshire & Co., of Gallipolis, has removed to Fort Worth , Texas .

Judge S.S. Knowles, we learn, has quickly worked himself in favor with the bar and estimable citizens of Gallipolis, by his approved manner of judicial procedure.

Deputy Sheriff Ripley, of this county, frustrated an attempted jail break from the jail at Gallipolis, on the night of the 9th inst., by creaping in just as the prisoners had made arrangements to creap out.

Rev. F. Davis, of Rock River conference, Ill. and son of Mr. Grasson Davis, of this county, has been appointed Missionary to India . His field of work will be at Magras and its vicinity.

The Union Woolen Mills, of Gallipolis, have secured a contract for 100,000 or more yards of flannels. This will put this establishment to work again, and thus give employment to a large number of hands.

Athens Messenger
August 24, 1876

Langdon, Elisha L.
     E. L. Langdon, who lived eight miles from Gallipolis, suicided on Saturday evening by hanging. Domestic infelicity.

Transcribed by Ronni Mayes

Athens Messenger
January 30, 1879


Joint Meeting of the Bars of Gallia and Meigs counties with reference to the death of Hon. Simeon Nash. Gallipolis, O.,  Jan. 22, 1879

The members of the Bar in Gallia and in Meigs county, pursuant to arrangement, met at the Mayor's office at 11 A.M. , to take appropriate action upon the death of Judge Simeon Nash, and to arrange for attendance upon his funeral today.

Hon. J. Cartwright, of Pomeroy, was appointed Chairman, and C. M. Holcomb. Esq., of Gallipolis, Secretary.

On  motion six pall bearers were appointed, two from the Board of Trustees of Gallia Academy, two from the Meigs county Bar, and two from the Gallia county Bar.  From the Trustees R. Aleshire and E. Delecombe were appointed; T.S. Montague and J. Cartwright from the Meigs Bar, and Jos. Bradbury and A. Vance from the Gallia Bar.

On motion a committee of three, consisting of Gen. C.H. Grosvenor was appointed a committee of arrangements for the funeral.

On motion a committee of three, consisting of Gen. C. H. Grosvenor, Judge J.P. Bradbury and Hon. Jos. Bradbury were appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the feelings of the Bars of Gallia and Meigs counties, to be presented to and spread upon the records of the Common Pleas Courts of the twelve counties in the Seventh Judicial District of Ohio, the Supreme Court of Ohio, and the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Ohio; to publish, and to present the family with a copy of the same, together with suitable remarks made upon the deceased, to be furnished the committee by members of the Bar of the several counties.  Judge Bradbury, upon his request, was excused from service upon the committee, and Judge Cartwright substituted by the meeting.

On motion the Secretary was ordered to furnish a copy of these proceedings to the papers in Gallia , Meigs and Athens counties for publication, and to present a copy of the same to the family of the deceased.
Adjourned until 1 1/2 P.M. to attend the funeral in mourning and as a body.

Athens Messenger
Jan. 21, 1886


Gallia county sent nine convicts to the Penitentiary last year.

Probate Judge Thomas, of Gallia county, issued 319 marriage licenses in 1885, against 295 for 1884.

At the completion of a skating rink in Gallipolis about a year ago, a woman of that ancient town began and prayed continously that the building would be made use of for religious purposes.  The Salvation Army have leased the same and her prayer is answered.

Wm. Lee, of Cheshire township, Gallia county, refused to pay the dog tax, amounting with penalty to $2. Deputy Treasurer Clark levied on his corn, the law being so severe that nothing is exempt, and a justice of the peace gave judgment, which with costs amounted to about $25.

Athens Messenger
April 01, 1886


A lunatic, named Abe Jeffers, was brought from Gallipolis to the Athens Asylum last week.

Orders on the Gallia County Poor Fund are now being discounted at four per cent, by money lenders.

Mr. Samuel Cole, of Gallipolis, was reported several days since to be hopelessly stricken with paralysis.

Gallia County people are thinking seriously of giving up wheat raising and going into tobacco culture.

Mrs. Parnell R. Chaney, aged 69, died at the residence of her son, F. M. Cheney, in Gallipolis, March 29th.

The Gallipolis Journal of last week says:  Mrs. John Graham has suffered a relapse, and is hopelessly ill.

Mabel, the seven year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Bowen of Gallipolis died last week of diptheria.

At Gallipolis last Friday, Mrs. Adele S. Maguet socially celebrated her 99 th birth anniversary at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. G. W. Heaton. Among the large number present was her sister, Mrs. Lewis Cavin, aged 89, and also 13 grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren. Her husband died fifty years ago. Despite her extreme age, she bids fair to live some years longer.

Athens Messenger
Nov 4, 1886


A new post office has been established at Mercerville , Gallia county, with Henry Oberstein as postmaster.

The machinery for the Gallipolis natural Gas Company has arrived and work is being vigorously pushed.

Mrs. Chas. M. Smith, aged 32, of high social standing, died after brief illness of typhoid fever at her late home in Gallipolis on Monday of last week.

Gallia county has three survivors of the War of 1812, who draw a total pension of $24 per month. Nineteen widows of soldiers of that war draw a total of $228 per month.

Wm. Lee, of Cheshire township, Gallia county, refused to pay the dog tax, amounting with penalty to $2.  Deputy Treasurer Clark levied on his corn? the law being so severe that nothing is exempt, and a justice of the peace gave judgment, with which costs amounted to about $25.

Athens Messenger
October 6, 1887
Contributed by Jacquelyn Woolley


A new post-office has been established at the mouth of Raccoon in  Clay township.  It is called Raccoon Island .

The Providence Baptist church, in Clay township, Gallia county, on the Swan Creek road about one mile from Leaper Post-office was destroyed by fire on a recent night.

The Gallipolis Journal of last week says:  James Foster and Rufus Syres saw a snake out on Bullskin which they represent as being about the size and length of a wagon tongue.  It was [--] a flock of  partridges.