Master List of Family Histories at the Society office This list
is a compilation of the names found in the Family History Section
at the Gallia County Genealogical Society office at 57 Court Street.
There are hardbound books, spiral bound books and notebooks with
just one family. Others may contain a few pages or hundreds of pages
and have been placed in notebooks. Several different family names may be placed in the same notebook, but there is a label showing what is in each notebook. If a name was prominent in the title of a particular family history....such as Sawyer found under the Mason filing, then we have listed Sawyer as well and referred you to the Mason family history. This is a cross index and when you view it at the office you will more easily be able to access it. Also, there may be more than one family history per surname. Denny/Denney, for example, has several different listings. One family takes three notebooks. If the surname appears more than once on the list it means there is more than one history for that family. We have made the list for your convenience to see what is in the office and to encourage you to contribute your own family history whether it be a few pages or many or an entire book. We will update it periodically. |
Adams Adney Albright Aleshire Allison Allison Allison, Benjamin Allison, B. Angel Angles Armstrong Arnot Athey Atwoods Baker Baldwin Ball Balsley - see Baltzly Baltzly-Balsley-Polsley Barlow Barton Bergtholdt Berridge Bevan Bickel Bickle Bing Blake Blamer Blazer Boatman Bobo Boggs Boice Boring Boster Bostic Bostic/Bostick Boston, G.J. Boston, G.W. Boston, H Bovie Bowen Bowen Bowman Bradbury Bray Brentnall Brown Brown (Braun) - see Bickle Brown Bureau Butcher Butler Cadot Calhoun Callison Canterbury Carel Carpenter Carter Caster Champer - Chapman Chapmans Chappell - see Bickle Cherrington Cherrington Childers - see Lewis, Rothgeb, Walker] Childers - see Morrison Church Clagg Clark Clay Clendenin - see Gwin Cobbs Cooper Copeland Cornell Cottrell Coughenour Covert Cowles Cox Cox Cox-Wooten Creuzet - see Menager Currier Curtis Dagley Daniel Danner Darst Darst - see Durst Day Dean Deardorff Deckard Deckard Denney Derst - see Durst Detalante DeWitt Dickey Donelson Dorsey Drummond Du Prey Duduit Dunbar Duncan Dunham Durst -Darst - Derst Dye Dyer Eagle Easterday Eblin Elias Elvick - see Bickel |
Evans Ewing Ewing Fahnestock Farney Faulkner Fawcett Fee Ferguson Fife Fillinger Finney First First Presbyterian Church Fletcher Frederick Friend Fulton Gantz - see White Gard Garlick Gates Gay - Guy Gee George Gerlach Gilbert Gillilan Gillingham Gilmore Glenn Goetschy Gooch* Gorby - see Peters Gordon Gothard Graham (Grayum) Grayum Grayum - see Graham Grinstead Grover Grube Guinn - Gwinn Guy - see Gay Hackett Hales Hall Halley Hamilton Handley Hanger Hank Hank Hanley Hanna Haptonstall Hardway Harrison Hartsook Hawks Hawley Hawley Hayward Hazlett Henderson Henking - see Menager Henry Henry Henry Hereford Hereford - see Walker Hern Hickerson Higley Holcomb - see McLeish Holcomb Holcomb Holley Holley Holt Hoppes Howell Hughes - see Marshall Hunt Huntley Hutchinson Hutsinpiller Ingels - see Riggs Iron Jackson James Jeffers Jenkins Jividen Johnson Johnson Jones Jones Judd Karr - see Kerr Keefer Kennedy Kent Kerns Kerr Kerr-Karr Kincheloe Kinder King Kingery Kinser Knapp Laforge Lakin Lamberton Land Langdon Lanthorn Lasley Lawson |
Layne Leach Lear LeClercq LeMoyne Lewis - see Valodin Lewis Little Livasy Lookadoo Lotz Loucks Lyle Mack MacMillan Magoon - see Bickle Malaby Malone Marret Marshall* Martin* Martindale Martindell Matthews Mauck Maxon - see Menager Mayes McCafferty McCall McCarley McCarty McClain McClaskey McClure McClurg McCormick McDaniel McDaniel McDowell McElhaney McGath McGhee McIntire McKean McLeish McMillin McQuaid Menager Menager Michau Miller Misse Moore Morehouse Morehouse Morrison Mulford Myers Myers Myers Neal Needham Nevius Newell Nibert Niday Nighbert Nisewanger Norman Northup - see McCormick Null O'Dell Oiler Oliver Page Painter Palmer Parker Parkins - see Perkins Pasquale Patton Perkins - see Parkins Peters Peyton Phillips Phillips Piatt Pinkerman Pitrat Plymale Polsley Porter - see Baltzly Porter Powell Powell Priestly Prose Questell Rader Ralph Rathburn Reese Richards Ridgway Rife Riggs Riggs - Ingels Rinehart Ripley Roadarmour Roberts Rothermel Rothermel Rothgeb Rothgeb- see Morrison Rothgeb Rothgeb Rowe Rowley Ruby - see Menager |
Ruffner Rupe Rupe - see McLeish Russell Russell Russell Rutt Safford Salser Sanders Saugrain Saunders Saxton Scarberry Schaefer Scott Searls Shaver Sheets Sheets Sheline Sheline Shepard Shepard - see Menager, Oliver Shoemaker Shoemaker Shondel Short Shuler Skinner Slevin Smeltzer Smith Smith Snedaker Spires Sprague Sprague Stafford Stafford Steven Stevens Stevens Stewart Stone Stone Strayer Strayer Strickler Swisher Switzer Symmes Tawney Thevenin Thierry Thomas Thompson Thornton Throckmorton Titus Tope Tracy Trainer Trigg Troth Trotter Trowbridge Turner Tyler Valodin Vanzant Varrelly Vaughn Viers Vinton VonSchriltz Waddell Walker Walker - Hereford Walker Walker Wallace Ward Warren Warth - See Fletcher Watts Waugh Weed Weed Weed Weed Weed West Westlake Wetherholt White White Wickline Wilcox Wilcoxib Williams Williams Willis Wilson Windom - See Morrison Wise Wise Womeldorff Woodruff - see Bickle Wooten - see McLeish Yeager - see Cox Yoho Zimmerman |