Wilson, William Hobart and Willis, Pribble Nell To Observe 50th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. William Hobart Wilson, Sr., 427 Fourth Ave., Gallipolis, will mark their 50th wedding anniversary on Sunday, June 9, with a reception in the Fellowship Room of the First Baptist Church in Gallipolis, between 2 and 4 p.m. The reception will be given by their children, Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson, Belville; Mr. and Mrs. John V. Wilson, Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, Wilmington, and Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Wilson, Jr., Gallipolis. There are six grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Mr. Wilson is a retired Gallipolis Post Office employee. He married Pribble Nell Wilson on June 4, 1918, in Gallipolis. Both were employed at the GSI at the time. The Wilsons request no gifts at the reception. Gallipolis Daily Tribune |