Russell, Randall and Hamilton, Maggie J.
Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary
Thursday, Oct. 22nd, 1931 was the Golden Wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Randall Russell,
who are the among the most highly respected residents of Gallia county. Both were born and have lived
practically all their lives in Green township. Their home in the Centenary neighborhood is known for its
Mr. Russell is a son of the late Enoch and Nancy Russell, and his wife a daughter of Robert and
Sarah Hamilton. Their union was blessed with two sons, Homer, living near his parents, and Floyd, who resides in
Mr. Russell is one of the county's most prosperous farmers and an ardent Democrat.
Many friends from all over the county will join in congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and
Russell on this happy occasion.
[Note: Randall E. Russell married Maggie J. Hamilton October 20, 1881 according to Gallia County Marriages, Vol.
5, p. 317.]
Gallipolis Daily Tribune
October 22, 1931
Transcribed by Henny Evans |