Gallipolis Journal
May 10, 1893
Transcribed by Henny Evans

Our Colored People

Rev. I. V. Bryant, ex-pastor of the Third street Baptist church, of this place, but now of Washington, D. C., is paying his friends in this city a visit.

George Dillon of Richmond, O., is here the guest of his brother Phillip Dillon.

Messrs. Aleck Floyd and Dana Harris, of Middleport, spent Sunday evening in the city.

Rev. J. M. Riddle, of Rendville, stopped awhile with his aunt, Mrs. Rev. Barnett, enroute to Huntington.

M. F. Green, of Columbus, spent a day here, stopping at Mrs. James Nelson’s on Fourth street.
Mr. Lloyd Gee is at home from Pittsburg visiting his family.

Mrs. Celia Jones is quite ill.

Mrs. Belle Wiley is at home from Pittsburg. Before returning she will visit her daughters, Ethel and Mamie at Cincinnati.

Miss Ella Payne, of Midway, W. Va., is paying a visit to her cousin, Miss Wyoma Jones.

Mrs. Wilson, of Point Pleasant, spend Sunday with Henry Holmes’ family.

Prof. C. H. Barnett, Principal of Parkersburg school, stopped awhile with his parents here, enroute from Huntington to Parkersburg.

Our sick people are improving slowly.

Rev. I. V. Bryant will preach at the Third street Baptist church, Sunday night, May 14th.

Rev. N. Barnett will preach the funeral of Mrs. Henry Holmes the fourth Sunday in May. {Signed} Somebody

[Gallipolis Journal May 10, 1893 second article in same issue]

Our Colored People

Mrs. Viola Cadwell, of Columbus, Ohio, is here at the bedside of her father, Henry Wood who is quite ill with paralysis.

Mrs. James Scott, of Pine street, is quite ill.

Mrs. Fannie Dickerson is very sick with stomach trouble. Her daughter Kate arrived Monday from Columbus.

Ira Holmes has gone to Rendville, O., to spend a couple of weeks with friends.

G. F. Barnett returned to Huntington Tuesday morning after a visit of two weeks with his parents.

Mr. William Jackson and two other gents from Middleport, O., whose names we do not ascertain were visitors to the city last Sunday.

Mr. John Wilkerson and J. Bell from the South visited Mr. Clarence Viney last Monday and Tuesday.

Miss Mariah Brock still remains ill.

Mr. Hurley Stewart left for Pittsburgh Tuesday night on the steamer Iron Queen to run on the steamer Jamania which plies between Pittsburgh and Morgantown.

Rev. Dr. Baker of the M.E. church of this city will lecture this Thursday night at the 3rd street Baptist church to Y.M.C.A. association, the lecture promises to be one of great importance.

The Aurora club which was organized some several weeks ago by a select party of young ladies and gents is progressing nicely.

Mr. Lemuel Holmes of Spruce street is making quite an improvement to his property by the addition of paint. {Signed} Somebody

Gallipolis Journal
April 18, 1894
Transcribed by Henny Evans

Our Colored People

Mrs. Anna Dillon left Sunday on the steamer H.M. Stanley to visit friends at Ironton, O.

Mrs. Hale, of Middleport, was here in attendance upon the funeral of Mrs. Mary McMillen.

Mrs. Slaughter and daughter Mary visited Middleport friends last week.

Mrs. Virgie Tate, of Middleport, visited Miss Cora Wright Sunday and Monday.

Mr. Thomas Bibbs, of Pomeroy, was the guest of the family of Mr. Oscar Viney Saturday.

Mrs. Ralph Tyler and two children, of Columbus, are here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Mason.

Mr. Charles Jones, of Chicago, Ill., is here visiting his father, Mr. Jacob Jones.

Miss Fannie Williams left for Cleveland, O., Thursday evening.

Dr. Dills and son Walter returned Friday after being absent from home for the past six weeks at East St. Louis.

Mrs. James Hill is improving from her recent illness.

Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Payne, of Montgomery, are here visiting Miss Romie Viney.
{Signed} Somebody

Gallipolis Journal
May 3, 1894

Our Colored People

Mr. Enoch Johnson still remains ill.

Mrs. Lucinda French a well known citizen and former resident of this place but recently of Columbus died in the latter place on last Saturday after an illness of several months with malarial fever.

Miss Ella Connor of Selma, O., is here for a two weeks visit with the family of Mrs. Anna Nelson and Mr. Muligon Connor.

Mrs. Mary Ward returned to Pittsburgh Tuesday evening on the steamer Iron Queen.
Mr. Henry Wood and Mrs. Fannie Dickerson are both quite ill.

Mr. Stewart Timbers and A. Floyd spent several hours in the city last Tuesday.

Mrs. William Hopkins of Rendville is here visiting the family of Mr. Henry Holmes.

Mr. Henry Goins attended the funeral of Mrs. Lincoln French last Sabbath at Columbus, O.

Mrs. Amos Black returned home from Columbus last Wednesday accompanied by her daughter Mrs. Thomas Davis, who has improved from her recent spell of rheumatism.

Miss Mariah Brook, who has been ill for some time, is now convalescent.

Mrs. Sarah Scott entertained a few of her little son’s friends in honor of his birthday last Wednesday evening. Walter is an energetic little lad of ten years and a member of the Gallipolis Cornet Band.

Rev. P. H. Edwards, of Middleport, O., stopped a day here with friends en route to preach the funeral of Henry Haines at Ben Lomond, W. Va.
{Signed} Somebody

May 9, 1894
Gallipolis Journal

Our Colored People

Rev. C. E. Newsome and family left Wednesday evening for Albany, Ohio, to attend the birthday dinner of Mrs. Newsome’s father, Mr. David Freeman. He will also administer the right [sic] of baptism to Mr. Freeman on his birthday.

Mrs. John Harris of Pomeroy, O., visited her parents here last week. She returned home Saturday, accompanied by her sisters, Misses Bessie and Estella G. Viney.

There was quite a nice entertainment given by the trustees and stewards of the A.M.E. Church on Tuesday and Wednesay nights at Canaday’s hall, for the benefit of the church.

Miss Mollie Connor, of Pomeroy, O., daughter of Aunt Bessie Slaughter, who was recently murdered at Pomeroy, is here visiting Mrs. Thomas Goins.

Mrs. Mary Holmes, accompanied by Miss Cora Wright, visited her parents at Ben Lomond, W. Va., last week.

Rev. P. H. Edwards, of Middleport, O., is the guest of Mrs. Joe Anderson.
{Signed} Somebody

Gallipolis Journal
June 13, 1894

Our Colored People

Mr. G. H. Barnett, and Ira H. Holmes, left Monday morning for Huntington W. Va., for a pleasant trip of several days.

Miss Flora Degray left Sunday night on the stm Hudson for Pittsburg, will return again Friday.

Miss Mattie Nicholson of Arbuckle W. Va., is here visiting Mrs. John Minters and is also having some dental work done by Dr. H. C. Brown.

Mr. Cana Harris and Bud Kelly of Middleport spent Sunday in the city and while here were entertained by Cora B. Holmes and Cora Whiting.

Revs. J. M. Riddle of Rendville, O., C. H. Payne of Mongtomery, I. H. Rickman of Jackson Ohio paid a short visit here, while enroute to their homes from Huntington, W. Va. where they have been attending the State convention.

Miss Emma Mason left for Columbus, O., Thursday evening to visit her sister Mrs. Ralph Tyler.

Miss Josie Barnett left Tuesday evening for Huntington W. Va. to attend the school examination.
Mr. Will Gee and Charles Wilson left Friday morning on the Str Hudson for Cincinnati.

Rev. W. Barnett, Mrs. Lizzie McDaniel, Mrs. S. Cooper and Miss Comea Smith left for Ironton on the str. Sherley to attend the Missionary convention.

Ira Holmes has gone to Rendville, O., to spend a couple of weeks with friends.

G. F. Barnett returned to Huntington Tuesday morning after a visit of two weeks with his parents.

Mr. William Jackson and two other gents from Middleport, O., whose names we do not ascertain were visitors to the city last Sunday.

Mr. John Wilkerson and J. Bell from the South visited Mr. Clarence Viney last Monday and Tuesday.

Miss Mariah Brock still remains ill.

Mr. Hurley Stewart left for Pittsburgh Tuesday night on the steamer Iron Queen to run on the steamer Jamania which plies between Pittsburgh and Morgantown.

Rev. Dr. Baker of the M.E. church of this city will lecture this Thursday night at the 3rd street Baptist church to Y.M.C.A. association, the lecture promises to be one of great importance.

The Aurora club which was organized some several weeks ago by a select party of young ladies and gents is progressing nicely.

Mr. Lemuel Holmes of Spruce street is making quite an improvement to his property by the addition of paint. Signed Somebody

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
September 22, 1916
Transcribed by Henny Evans

News of the Colored People

Rev. F. H. Mason has returned from Washington, C.H., where he attended a church conference. He has been transferred from John Gee chapel to a small town near Xenia.
Besides being pastor of a church, Rev. Mason will also conduct a jewelry store in Xenia.

The Lincoln School was closed today in honor of Emancipation Day.

Mrs. Will Cousins went to Huntington today.

Quite a number from Gallipolis went to Huntington today to celebrate the anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.

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