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Transcribed by Eva Swain Hughes

The Gallipolis Journal
January 3, 1867

     The first of January is showing some changes in our business firms. Mr. C. D. Bailey, one of our well-known and popular citizens, has become associated with Mr. J. A. Robinson in the Grocery business. The firm name will be Robinson and Bailey. There is also a change in the well-known house of Messrs. C. & A. Henking. Mr. A. Allemong, for many years connected with the house of Messrs. W. W. Hanley & Co., Cincinnati, has become a partner with Messrs. A. Henking and Louis Baer in the business of this old established house, and the firm name will hereafter be Henking, Allemong, & Co. Mr. Wm. Walker, one of our well-known citizens, has become a partner with S. A. Skees in the Furniture business.

     Messrs. Bailey & Cherington have sold out their News Depot to Lieut. Wm. Young, well known to our citizens as Ordinance Officer at this Post during the war. Lieut. Young will hereafter conduct the business. He keeps all the Dailies, Periodicals, &c. He has Harper's Magazine for January, containing an illustrated account of the capture of Capt. Hurd, Capt. DeVilliers, and others in the Kanawha valley at the beginning of the Rebellion.

     We notice the opening of two new business houses in our city. A new Furniture Store by Messrs. Skees & Pool. Mr. Langley has started a Flour and Feed store, in connection with his Mill, in the building fitted up for the purpose, on Third Street, just opposite the Mill. A move in the right direction

     We had the pleasure of taking by the hand, a few days since, Lieut. J. C. Coffman, of the 37th U.S. Infantry. He came home on a sick furlough. His regiment is now at Fort Ripley, Kansas

     The cold weather of the last week has formed an ice blockade in the river, and stopped all business. Heavy ice has been running at this point for several days, and all the steamboats have sought harbors.—Several lie in the mouth of Kanawha, where they are free from all danger. Among the number are the Fleetwood and St. James. The St. James plowed her way through the ice, on her up trip, and reached here Saturday afternoon, seeking safe quarters in Kanawha. We understand the Ohio No. 3 is ice bound at some point below here.

The Gallipolis Journal
January 10, 1867

     We record another change among our business men. Mr. H. N. Ford, junior partner in the firm of D. S. Ford & Bro., retires, and the business will hereafter be conducted by D. S. Ford.

     The number of marriage licenses granted by the Probate Court of Gallia County, during the year of 1866, was 370, a large number, compared with previous years. The number for the year ending July 1st, 1865, was 313. These figures indicate the prosperous condition of our people, as political economists tell us, that marriages, which are so often poetically described as the offspring of Heaven, the creations of love are, in fact, dependent on the more social considerations of the pocket. [ . . . ]

     Our city was threatened with a destructive fire, Tuesday.—Langley's Mill caught fire in the garret window, from a spark from the smoke stack. Fortunately it was discovered in season, and a few buckets of water put it out. The mill is well provided against fire, as water is kept constantly on every floor, for such emergencies. It is also supplied with a hose, that can be attached to the engine, so that water can be thrown to all parts of the building. Had the fire got under headway, the destruction of property would have been very heavy, and a large number of worthy men would have been thrown out of employment.

     There was a public installation of officers by the Ariel Lodge No. 156 I.O.O.F. at Aleshire's Hall, Friday evening, last. Everybody was invited to attend, and there was present a large number of the friends of the Order, curious to witness the imposing ceremonies. Great taste was shown in decorating the Hall, which presented a pleasing appearance, as it was, with flags, and filled with the emblems and insignia of the Order. The newly chosen officers were installed with the customary ceremonies. [ . . . ] At the close of the Installation, Mr. Chas. Minturn delivered an address, upon the history and objects of Odd Fellowship, showing the philanthropic work of the Order, in aiding the widow and orphan, and relieving misery and wretchedness. The following are the officers installed: J. A. Vanden, Noble Grand; H. N. Bailey, Vice Grand; James Hannan, Sec'y; J. L. Hayward, Treas'r.

     The stockholders of the First National Bank of Gallipolis on Tuesday, re-elected the old Board of Directors to wit: Messrs. E. Deltombe, R. Aleshire, I. R. Calohan, R. Black, L. Perry, and S. C. Bailey. Subsequently the Board of Directors re-appointed E. Deltombe, Esq., President, and L. Perry, Esq. Vice-President.

The Gallipolis Journal
January 17, 1867

     The members of Co. B, 16th Battallion O.N.G., will meet at Addison on the 2d of February, 1867, at 1 o'clock A.M. [sic] to receive their final discharge and pay. Sam'l Rothgeb, Capt. Com'dg Co.

     Mr. James Vanden, of this city, was seriously hurt, at the planing mill of Mullineaux, Lawson & Co., last Saturday. He attempted to throw a band off one of the wheels, while the machinery was running at full speed. He was lifted up by the band, and thrown a considerable distance, falling on his shoulder. He was badly bruised by the fall, but no bones were broken.

Break up in the Kanawha River
     The ice in the Kanawha, being started by the late rains and the consequent rise in the river, ran out Monday night. The break up proved most disastrous to the boats and barges at our wharf, smashing things generally, and causing heavy damage. The Ohio No. 3, the coal boats, and the wharf-boats at our landing, received the full force of the ice. The Ohio No. 3 broke from her moorings, and was swept against the barges, lying below her, tearing one to pieces and breaking in the sides of another. The ice then pressed her against the upper wharf-boat, which suffered severely, the guards at the stern of the Ohio cutting down the upper works. The lower wharf-boat was secured by a strong chain, which held her firmly, and was, undoubtedly, the means of checking all the boats above, and preventing them from being carried off by the crushing weight of ice that pressed against them. The upper works at the stern of the old wharf-boats were also smashed in, by coming in contact with the bow of the new boat. The boats were in a "mixed up" position in the morning. The Ohio No. 3 was uninjured, with the exception of a few timbers, broken at the stern.
     Mr. George Hamilton suffers severely in damage to his coal boats, one large barge being completely wrecked, beyond possibility of repair, while the sides of another were badly smashed in. Mr. Jonathan Hamilton also suffered in injuries to the wharf-boats, the upper works of the old boat being torn to pieces at the bow, and considerably damaged at the stern. The lower boat was uninjured, but a fine stage plank belonging to it was broken. The losses will foot up over $1000 at least. Messrs. Morton & Bailey's Iron clad, which lay above all the other boats maintained her position, and was uninjured. The ice got the worst of it when it tried her strong timbers.
     A family that has been living during the winter, in a small boat, moored to the bank above the landing, were driven out of house and home by the ice. Their boat was sunk by the ice, and the family forced to seek safety on the bank, cold as the night was. They were furnished with quarters in a safer location the next morning.

     This institution is now in successful operation, under the direction of Rev. Alvin D. Williams, A.M., an experienced teacher, formerly Superintendent of schools in Lawrence, Mass., and more recently President of Northwestern College in Minnesota. Good board can be had at reasonable rates; or convenient rooms can be procured for self-boarding.—Students can enter for the last half of the present term—commencing Jan. 28th inst.

The Gallipolis Journal
January 31, 1867

     Abraham Jeffers, of Clay township, who became insane about a week ago, was brought before Judge Logue, Tuesday, for examination. He was placed in the Infirmary for the present. His insanity is attributed to religious excitement. He was a member of the 36th O.V.I., and though an old man, served with honor through the whole war.

     Thief. A bold attempt to rob the money drawer, at Wasson & Kennedy's Book Store, was made on Friday evening last. The proprietors were sitting in the back room at the time, when they heard the alarm bell, attached to the drawer, ring. Mr. Kennedy sprang out, but was too late to catch, or fully identify the thief, whose coat-tails were just vanishing out the front door. He made some fast time up street, and his nimble legs saved him from capture for the time being. The thief got nothing for his pains as the bell rang before he could open the drawer. Let all keep a sharp lookout for the rascal, as we have heard of several small losses in which the same party was probably concerned.

     We learn from the W. Va. Journal, that Capt. A. Vance of our city, late Editor of the defunct Dispatch, has located at Winfield, Putnam Co. West Va., where he intends to resume his old profession, the practice of the law. We wish him success in his new field.

The Gallipolis Journal
February 21, 1867

     A dwelling house belonging to Mr. Wallace Thornley, of Clay township, was destroyed by fire on the night of the 14th inst. It was unoccupied. Loss about $600—insured in the Aetna for $400.

Coal Barge Sunk
     The tow-boat Lion lost one of her coal barges filled with coal, just above Gallipolis Tuesday. The boat was wrecked and sunk, but what was the cause of the disaster, we could not learn, as the Lion passed down after the accident without stopping.

Steamboating Extraordinary
     The steamer Banner started on a voyage of discovery, Monday, that showed beyond doubt that Chickamauga creek is navigable for steamboats—when there is water enough. Taking advantage of the high water, the boat steamed up the creek, dodging trees with consummate skill, and making the quiet retreats of the classic stream echo with the shrill notes of her whistle. A large party of excursionists engaged in this novel trip. Whether the boat was merely trying to see what she could do, or was attempting to open communication by water with the Railroad, we have not been informed. If the latter was her object, she failed to make the connection. The trip has proved, however, that the creek is navigable, a question which, like the existence of the North West passage, has long been unsettled.

     At a meeting of Post No. 134, Grand Army of the Republic, the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing six months: Col. L. Z. Cadot, Post Commander; Major S. F. Neal, Sr., Vice Commander; Serg't. D. W. Clancey, Jr. Vice Commander; Lieut. M. V. B. Kennedy, Post Adj't.; Dr. W. S. Newton, Post Surgeon; Lieut. L. Baer, Post Quarter-Master. This organization is now one of the strongest in this country, and numbers among its members, the brave defenders of the American Union.

     The Spring term of the Court of Common Pleas for this county begins next Monday, Feb. 25th. We learn from T. W. Hampton, Esq., Prosecuting Attorney, that Judge Silas P. Wright, who is now holding court at Pomeroy, will preside here. The Term will probably be but one week, as Judge Wright can spare only that time in this county. In the changes of the subdivisions of the 7th District made at Columbus, this winter, the whole matter seems to have been thrown into inextricable confusion. As a result of these changes, our county suffers, and is compelled to go begging for a proper officer, that the due administration of justice may not be entirely suspended within her limits.

The Gallipolis Journal
February 28, 1867

Chickamauga Bridge
     The balance of the wing walls of this Bridge have fallen, together with a portion of one of the arches, rendering it unsafe for crossing except by persons on foot. This is unfortunate to the public, as this is one of the most prominent thoroughfares into town.

     There was a fire at Millersport, on the night of the 16th inst., destroying a flouring mill and cooper shop, belonging to Capt. Wm. Knight. Loss $10,000—no insurance. A dwelling house, belonging to the same gentleman, valued at $2,000, was also burned in Millersport the Saturday previous.

     The Court of Common Pleas is in session this week. Judge Guthrie presides, having arrived in time from Hocking Co. Considerable business is being transacted. There were the usual number of divorce cases on hand, and some divorces decreed. The case of Josephthe P. Greenwood vs. Polly Ryan alias Polly Greenwood, which involves the title to a large amount of property, was decided by Judge Guthrie in favor of the defendant, the party now in possession of the property. The large number of Basterdy [sic] Cases on the docket either shows a laxness of morals among our people, or else a virtuous desire to bring the immoral to justice. We hope the latter. The Court room has been greatly improved in appearance by being painted during the vacation. With wood work and the walls painted, and having matting upon the floor, quite a contrast is presented to its former stained walls and bare floor. The interior of the Court house has been painted throughout. The job was done by R. M. Cochrane, under contract with the Commissioners. A further report of Court proceedings will be given next week.

The Gallipolis Journal
March 7, 1867

     Capt. J. H. Evans, County Auditor elect, assumed the duties of the office on Monday, March 4th. From our knowledge of Capt. Evans' ability, we are assured that he will fill this responsible office with credit to himself and the county. Modesty forbids us from saying anything of the retiring Auditor. The county Commissioners began their Spring session, also on Monday.

     The following are the names of the students who graduated in the Commercial Department of the Gallia Academy on Friday, last, to-wit ;—J. P. Geppert, W. S. Clendinen, C. W. Henking, J. C. Barlow, A. W. Kerns, E. T. Maddy, M. Hearn, T. A. King, S. D. Cowden, Jas. Farrar, Miss Flora Wiley and Miss Mary Langley.

The Concert
     The concerts given by the ladies and gentlemen of the Episcopal Church last week, were a rare treat to all lovers of good music. They lacked somewhat of the novelty given them last year by the costumes, that were then worn by the singers. These were dispensed with this year. Still, the high order of the entertainments, as musical festivals, was a sufficient guarantee of the success they met with. The Hall was filled both nights with our best people, who signified their pleasure by repeated applause, as the different pieces were sung. All acquitted themselves so well, that it would be invidious to make selections or single out particular ones. Madame Sieminski kindly assisted with her flute and voice, and her efforts met with hearty applause. We are sorry that our citizens are so seldom favored with such pleasant entertainments, and would be glad to chronicle a repetition of them. The concerts were a success financially, the net proceeds, to be applied toward the purchase of a parsonage, being $285.

     Mr. A. L. Langley, of this place, is busily engaged in getting ready for market the large quantities of corn that he has purchased during the winter of the farmers along the Ohio and Kanawha Rivers. He has chartered the steamer Banner, which is well adapted to the purpose, and has placed on her a large corn sheller, capable of shelling 1000 bushels of corn per day. The boat's engines are used to operate the sheller. With his boat and sheller he can run from one farm to another, and quickly reduce the size of the large corn piles upon them. The corn, when shelled, is placed in sacks, and shipped East.

The Gallipolis Journal
March 21, 1867

     A boy named George Williams, was arraigned before Mayor Damron, Tuesday, on charge of passing counterfeit money. He proved that he had received the money from some men on a boat, to buy whiskey for them, and no intent to pass counterfeit money appearing, Williams was discharged.

The Gallipolis Journal
April 11, 1867

     The Gallia Base Ball Club have prepared their grounds on the Public Square and begun their field exercises for the season. The members seem to engage in the game with even more zeal and pleasure than they did in the Fall. After their long inactivity during the winter, they will feel the good effects of this manly exercise. Pitch in, boys! and perfect yourselves in the game. Some of our neighbours may desire to give you a trial of skill and muscle during the coming season, and for the honor of our city, we wish you to be prepared to beat all adversaries.

     Two of our citizens–Mr. S. T. Langley and Mr. J. Tomasson–came to blows on the street on Monday, resulting in the former gentleman having his jaw-bone broken, and otherwise being badly handled about the face and head. The matter will be judicially examined by Mayor Damron next Monday, Mr. Tomasson having being arrested as the attacking party.

     Rev. R. D. Van Deurson, pastor of the Presbyterian Church in this city, preached his last sermon to his people here last Sunday. He has been pastor of the Church here, which was his first charge in the ministry, for six years, and will carry with him to his new home the kind wishes of those who have been under his charge for so long a time. Rev. Mr. Van Deurson goes to fill the pulpit of the Church at Shelbyville, Illinois. No one has been fixed upon yet to fill the place of the retiring pastor in the church in this city. Services will held, however, as usual, and the pulpit supplied, till a new minister can be secured.

The Gallipolis Journal
April 18, 1867

     The two-horse team of Mr. Henry Northup, of Green township, made some good running on Saturday last, up Third street–passing under the awning to the store of Mr. W. H. Billings, between the store and the awning posts, and bringing up at Aleshire's Mill. No particular damge done.

     A horse and buggy, from the stable of Wash. Viney, made some fast time through our streets, last Saturday, resulting in making a complete wreck of the buggy.

     We had the pleasure of meeting, on Monday last, E. S. Menager, Esq., well known as a former resident of our town. He is now and has been for the last eleven years, a resident of Kansas. He is here on a few days visit to his many friends.

     A young man was drowned from off the steamer Norvell, at our wharf, last Thursday night. We did not learn his name or residence.

     J. E. Tomasson was examined before Mayor Damron, Monday, charged with assault and battery upon S. T. Langley. He was bound over in the sum of $400, to answer the charge at Court. He gave the required bail. Isaiah Wood was also up before his honor, the same day, for committing an assault upon W. Viney. The offense was committed at a fracus [sic] that occurred last Christmas. He was fined $10 and costs.

     Personal. Maj. W. H. Nash, C.S.U.S.A., has been relieved from duty at Brownsville, and ordered to report at Galveston, Texas, for assignment to duty as Chief Commissary of Subsistence, District of Texas. In this connection, the Daily Ranchero, of Brownsville, says:
Maj. Nash has received orders to report at Galveston as Chief Commissary of the District of Texas. The people of this border have always held the officers of the regular army in very high esteem, and no one that we know of has secured a stronger hold upon their affections than Major Nash. It is with regret that we announce the imperative order for his change of base. What we lose, however, Galveston will gain.

     The Trustees of Gallia Academy have granted Mr. Sears and lady a leave of absence for the summer. Their close confinement and severe labors in the interests of the School have rendered necessary a withdrawal from their duties for a time, so as to give them a change to recruit their impaired health. Their absence will be for the summer term only. Mr. C. E. Maxwell, of Marietta, has been secured by the Trustees to take charge of the Academy, during Mr. Sears' absence. Mr. Maxwell is an educated teacher, and comes highly recommended. The Spring Term closes this week, April 19th. The Summer Term, with which Mr. Maxwell's connection with the Academy begins, opens April 29th. No changes will be made among the other teachers, and Mr. Sears' old corps of teachers will continue as heretofore.

The Gallipolis Journal
May 9, 1867

     Mr. Chas. Henking and family, of this city, sailed from New York for Europe, May 2d. They go direct to Bremen, by steamer.

The Gallipolis Journal
May 16, 1867

     The money drawer of the Dufour House was robbed on Sunday night by some scoundrel, who cut around the bolt of the lock. He obtained only about three dollars in currency for the risk he ran of the Ohio Penitentiary. The bar-room drawer of the same house was robbed Monday morning, during the temporary absence of the bar-keeper, probably by the same thief.

     Deputy U.S. Marshal Richardson arrested William Lee, of Cheshire, in this county, Monday, charged with passing counterfeit U. S. money. Marshal Richardson started with his prisoner Tuesday, for Cincinnati, where he will be brought before the U.S. District Court to answer the grave charge.

     The school house in sub-district No. 9, Springfield township, was entered one night last week, and robbed of its charts and maps. The thief should be caught and booked for the penitentiary.

     We had a call, a few days since, from Professor H. Badgely, former resident of our county, and son of the late George Badgley. The professor is now, and has been for some years, connected with an English college in Lima, South America. He comes to visit the scenes and friends of his early years.

     The show last week has raised among our people the question of the morality of attending such places of amusement as the theatre and circus, and has been seriously considered by the officials of one of our churches, who, in a series of resolutions read to the congregation last Sunday morning, denounced in strong terms the practice among church members of patronizing such places of entertainment.

     Coroner's Inquest. The Coroner, Dr. Wall, held an inquest, on the 2d inst., on the body of a man, found in the Ohio river, near Nesbit's landing, Clay township. The jury found that he came to his death by accidental drowning. The deceased was about 45 years of age, 5 feet 10 inches high, black hair, with whiskers, a little grey, on the chin. He had on common stoga shoes, butternut socks, cotton undershirt, blue casinet pants, and purple striped sack coat. There were no papers about his person to show his identity.

     Homicide. Washington Holt, a negro, was killed Tuesday night, in an affray with another negro, named Parage. It seems that the latter owed Holt a board bill, which he was not able to pay. A dispute occurred in the afternoon between them, at Holt's grocery, concerning this debt. In the evening Holt went to Parage's Barber shop, and the dispute was renewed between them, Holt expressing a determination to drive the latter out of town. Holt finally shot at Parage, without hitting him, however. The latter thereupon returned the shot, inflicting a fatal wound. The ball entered Holt's side just below the ribs, and passed down through the abdomen. The wounded man died Wednesday morning.—Parage gave himself up Wednesday morning, and is to be examined today, Wednesday, before Mayor Damron. Holt, who was killed, has lived in this city for a long time, as is best known as the proprietor of a low drinking saloon, on Front street, at the foot of the Island The other negro hails from Virginia, and has been keeping a barber shop in the upper part of the city.

The Gallipolis Journal
May 23, 1867

Greenfield, Dade Co., Missouri
May 13, 1867
Mr. Editor:
     Many persons in your county have asked me to send them information about this part of the country. I have not had time to travel about much, and perhaps cannot give as full particulars as I would like. From my own observations, and from inquiries, I may be able to send something interesting. The land in this county is principally prairie, although along the water courses it is very rough, perhaps not so precipitous as the Gallia hills.—The streams are generally lined with rough, rocky ledges, inclosing very rich bottom lands. In these bottoms, and along the hills, the best timber is found. On the higher grounds, commence rolling prairies, rich and beautiful to the eye. These prairies are interspersed with what is called here by the dignified name of timber, but what a Buckeye would term brush or underwood. Small streams traverse the prairies, and along the borders of these, the timber is heavier, though not so good as along the creek. The principal objection I have to the prairie lands, is that stones often lie so thick on the surface, that it is nearly impossible to cultivate them. As you approach the streams, they are more abundant. All these lands, however, afford the most excellent pasturage, and more than two-thirds of the county is suitable for cultivation. There are many creeks, or rivers running through the county, affording good mill sites. There are now seven or eight mills in the county, and many more could be built if needed. My confidence in the smaller streams enduring the summer's heat, is by no means the strongest. I look upon them very distrustfully, in this respect, though now they are full and flowing. Our late rains have replenished these, as well as encouraged all the crops, and given promise of a fruitful harvest. Wheat looks well, and all the farmers report that the indications of good crops, are fine. Fruit promises well; and here I might say, that no country can excel this in its adaptation to fruit raising. Apples, peaches, cherries, etc., seem to grow well with indifferent culture. Wild strawberries, and gooseberries grow in profusion over all these beautiful prairies. The coming season promises us the enjoyment of these delicious fruits. Grape is indigenous. "Vine clad" France is scarcely better suited for grape culture than Southwest Missouri; though this matter has not received that attention it deserves. Every man here could be his own vintner with but little labor or expense.
The climate is mild and healthful, and the winters not so long or rigorous, as in Ohio. Farmers commence feeding their stock about Christmas, and leave off about the middle of March, and often earlier. The wind prevails to a greater extent here than in the more Eastern States; and the weather is more variable, and sudden in its changes. At this time, the forest is green with leaves, and the prairies are covered with the finest grass, and the rarest flowers. Cattle and sheep are now turned out upon the "range" (uninclosed and unbroken prairie) and will remain there until Fall, when stock is sent to market via Sedalia to St. Louis. The price of stock rates about as follows: Cows, from $25 to $40; two year old steers, $15 to $20; three year olds, $20 to $30; four year olds, $30 to $45; work cattle, from $75 to $150; and horses, from $80 to $150, extra $200. Sheep sell for about $2; and hogs sell at various prices. The price of land per acre, is from $5 to $30, depending on location and improvements. Wheat averages per acre about 15 bushels; corn, 40 bushels. Irish and sweet potatoes are raised in abundance. Farmers have always found heretofore, a good market for their products, at their doors. The flow of emigration into the South west, has furnished all active demand for breadstuffs where raised, without the necessity of transportation. When the South Pacific Railroad is completed, it will impart new life and vigor to trade, aid in developing the unknown resources of this portion of the State, and, in every respect, improve the country. Our most available market then will be Springfield, for some time at least.
     The people of Dade county, however, promise themselves at no distant time, a railway communication with Sedalia or Warrensburg, or with some other good point on the North Pacific Railroad. At present dry goods and groceries are brought into the market from Sedalia, a distance of 120 miles, in wagons hauling led [sic] from the Granby led [sic] mines in Newton county. These wagons on their return, are loaded with goods to supply the merchants of the Southwest. The same transportation is employed to a very considerable extent between here and Rolla. But the Southwest branch of the Pacific Railroad is being rapidly completed, and soon the necessity of such distant transportation, will be dispensed with. To those who contemplate coming here, I would say come by the way of Sedalia, instead of by Rolla. The distance to both places is about the same from here, but the Rolla route is through a mountainous country, while the other is not. Ship to St. Louis, and from thence to Sedalia. Bring good wagons, and good horses. The latter are indispensable. Only bring such articles, as are useful, and can be carried conveniently.
     It may be important to know that the politics of Dade county, as well as of all Southwest Missouri, is eminently radical. The people are unconditionally loyal, and are outspoken in the detestation of all political dogmas of the South. They look with disfavor on anything like Conservatism, Johnsonism, or Secessionism. There is certainly a great moral improvement going on among the people. I find them hospitable, and kindly disposed. They take a lively interest in all social reforms, and are taking active steps to secure educational advantages than they have hitherto enjoyed. In this little village of Greenfield, there is an excellent Seminary under the charge of efficient teachers, and those who locate here, will have the privilege of enjoying all its advantages. Greenfield is the county seat of Dade county, and is rapidly increasing in population, and was, before the war, the most beautiful town in this part of the State.
     P. Holcomb

     The Shoe Store of David Williams, on the upper side of the Public Square, was entered by burglars Friday night last week, and over $300 worth of boots and shoes taken and carried off. The persons engaged in the crime accomplished their work without disturbing the inmates of the house. They were arrested, however, the next morning, and brought before Mayor Damron. The Mayor committed them to jail, in default of bail. They are three in number and gave their names as John Mullen, Jas. Mulligan and Joseph Williams, although these names are, without a doubt, false. They are as hard a looking set as one would care to see. We understand they are part of a gang, that broke jail at Parkersburg, W. Va., a week ago last Saturday, and that one of the number, now imprisoned here on this charge, was the ringleader in that enterprise.—They came here Thursday night, and, being suspected, were carefully watched by the Police, till they committed this burglary. The Police kept an eye on them Friday night, saw them break into Williams' Store, carry off the goods and secret[e] them. They were allowed to finish up their job, and then were arrested in the morning, and committed to jail. Mr. Williams suffers no loss, as he recovered all his goods the next morning, and the rascals had their labor for nothing. They are a desperate set, and the sooner they are secured within the walls of the Penitentiary the better it will be for the community.
Of the jail delivery at Parkersburg, the Times, of the city, gives the following account: Last Saturday night John Crawford, John Coss, S. Miller, John Tait and William Tait made their escape from the County Jail in this city. It seems that the iron bar that secured the door had been sawed almost off some time before. About midnight the watchman was walking down the Hall, when one of the prisoners forced the door of the cell open and knocked him senseless, and then made their escape before an alarm could be given. John and William Tait are old hands at the business having made their escape from our jail once before.

     The Meat House of J. W. Hank, adjoining his residence, was broken open Tuesday night last week, by some hungry thief, who carred off a ham. The thief was very modest in his demands, only taking enough for his present wants, although the building was well stored with provisions at the time.—None of Mr. Hanks family were at home when the act was committed.

     Capt. T. W. Hampton, Prosecuting Attorney for this County, has met with a serious accident. His horse ran away, and in jumping out of the wagon, he fractured his leg.—Col. Hampton was in town Monday getting ready for Court, and will attend to the interests of the State, as usual, notwithstanding this unfortunate accident.

     Col. C. A. Shepard, commander of the steamer Starlight, running from Evansville to New Orleans, is here on a short visit to his many friends.

The Gallipolis Journal
May 30, 1867

[For the Gallipolis Journal] Letter from the Far West
Fort Hays, Kansas May 16, 1867

Mr. Editor:—Dear Sir:
     I am not prepared to write you at length, or in a manner to place before the numerous readers of your paper. But, believing anything from the plains will be interesting, I will write you what I promise to be a very poor letter.—I left Fort Riley on the 2nd inst., with one hundred and eighty recruits, and a number of officers, for the different Regiments serving in the far West.—We also had, in our party, three ladies—Mrs. Lieut. Romeyn, Mrs. Lieut. Coffman and Miss Hawk, of Vinton county. The journey of two hundred miles was made in seven days. The weather was delightful, the scenery grand, and game in abundance. On the whole, our journey was a very pleasant one. On our arrival here, we found the troops composing Gen'l Smith's command encamped on the Smoky Hill Fort—near the Fort. The 37th Infantry occupying a very romantic spot about a mile below the Fort, on the right bank of the stream. We had been in camp but two days when about 12 M. of the 10th, while I was deeply interested in a thrilling tale, from the pen of Mrs. M. E. Braddon, I was startled and more deeply interested, by an Orderly from Gen'l Custer's Headquarters, announcing that the Indians were within fifteen miles of our camp, had burned Monument Station, and meditated an attack on the troops here. The 37th were ordered to move camp for the purpose of concentration. Orderlies were hastening in every direction, and in less time than it takes to write it, most vague and incredible rumors were afloat, coming of course from scouts who pretended to have seen countless hordes of savages with war-like intent, determined to drive the pale face from their hunting grounds. I hastened to Headquarters to learn the facts, for if an attack was meditated, I wanted to get my family within the Fort. I learned however, that little danger was anticipated, and went quietly back to camp, calmed the fears of my agitated wife, (who thought an universal massacre was unavoidable,) eat [sic] a hearty dinner, and about five o'clock P.M. struck tent and moved up near the Fort, where the 37th were encamped. About dark, Gen'l Custer with eight companies of the 7th Cavalry, started toward what was supposed to be the scene of disaster. On his arrival there, he learned that a few Indians had been seen at different points along the route, but not in sufficient numbers to leave a trail. So, after a day spent in a futile attempt to strike a trail, he returned to camp without having seen an Indian. I cannot form an idea of what the Indians in this department will do.—Gen'l Hancock gave them a big scare, and it is probable they will hang along the different routes attacking small trains and weak Stations to avenge the loss of their village.—News reached me this morning of an attack on a small Station ninety miles east of Denver City, resulting in the troops being driven off and the burning of the Station. It needs confirmation however. The army at this place is comparatively inactive; the Indians are broken and scattered, so as to render pursuit with any hope of success utterly impossible. The troops will, in a short time, be distributed along the various routes with one and two companies at a post. Company H, 37th Infantry, Lieut. Coffman commanding, is now ordered to Downer's Station, fifty miles west of here, to remain during the summer. No other orders have been received yet, and I do not know where the Reg't will be sent. I would like to write you more at length, giving you a description of the country, buffalo hunting, &c., but my time for writing is limited.—You will hear from me again.
     Yours, &c.,
     IN. COG.

The Gallipolis Journal
June 27, 1867

     An alarm of fire was raised about half past twelve Monday night. The fire was discovered to be in the blacksmith shop of Messrs. Vanden & Sons, directly in the rear of their new carriage shop. It had caught among some charred coal on the forge, which had not been thoroughly drenched with water the evening before. Had not the fire fortunately been discovered at the outset by a young gentleman who had not yet retired, the loss would have been very heavy, as the fire caught in the nest of frame buildings. As it was, the fire was soon extinguished with but little damage to the shop.

     The Gallia Base Ball Club of this city, and the club at Pt. Pleasant, West Va., have made arrangements for a match game of ball. The game is to be played on the Fourth of July at Pt. Pleasant. Nine men are selected from each Club to play, the game to consist of nine innings. We look forward to some interesting sport, and hope all our people, who take pleasure in manly sports, will attend, as it not only will well repay them, but will also be a rational way of spending the glorious Fourth. The following players have been selected by the Gallia Club for the occasion: Frank Morgan, Catcher; J. S. Blackaller, Pitcher and Right Field; Col. L. Z. Cadot, Pitcher and Right Field; Maj. S. F. Neal, First Base; R. Aleshire Jr., Second Base; W. L. Sharp, Third Base; E. S. Anderson, Short Stop; Milton Smith, Center Field; John Maxon, Left Field.

The Gallipolis Journal
July 4, 1867

     Among the graduates of the Ohio University, at Athens, for 1867, is Anselm T. Holcomb, son of John E. Holcomb, Esq., of this county. [Followed by excerpts from his commencement address on mudsills.]

     Marshall Cromley arrested, on Saturday evening, a man by the name of A. J. McDaniel, charged with the crime of forgery, committed at Waverly, Pike county, in this State.—He was committed to jail until Monday, when the Marshall started with him for Waverly.

     Wm. Langley, son of Mr. L. J. Langley, of this city, on Wednesday night of last week, was set upon by a young man named Denny, and badly cut in the face, neck, and arms. The wounds, though bad, are not considered dangerous. Denny made his escape.

     A young man by the name of McNeally, of this city, was drowned at our wharf on Sunday last. He was a deckhand on the steamer Emma Graham, and being suddenly called while asleep, arose and walked overboard. His body was not recovered.
     Later.—The body was found floating in the river on Monday morning, a short distance below where it was drowned. An inquest was held by Coroner Wall, and a verdict returned of accidental drowning. The full name of the deceased was Simon McNeally.

     The Belle, in her trip up the Kanawha on Saturday last, registered over eighty passengers, besides making a good show of freight. The Belle is a popular craft with the traveling public. She well deserves it.

     Messrs. J. L. Newson & Son are going forward rapidly with the building of their new mill. It will be a frame building, and contain two run of stone. It is intended to have it in full operation the coming fall.

     Geo. W. Jackson, Esq., has been selected as umpire in the match game of Base Ball between the Gallipolis and Pt. Pleasant Clubs. Joseph P. Aleshire is scorer for the Gallipolis Club. Arrangements have been made with the steamer Victress to take to Pt. Pleasant such of our citizens, as desire to see this game, for 25 cents. They can return on the Lida Norvell.

The Gallipolis Journal
July 11, 1867

     A match game between the Gallia Base Ball Club, and the Pt. Pleasant Club, came off on the 4th inst. at the latter place. The Gallia boys were victorious, bringing off the prize ball. The score stood 47 to 8. . . . at the conclusion of the game, the Gallia boys were escorted to the Virginia House by the Pt. Pleasant Club, where all were regaled by an old-fashioned 4th of July dinner.

     J. Croner, proprietor of the Garnett House, who was taken to Cincinnati last week, charged with keeping a Hotel without a Government License, waived a preliminary examination, and gave bond for appearance at the United States Court. We understand Mr. Croner erred only through ignorance of the law, and that upon learning what was necessary, he at once made application for a License. In such cases, and under a Revenue Law, that is a new system to our people, and not yet understood in all its details by the public at large, we think the Government should strain a point on the side of mercy.

     Abraham Jeffers, of this county, whose insanity and committal to the insane Asylum we noticed at the time, and who was returned as cured, has again lost his reason.—Judge Logue takes him to Columbus this week for the second time. He created considerable alarm on the morning of the Fourth, by appearing on our streets, riding at a furious pace, and acting in a free and easy way, generally. No harm was done, and he was soon quieted down.

     The Fourth passed off quietly in our city. No public demonstration occurred, and everyone was left to celebrate the day, as inclination prompted. A large number went to Pt. Pleasant to attend the Base Ball game, while others went to the country to join in public celebrations, or indulge in quiet pic-nics. In the evening the young folks of this place and Pt. Pleasant joined in a trip and dance on the Fleetwood, returning in the morning. They liked their quarters on that boat so well, that the trip was continued down the river, till the St. James was met on her way up, when the party came back on the latter boat. Under the inspiring music of the bands on the Fleetwood and St. James, the dancing was kept up without cessation, and everyone seemed determined to enjoy the fun to the utmost. [. . .]

The Gallipolis Journal
July 25, 1867

Editor Gallipolis Journal:
     Being appointed as delegates from Gallia County to attend the R.R. Convention at the White Sulphur Springs, in West Va., we beg leave, through your paper, to report the result of our enquiries and observations. The Convention assembled, as agreed upon, at 12 M., on the 10th inst. After the credentials of the various delegations from the different sections of the States of Va. and West Va., and the adjoining States interested in the completion of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad were read, it was found that there were about 125 present. The full proceedings of the Convention can be seen in most of the Va. papers on the line of the road. The object of the Convention can be fully understood by the subjoined resolutions, which embody the resolutions of the meeting. As far as we could ascertain, by what we saw and heard, during the two days [of] deliberations of the Convention, we can state that there seemed to be but one prevailing sentiment—that the Chesapeake & Ohio R.R. should be completed cost what it may. We can also state, that there seemed to be such an earnest determination on the part of those present to complete this great work, that we were favorably impressed with the opinion that we can now fully rely upon something substantial as a result of the effort now being made. No political bias now seems to influence Va. in diverting her railway connections from Ohio. A great commercial highway through the center of the two States is now undertaken, and, if we are not mistaken, the signs of the times are now propitious for a degree of prosperity, in all that pertains to a great commonwealth in both West, and East Va. We the people of Southern Ohio have been long and anxiously waiting to see some positive evidence of the completion of this great work. We now believe that the day is not far distant when we shall see this cherished object realized. We hope shortly to have a direct mail communication, by way of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway, between Washington City and Cincinnati, and then we can be well assured that we can have the great commercial highway between the waters of Chesapeake Bay and the Ohio river and the North West. It is to be expected that the people of Gallia and the adjoining counties, and particularly the business men of Cincinnati, will sieze upon the opportunity about to be afforded by this direct and easy communication with the Atlantic seaboard, for the great agricultural and mineral products of this portion of the Mississippi Valley, and take all necessary steps to meet the two Virginias on the banks of the Ohio and extend to them a cordial welcome.
     G. W. Livesay, Jno. A. Robinson
     [Details of the convention's resolutions follow, spelling out the specific amounts to be provided by Virginia and West Virginia totalling $5,000,000., an act to exempt the C&O from taxation on the land, a promise to settle all damage claims that may arise during construction, etc.]

Ballard House, Richmond, Va., July 14, 1867.
Dear Journal:
     After disposing of rather the best dinner I have met since leaving the Ohio, the good humor of which, such cause is the effect, induces the thought, that perhaps a few jottings of scenes by the way—Railroad items and others that have occurred since we parted with you on the cliffs of the Hawk's nest, would not come amiss. The all-absorbing topic, of course, is and has been, the Chesapeake and Ohio Rail-Road, the value and necessity of which, is felt very deeply here, as well as all along the route between the Ohio river and Richmond. This city and State declare it to be not only of vital importance to their future prosperity, but necessary to their actual existence, even in the light they now stand. If Ohioans or West Virginians wish to obtain a like idea of its necessity, in a personal way, just let them undertake the trip from Ohio to Jackson's river, as it stands at present, they will then get a practical illustration of the benefits to be derived from the prosecution of the enterprise. Miles of unbroken wilderness, deserted homes, desolate and untended farms, in a country that, despite its ruggedness, can be made to support a teeming population, in comfort and prosperity. True, as it is, it has been made, in a large part, by the destroying power of contending armies—but two years have passed since it was the theatre of war, and yet the recuperating process has hardly began [sic]. The incentive to struggle against the adversities of their situation, is wanted by the people, and men say here, can only be furnished by the market and opening of transportation, that this Rail-road can offer. In evidence of the fact, the nearer we approach the Rail-road and avenues of trade this way, the greater becomes the improvement of the country.
     The number and character of our western delegation, made the trip across the mountains very pleasant, barring some little accidents, such as stopping all night without supper and riding nine miles for breakfast; but the wonderful and indescribable grandeur and beauty of the scenery along the route, amply repaid all suffering in the flesh, at least, that I experienced, while to such lions in the work as Maj. John Hall and Gen. Lewis Ruffner, their interest in the enterprise seemed to take away all feeling of personal discomfort. We arrived at Lewisburg on the 9th, and there awaited the concentrating of the western party. In the evening a consultation was held, and an understanding arrived at, as to what was the wish of the western counties, and the course they wished to take in the Convention. On Wednesday we all came forward to the White Sulphur Springs, where we found the delegates flocking in from all quarters. A preparatory meeting was at once held, and a committee appointed to report on a permanent organization. At three o'clock the Convention re-assembled, and on recommendation of the Committee it was regularly organized by appointing Gov. Pierpont President; Maj. Hall, Gen. Ruffner and several others Vice Presidents, Secretaries, &c. Gov. Pierpont made a short, but quite an energetic and effective address. A Committee was then appointed to determine what should be the action of the convention, and report resolutions to that effect. Said Committee being composed of a delegate or delegates from each county or town represented in the Convention. From an oversight, Ohio was at first not represented on the Committee, but your correspondent was invited (by the Committee) to be present at their deliberations, and Dr. Livesay afterward attached permanently to its body. After an afternoon, evening and morning sitting, during which, many animated discussions ensued, the Committee reported a series of resolutions. [Resolutions will be found elsewhere.]
     The Convention was evidently a working one, being composed of about two hundred members, among whom were many of East and West Virginia's best men. Many short, but powerful addresses were made. The whole thing passed off in harmony and good feeling, only one man objecting to the resolutions as passed, and he from a superabundance of sulphur water or some other liquid—obtainable with equal ease at the springs. The gentleman was quietly but effectually snubbed, and did not dare to vote against the measures, so they were passed unanimously: on which the Committee adjourned sine die. Many of the members left at once, for their homes, and some to go to work raising the people to vote the subscriptions right away, as the five million must be raised in six months, in order to bind the contract with the Central Va. Rail-road Company.
     The White Sulphur is a grand old place; one could hardly conceive of a pleasanter spot to spend the hot months. The ground is a natural amphitheater looking Southward, beautifully laid out and shaded; rows of handsome cottages stand around the four sides of the square with one of the largest hotels in America, in the center. Think of a dining room seating twelve hundred persons comfortably—a ball room with eighteen setts on the floor, and a parlor of corresponding size, run a fourteen-foot verandah around the whole and you have the plan of the second story, it being four stories, with a huge dome over the center. The fare and accommodations are good, though hardly in range with the buildings and charges, the latter being fully up to the standard. The spring water suggests a solution of bad eggs and rain water. However, it must be effective, judging from the immense amount drank [sic]. As yet, there are not over one hundred visitors, but there seems to be very many on their way out.
     Not anticipating much pleasure in returning over the road we had come, I sold my horse and came down here with the party from the city, the courteous President of the Central Va., Col. Fountaine, kindly chalking my hat for the trip. The Central road is going ahead at the rate of [a] half mile per day, and will reach Covington by the end of this week. It is now over Jackson's river and in less than three miles from C. Col. F. says if the five million subscription is raised, they will try to reach the Springs yet before winter. The estimate of the cost to that point being a little under $500,000, the distance 22 1/2 miles. Three years is the limit of time in which it is expected to build the road to the Falls, or Loop creek, and that it will then be pushed on down the Valley to the Ohio, as fast as men and money can do the work, is confidently believed by everyone here. The great western connection through Ohio seems the favorite one, though it is contemplated to make the Sandy road to Kentucky at the same time; but much depends for both routes on the connections offered them at their termini.
     The people seem much pleased that Ohio should send her representatives to a convention held so much in the sole interest of the Virginias, and I think the delegates were warmly and kindly welcomed everywhere, never faring worse than their cotemporaries [sic]. I have heard no violent expression of rebellious sentiments in East Va., and though, no warm love for the Union is demonstrated, they seem quietly to acquiesce in the existing state of things, and have gone to work with commendable energy, to reconstruct their almost desolated country. Only one prominent citizen expressed perhaps, his real feeling, in regretting that he could not vote to tax himself for the Rail-road, but his coachman could. But even this demonstration was checked and disapproved by his friends. The country between here and the Kanawha, bears still, strong marks of the war, and probably, no more interesting period than the present to take a tour through it, while the change from war to peace is just becoming apparent. The crops in the field look very promising, and Augusta county alone, is estimated to have 200,000 bushels of wheat, while the corn never looked better. Many strange scenes meet the eye between here and Staunton. Men mowing and reaping around and over the earthworks and along the trenches, where three years ago the harvest of death alone, was gathered, and where there were but piles of shot and shell, stacks of bayonets, and anon the mutilated bodies of men strewn over the ground, now may be seen the scattered sheaves and gathered shocks of bright, yellow, golden grain. One to destroy what the other is to preserve, the life of man. It seems hard, even to a stranger, to realize what once was here; how great then, the change must be to those who have dwelt in the midst of it all. Thankfully they seem to accept it.
     And for Richmond herself, what can I say? The proud daughter of the "mother of Presidents'" lies deep in the ashes of her magnificence, shorn of her greatness and mourning the loss of nearly all that makes a city great and prosperous, stricken by the hands of her own misguided children in their folly, thus thinking to deter the progress of the mighty armies of the Union. It is melancholy indeed, even to those who can have but little sympathy with those who were mainly the authors of their own misery, to walk around this city and witness the ruin and devastation that has worked its way to its very heart.—The line of fire can be traced in all directions, and square after square along Carey and Main, totally obliterated, leaving nothing but here and there a lone chimney or section of wall, while masses of rubbish, stone and brick overgrown with weeds, occupy much of what was the most flourishing part of the city. But so it will be again, and the citizens, to their credit, be it said, are bending all their energies and means to re-elevating their city, commercially and architecturally, making far less ado about its political reconstructions than the Cops. of the North do for them. Many beautiful buildings are already up and being finished, much finer, I am told, than those destroyed.
     There is very little travel and but little doing in the city, outside of the Tobacco Exchange. This hotel and the Exchange across the street are fine, well-kept houses. Fare and accommodations at the Ballard, excellent, at three dollars per diem. There seems to be but little ready money anywhere. The citizens dress comparatively plain, and ladies come to the table at the Ballard, in far less fantastic array than frequently met on the streets of G–. Few fine horses or carriages, and everything generally, wearing a bread and butter look, that strongly indicates the suffering and losses of the inhabitants. Though, yet hardly out of season, not a single place of amusement is open in the city. Libby, with its attendant horrors, still stands as a prison, in use of the U.S. and taken care of by "the boys in blue." Though far different from during the war, and made as comfortable as possible, it is a wretched looking place—an old shabby, four-story brick building, on the banks of the canal, partly whitewashed outside, small barred windows, to which, when I passed, shirtless and hatless men were clinging, as if longing to get a glimpse of the bright sunshine outside. It is easy to conceive what it could be, under such rule as the Confederacy. Now at least, everything is done to promote the health of its inmates, who are mostly deserters and State criminals. It seems like a tremendous bull to see the emblem of liberty, the stars and stripes, floating over such a place, as it does to-day.
     Castle Thunder looks better, and is now used as a tobacco factory. Belle Isle, the scene of so much suffering to our boys, the grave of so many brave hearts, looks calm and peaceful. The green corn and grain smilingly, waving to the rippling music of the James, washing its shores in the warm sun, and tells no tales of the horrors, that but a short time ago, it held on its bosom. It lies in plain sight of the prominent streets of the city, and almost in view of Gen. Lee's house, and it is folly to talk of the rebel authorities not knowing what our men were suffering there. But this is already longer than will suit your columns, even if you think it worthy of a place in them. So enough. EX.

     John Hill has purchased the building on Court street, lately occupied by W. H. Morehead, as a saloon, and is thoroughly overhauling it. He is putting in a new front, and making other changes that will convert the old stand into a first rate business house.

     News Depot. All the latest papers and periodicals can be found at House's News Depot, where a larger variety of pleasant reading matter is kept than ever before in our city. The latest magazines, the New York Illustrated papers, the Cincinnati dailies, and Beadle's popular Dime Novels, are always kept on hand. Give him a call.

     Messrs. H. H. and J. H. Neal, on Tuesday, at their mill in this city, with two run of stone, made 145 bbls. of flour in a run of only fifteen hours. That may be considered rapid work.

     Big Fish. Mr. A. B. Greenwood, one day last week, caught a cat-fish in the Ohio river, that weighed seventy-eight pounds. It was a blue cat, and the largest that has been caught for a number of years.

     Rev. Mr. Breare, of Christ Church in this city, exchanged pulpits last Sunday with Rev. C. S. Rexford, pastor of the First Universalist Church of Cincinnati. Rev. Mr. Rexford preached two very able sermons on the occasion, to a large congregation.

     Mr. Nathan Earwood, of Clay township, was seriously injured on the 10th inst., by his team running away and throwing him out of the wagon.

     Mr. J. W. Gardner, the contractor, for removing the dirt from Court street, very considerately stopped work on Monday and Tuesday, out of respect for the decease of Mr. A. Leclercq. We are requested by the family to return their thanks to Mr. Gardner for his kind consideration and sympathy, thus expressed, in their afflictive dispensation.

     Major S. F. Neal has been appointed and commissioned Assistant U.S. Assessor for Gallia county, Vice Christopher Shaefer, removed. His office will be at his store. This change was doubtless brought about by the complimentary notice given Major Neal by the Gallipolis correspondent of the Cincinnati Enquirer.

The Gallipolis Journal
July 25, 1867

(Correspondence Gallipolis Journal) Sacramento, California, June 24th, 1867

Editor Journal:
     Knowing you are always glad to hear from Gallia boys, when abroad, I will give you a short account of my experiences in my trip and in this country, since I left Gallipolis. We sailed in the steamer Arizona, and had a pleasant trip across the ocean, notwithstanding the large number of passengers aboard. There were nearly fourteen hundred crowded into the vessel, a heavy load for a small ship. We arrived here safely, however. The climate of California is the finest in the world, and cannot be surpassed. It is very warm during the day, but the nights in this valley (the Sacramento) are quite cool. A range of mountains can be seen nearly one hundred miles off, whose tops are covered with snow, and you can get on the cars of the Pacific Railroad, which is in operation here, and ride into the midst of these snow banks among the mountains.      
     This is a great country to make money in. I think the young men of Gallipolis are foolish to stay in that old country, when they can come out here and get three times as much wages, and that in gold and silver. We have no greenbacks in circulation here. I went up to Nevada on a prospecting trip, and got a claim, that is in a good locality, for a rich vein of quartz has been struck on the land adjoining, which was sold for $100 per foot, and I think I could get that for mine, but I do not wish to sell. It is very cold in the mountains of Nevada, but the climate of the valleys is fine. There is plenty of mining country that has not yet been taken up, and some of the richest claims, yet discovered, are being opened this summer. This season is very good for mining purposes, as there was so much snow fell last winter, that, as it melts and comes down the valleys, it will afford water enough for mining all this season.
     California is a great country for fruit. At the time I am writing there are plenty of peaches ripe. Apricots and cherries are all gone, and the apples are beginning to get ripe, some early ones being all gone. Pears also are now out of season. The grapes are a very great crop here, and very fine. I have seen in this country the richest clusters of grapes, I think, I ever saw, and this season bids fair to be a good one for wine growers. The city of Sacramento is a beautiful place, although the great flood in 1861 did it a great deal of damage. In conclusion, I would say to young men at home, that if they want to make money easy and fast, they had better come to this country.
     Wm. F. Summers

     Thos. Hill has purchased the building on Court street lately occupied by W. H. Morehead as a saloon, and is thoroughly overhauling it. He is putting in a new front, and making other changes that will convert the old stand into a first class business house.

     Mr. A. B. Greenwood, one day last week, caught a cat fish in the Ohio river, that weighed seventy-eight pounds. It was a blue cat, and the largest that has been caught for a number of years.

     Mr. Nathan Earwood, of Clay township, was seriously injured, on the 10th inst., by his team running away and throwing him out of the wagon.

     Mr. J. W. Gardner, the contractor, for removing the dirt from Court street, very considerately stopped work on Monday and Tuesday, out of respect to the decease of Mr. A. Leclercq. We are requested by the family to return their thanks for his kind consideration and sympathy, thus expressed, in their afflictive dispensation.

The Gallipolis Journal
August 8, 1867

     A colored boy, named Wm. Lewis, was drowned Monday, at Dufours's Landing, near the Island. The boy, having been after blackberries, went to the river to wash off, but in attempting to jump to a skiff, he missed, and fell in beyond his depth. His body was recovered soon after.

     The store of J. W. Hank, in the upper part of our city, caught fire in the cellar, last Friday evening. The fire was caused by coal oil catching from a candle in the cellar. Mr. Hank had gone to the cellar to fill a lamp from the oil barrel, setting his candle some distance off. In turning the faucet the oil spirted [sic] out and caught from the candle. The lamp exploded at once and almost in Mr. Hank's hands. So great was the force of the explosion, that it drove the lamp up through the hard floor. Mr. Hank's hand was badly burned, but he escaped from the cellar without further injury. The fire was soon put out, being confined to the cellar. We have not learned the loss sustained, but it cannot be large.

     Our wholesale Grocery Houses were very busy on Monday evening, after the arrival of the Kanawha Belle. The two houses of Messrs. Henking, Allemond & Co., and Messrs. Robinson & Bailey, we should judge from the barrels and boxes filling the sidewalks in front of their respective places of business, must have nearly loaded this favorite craft. We are glad to notice such thrift on the part of these enterprising houses.

     The executive Committee of the Gallia County Teachers' Association has arranged to hold the first institute during the week commencing on the week of the 26th of August next, in Gallipolis. Capt. Wm. Mitchell, Supt. of the Columbus Public Schools, and Prof. Wm. H. Young, of Athens, have been secured to lecture during the institute on best methods of giving instruction in the common branches of dicipline [sic] and everything that pertains to the teachers' interest in the school room. [ . . . ] The Institute will commence on Monday, the 26th of August, at 1 o'clock P.M. There will be a forenoon, an afternoon, and an evening session each day during the week except on Saturday. On Saturday, the Examiners will hold an examination for applicants for certificates. The good people of Gallipolis feel such a warm interest for the Teachers of the County, that we feel secure in assuring the Teachers that they will all be entertained in private families, free of expense, hence any Teacher in or out of the County can attend the institue without any expense. [ . . . ] H. J. Caldwell, D. B. Hebard, A. D. Williams, Ex. Com.

The Gallipolis Journal
August 29, 1867

For the Gallipolis Journal, Sabbath School Picnic
Mr. Editor:
     In passing to and fro in this earth—not altogether unlike Old Nick himself, except we do not want to destroy anyone, we fell in, on Friday last, the 16th inst., at the Providence Baptist Church, which is situated in the South west corner of Clay township, where we found the friends, to the number (by actual count) of 450, having a fine time in the shape of a Sabbath School Picnic. Providence School had taken the lead in the matter, and had invited the neighboring schools to come and join with her in the celebration. So, parts of Bethel M. E. School, Mercerville and Olive Branch Schools were present. Moses A. King, of Bethel, Josiah Irwin of Mercerville, Jas. W. King of Olive Branch, and Thos. Wetherholt of Providence, was [sic] chosen Committee of Arrangements; under whose management everything passed off in the most pleasant style.
The exercises consisted as follows; first, in marching with music and colors to meet the invited schools as they came in. Then followed the speaking of pieces, and singing by the scholars. Followed by an essay on Sabbath Schools by the pastor of the Providence Church. [ . . . ] The speaking and singing over, all, with basket in hand, repaired to the shade nearby, and there partook of a dinner that would reflect credit on any community. [ . . .] Dinner over and some more marching by the scholars, all again repaired to the house and were dismissed in order. [ . . . ] On leaving, we felt so well pleased . . . we felt like saying to others, Sabbath Schools and communities, go and do likewise. Yours respectfully, PILGRIM, Pilgrim's Cottage, August 19, '67

Heavy Storm
     One of the heaviest wind and rain storms ever experienced in this region, visited us last Saturday. The storm came directly from the West, and did not extend above us farther than Cheshire, although, we have accounts of it down the river as far as Ironton. The storm was very severe here, the wind blowing a hurricane, and the rain falling in torrents, so that our streets were rushing streams of water. Some damage was done by blowing down the corn and and fruit trees, and filling cellars with water in our city. At our wharf the different crafts moored there were held with difficulty to the bank. Capt. Hamilton's new wharf-boat broke from its fastenings and was driven across the river by the force of the tempest. It was brought back to the landing in the evening, uninjured by its perilous trip. The storm is said to be the most severe storm ever experienced here.

     Could not some of our churches follow the example of the colored Christians on Pine street, in tareing [sic] down their old, dilapidated buildings, and erecting others worthy the name and place?

     Maj. Gen. Geo. H. Thomas, arrived in our city on the Kanawha boat Sunday evening, and passed down Monday morning on the Pine Grove. The Gen. is on his way from the White Sulphur Springs to Louisville and New Orleans. Our citizens, who saw the old hero, and heard him talk, think the rebels of New Orleans have jumped from the frying pan into the fire by causing the removal of Gen. Sheridan and obtaining Gen. Thomas in his place.

Robbery and Arson
     Another most dastardly outrage was committed in Walnut township on the night of Tuesday, 20th. The residence of Mr. J. W. Williams was entered, and his pocket-book robbed of one hundred dollars. The scoundrel then fired the building over the heads of the family, either to cover his burglary or with the hope of enticing neighbors away from their homes, leaving them a ready prey to the plunderers, but in the last, this failed. Mr. Williams had just finished a fine, new homestead and made everything about him comfortable, when, by this fiendish outrage, he was made homeless and his family destitute. Mr. Williams was awakened by his wife, who was aroused by the light shining in the window, and, on jumping up and going out, found one end of the building a mass of fire, the flames curling high above the roof. By great exertions, he managed to get his family of little ones in their night clothes, out, and the bed upon which he was lying was all that was saved of his property, not saving his own coat and boots. The neighbors, hearing the alarm, came quickly to the rescue, but too late to aid in anything but saving his granery [sic] from also falling a prey to the devouring element. We think it is high time that the citizens of the South of this county, should be looking about them and making some endeavors to ferret out and bring to summary justice, the villains who attempt to combine all the capital crimes in the category, and in one fell swoop, try to rob, murder and burn a whole family and their property! Mr. Williams is well known for his uprightness, and as being one of the first citizens of his township.—Fortunately for him, he had just taken out an insurance for $2,300 on the property lost [ . . .] Agent R. F. Stewart steps in at once to relieve him, in a great measure, from actual, pecuniary loss.

The Gallipolis Journal
September 5, 1867

     A novel Base-Ball match will be played on the Public Square next Saturday, between the "Muffin Club" and the "Silver Locks," for a prize bat and ball.—From the list of players as shown us, it will without doubt, be a weighty affair. Half an hour will be allowed for each home run. Let all lovers of fun be on hand at 2 o'clock P.M., Saturday, to see the game.

     Last Thursday, our colored brothers of the Methodist persuasion, went through the ceremony of laying the corner stone of their new Church, which is to take the place of the old building so long in use. The occasion was improved by all the colored people. After the proper exercises in laying the stone, a procession was formed, and all marched to the Fair Grounds, where a very good dinner was served up. In the afternoon, the colored folks marched through our streets, carrying banners and the insignia of their societies and making quite a display. Fred. Douglass did not make his appearance on the occasion, although, we believe, announced by the Dispatch as one of the speakers.

     Two fine concerts were given at Aleshire's Hall, Friday evening of last week and Tuesday evening of this week, by McBride's Class in Vocal Music, assisted by Mr. Jas. Neal. The singing was excellent, and the large audience present both nights, testified their appreciation of it by repeated applause of the different performers. All who took part in the concerts, acquitted themselves with credit, although Miss Hutsinpillar, Miss Sallie Damron, Mr. Jas. Neal and McBride, deserve especial commendation, and their efforts were rewarded by unlimited praise from their hearers. Miss Hutsinpillar's songs were received with great favor, and we think La Separazione, sung by her Tuesday evening, the gem of both concerts. McBride deserves the success he has received in these concerts, for furnishing the people with such musical treats, as these emphatically were.

     We regret to learn that Mr. Joseph Roush, a worthy and respectable citizen of Morgan township, had his left arm so badly injured by a threshing machine, last Friday, as to render amputation necessary. It was taken off by Docts. Sisson and Gardner, just below the shoulder.

The Gallipolis Journal
September 12, 1867

(Correspondence Gallipolis Journal) Letter from Galveston, Texas—Yellow Fever, Incidents, &c.

Galveston, Texas August 24, 1867
     Nothing is talked of here but yellow fever. It is the first thing in the morning, the last at night, and one even dreams of it while asleep. Look in whatever direction you will everything reminds you of it. The almost deserted streets; the large number of closed business houses and hotels; the spare market, the numerous funeral processions, the dead wagon from the hospitals, the running to and fro of physicians, nurses, and members of the Howard Association, all remind one of the engrossing subject—yellow fever.
     The number of cases at one time exceeded one thousand, and have varied but little from that figure up to this date. The Howard Association last week had under their care 227; City Hospital 134; Military Hospital 24; Charity Hospital 34; making a total of 419. To be added to this is the private practice of the physicians which will number fully 600, This is about a fair average for the number of cases for the past two or three weeks. The deaths will foot up a grand total of nearly 500 to date. All this in a population of not exceeding 13,000 souls. Taking the ratio of population into consideration this would be equal to a mortality of fully 300 per day in Cincinnati. The epidemic began at least a month earlier than ever before known, thereby giving more favorable weather for the sick. September is considered the most severe month, owing to the sudden and frequent changes in the weather. A norther is almost sure death to the sick but gives a new lease of life to the well. The weather at this time is very favorable for the sick ones, and the number of deaths has fallen off from 30 to 19 per day, but a sudden change may make it more virulent than ever. Yellow fever never disappears, entirely, until about 1st to 15th of November, while it has been known to linger along until the middle of December. Nothing but a hard frost kills it.
     The fatality among the troops and the officers of the army has been unaccountably light. Only one officer has died, Col. George Taylor, Medical director of the district, and not to exceed fifteen soldiers. The wives of the officers have suffered more. Lieut. Bascom's wife has been very ill but is slowly recovering. He lost a babe, but not from the fever. Lieut. B. is a son of W. F. Bascom, formerly editor of the State Journal. Lieut. Col. Abert lost his wife a week since, and he is quite ill now from the same disease. His daughter has been quite sick but is now considered out of danger. Lieut. Kirkman lost his wife a few days since, leaving a babe but four months old and a daughter who is down with the fever. Surgeon Samuel Adams' wife and her sister are both down and very sick, yet hopes are entertained of their recovery. Major Sinclair's (Freedmens' bureau) has been very low, but is now considered out of danger. Her sickness has been the most severe of any, and her escape from death seems almost a miracle. Gen.'s Griffin and Potters families together with my own are the only ones that have escaped so far. We hope, that with great caution, prudence and care to escape it altogether, still we are not out of danger by any means yet. Take it all in all, this has been a blue summer, and one cannot be blamed for being frightened—a little. I have been through epidemics (cholea) before, but deliver me from the second one of yellow fever. Seeing from thirty to forty interments a day, a cemetery looking like a plowed field, and hearing a sexton ask the driver of a hearse, "how many you got this trip"—"only one," is not calculated to add to ones cheerfulness or give one a very firm belief in the certainty of life. A few days ago, while attending a funeral at the cemetery, (had to wait while the grave was dug, it being only about half-past seven A. M.), the sexton turned to the clergyman and asked him, "are there many sick in town? Do you believe it I haven't been able to get to town for a long time." Think of a sexton asking such a question, when he was burying about 30 per day, and had already buried 8 that morning. As we turned away he nudged me with his elbow and said, "I say, mister, do you pay for this one?" That sexton is an institution. I assume a man in his position, becomes hardened and only has an eye to his business interests. Several persons, owing to fright, have gone to the interior to run away from it, many of whom have taken the disease after leaving and died. They were sick where they could not obtain medical assistance or nursing. After the yellow fever becomes epidemic it is far more dangerous to run away than to remain where you can have the best of nursing, and professional attention from practitioners of experience. One physician here has had over 100 cases in his private practice, and lost but 7. He gives but little medicine and makes it up in nursing. Calomel is being used this season with great success, and I understand for the first time. The tug of war comes after the fever has left the patient (hardly ever exceeding 36 hours after being taken), as the least imprudence brings on a relapse, which is quickly followed by black vomit and speedy death.
     If the reader has anticipated a cheerful letter, he has by this time become somewhat disappointed.—You might as well expect cheerfulness from a man standing on the deck of a sinking ocean ship and not knowing what minute she is going down. A long face and a radical change of habits are the order of the day, combined with continual wearing anxiety, if you happen to have a couple of weaker vessels leaning on you for encouragement and support. As Capt. Cuttle would say, "overhaul your catechism, and when found, make a note of it." Yours, B.
     P.S. No politics here now and that kind of reading in Northern papers, when it gets here, is awfully stupid and dull. But notwithstanding you may cast a vote for me for Hayes. The Gen. makes a plaguey strong head to a ticket, and from what I know of the man's fighting qualities, Thurman had better keep well out of the way. Hayes is one of the men that don't get whipped worth a cent. Is it not so, boys of the old Kanawha division? By the by, that same old division is entitled, by seniority of rank, to the post of honor, as the General's bodyguard in this campaign.

[HOWARD ASSOCIATIONS. The earliest confirmed organization named for British philanthropist and social reformer John Howard (1726–1790) was in Boston in 1812. By the mid-nineteenth century Howard Associations, or citizens' organizations bearing different names but doing similar work, existed in most major American cities. Each association was autonomous, and each oriented itself toward such goals as crime reduction, prison reform, or public health. Without constraints of race, religion, or politics, they operated hospitals and pesthouses, provided medical and nursing care, and saw to sanitary burial and cremation procedures. For a limited period they provided the only nursing training outside religious orders. The organization in Galveston was the first Texas Howard Association. Yellow fever began to ravage populations along the Gulf Coast in the second decade of the nineteenth century. Along the Texas coast it became epidemic first in Galveston in 1839, when it killed a quarter of the 1,000 residents. When yellow fever returned to the city in 1844 a group of Galvestonians banded together informally to nurse the indigent ill. . . . Howards followed the same pattern of fund-raising and caring for the sick and indigent in the epidemics of 1854 and 1858. In addition to caring for local yellow fever sufferers, the association aided patients in Indianola and Port Lavaca in 1853. In 1873 they sent similar aid to Calvert and Marshall, and in 1878 to Memphis, Tennessee, and Vicksburg, Mississippi. Associations were also founded in Corpus Christi (1860), Houston (1867), and Marshall (1873).]

     A man calling himself John Antoni, was arrested just above the city Saturday evening, and committed to jail. He is charged with burglury [sic], having broken into several houses below here, on the river road, among them William Cale's and Truman Guthrie's. He is some vagabond, that has got off a boat, and undertook to make a raise this way.

Base Ball
    A laughable game of Base Ball was played Saturday afternoon on the Public Square, between some of our sober and sedate citizens, who had never handled a bat or made a home run since the days of childhood. The "Muffins" with Wm. Cherington as Captain, were a younger set than the "Silver Locks," and it was thought would win the game. The "Silver Locks," however, showed superior musel [sic], notwithstanding their age, and went in bound to win regardless of broken heads or stiff limbs. His Honor, Mayor Damron, was Captain, and the whole team was composed of solid men. [ . . . ] At the close the Silver Locks had scored 33, to 20 for their opponents, thus gaining the victory. [. . .] The success of the Silver Locks was largely due to their Captain, who gave his commands with the promptness of a general on the field of battle, eagerly requesting the field men, whenever a Muffin hit the ball, to "fling her into Caleb," and showing the greatest anxiety that everyone running around should "go to the second base." [. . .] Samuel Cole caught the only fly ball in the whole game [. . .] (and) was decorated with a rosette for this specimen of fine play, while James Ingels received a like badge for making the only home run that was made. [ . . .] N.B. Two more innings were played Tuesday evening, the Silver Locks again winning. It is thought the nine innings will be finished before winter sets in, if the players are not disabled. [. . .]

     A vacancy having occurred in the Board of County School Examiners, by the removal of Prof. Sears from the city, Judge Logue has appointed Rev. H. Judd to supply said vacancy. The Board now consists of Messrs. H. J. Caldwell, D. B. Hebard and Rev. H. Judd.

The Gallipolis Journal
September 19, 1867

     We are indebted to Judge Rathburn for the following enumeration of the youth over five and under twenty-one years of age, residing in the Union School District of Gallipolis: 525 white males; 533 white females; 107 colored males; 141 colored females; whole number 1306.

     We call attention to the notice of a re-union of the officers and men of the gallant 4th Regiment Virginia Infantry, at this place on the 15th of Oct. Arrangements, which will be announced hereafter, are in progress, to make it an occasion of great interest and pleasure to all.

     The long sought for, and talked of, improvement of our city wharf is at last in progress. Mr. Jno. Dufour has the contract for putting in the cribbing and rock work, and is pushing it already with his usual energy. To what extent the work is to go this fall we are not informed, but we rejoice to see a start made.

     Some rascal broke into the residence of Mr. Frank Cheney on Third street, last Friday night, effecting an entrance by climbing on the kitchen roof, and breaking through an upper window. The thief ransacked the house, and had some $300 worth of clothing, &c., piled up ready to carry off, before he was discovered. Mrs. Cheney was finally awakened by a noise in her room and gave the alarm, when the fellow decamped, having secured only $10 in money. No clue to the thief has yet been obtained.

The Gallipolis Journal
September 26, 1867

Assault.—An Irish pedlar, named W. P. Grady, made an unexpected attack upon Col. J. L. Vance, in front of Shepard's store, Friday afternoon.—He came up behind Col. Vance and struck him on the head with a couple of sticks tied together, before the latter was aware of his approach. Col. Vance seized him and assistance coming, the warlike Irishman was brought before Mayor Damron. He was examined, and bound over to Court for assault with intent to kill, in the sum of $400. He gave the bail, and was released. He is the same party that has brought suit in Cincinnati against Col. Vance for arresting him as a spy at Guyandotte, in 1862. The attack was probably the result of this old grudge.

     The Base Ball Tournament was a new feature of the Fair this year, and the playing was watched with interest by the crowd. Seven Clubs competed for the $50 premium. Gallia, Saw Bucks and Stars, of this city, Putnam of Buffalo W. Va., Snowdown of Middleport, Hickory of Racine, and Riverdale of Portsmouth. Of our home clubs, the Saw Bucks, notwithstanding their name, made a very good record, beating the Stars, and Putnam, but being easily beat by the Riverside. The Snowdown beat the Second Nine of Gallia, and the Gallia First Nine were badly worsted by the Hickory. [. . .] The Riverside was awarded the premium of $50, having justly won it, by beating every club they played with. The Riverside, Hickory and Snowdown all did fine playing, and were acknowledged the best clubs on the ground. [. . .]

The Gallipolis Journal
October 10, 1867

Coroner's Inquest.—Coroner Wall on the 20th day of September, held an inquest on the body of a man found in the Ohio river, near the residence of Mr. Wm. Walker, in Gallipolis township. The following is the verdict of the Jury, to wit: "We do find that the deceased came to his death by accidental drowning." The personal description and dress of the deceased is described as follows: Age about 12 or 14 years; height five feet; sandy hair; cotton shirt; black jeans pants and coat; yellow socks; coarse shoes.


The Gallipolis Journal
October 17, 1867

The re-Union of the battle scarred veterans of the 4th Regt. W. Va., Volunteers, took place at Aleshire's Hall, on Tuesday last. Not as many were present as expected on account of the difficulty of transportation in low water. Yet enough to show the spirit of the enterprise. A handsome and appetizing dinner was partaken of and everything passed off very pleasantly. The next annual meeting, we understand, will be held at Pomeroy. We are glad to see the brotherly feeling manifested in these reunions, and think they will go far towards making the soldiers of the Union a unit against all traitorous movements hereafter.

The Gallipolis Journal
October 24, 1867

[Correspondence of the Gallipolis Journal]
Sandy, Jasper County, Ill., Oct. 16, 1867

Mr. Editor:
     With your leave I will drop my friends in old Gallia a few lines. We started from Patriot Sept. 5th, got through on the 21st—having laid by two Sabbaths. We arrived here all well and are yet well, and also well satisfied. We find it very healthy here this fall. As to the country here, I do not pretend that it is the best there is, for various reasons, though, think it is better than some others for certain classes of people. In the first place, this country seems strange to one from old Gallia, there being such contrast in the way it lies, though the timber being the same. This is the best divided country for prairie, of any I have ever seen—being fully half timbered, and is generally rolling, has a dark, loamy surface from one to three feet deep, and then of a mixed or cream colored clay.—The timber-soil is said to be the best for wheat, and raises the heaviest, flintiest article. It has been very dry here the past summer, though corn is tolerably plenty. Some say their crops will average 50 bushels per acre; they ask from 50 to 60 cts per bushel. Wheat, $2; oats 35 to 40 cts. Fat hogs 5 cts per pound, and they have a good share of them. Milk cows from $20 to $35 per head. Horses are cheap here. Land is on the rise here, ranging from $7 to $25 per acre. There is some railroad land here that can yet be bought on good time; also, plenty of unimproved land—both timber and prairie. There is considerable game here yet, a man killed nine deer here last week. Prairie hens, turkeys, quails, and rabbits abound by the thousands. I have been running about considerably since I came here, and have known of but one case of ague. This country is settled by Buckeyeans and Germans, no Irish here. I will bring this epistle to a close by giving my friends my post office address, and if any are desirous of asking questions, they shall be answered. Jeptha Clark, Newton P.O., Jasper Co. Ill.

Boat Building We notice that Mr. John Fultz is building a fine coal-barge at the landing, to be used in his coal business.

Cheshire Academy
     This institution, under its present management, continues steadily to increase in public favor. The number of students has increased each term during the past year, with the prospect that the number next term will be still larger. Nearly five hundred dollars have recently been raised for new Apparatus, which will probably be increased to six or seven hundred; so that all the leading Natural Sciences will be illustrated with apparatus of the most approved and modern construction. There is also a Library of some twelve hundred volumes, to which the students can have access. A Normal class is in successful operation, and hereafter such a class will probably be a prominent feature. Next term will begin Tuesday, December 10th, prox.

     Two strangers, driving a one-horse buggy, came into town last Sunday evening, and being ignorant of the street improvements of our city Council, in getting into the road from the Square, opposite "Cadot's," upset their conveyance, breaking one of the shafts. No other damage done. If we had a few more public lamps around the Square, such accidents might be avoided, and the comfort and convenience of all greatly accommodated.

A Good Work
     The U.S. steamer Greenback, accompanied by a snag boat, has been engaged the last week in getting out the old wreck of the steamer Venture. This wreck has been lying in front of our landing for years, until a bar has formed, that is a serious obstruction to navigation. Its removal, even at this late day, will be a great benefit.

     The city committee, in behalf of the Railroad enterprise—Messrs. Jackson, Livesay and Onderdonk—have been very actively engaged the past week, and have been met by our people, with but few rare exceptions, in a manner to show their full appreciation of this great enterprise. Most of them have subscribed liberally of their means, and stand ready to give even more, rather than that the enterprise shall fail. With such a spirit as that on the part of all, there could be no failure in the matter. The city subscription now reaches over $100,000. Let the work go on. Let city and country wake up fully to its importance, and we have no fears as to the result.

The Gallipolis Journal
October 31, 1867

Fourth Virginia Reunion
     At a reunion of the members of the 4th V.V. I., held at Gallipolis, O., in pursuance of a call previously published, Maj. Henry Graham was chosen President and D. A. Russell Secretary. A committee of five was appointed to report a plan for a permanent organization. Their report was received and adopted, which is as follows:
     1st. This organization shall be known by the name of the Society of the 4th Virginia Infantry Volunteers.
2d. The organization shall be officered as follows: A President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Sergeant-at-arms, and a Board of Directors consisting of three persons. The following named persons were elected officers for the ensuing year. Major Henry Graham, President; Lieut. Jas. A. Hazelton, Vice President; D. A. Russell, Secretary; Donald McDonald, Treasurer; E. R. Rogers, Sergeant-at-Arms, Major J. R. Philson, Capt. W. L. McMasters, and Robert Dike, Directors. Col. J. L. Vance was invited to address the Regiment at the next reunion.
     A motion was passed that a vote of thanks be extended to the citizens of Gallipolis, for their magnificent dinner provided for the regiment by them.—A motion was then passed that the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Cumberland, Athens, Charleston, Pomeroy, Pt. Pleasant, Gallipolis and Ironton papers. On motion the meeting adjourned to meet at Pomeroy, O. on the 3d Wednesday of November 1868. Major Henry Graham, Pres't., D. A. Russell, Secretary

     A match game of base ball was played, in this city, last Saturday, between the Live Oaks and Swiftfoot Clubs, for a prize of a Bat, offered by Capt. Jno. Delille, of the Gallia Club. The Live Oaks were victors by a score of 27 to 23. Both of these clubs are made up of our juvenile population, still their playing was very fine, and in some respects would have been no discredit to older hands.

     Personal—Our young friend, Thos. Cherington, Esq., is home on a flying visit. He has commenced the practice of law in our neighboring city, Ironton, with good prospects. May he have plenty of paying clients.

     Look Out for Thieves—The cellar of one of our citizens was entered Saturday night, and a lot of wine and provisions carried away. We have heard of a similar act of thievery committed lately. Have your cellars and out houses securely fastened, if you wish to secure their contents from those who are too lazy to work for a living.

     Accident.—Geo. W. Jackson, Esq., Cashier of the 1st National Bank, was thrown from a buggy last week and badly bruised. He and Mr. H. M. Onderdonk were in the buggy, and the horse, becoming frightened at some repairs on the road, turned and ran, throwing the occupants out. Mr. Jackson fell against a fence, receiving a bad hit on the head. Mr. Onderdonk escaped without injury.

     The overland travel between Gallipolis and Portland, has been quite heavy during the low water season, and our Livery men have kept their hacks busy carrying passengers. Some dastardly scoundrel, last week, cut the harness of one of Mr. Wm. McCormick's teams, on the trip here from the Railroad, causing great inconvenience and delay to the passengers. Any one guilty of such a mean trick deserves a berth in the penitentiary. No one from this city is chargeable with the outrage.

The Gallipolis Journal
November 21, 1867

     A young man by the names of Hayes, son of Mat. Hayes, residing in Addison township, accidentally shot himself on Monday, producing almost instant death. He was out hunting, and in trying his gun to see if it was loaded, placed his foot on the hammer, when it slipped, discharging the gun, and shooting the young man in the head.

     Rev. R. Breare, of this county, was severely bruised and injured by a railroad collision, near Cincinnati, a short time since. The accident occurred on the Indianapolis and Cincinnati road, and is thus related by the Cincinnati Commercial. Mr. Breare was in the detached car, and besides other bruises, had one foot severely injured. The express train due here at 8 o'clock was coming along at a rapid speed, two hours behind her time, upon which she had been gaining rapidly. The latter train had been whistled to, to give the track at a certain switch, but the other came upon it much sooner than had been looked for—as they were making a sharp curve. Even then no accident would have occurred had not the couplings of the leading train been broken, by the sudden increase of the speed of its engine, leaving the last car at the mercy of the express train engine. The engineer of the latter did his best to stop it; but did not fully succeed. The result was that it plunged into the lone car, making a complete wreck of it.—Very fortunately, as it happened, none of the dozen passengers in the car were seriously injured. Three of the men were somewhat bruised, and all were terribly shocked and frightened; but no bones were broken.

     The meteoric display, last Thursday morning, was very brilliant in various sections of the country. As many as 1,500, and in some places as many as 3,000, were counted, within an hour's time. They were the most frequent between the hours of 3 and 5. Here they were visible to some extent, but the display was not as fine as in many other places.

     The expenses of the Union school, for the year ending the first of last September, were $7,732.53—the receipts were $4, 653.44. Of the receipts, $2,395.20 were received from the State, and the balance from local taxation. Of the expenses, $2,699.71 were expended in repairs and the erection of a new school building for colored scholars.

The Gallipolis Journal
July 9, 1868

     Mrs. Elizabeth Harbour, widow of Ben. F. Harbour, desires to obtain evidence of the death of said Ben. F. Harbour. He was wounded at the battle of Cloyd Mountain, 9th May, 1864, taken prisoner and died a few days afterwards in a rebel hospital. Any information relative thereto, transmitted to Lewis Newsom, Gallipolis, who is prosecuting her claim to a pension, will be thankfully received by ELIZABETH HARBOUR.

     THEODORE UFFERMAN was a private in Capt. Cassaday's Company, 8th Reg't VA. Vols., taken Prisoner at Lynchburg, 9th June 1864, and died in Andersonville prison in December following. His ancient father is prosecuting a claim for the additional bounty, and proof of death is required to establish the claim. He therefore requests any of the men who were captured at the same time, and know of the death of said soldier, to communicate the fact to Lewis Newsom, Gallipolis, Ohio, who is prosecuting said claim.

The Gallipolis Journal
August 27, 1868

     James M. Dalzell, late private 116th O. V. has sent forth a stirring letter to his old comrades in behalf of General Grant and Peace. We copy one paragraph which forcibly presents the whole matter in a nut-shell, to wit: "Let us not be deceived. Whoever votes the democratic ticket this fall, votes for a party that fired upon the flag, shot down our brothers in Andersonville, and to-day are trying to destroy the Union. Whoever votes for Seymour, votes to raise up the boys in gray, and put down the boys in blue."

The Gallipolis Journal
September 3, 1868

     The Public Schools of this city open next Monday. The following is the list of Teachers, to wit: Prof. H. J. Caldwell, Superintendent; Miss Emma C. Hartwell; Miss Hannah U. Maxon; Miss Mary E. Hamilton; Miss Electa P. Bradbury; Miss Ada Hutsinpiller; Miss E. Frank Coffin; and Miss Artie A. Green.
     New seats, besides other attractions, have been placed in the High School Room, adding much to both its convenience and appearance. Under the care and management of Prof. Caldwell, this has become one of the best graded schools in the State.

The Gallipolis Journal
October 1, 1868

GRAND UNION MEETING. Outpouring of the People Tuesday. Gallia County out in Full Force. 3,000 PERSONS IN ATTENDANCE. Grand Procession, Good Speaking, and A Good Time Generally.
     The Union meeting held on Tuesday at this place, was the largest political gathering Gallipolis has been the scene of, since the days of "ye olden time," when all the country was wont to gather together in barbecue, and a political meeting was the great event of the year. At an early hour the crowd began pouring in from the country, many townships coming in procession with martial music. The meeting, although not so large as the monster demonstration held at Pomeroy, was remarkable for being composed almost entirely of Gallia county people, and is therefore a cheering index, that old Gallia at the election is going for Grant and Wilson with a rousing majority.
     The procession was formed about 10:30 A.M. and began its march. It was headed by a large wagon designed and decorated by Mr. Chas. Vanden and Dr. Clancey, and which, beautifully adorned with evergreens and covered with public mottoes, carried 37 beautiful girls, representing the States of the Union. In the centre, on a pedestal, and supporting the stars and stripes, stood a lady, who most charmingly represented the Goddess of Liberty. The Gallipolis Brass Band followed this, and then succeeded an interminable procession of people crowded into wagons, on horseback, or on foot, and interspersed through it at intervals, were bands of martial music, while every wagon carried a flag, or some banner, with inscriptions patriotic or humorous. An organization of carpetbag-men caused much merriment. The procession was about four squares in length, and made a fine display.
     Flags were strung across Second street at the intersections of Court and State, with streamers bearing the inscription GRANT, COLFAX AND WILSON. A large flag was strung across the street, between the Court House and American House. topped with the motto GRANT AND VICTORY. The display of the national flag, from almost every store and dwelling in the city was lavish and worthy of notice. The speaking began in front of the Court House after dinner, the principal orator being Hon. A. F. Perry of Cincinnati, a gentleman, who has seldom sought an office, but an earnest advocate of Union principles for their own sake, and one of the ablest speakers in the State. He held the large crowd with closest attention for over an hour, while in a powerful argument, he showed up the history of the Democratic party in the past, its course in the war, and its position in the present canvass. He dissected the Democratic platform adopted at N.Y. word for word, exposed their revolutionary programme, and explained in a most happy manner, the fallacy of their financial programme. Hon. H. S. Bunday was present, but reserved himself for the evening. Hon. Mr. Phelps, of West Va., closed with a short speech. We regretted the absence of Gen. Wadsworth, who had promised to be present, and was accordingly announced, but Mr. Perry's speech was satisfactory to all, and caused the absence of the other distinguished gentlemen to be little noticed.
    In the evening, Hon H. S. Bundy, addressed a very large crowd in the open air, with a speech replete with argument and running over with fun and stories. Capt. Smith, of Charleston, W. Va., followed in a short speech, the crowd holding on with great good humor till a late hour. Gen. Powell also spoke a few minutes, firing another shot or two at Morehead.
     The crowd that turned out, shows our people to be stirred up to the occasion. Coming as the meeting did, just at a time, when every farmer is busy, and the loss of a day is a great sacrifice, we were agreeably disappointed in seeing so large a turn-out from the country, and the most encouraging sign about it was that the whole meeting was composed of citizens of old Gallia, and not swelled by people from other counties.
     A damper was cast over the meeting by a sad accident, that occurred about noon. While John B. Clendenin, and James McClurg, two worthy young men of our city, were engaaged in loading the cannon, fired on the occasion, they met with a severe accident. The gun prematurely exploded, burning and otherwise, injuring them terribly. They were immediately cared for, and a collection was started in the crowd for their benefit.

[NOTE: I found the sentence that begins with Coming as the meeting did...confusing--agreeably disappointed is a strange turn of phrase, but that is what was in the paper. E.]

The Gallipolis Journal
October 22, 1868

     Sad Accident and Death.—John Shepard, a worthy citizen of Huntington township, was killed, while working on a cane mill, on the 13th inst. His head was caught between the beam, to which the horses are attached, and the framework of the mill, and crushed, killing him instantly.

     The "Automatic Clothes Washer" is going off with a rush. Already, in Gallipolis and vicinity, between sixty and seventy have been sold. House-wives shoulld not lose this opportunity to secure the best thing, in its line, of the age. See advertisement.

     Warrants have been taken out, and arrests made, against some seventeen persons of Green township, for combining to prevent "visible admixture" persons from voting. They will have their examination today, (Wednesday) before Mayor Damron.

     The Judges of election, in the 3d Ward of this city, have been arrested for corruption and fraud, in refusing legal votes, and will have their examination before Esq. Kerr tomorrow.

     A belfry is being added to the Episcopal church.

     Mr. L. P. Maguet and Lady celebrated their silver wedding on Monday evening. A number of old friends were present, bringing some beautiful silver articles as gifts in honor of the occasion. An elegant supper, and a serenade from the Grant Band, gave zest to the occasion.

     An important addition, in the way of a belfry, is to be added to the Presbyterian church, and the building otherwise improved and refitted.

     Gallia county is famous for her educational facilities; there are not many counties can boast of more Academies and high schools than she. We insert this week an advertisement of the Ewington Academy, which during the past eight years, has maintained a good reputation, and the success of the many who have received instruction there and have gone forth to engage in teaching or other business pursuits, speaks well for the institution. The Rev. Mr. DeLay, the present principal, is a regular graduate of the Ohio University, and a teacher of several years' experience, and his success in his profession heretofore warrants the belief that the school will continue to prosper under his supervision.

The Gallipolis Journal
November 26, 1868

     The steamer J. N. McCullough was sunk near Madison, Indiana, Tuesday night of last week. She collided with the tow-boat Tigress, tearing the whole side off for 20 or 30 feet, causing her to sink in three minutes, in seventeen feet of water. Two deck hands are missing, and it is supposed they were drowned. The McCullough was nearly a new boat, having been built at Pittsburg in 1867. She was a side-wheeler valued at $52,000, and insured for $35,000.

The Public Square
      Work on fencing the Public Squarre was commenced last week, but we are sorry to say that it has come to a stand still, we trust, however, but temporarily. Some years ago, in 1859, we believe, the city corporation laid out a street through the center of it, one hundred and twenty feet wide, running from Second street to the head of the wharf. Some of our citizens claim that the laying out of this street was a proper and legal act, and that it cannot now be closed to public use. Hence, they have put an injunction on the further progress of the work until the courts decide this street question. The matter will come before the Common Pleas Court this week.
     The right of the city to fence and improve the Public Square, for a park or pleasure ground, has been before the Courts before, and the decision was in favor of that right. It went through all the courts, to the Supreme Court of the State, and the decision of that court of final appeal is found in the second volume of the Ohio State Reports. It was rendered in the spring of 1853. [This is followed by two entire columns on the matter.]

The Gallipolis Journal
December 31, 1868

     In May 1818, the movement for the establishment of a newspaper, in this place, was begun. The following paper—in the handwriting of the late Nathaniel Gates, the original of which is in our possession, and for which we are indebted to the family of the late Robert Warth, Esq., explains the incipient steps of this movement:—"The subscribers, believing that a Newspaper published in the Town of Gallipolis, if skillfully edited and well conducted, would greatly tend to diffuse general and useful information, and would add to the growing importance of this flourishing Village, and the country that encircles it; and understanding that Mr. Joshua Cushing, is possessed of skill, capacity and industry to conduct such an establishment, to the full satisfaction of the community, though destitute of resources to secure its full accomplishment [. . .] (signed) Edw. W. Tupper, Jacob Kittredge, Jno. P. R. Bureau, Robert Warth, Nath'l. Gates, John Sanns, C. R. Menager, N. S. Cushing, George House, L. & C. Shepard, Thos. Rodgers, Francis LeClercq, J. W. Devacht, L. Newsom, C. Etienne, Sam'l. F. Vinton, Rene Carel. Gallipolis, May 21, 1818."
     Of these prominent citizens of this town, whose names are signed above, all are dead, except one. Gen. Lewis Newsom, still a resident of this city, is the only survivor. [. . .] The paper was first issued in November of that year, and from that time to this, with but few interruptions, it has been a weekly visitor to the firesides of the people of this city and county. We annex the names of the publishers, from the commencement to the present, and in the order in which they served the public, to-wit: Joshua Cushing, ______Tingley, James Harper, Sen., J. J. Coombs, A. Vance, Vance & Nash, Wm. Nash, James Harper, Jr., R. L. Stewart and W. H. Nash.
     The building in which the first paper was printed is still standing, although its location has been changed. It is the one on Second street, next above Messrs. Bailey & Hayward's Drug Store, the residence of the late Henry Miller. At that time, 1818, it stood on the lower side of the Public Square, on the lot now occupied by the brick house of Franklin Carel, Esq.
     The first press was home-made— built under the superintendence of Mr. Joshua Cushing—the frame wood. With slight alterations and improvements it was kept in the office and used up to 1839, when the first patent lever press was brought into use. That was kept in use until about two years since, when one of Wells' Superior Cylinder presses was bought to take its place. In like manner, the first issue was small, and printed on the very inferior paper of that day—brown and rough—but its improvement in size and mechanical execution has kept pace with the advancement of the country, until now it is one of the largest country papers in Southern Ohio.

The Gallipolis Journal
January 7, 1869

To Soldiers, Gallipolis Post Office, Jan. 5, 1869
     Soldiers Medals for the following named persons, and yet unclaimed, remain in this office, viz:
Jonathan K. Casto, Alexander C. Blackway, Levi W. James, Edward Kennedy, Martin L. Dawson, Ephriam Hanlin, Orin Montgomery, James Franklin, all of Ohio Regiments. Also, one for Henry Slaughter, of W. Va. Regiment.
     The above will be retained for a short time longer, and if not claimed, will be sent to Adjutant General of the State.
                       Wm. S. Newton, P. M.

The Gallipolis Journal
January 14, 1869

     BURGLARY - The store of Messrs. W. C. Miller & Son was entered by thieves last Wednesday night. The entrance was effected by cutting a hole through the weather-boarding in the rear of the building. There was taken $16.50, currency in the drawer; one bolt of farmer's satin, a bucket, and a few pounds of sugar, the whole amounting to about $40. The large safe of the firm bore evidence of having been tampered with, but no entrance was effected. The thief came nearer his end, that night, than probably ever before. A spring gun was connected with the door leading from the back room, into which the entrance was effected, to the store room. The cap of the gun was found exploded, thus showing that the thief entered that way, and that by an accident alone was he saved from receiving the heavy charge of the gun.—We hope that he, or the community, whichever you please, will have better luck next time.

     BURGLARY - The house of R. K. Sisson, on Fourth street, near the old Paper mill, was entered by burglars Monday morning about 2 o'clock. It is not known how they effected entrance, but they probably made their egress through a door in the rear of the house as it was found unlocked and partly open. They ransacked three trunks, strewing the contents about the room, but no articles of value missing except about $28 in money—$25 taken from one of the trunks, and about $3 from the pants pocket of W. S. Sisson, who was awakened by feeling a man's hand on his face. He raised the alarm, but the thief made good his escape.

     THE MOUNTAIN BOY - Among our Kanawha river packets one of the best, fastest, pleasantest and most accommodating, is the Mountain Boy. We have had occasion to take several trips on her lately and know whereof we speak. Under the management of Capt. Newton, with Messrs. Moore and Oakes in the office, she is not only deserving but receiving her share of public patronage. Messrs. Martin and Hamilton at the wheel and engine, and Len. Morris as mate, insures the safety of both passengers and freight, while clean berths, a good cook, and the very excellent table spread by the young steward, Fred. Bovee and his assistants, make the Mountain Boy an excellent boat to travel on. Our friends can't do better than to try her. She makes close connection with the fine steamer Fleetwood at Gallipolis.

The Gallipolis Journal
January 21, 1869

Mail Robbery
     Our eastern and western mail, which left Portland station for Gallipolis, Tuesday morning of last week, was robbed about six miles back of here on the afternoon of that day. It was in charge of Abram Colby. On Wednesday, the mail, driver and horses all being missing, a search was made for them. All except the driver were found in the woods, to the right of the road, about one mile this side of Rodney. The mail bag had been cut open, and every letter bearing a three cent stamp opened and rifled of its contents. Money and valuables were carried away, but the letters and envelops [sic] were left scattered over the ground. Our postmaster has had them examined, and so far as possible, re-mailed to the parties to whom they belong. It is supposed that not over fifty dollars in money was taken, twenty of which was counterfeit.
The carrier, Abram Colby, was undoubtedly the robber. He has not been seen since the robbery. He was a young man of about 22 years of age, about 5 feet 8 inches in height, light hair, and dressed in butternut heans. He was a rebel soldier during the war, and represented himself as from Marshall county, W. Va. He had been on the route about two weeks, coming here from Portsmouth.

     Mr. William Walker, of this city, after an absence of some seven weeks, returned home last Wednesday. He brings with him the remains of Geo. B. Rader, son of Mr. James W. Rader, of this county, who died at Austin, last October. He was a soldier, and belonged to Company I. 17th Regiment, U. S. I.

     Coroner Wall, last Friday, held an inquest over a dead infant found in a privy vault on Fourth street. The jury came to the conclusion that it never breathed. Its mother is unknown.

     A young daughter of Mr. A. T. Daywalt, of this city, between two and three years old, was seriously, though not dangerously, burned last Monday. Its clothes caught while playing about the fire, during the temporary absence of the mother, and but for her timely return and presence of mind, the consequences would have been much more alarming and sad. As it was, before the child's garments could be removed, she was severely burned about her side and face.

The Gallipolis Journal
March 11, 1869

     Petitions are in circulation in many places, asking Congress, in view of the fact that experience has shown that no artificial leg, however well made, will bear usage for more than one year, to pass an act authorizing the proper authorities to furnish all thus disabled soldiers, with new artificial limbs once every five years at least. This is a worthy object, and should meet the considerate attention of our lawmakers. Let us not forget the maimed soldier, now that the war is over. His sacrifice of a limb in behalf of the integrity of the Union should be continually remembered.
     Mr. Isaac W. Clinger, a one-legged soldier, will, in a few days, call upon our citizens for their signatures in behalf of this noble object. We hope none will refuse him.

The Gallipolis Journal
March 18, 1869

Crown City
     This is the name of a new town, recently laid out, twenty-one miles below this city and thirty-nine miles from Ironton. It has heretofore been known as "Hell's half acre."—Great improvement has taken place in this locality within the last year, and it is now, in every way, as good a neighborhood as any in the county. A friend writing us says:—"Now, we have a good Sabbath school—a church organization—and a good flour mill. Mr. Hiram Rankin has laid out his farm into town lots, and houses are going up rapidly. We want a blacksmith, wagonmaker, and carpenters. A prime place to make and sell brick. Also, a good opening for a Doctor. The prospect is good to make this a city. We have the Greasy Ridge country to back us, and have the grant of a pike to that neighborhood." We hope the friends of Crown City may not be disappointed in their anticipations of its future progress and importance.

The Gallipolis Journal
March 18, 1869

[The following entries were from the Gallipolis Journal, March 18, 1869 and were reprints from a letter given to the Journal by one G.D.H. from Pomeroy. The letter was apparently published exactly as it was received from the sender. The letter contained excerpts from the 1819 newspaper edition as well as some comments added by the sender. The July 9, 1819 Gazette was one of the earliest newspaper editions published in Gallipolis. At the time of this Journal article it was just after the 50th anniversary of the very first Gallia Gazette which was published on March 26, 1819.]

"On Monday last the Light Infantry Company, under Capt. Newsom, paraded in honor of the day. After a number of evolutions, they marched to the Court House, where the Declaration of Independence was read, and an interesting address delivered by Capt. Newsom. At half past two o'clock the company with many of their fellow-citizens, sat down to an excellent dinner, prepared by Mr. Cushing, at the Rising Sun Tavern. A number of patriotick toasts were drank, and the company retired at an early hour." [. . .] From "General Orders," bearing date "Gallipolis, May 10, 1819," and issued by "N. S. Cushing, Brig. Gen. 1st Brigade. 2d Div. O. M," the counties of Lawrence, Meigs, and Gallia, formed the First Brigade, and that each county formed a Regiment; Meigs the 1st, Lawrence, the 2d, and Gallia the 3d; all to complete organization and to conform to the provisions of the law of the State passed Feb. 14, 1815."

Capt. Newsom referred to in the above quotation is our venerable friend, Gen. Lewis Newsom, now 84 years old, and the only person of twenty, now living, who put in each twenty dollars to buy the printing materials upon which the Gazette, from which I am now quoting, was printed. Capt. Newsom became Gen. Newsom after Gen. Cushing, and held his position until he resigned some five years after his election, if I am informed correctly. The Rising Sun Tavern at which Capt. Newsom's Company took dinner on the Fourth of July, was then kept by Harry Cushing, and is the brick building first above the residence of Judge Nash, on Front St., and was for many years known as the "Our House."

James Blake—Was a House Joiner, and has a son Samuel and two married daughters, at my last accounts living in Gallipolis. His widow I believe is also living, but I do not know her residence.

Levi Booth—Father-in-law of Capt. Blagg, of the steamer Ohio No. 4. He had a son Levi, a Presbyterian preacher, and for many years was a teacher in the Old Gallia Academy.—He was the first teacher the writer of this went to school to in your city, and I have brilliant recollections of feeling the rod in his hand. I believe he is still living, and my last knowledge of him was in Indiana.

Abraham Lasley—Lived above Gallipolis, was a farmer, and was grandfather of the Treasurer elect of Meigs county, D. H. Lasley, Esq. and of William H. Lasley, Probate Judge of this county, and of Abraham Lasley of Rutland township, also of this county, and a farmer.

Daniel M'Quaid—I believe was the father of "Ben." M'Quaid, now living near Gallipolis.

Jno. Newton—This name many of your readers will remember as the person who always reserved "wheeling distance." I mention this because of his eccentricity. I knew him well—he was a kind hearted man, and at the time of his death was a citizen of Lawrence County. He was the father of Capt. James Newton of the steamer Mountain Boy, Capt. Wm. Newton, of your city, Dr. O. E. Newton, of Cincinnati, and Dr. R. S. Newton, of New York City, and Mr. Editor, he was the builder of the house your office is now in.

Ed. Reynolds—Was an Englishman—his sons Edward, Henry C. and William, and his daughter Ada, a great many of your citizens will remember. His Grand-daughter lives within a short distance of where I am now writing [Pomeroy, Meigs County].—She is married.

Welling Westlake—Nearly all your old citizens will remember him. He moved to Illinois a great many years ago. His residence when I knew him was opposite the old jail building, corner of State and Fourth streets, and has recerntly been occupied as a boarding house by Mr. Sisson. I think it is now the property of Jno. Cating, Esq.

Jacob Fetzer—Was a tanner, and his residence the frame building opposite the parsonage of the M. E. Church.—I believe it is still standing.

Martin Gross—I understand he is still alive and lives on Campaign creek, in Gallia county.

Samuel R. Holcomb—He was the father of Gen. Ansel T. Holcomb, of Vinton, Huntington township. He was Sheriff of Gallia county at the time this "Gazette" was printed. I find the property of three persons advertised by him as Sheriff as follows: A carding machine, the property of Jno. V. Brown, at the suit of Edward McIntyre. Also, one mare, the property of James Humphries, at the suit of Jessie Austin. Also, one horse, the property of James McLasky, at the suit of Jessee Hudson. Mr. Holcomb, while Sheriff of Gallia county performed one official duty that no other Sheriff of that county ever did. He carried out and completed the sentence of the law upon a murderer. He executed James Lane for the crime of Murder. The place of execution is not far from the Apollos Ward corner, near the Wash. Viney livery stable, "up town," if I remember correctly.

V. Northup—I understand that this person was uncle to Mr. Northup of the firm of Northup & Smith, Clothiers, of your city.

The above names are all the names in the list of letters advertised that I can give account of. The advertisement is signed "Francis LeClercq, P.M." Mr. LeClercq was the grandfather of Francis and James LeClercq, of the woolen factory in Gallipolis.

I find there were a great many stray horses in those days, as there were five advertisements to that effect. Where horses were taken up as strays the appraised value ranged from three dollars to eighty.

George Payne—then living at the Mouth of Campaign, advertised for a stray mare. Geo. Payne and the late Matthew Walker, of your city, whom most of your citizens today will remember, were brothers-in-law. Mrs. Payne is still living, and if my memory serves me right is now ninety years, or close to that good old age. Her residence is at Porter, Springfield township. She has a son, George, now resident there, and a merchant; also a daughter, Mrs. Rose, who resides there. James J. Payne, of your city, is also her son.   *[Note at the end of the article stated that Mrs. Payne had died some three weeks since.]

In the mercantile advertisements, I find one of Mr. Charles Creuzet, who had a general stock of goods. His place of business is located by the advertisement at the "lower end of the public square, between Front and Second streets." If my information is correct the building he then occupied is the little brick near Mrs. LeClercq's residence, which is on the lower corner of the Public Square, at the head of the wharf. When Mr. Creuzet first started in business in your city he had but a very meager stock and made cigars, as well as sold groceries. For a pattern of energy and industry, he is certainly a model. At that day he was a poor man. Today he is one of your wealthiest and most respected citizens. He was also one of the founders of the woolen factory in your city.

Nathaniel Gates—Advertised hardware, glass, whiskey, and farming utensils generally. It seems from the advertisement he was agent for Joshua Seney. He would sell in quantity or by retail.

The Secretary of the Gallia Academy—Lewis Newsom—advertised that the Gallia Academy would open on the 24th of July; that the senior department would open under the direction of the Rev. Wm. R. Gould. The terms of tuition could be ascertained by application to Gen. E. W. Tupper.—Samuel Burrell, a graduate of Harvard University, had supervision of the junior department. Gen. Tupper's residence now stands upon the upper side of the Public Square—is a brick building, one part used for a boot and shoe store, the other for a millinery store. Rev. Gould was the minister of the Old School Presbyterian Church.

David Irwin—Advertises for sale 2,250 acres of land, known as Boon's Lock Tract in Mason County, Virginia, "on the road from Gallipolis to Charleston, Kanawha." This Mr. Irwin is of the same family of Irwins now living in Springfield township, Gallia county. Most of the land is still owned by members of the family.

Peter Chapdu—Was engaged in the "saddle, cap and harness making business;" also, had in addition thereto a stock of groceries. This gentleman was the father of Mr. Edward Chapdu, now of your city. He died a few years hence, and Father Breare, of Vinton, preached his funeral sermon in "Christ Church," Gallipolis.

Reuben W. Holcomb—Constable of Huntington township, offers reward of $5 for Abel M. Sargent, who had been arrested in action of "Trovee and Conversion," and broke custody. The advertisement says he possessed "a great share of impudence,"—'talked much,' and sometimes passed for a Halcyon Preacher."

The Gallipolis Journal
April 8, 1869

     Tardy justice is being done to the men who, during the war, were, for insufficient reasons, subjected to military discipline and censure. Doubtless many such cases arose which have never yet been set right. A case that has recently received the attention of the President, and resulted in the restoration of a deserving officer to his rightful place upon the military records of the the country, is that of Col. John C. Paxton, of the Second West Virginia Cavalry. Col. Paxton went into the service originally with the Eighteenth Ohio Infantry, and was active in securing the organization and recruitment of the Second West Virginia Cavalry, into which a number of the boys of the Eighteenth O. V. I. went after their three months' term of service had expired. By an order of the War Department, based on information received from a superior officer, Col. Paxton was unjustly dismissed [from] the service, and subsequent efforts to have the error corrected proved unavailing. General Grant has investigated the case since his accession to the Presidency, and by his order, Col. P. is restored to his rank and honorably discharged from the service. The many friends of the gallant Colonel in Southern Ohio will be glad to learn [balance hidden in a crease]. From the Cincinnati Chronicle, 22d.

For the Gallipolis Journal


Col. John Roadarmour Last week a kind friend wrote a pleasing obituary of Col. John Roadarmour. Had it been correct in the main, this notice would have been a work of supererogation. Jacob Roadarmour, his father, with his family, removed from Shenandoah, in Va., on or about the year 1798, to Greenbrier county, and continued to reside there until on or about 1803, when he, with Christian Tyler and Abraham Hutsinpiller, emigrated and located in Gallia county, in the immediate vicinity of Gallipolis, where each purchased lands, and by dint of industry soon made the wilderness to blossom like the rose. John Roadarmour, son of Jacob Roadarmour, was united to Barbara Tyler, in the year 1808, and the next year located on a tract of land he purchased on Clay Lick, in Gallia county, where each one performed their part nobly, and soon they were living in independence and at ease.
     In June, 1812, the United States declared war against Great Britain, and in September following, volunteers were called for to repel an expected invasion of Ohio by the British and Indians from Canada. At a regimental muster held on the Public Square, in Gallipolis, an appeal was made by Gen. E. W. Tupper to the patriotic community of Ohio, to rally immediately to march to the headquarters of the Northwestern army, to repel an expected invasion, and in defence of sailors' rights. John Roadarmour was the first man who marched out as a volunteer, and was followed by men enough to form two companies, when John Roadarmour was unanimously elected 2d in command of a company of volunteers, and marched to the tented field at Fort McArthur, in Ohio, where he continued in active service until the expiration of his term of service, when that quota of the Northwestern army received the acknowledgements of the Commander in chief for the prompt manner in which they rallied when their services were required.
     Again, in September, following, Ohio was again threatened of an invasion by the British and Indians, John Roadarmour shouldered his gun and mounted his horse, and called on his countrymen to follow; and by the time he reached Franklinton, near Columbus, in Ohio, he had volunteers for two full companies. John Roadarmour took command of some 140 volunteers and marched to Upper Sandusky, where Gov. Meigs met some 10,000 mounted volunteers, ready to repel an invasion of Ohio. But Gen. Proctor, with his Indian allies, deemed it the better part of valor to decline an engagement, from which a signal defeat awaited them. When it was evident that the enemy had retired, Governor Meigs, by proclamation, dismissed the whole body of patriotic citizens of Ohio, who had turned out "en masse," to repel the expected invasion of Ohio, giving them at [the] same time the highest praise for the prompt manner they had rallied when danger threatened. After the war was over and peace restored, John Roadarmour attended closely to his domestic duties and the cultivation of friendship with his friends and neighbors, where he continued to live in peace and quietude until his demise.
     After the prompt and noble part he had acted during the war of 1812, with Great Britain, when a vacancy occurred in the Militia of Ohio, he was unanimously elected Colonel of a regiment, the duties of which he performed with distinguished ability, and much to the satisfaction of his fellow officers. In all the transactions of life, Col. John Roadarmour was proverbially an honest man, much beloved and respected by his neighbors. He never was distinguished as a leader in religious services, but was strictly a religous man, putting full faith in Jesus Christ as a mediator with the Father for the salvation of all who believed in Him. Without any but a common education, Col. Roadarmour made himself useful as a good and exemplary man. L. N.

     A Musical Convention convenes in the Academy Hall, at Cheshire, Monday, May 10th, to be conducted by Prof. A. N. Johnson, of New York. The exercises will consist of twelve lessons, and continue four days. The whole to conclude with a Public Entertainment, on Friday evening, March [sic] 14th.
Ample provision will be made to entertain members free of expense. All friends to the cause of Music are cordially invited.
     The arrangements are in the hands of an efficient committee—Messrs. A. O. Mauck, A. D. Guthrie, and G. D. McBride—and the public may confidently expect the occasion to be one of unusual attraction, and of great interest and pleasure.

     The new woolen manufacturing Company—Messrs. Waddell, Blazer & Co.—let out a portion of the contracts for the building of their Factory, last week. Mullineux, Lawson & Co., have the contract for the window, sash and door frames; Timothy Mitchell for the frame work, and Henry Morton for the brick work.

     The colored Baptist Church, of this city, had baptismal services last Sunday. Thirty-one persons were baptised—10 males and 21 females. The services took place at the upper landing, at the foot of the Island, and were conducted by the Revs. John B. Steptoe and Wm. Craddock. The revival meeting has been in progress since January, and altogether some 49 new converts have been added to the church.

The Gallipolis Journal
April 15, 1869

     A typographical error occurred in the notice of Col. John Roadarmour, published last week. He married "Barbara Syler" instead of "Barbara Tyler" as we had it.

     A bold attempt was made to enter the dwelling house of E. Deletombe, Esq., President of the First National Bank, last Friday night.—In the first place, his favorite dog was disposed of by poison, so that he might give no warning note of the work that was to be done. Work was then commenced for an entrance—five slats were cut out of one of the blinds, and the window was being raised, when Mr. Deletombe was awakened by the noise, and jumping out of bed, alarmed the thieves, and they left suddenly. It was a bold attempt at robbery, if nothing more, and was the work of no mean hand at the business.

The Gallipolis Journal
April 22, 1869

     The city authorities have purchased, for pound purposes, the lot on 4th street, opposite the gate to the Cemetery, known as city lot No. 381. If people miss their cows and hogs, they will undoubtedly find them there.

     The four horse team of R. Aleshire & Co., pulled up the wharf, a few days since, twenty-eight barrels of wheat, equal to near 7,000 pounds, or three and a half tons.

     The Fire Engine was out for trial last week, and performed admirably. All we want to make it a success is water. In this respect our city is very deficient, we having no public cisterns.

     The total indebtedness of the city of Gallipolis, at this time, is about $40,000. There was paid the past year, on orders and bonds, the sum of $18,821.59. At that rate, it won't take a long time to pay all we owe.

     Geo. Willliams was arraigned, before Mayor Damron, on Monday, for an assault on an old man named Sweeny. Williams was held to answer to the Court of Common Pleas in a bond of $200.

The Gallipolis Journal
April 29, 1869

     The Jews of this city have rented and fitted up the large room in the second story of Leopold Frank's block, on the corner of Court and Third streets, for a Synagogue. It is to be dedicated tomorrow (Friday) evening. The exercises will, no doubt, be interesting.

     Capt. A. M. Halliday, of this city, formerly of the Golden Era, will soon have another boat. She is being set up at Millersport, Ohio. The boat will be a sternwheeler, calculated to carry 1,800 bales [of] cotton, and is intended for Red river. Her hull will be 145 feet long, beam 36 feet, 5 1/2 feet depth of hold. Her timbers are to be extra heavy, and she will draw near two feet light. She will have a full length cabin.

The Gallipolis Journal
May 6, 1869

     Everybody knows that Vanden & Sons are famous for turning out the best work, in their line, of any firm in Southern Ohio; but still we cannot help saying that the two jobs turned out by them this past week—one a light top buggy, weight less than 300 pounds, for a Mr. Wells, and the other a two-seated carriage for our well-known fellow-citizen, Mr. A. F. Henking—show that they have lost none of their skill in style and workmanship, and that they are determined to maintain their renown, as carriage makers, to which they are justly entitled.

     The body of a man, supposed to be drowned, was taken from the river, near the mouth of Chickamauga creek, on Sunday evening. Coroner Wall was immediately notified, when he summoned a jury and held an inquest. The body had been in the water such a length of time—probably two or three weeks—that it was impossible to identify it. It had the appearance of being that of a young man—about 5 feet 10 inches high and dark hair. It was dressed in two coats, one heavy and the other light—black velvet vest, and dark pantaloons. Nothing found with the body except a knife and sundry photographs. These latter are in the possession of Dr. Wall, the Coroner.

     A dramatic company, at St. Louis, have [sic] chartered a steamer for five months, and will sail along the Ohio river, exhibiting at different towns, commencing May 10th.

     The Robbers Caught. As is well known to our readers a number of burglaries have been committed, in this city, during the past six months, the perpetrators of which were altogether unknown. But last week a portion of the prowling, thieving crew were unearthed, and are now in jail awaiting the demands of the law. The parties arrested are known as Sanford Page and wife, colored, living on Spruce street, near Front. Suspicion became fixed upon them last Friday—a search warrant was obtained from Mayor Damron—placed in the hands of Marshal Langley, and a search made of their premises. Property was found which was identified as belonging to Z. Denny, W. C. Miller & Son, and E. Deletombe, furnishing strong circumstantial evidence that Page and his wife were the parties who had committed the burglaries. On Saturday they were brought before Mayor Damron, and being unable to show that the goods came honestly into their possession, were sent to jail, (being unable to give bond in the sum of $300) to await the action of the Grand Jury.

     Capt. John Knox, the builder of the famous steamer Ohio No. 4, is lying ill of flux at his residence, at Harmer.

     Recorder C. W. Cherington, having become the purchaser of the firm of his deceased father, and it and his mother requiring his attention, has removed to it. He leaves the office in the care of Mr. J. C. Vanden, who is thoroughly qualified, both by education and experience, to perform satisfactorily its duties.

     J. M. Kerr, Esq., of the firm of Walker & Kerr, has been appointed Inspector and Gauger of distilled spirits under the Internal revenue law. The new law is very strict in its requirements, and dealers, for their own safety, should become conversant with it. Mr. Kerr has the regulations and instructions applicable to dealers and manufacturers, and also the stamps required for use.

The Gallipolis Journal
May 20, 1869

     Dr. S. C. Bailey sold his household goods at auction last Friday, and left today (Wednesday) for Columbus, his new home.

     A few days since, in cleaning off the brick yard, across the creek, at the lower end of town, the dead body of an infant was found, covered with some two feet of earth. Decomposition showed that it had been buried some time. No clue to its identity.

     We had the pleasure of a visit from the Rev. R. Breare, on Tuesday. He is just returned from a visit to friends in Massachusetts, having been absent some two months. He will preach in this city Sunday week.

     Capt. J. B. Boggs, a former resident of this city, but now of Alabama, has been here some days on a visit to old friends. He left today (Wednesday) for his Southern home.

     The steamer Beardstown leaves St. Louis this week, for the Ohio river, with a ballet troupe of seventy-five girls, under the charge of W. T. Davey, who propose to play the "White Fawn" at river towns.

     The firm of Cochrane, Greenwood & Co., Painters, has been dissolved, Greenwood retiring. The business will be continued by Cochrane & Johnson.

     Gallipolis Egg Market. Dealers cannot do better than dispose of their eggs and produce to Messrs. F. P. Kohen & Co., and get the money, and avoid the delay of awaiting returns. Messrs. Kohen & Co. are making the egg trade a special part of their business, and have their eggs sold in New York on arrival. We would recommend Dealers to give them a call before shipping. Corner Court and Second streets, Gallipolis.

The Gallipolis Journal
June 10, 1869

     The fine steamer Mountain Belle has entered the Cincinnati and Kanawha trade, making weekly trips. She will leave on her first trip next Saturday, and hereafter regularly pass down every Saturday evening, and up early every Wednesday evening. Passengers and shippers will find Capt. James Newton in command, a sure guarantee of accommodation and dispatch. The other officers are as follows:—Clerk, John Kerr; Pilots, Phillip Dodridge and John Reynolds; Engineers, Martin and Summers; Mate, Harry Bays; Steward, Mark Smith—a choice competent crew.

     The colored Division of the Sons of Temperance, in this city, celebrated the anniversary of its organization last Friday. The exercises consisted of a dinner, address and procession. The colored brass band of Parkersburg, W. Va., was in attendance, and furnished some excellent music.

     John Dages' residence was entered last Saturday night, his bedroom visited, and his watch and pocket book carried away. The watch was a valuable one, but the money obtained only amounted to twenty cents. The entrance was effected through a back door, from a second-story porch, and by the use of "nippers." The family knew nothing of the burglary until the next morning, although Mr. Dages and other members were sleeping in the room from which the stolen property was taken. It was a bold affair. No arrests.

     The towboat Kanawha, Capt. J. H. Summers, passed down Monday with a large tow of coal, from the mines of the Coalburg Company, Kanawha. Since the first of January last, this company has sent out one hundred and twelve barges, containing in the aggregate near 1,000,000 bushels. Capt. Summers [. . .] has done all the work, and has not lost a single barge the entire season.

Grand Larceny
     Frank Wyersmiller and Edmund Ralph were before Mayor Damron, on Saturday, charged with stealing sundry lines from boats at our wharf, the property of Jonathan Hamilton and others. They were caught by Mr. Hamilton in the attempt to sell them, some miles below the city, and brought back here under arrest. They gave bond for their appearance at the next term of the Court of Common Pleas.

The Gallipolis Journal
June 17, 1869

Baseball - We had thought this game played out here, but it seems we were in error. Last Saturday, a match game was played between the Vegate Club, of Millersport, and the Live Oaks, of this city. The former club was victorious, the score standing 120 to 42. The Live Oaks have the material for a first-class Club—all they need is practice. The laurels will yet come to them, if they but train themselves in the school of the game.
     A Base Ball match will be played Saturday, June 19th, 1869, between the Little Champion B.B.C. of Pt. Pleasant, and the Live Oak B.B.C., of Gallipolis, on the grounds of the latter.

Fire excitement Monday - Straw pile, in the lot of Mr. A. Henking, caught fire by hot ashes being thrown upon it. Amount of damages—none; amount of good—exercise for those who occupy steps and store boxes.

The Gallipolis Journal
June 24, 1869

     G. W. Weaver and W. G. Parmley, of Ohio township, this county, were taken to Cincinnati, last week, and arraigned before Commissioner Halliday, on the charge of selling whisky without a government license. They were required to give bail in the sum of $500 for their further appearance on July 6th.

     Base Ball
- A match game was played on Saturday, between the Champions of Pt. Pleasant, and the Live Oaks, of this city, on the grounds of the latter. The Champions were successful, the score standing 42 to 25.

     The Gallipolis Building and Loan Association, having secured ten per cent, of the amount of its stock, as required by law, met at the Court House, last Saturday evening, for the purpose of an organization. A committee was appointed to draft Articles of Association. These will be submitted for discussion and adoption at an adjourned meeting, to be held at the same place, this (Thursday) evening. All members of the Association should be present, as well as all others who desire to become such.

     Rev. A. Morrison, of Louisville, Ky., and Mr. John Morrison, of Davenport, Iowa, are in the city on a visit to their old home and its associations.

     Attentive Pupils - In No. 5, at the Union school, the following pupils attended during the entire year without being absent or tardy: Maggie Halliday and Cora Hutsinpiller. The following attended two terms without being absent or tardy: Jennie Cherrington, Martha Meikle, Dora Wade, Theodore Livesay, John Cromley and John Dages. The following attended one term without being absent or tardy: Flora Shank, Eliza Thorn, Sarah Ralph, Emma Logue, Thomas Walker, Harvey Sanns, Charles Fenner, Millard Hamilton and Charles Summers.

     The Dufour House is now in better repair than ever before, and its landlord, Mr. Dunn, is as kind and agreeable a man as you will find anywhere.

The Gallipolis Journal
July 1, 1869

     Messrs. Zerr & Steipel have rented the fine business room of friend Harper, on Court street, for a Merchant Tailoring establishment.

     A new Post Office has been established at "Clipper Mills," to be known by that name. Mr. Stephen Cottrell is postmaster. It is supplied by the river route—steamer Victor No. 3—Capt. Rucker, route agent. It will prove a great accommodation to that section.

     On Tuesday, a boarder at the Valley House, under the influence of delirium tremens, jumped from the second story window to the ground, a distance of some fifteen feet, fortunately, however, without serious injury. Subsequently he was taken to the "lock up" for safe keeping.

     Capt. Donaldson, late of the steamer Great Republic, on trial for a week past at St. Louis for murder, has been acquitted.

     Mr. Lang Halliday has sold his interest in the Ohio No. 4 to Capt. Blagg, and clerks, Newsom and Donnally, each one-third. Mr. H. owned 9-38ths—price $9,000.

     Mr. Charles Henking returned home from his European trip last week, accompanied by his two daughters and a nephew.

     A colored deck hand, on the Emma Graham, was drowned at the wharf Sunday afternoon. He fell into the river from the boat, and being unable to swim, was drowned before assistance could reach him.

The Gallipolis Journal
July 8, 1869

     Donation - The Rev. Walter Mitchell and wife, of the 1st Presbyterian Church, have donated thirty-six volumes to the Library of the Sabbath School, connected with that Church. This donation is the practical result of the happy thought, conceived by them, that the little private fund of their recently deceased daughter Anna, amounting to about twenty-seven dollars, which she had been saving from time to time, from the gifts of her friends, to invest in some permanent manner for herself, would suit her wishes best invested in this way. She loved the Sabbath School, and often lamented that the Library could not be more frequently replenished with good books for the children. Finding great enjoyment in Sabbath School books herself, she wished others to have them also. The selection is a choice one, and we trust they will prove a blessing to the children. The motto inscribed in them is, "Yours in Love, Anna."

     Mr. J. R. Smithers, above town had a saddle, blanket and bridle stolen from his premises Sunday night.

     Dr. D. S. Jones writes us, that he cannot go to Rodney, to locate, as he had advertised he would. We make the statement at his request.

     The Universalist Church, in this city, have [sic] secured the services of Rev. R. Breare, and will hereafter have preaching regularly every Sabbath. Mr. Breare will, in a short time, remove to this city and make it his permanent residence.

     The Sexton of the Cemetery, Mr. James McLaughlin, reports the number of burials for the three months ending the 1st. inst., as follows, to wit: Whites, 8; Colored, 5, for a Total of 13. This is undoubtedly a good report for a city of 5,000 inhabitants.

     Lieut. C. C. Aleshire, U. S. A., arrived here Monday evening, on a visit to home and friends. For the past year he has been stationed at Fort Jefferson, Dry Tortugus.

     William Brown was before Mayor Damron, on Monday, for disorderly conduct, and fined $5 and costs.

     A man by the name of Barrett, whom Sheriff Blazer attempted to arrest, on Saturday, resisted that officer, causing thereby quite a skirmish and a large crowd; but the Sheriff kept his hold, and with the assistance of ex-Sheriff Campbell, walked the prisoner off to jail. Barrett was under indictment for riot and assault and battery.

The Gallipolis Journal
July 15, 1869

     Reports reach us of a sad affair in Perry township, Sunday night. They are to the effect that Mr. Charles Prose, was shot and mortally wounded by Mr. A. B. White. They are brothers-in-law, Mr. Prose having married a sister of Mr. White's—and the difficulty originated in an improper intimacy on the part of Prose with an unmarried sister-in-law. The reports which come to us of the shooting and its attending circumstances, are very contradictory, and, as we know not where the truth lies, we shall not repeat them. It appears, however, that Sunday night, about 9 o'clock, White went to the house of Prose, and, calling him out, shot him, the ball taking effect in the bowels. His recovery is considered an impossibility. White made his escape.
     The parties are young men, and well known in that section of the county. Mr. Prose is a son of the late Rev. J. P. Prose, of Green township. Mr. White we have known for many years—served faithfully in the army during the late war—was Clerk of Perry township, and a young man of good character and habits. Since the war he has been engaged in teaching school.

     We are indebted to Mr. T. J. Maupin for a copy of the "Nebraska State Journal," published in Lincoln, the State Capitol. Our friend, we understand, has located there, and has gone into the Grocery business. Mr. Maupin will be recollected, by most of our readers, as, for many years, the kind and gentlemanly clerk in the house of Mr. Geo. W. Cox of this city. We wish him abundant success in his new field of labor.

The Gallipolis Journal
July 22, 1869

     We learn that Mr. Prose, the victim of the shooting affair in Perry township, noticed by us last week, was alive on Sunday, with strong hopes of his full recovery. White has not been arrested.

     Gallipolis is now the best wheat market along the Ohio river. Our mills are all in good order, and running full time. Prices for wheat are higher than in Cincinnati. The Ironton mail packet Ironwood, running in the place of Victor No. 3, while that boat is being repaired, brought to our wharf, Monday evening, over fifteen hundred sacks of new wheat.

     The side walk on the lower side of the Public Square, from Second to Front street, is being cut down to the new grade. This is an important thoroughfare, and the public will be glad to see it completed and a smooth pavement laid.

     A couple of suspicious looking charactere were seen prowling about the premises of one of our Third street citizens, Monday night, and upon being commanded to halt and give account of themselves, took to their heels, followed by three rapid shots from a revolver. We haven't learned what damage the scoundrels sustained.

The Gallipolis Journal
August 5, 1869

     W. C. Miller, Esq., and Lady, celebrated their silver wedding—a quarter century of wedded life—on Monday evening, at their residence in this city. The occasion brought together a large number of the friends of the family. During the evening, the family and visitors assembled in the spacious parlors, where they were richly entertained, for a few minutes, in some remarks by the Rev. Walter Mitchell, appropriate to the time and its associations, and closing with prayer. Then came the supper—rich and bountiful—and afterwards dancing by the young folks. Altogether, it was an occasion of rare enjoyment and pleasure. May the kind and hospitable couple be spared, with all their children and friends around them, to celebrate their golden wedding.

     Mr. Roman Menager has sold his interest in the Buckeye Foundry and Machine Shop. Mr. Hugh McGonagle, recently of Charleston, W. Va., is the purchaser.

     In July, three steamboats were destroyed by fire, two sunk, and accidents happened to five.

     Dr. D. R. Fletcher, formerly of this county, was elected City Physician of Covington, Ky., last Monday. He ran on the Citizens Ticket, in opposition to the regular Democratic ticket.

     Mr. A. O. Shepard, harvested on his farm, opposite the mouth of the Kanawha, from four acres of ground, over two hundred and forty bushels of oats—an average of 60 bushels and upwards to the acre. We call that a good yield. They were sold on the place at 50 cents per bushel.

     Sheriff Blazer sold the Baptist Church on Saturday, to Geo. W. Stubbs, Assignee of S. T. & R.Langley, for $2,416.67. Geo. W. Stubbs, Assignee of S. T. & R. Langley, sold, on Monday, the dwelling house lately belonging to R. Langley and now occupied by Mr. Blackaller and Mr. Mollohan, to Mrs. Sarah B. Langley, for $2,500.

The Gallipolis Journal
August 19, 1869

     The great Circus of Noyes opens next Wednesday, August 25th. The Circus tent will be put up on Mr. Creuzet's lot, at the foot of Second street.

     Two of our colored citizens—Geo. Armstrong and Wesley Starks—because Starks wanted the wife of Armstrong—got into a difficulty Saturday night, near town, the result of which was that Starks was severely cut about the abdomen. The cutting occurred in the fore part of the night, and was so extensive that the bowels came out, and he walked some distance, the next morning, in search of medical aid, supporting the protuberance in his hands. Chloroform had to be administered before they could be put back, all of which was skillfully attended to by Docts. Mills and Newton. He is now in a fair way to recovery.

The Gallipolis Journal
September 9, 1869

     Mr. Wm. Shober, we understand, has purchased the LeClercq property on the Public Square, adjoining his present premises, fifty-six feet front, having on it the brick dwelling house. Price, $10,000.

     Monday was one of the great holidays among our Jewish fellow-citizens, being the first day of the new year, according to their method of computation. Business was suspended among them, and the day given up to appropriate worship and other exercises peculiar to the occasion.

     Mr. Philipp Weimer has purchased and removed to the well known stand at the corner of Locust and Second streets, lately occupied by Guthrie Bros., where he continues his Bakery and Grocery business.

The Gallipolis Journal
September 30, 1869

     Mr. Wesley Smithers, well known to many of our citizens, died at his residence in Ross county, Ohio, last Friday. He was a son of the late Rev. David R. Smithers.

     James Haines, a negro, was shot while attempting to enter a house of ill-fame in the upper part of the city, on Saturday night. The bullet entered his breast, inflicting a dangerous wound.

     Read the thrilling narrative, from a speech made by Gen. Geo. A. Sheridan, and published on the first page, of a charge by Ohio troops, lead [sic] by Gen. Hayes, in the Shenandoah valley in 1864. Many of the Gallia county boys participated in that brilliant charge. The 91st Regiment was a part of Gen Hayes' command, the boys of which can bare [sic] testimony to this, one of the bravest feats of the war. Boys, stand by your old commander—he is worthy and brave, as you all know.

     Mr. Laing Halliday has become a member of the firm of Messrs. Waddell, Blazer & Co., the proprietors of the new Woolen Factory. The machinery for the new Factory has arrived, and is rapidly being put in place. It is the hope of the firm to be ready for work in four or five weeks. The engine will be ready for steam this week.

     Mr. Thomas Hill has sold his Foundry to Messrs. Adam Kling and Lewis Mintz. Price, $5,000. The new firm are active, energetic businessmen, and will push things.

     The colored people celebrated Emancipation day at Ironton last Wednesday. A large number went from this city.

The Gallipolis Journal
October 7, 1869

     The residence of Mr. Thomas Hill caught fire, from a defective flue, last Wednesday afternoon. Being near to Aleshire's Mill, where water was plenty, it was put out with but trifling damage.

     The inimitable Dan. Rice, with his own great Circus, will be here on Friday. The tent will be put up on Mr. Creuzet's lot, at the foot of Second street. Go, laugh and be happy.

     Messrs. Enos, Hill & Co., of the Buckeye Foundry and Machine Shop, received the first premium, at the Ashland, Ky., Fair, for their Cane Mills and Plows. This speaks well for the skill and workmanship of this fine firm.

     Hon. John T. Wilson, our member of Congress, while in the city last week, paid a visit to our Public Schools. He was pleased with his visit and with the school, and expressed his gratification at the good order and efficient management which he saw there.

The Gallipolis Journal
October 14, 1869

     H. W. Gilman, Esq., is putting up a fine brick residence, on Second street, above the jail. Its dimensions are 17 feet by 60 feet deep. Mr. James Curry superintends the brick work, and G. W. Horner the carpenter work, a sure guarantee that both jobs will be well done.

     At the school election, last Saturday, Messrs. R. Black and James Vanden were elected members of the Board of Education for the term of three years. No opposition.

     R. L. Stewart, Esq., of this city, sent to the Congressional Library, Washington city, a few days since, some valuable old papers.—They were boxed volumes of the "Gazette of the United States," published at the National Capital, and also, of the "Franklin Repository," published at Chambersburg, Penn., during the years of the war of 1812. In after years they will prove valuable references for those who wish to learn of the past.

     Gas Company Organization.—The incorporators of the "Gallipolis Gas and Coke Company" met at Wm. Nash's office, on the 9th inst., and organized by calling Wm. Nash to the Chair, and appointing E. S. Aleshire Secretary. There were present—Wm. Nash, P. A. Sanns, Wm. Shover, and E. D. Aleshire.
On motion, it was
     Resolved that the books of the Company now be duly opened, in accordance with the provisions of the law on this subject, to enable persons to subscribe for stock in said Company.
     Resolved that S. Salomon, Esq., be appointed Agent of said Company, and hereby is authorized to solicit and receive such subscriptions.
     Resolved that the Secretary give due notice of the action of this meeting through the various city papers.
     On motion, adjourned. Wm. Nash, Pres't., E. S. Aleshire, Sec'y.

The Gallipolis Gas and Coke Company
     Any enterprise which has for its object the promotion of public good deserves the cordial support of all enterprising citizens. For this reason we should give all aid to S. Salomon, Esq., in raising the amount of stock requisite to insure the success of this enterprise. [. . . ] For more than three years, the works erected by Mr. Salomon, in Maysville, Ky., have been in successful operation. [. . .] In Paris, Ky., also, Mr. Salomon has carried his project into successful operation, and that place is now rejoicing in the metropolitan luxury of gas lights. [. . .] Then the question is, do the citizens of Gallipolis want gas-lights. This question, we think, will be answered almost unanimously in the affirmative. His past success leaves scarce a doubt that he can, in less than one year, do for this city what he has done for Maysville, Paris and other places.

The Gallipolis Journal
October 28, 1869

     The work upon our streets is progressing as rapidly as the weather will admit. It is feared, a portion of it may have to remain unfinished until next season. Every effort is being made to complete those sidewalks most extensively used, and if our citizens residing along the west side of Second street, will turn in and complete paving according to the ordinance, for which there is yet time, the comfort of pedestrians will be thereby greatly promoted.

     Mr. Salomon informs us he has secured subscriptions to the Stock of the Gallipolis Gas Co., amounting to upward of $16,000, and desires us to inform our citizens that by subscribing a few thousand dollars more, they can acquire a controlling interest in the management of the work. It is very desirable this interest should be held here, and trust our citizens will come forward promptly, and secure it. Let us have light, and speedily.

     A two horse wagon belonging to a Mr. Darst, of Cheshire, backed over the river bank, at Pomeroy, last week, breaking the wagon badly.

     The fall races over the Gallia county course commence to-day, and the lovers of fine stock, are likely to have a pleasant time. The prospect for fair weather is good, and as the managers have devoted much time and pains to render all things pertaining to the meeting, a complete success, it is expected the public will duly appreciate it and patronize it accordingly.

     The attention of our readers is called to the advertisement of Mrs. Wm. Jeffers, formerly Miss Snodgrass. As an oculist she stands deservedly high, and persons suffering from disease of the eye, would do well to consult her without delay.

The Gallipolis Journal
November 4, 1869

     The National Census will be taken next June. Every farmer will be asked for a concise and acccurate statement of land occupied by him, the number of acres, and the amount of each crop raised during the year. As these reports will be called for in June, it will be necessary to give in the crops gathered this fall. Let farmers now write down, while fresh in mind, the number of acres under cultivation, the number of acres of each kind, the amount per acre, and the gross amount. The milk product also, and the amount of pork, beef, etc., will also be asked for, as well as all kinds of fruit, etc.

     RODNEY, O. Oct. 14, 1869. Rev. S. B. Mathews: Dear Sir: In as much as you are soon to leave us, and go to another field of labor, therefore, we, the undersigned, in order to express our kind regards for you, as well as our high appreciation of your course while among us, do herewith present to you a complete set of "Clark's Commentaries." Trusting that they may prove a source of great pleasure and profit to you, and with a heartfelt wish that you may be the means, in the hands of God, of doing much good to mankind, we subscribe ourselves your friends. J. C. Thompson, L. D. Koontz, S. F. Soles, John Owens, Wm. R. White, Wm. Topping, Wiley Hill.

     WILKESVILLE, O. - Oct. 9, 1869. Mr. Editor: Allow me, through the columns of your paper, to return thanks to the kind friends, for the invaluable Offering of Friendship of which I have been the receiver. And while I shall strive to profit from the instruction contained therein, hoping that your best wishes for my success, in the vineyard of the Lord, may be fully realized; while I shall implore the blessing of God, and the guidance of the spirit in my own behalf, remember that my prayers will still ascend unto the Father of Spirits, for your well-being in this world, and for your salvation in the world to come. With feelings of gratitude, I am truly your friend, S. B. Mathews

     Mr. Henry Blazer, of Green township, suffered a severe loss, last Wednesday night, in the destruction, by fire, of his establishment for the manufacture of Sorghum molasses. He loses the building, evaporator, tools, and about 300 gallons of molasses—everything except the mill. Loss over $400. The fire is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary, as the premises bore evidence of having been visited.

     Rev. Walter Mitchell announced the good news to his congregation, last Sabbath morning, that a sufficient number of the Presbyteries of the two branches of the great Presbyterian church have voted in favor of re-union to make the measure a certainty. Every N. S. Presbytery, thus far voting, has voted in favor of re-union, while of the O.S. Presbyteries that have voted, only two or three have voted against re-union. The re-union will be fully and permanently consummated at the meeting of the Assemblies, in Pittsburgh, this month.

     The subscriptions to the stock of the Gallipolis Gas and Coke Company now amount to upwards of $18,000. The question of Gas is, therefore, settled. But the question of a controlling interest in the management of the works is not settled. The capital stock of the company is $40,000, and if our citizens desire to control the affairs of the organization, they must come forward with a few thousand more subscriptions. Mr. Salamon is anxious that the controlling interest should be here, but he has other points to canvass and can remain here but a few days longer. The stock will be taken—if not by our people, by parties abroad. Let us act promptly and secure the management. Mr. Salamon has labored hard and faithfully in behalf of this enterprise—more to the profit of our people than to his own—and for it he has not only their thanks, but has won their esteem and confidence.
The City Council, next Tuesday evening, we understand, will take into consideration the question of subscribing to the stock of the Gas Company. Should the question meet with favor there, then the amount of the subscription will be fixed, and the matter submitted to a vote of the people.

     Col. John C. Paxton, of Marietta, well known as commander of the 2nd W. Va. Cavalry during the first years of the war, was in the city last week. He met many friends and comrades here, who were right glad to see him.

     Our obituary column contains the sad announcement of the death of Mrs. Holcomb, wife of Gen. A. T. Holcomb, of Vinton, this county. She was a most estimable lady—full of good words and works—and her death will be mourned by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance.

     The Court of Common Pleas met on Monday, Judge W. B. Loomis presiding. The following Grand Jury was empaneled: William Waddell, foreman; Anderson Neal, James E. Caldwell, John Williams, Charles Walter, William Price, John M. Cherington, James Craig, James W. Slagle, Jacob Holley, Aaron George, W. O. Thompson, Alexander Barcus, David Griffith and William F. Butler. This body was in session near three days. Some sixty witnesses were examined, and a large number of indictments found. But little business has as yet been done, owing, mostly, to parties not being ready, absence of witnesses, &c.
     The following is the Petit Jury: Phineas Matthews, Charles Wood, Henry Neal, L. A. McComber, L. W. Mauck, C. B. Robinson, G. W. Swisher, Thomas Wetherholt, Jas. W. Williams, William H. Bryan, John Price and John H. Sheets.
     We notice the following Attorneys in attendance: Judge W. W. Johnson, of Ironton; Colonel A. Cushing, D. B. Hebard, L. Perry, C. J. Menager, Simeon Nash, Simeon Nash, jr., Joseph Bradbury, T. W. Hampton.

The Gallipolis Journal
November 11, 1869

     We omitted last week to notice the death of Mr. Elijah Berry, of Addison township. He died Sunday week. On Friday previous he went to his orchard to gather apples. He was alone. A short time afterwards he was found laying [sic] on the ground partially unconscious. He was taken home and died as we have stated. Mr. Berry was one of our best citizens—honored and respected by all his neighbors. His age was 73 years.

     Joseph Harrop, Druggist, of Leavenworth, Kansas, dropped in upon us Monday, looking the picture of health and activity. He is here on a visit to home and friends. He brought with him some Kansas potatoes, the raising of P. S. Menager, a well known Gallipolis boy. They are known as the California Russet, and are a fine specimen of the potato plant. One of them weighed two pounds and nine ounces. Thanks.

     On Friday last the fine brick dwelling of our old friend, Mr. James Riggs, of Clay township, was destroyed by fire, originating from a spark from a chimney, falling upon the roof, and firing the shingles. The men were not at the house at the time, and when the alarm was given and they assembled from the fields, it was too late to save the devouring element. A large number of active neighbors soon arrived, and with almost superhuman exertions, the walls and much moveable property was saved. Mr. Riggs, like all prudent men, was insured [. . . ] and his full loss on the building was settled on Tuesday. [. . .] Mr. Riggs loses also, considerable on the contents of the house, which were uninsured. His furniture was not of the make believe order, as one bureau was thrown out of an upstairs window and picked up unhurt.

The Gallipolis Journal
November 18, 1869

     W. W. Fisher has sold the property known as the Star House, on the Public Square, to J. C. Shepard, the Dry Goods dealer. Price, $7,000.

     Capt. Blagg and chief clerk Newsom, of the Ohio No. 4, came home Sunday, the boat being laid up at Cincinnati on account of low water. She will be out again as soon as water will permit.

     It should be remembered that soldiers, or their heirs, will not receive any bounty money that may be due them, uless they make application for the same on or before the first of December next.

     At the woolen exposition at Cincinnati, last August, it will be recollected that Messrs. LeClercq & Co., of the Union Woolen Mills, of this city, received the first premium for the best sample of jeans. They have just received the premium, in the shape of two beaufiful medals—one silver and the other bronze—both inscribed alike, to-wit: Face side: "Exposition of Textile Fabrics, Cincinnati, August 1869: Awarded to LeClercq & Co." Reverse side: "Encourage Home Industry. August, 1869." In the centre of each medal is a carved loom skillfully executed. These medals are on exhibition at Woodyard's Jewelry Store. That our mills stood first, in the manufacture of jeans, at an exposition where the entire West was represented, speaks well for the character of their work. It is a credit to the town as well as to Messrs. LeClercq & Co.

The Gallipolis Journal
November 25, 1869

     Thanksgiving day was generally observed by our citizens. The union services at the Presbyterian church were well attended, and the sermon, by the Rev. Mr. Davis, was able and appropriate. There were confirmation services at the Episcopal church, by Bishop Bedell, which were likewise well attended.

     Judge Logue has sold the Calohan property to Mr. Henry Bell, of Jefferson county, Ohio. Price, $10,500. Mr. Bell is the son-in-law of our well known citizen, Mr. John Priestley.

     Mr. J. H. Guthrie, at the mouth of Swan Creek, gathered this fall 1840 barrels of apples. The steamer America had one shipment from him last week of 805 barrels.—Ironton Journal.
     Mr. Guthrie resides in Gallia county, and is one our best farmers. As a fruit grower, he stands A No. 1, and has established a reputation for fair dealing that few possess. His fruit is carefully assorted in his orchards, and each quality packed by itself and so marked. No "deaconing" a few choice apples in each end of the barrel, and balance inferior, but all according to mark. His A No. 1 apples cannot be excelled and purchasers may rely on the brand. Our climate and soil are admirably adapted to fruit culture, and with a few more "growers" like Mr. Guthrie, who will regard quality as of the first importance, Gallia county fruit will always find a ready market.

     Capt. Ike Thompson, late of the Edinburg, has bought the steamer W. F. Curtis, and is having her overhauled at Middleport, prepatory to a trip South.

     A Festival will come off at the colored M. E. Church, commencing Thursday evening, and closing Saturday evening. The proceeds are for the benefit of the church.

     The people are fast becoming acquainted with those clever and enterprising steamboatmen, Capt. Sickles and Clerk McFarland, of the Victor No. 3. In a late trip the boat registered nearly two hundred passengers. When their new boat comes out, the crowd will be larger.

The Gallipolis Journal
December 2, 1869

     The tow-boat Condor, in coming down Sunday morning, with a large tow of loaded coal barges, ran on to the head of Gallipolis Island, sinking one barge, grounding two, and sending adrift the balance. The loose barges were subsequently picked up, and the grounded ones pulled off, when, with one barge less, the steamer went on her way down the river.

     Our young friend, Cyrus Mollohan, has gone to Marion county, Kansas, to try the cattle business.—He goes upon a farm of 1280 acres of high, rich prairie land, recently purchased by his father, Charles Mollohan, Esq., of this city. Success to Cyrus.

     Judge W. H. Morehead, editor of the Dispatch, died in this city this (Wednesday) morning. [Balance unreadable except for the word consumption.]

     At a late election in Lincoln county W. Va., Mr. William T. Alexander, a former resident of Patriot, in this county, was elected Superintendent of Free Schools, on the Republican ticket.

The Gallipolis Journal
December 16, 1869

     Mr. Henry Holcomb, the Butcher, left his shop for a few minutes, last Wednesday, locking the front door, and when he returned it was found some petty thief had entered the back way, and robbed the money drawer of some $10 or $15. No arrest.

     The scholarship in the Ohio University, to which Gallia county is entitled, was granted to Evan J. Jones, of Raccoon township.

     The money drawer of Mr. Adam Uhrig, the Grocer, was lifted of its loose change, some ten dollars in amount, last Thursday. Suspicion rested upon a man by the name of Wm. Dale. He was arrested, taken before Mayor Damron, pled guilty, was fined $20, and sent to jail for ten days. Seven dollars and fifty cents of the money was recovered.

     A stranger, stopping temporarily at the Valley House, had three hundred dollars stolen from him while asleep, in his room, Monday night. His room mate, also a stranger, was suspected of having taken it. He was searched, and on his person were found two packages of money corresponding in all particulars with the lost ones. The suspected gentleman claims that it is his lawful money, and not stolen.—However, Marshall Langley took possession of the money, and holds it for a more certain identification.

The Gallipolis Journal
December 30, 1869

     Mr. N. Atwood, whose death we announced last week, left no will. Under such circumstances, there being no children, the property descends to the widow, to be by her disposed of in such manner as she may desire.

     Mr. Eugene Donnally, of this city, left Cincinnati, on Saturday, on the steamer Alaska, for New Orleans, for his health. He has been suffering for some months. We trust he may return wholly recovered.

     Mr. A. L. Langley, of this city, has become chief clerk of the steamer Curtis, Capt. Ike Thompson, for many years the popular commander of the Edinburg. The Curtis, after being thoroughly refitted, passed down last week for Red River, between which country and New Orleans, she will hereafter run.

     The friends of Rev. F. S. Davis, pastor of the M. E. Church, surprised him, last Wednesday evening, by calling at his residence in large numbers, and bringing with them substantial evidence of their love and respect for him as a man and as a teacher. The result was a donation, in money and goods, to the amount of about $115. It was a very pleasant occasion, and was worthy of both the givers and the receiver.

     Christmas was as lively as usual. Fire crackers, pistols, guns and whisky were marked incidents of the day. Though there was some boisterousness, yet fun and good humor predominated, and no serious complaints were made by the police. Christmas had its usual share of balls and parties. At Aleshire's Hall and at Weibert's, the young people had a good time, enjoying the music and the dance until an early hour Christmas morning. The former was a Fancy Dress party, and was characterized by excellent order and management. Both were well attended, and orderly conducted.

     The Improved Order of Red Men, a new benevolent organization in our city, propose to hold on the evening of the 6th of January, 1870, a social party and dance, at their Wigwam, in Henking's Hall, for the benefit of the Tribe. A cordial invitation is extended to the friends of the Order, including Odd Fellow and Masons, to join with them on the occasion, and thus aid in the good work of benevolence. [Signed] C. H. McCormick, John DeLille, R. Aleshire, Jr., Com.

The Gallipolis Journal
January 6, 1870

     A sad accident occurred at Allison's mill, on Raccoon, on Monday. The miller, Mr. John Hullins, [see note in the January 20 entry below] took the skiff to set Mr. John Rader across the creek, when, by some means, the skiff became unmanageable, and went over the dam, drowning Hullins. Rader was saved. The body had not been recovered on Tuesday. Hullins leaves a wife and three children. He was about 40 years of age.

     The Festival by the ladies of the Episcopal church, last week, was a decided success, in every respect. It afforded rare enjoyment and pleasure, and netted a very handsome sum for the church.

     We had an alarm of fire Friday morning, about half past ten o'clock. It proceeded from the business house of Mr. Alex. McIntyre, corner Court and Third streets. The fire caught in the roof of the building, but, being immediately discovered, it was extinguished without doing any material damage.

The Gallipolis Journal
January 20, 1870

Shocking Accident
     We have a few particulars of a sad accident which occurred in Perry township, this county, on Tuesday. A child of Mr. J. H. Carter, some three years of age, was so badly burnt that, probably, death alone will end its sufferings. How the accident occurred is not certainly known, as both its mother and father were out of the house at the time of its occurrence. When discovered the child was laying [sic] on the floor covered in flames. Water was immediately thrown upon it and the fire extinguished, but too late, probably, to save life.

     One hundred cords of wood, on Gallipolis Island, and belonging to E. Betz, were carried away on Monday last by the high water—probably total loss.

     The body of the drowned miller at Allison's mill, on Raccoon creek, was recovered last week.—His name was Henry Helms—a single man—and one highly respected in the neighborhood. [This appears to correct the name and marital status from the first notice on January 6.]

     A mulatto boy, Sunday morning, fell into the river, in passing from the lower to the upper wharfboat. Fortunately, in fallin, he caught hold of one of the large head chains of the boat, and thus saved his life.

The Gallipolis Journal
January 27, 1870

     The wharfboats broke from their fastenings, Sunday evening, and would probably have gone off down the river had not the steamer Mountain Boy been present, with steam up, to prevent it. As it was, after some little excitement, the boats were safely secured.

     A few days ago, two professional gentlemen of this city, walking along the road near the village of Rodney, met another of our citizens—a cattle driver—driving an exasperated bull. The bull offered battle to our pedestrians. One of the gentlemen prudently climbed over the fance, but the other, having heard of animals being intimidated by a bold, stern look, tried the experiment. The result was a stern chase, and a stern hook. That part which usually goes over the fence last, went rapidly in the advance—a revolving body describing a parabola, and landed in a neighboring field. Proof, that one skilled in the art of extracting teeth, may be completely up ended by the insertion of a horn. It is said that a claim for damages, proffered against the dealer, (and referred by him to his better half, for adjustment,) failed, because the Dr. refused to exhibit the damaged articles. The dealer ought to pay for mending the pants.

     The following card explains itself, and is a worthy tribute to one of our liberal and benevolent citizens. Go thou and do likewise.

Mr. Editor—The Trustees of Gallipolis township have received from Mr. C. C. Weibert a nice barrel of Flour to be distributed to the needy and destitute of our community.—This is not the first manifestation of Mr. Weibert's regard and humane feelings for the poor and needy that dwell among us. On behalf of those destitute ones, we thank Mr. W. for his prayer for the poor and needy in the shape of a barrel of flour. The flour can be found at the Probate Judge's office in the Court-house. Come and receive while it lasts.

The Gallipolis Journal
February 10, 1870

     See notice of change in form of R. Bell & Co., Portsmouth.—Mr. A. P. Kerr, formerly of this county, and for four years past connected with the house of Rumsey, Roads & Reed, has become a member of the firm, and will give to its interests the activity and energy so characteristic of him. This is an old house—over twenty years of successful business—and has a right to the public confidence.

     The new boat of Capt. Sickles, of the Victor No. 3, will soon be in the water. Her owners hope to have her ready for the trade by the first of April. She is of fine model, and will be finished in good style, making her a first class packet for the Ironton and Gallipolis trade. Success to her owners.

     The colored Baptist Church administered the rite of baptism to five persons, by immersion, on Sunday. The services took place from the river landing near the Island, and were witnessed by a large crowd of both whites and blacks.

     Messrs. C. L. Guthrie & Son have made an assignment to Mr. Daniel Mauck, for the benefit of their creditors. From the best information we can get they will be able to pay their debts and have a snug sum left to commence business with again.

     Mr. A. C. Gilder is home on a visit. He is engaged in the express and telegraph business in the North West.

     The Gas Company is pushing forth its enterprise with commendable energy. A lot at the foot of Second street has been secured for the location of the works, and their erection will be commenced as soon as the season permits. The contract for the construction of the works has been given to T. R. Coverdale, Esq., of Cincinnati, a gentleman whose reputation as a Gas Engineer is second to none other in the west. With an average season the works will be completed and ready for use in four or five months. For the success of this important improvement, we are indebted to Mr. S. Salomon, of the Kentucky Gas Company, more than to any other person. His energy and faithfulness secured the stock, and thus gave the enterprise a being. He has been the life of the movement, and it is but justice to a worthy man that we should say so.

The Gallipolis Journal
February 17, 1870

     The new Bounty bill is now being considered by the Senate Military Committee. It was put through the House a week ago without debate. It provides that soldiers who enlisted prior to July 22nd, 1861, for one year, shall be paid the allowance of one hundred dollars. If now dead, the widow, children or parents are to get it. It is said this bill will involve the expenditure of not less than two millions, and may be more than three millions.

     Our new Probate Judge, Henry A. Kerr, Esq., entered upon his duties last Wednesday.

     Wm. Sharp, Robert Viney, colored, and Levington Sweney, white, were arrested Monday, and tried before Esquire Kerr, for breaking open the house of Emily Vermillion. They were sent to jail to await the action of the Grand Jury.

     Joseph P. Short, of Harrison township, was before Mayor Damron, on Saturday last, charged with counterfeiting, arrested on the affidavit of Andrew Fink. Short was held in the sum of $300 for his appearance at Court.

     Hon. Joseph Bradbury, our member of the Legislature, is in the city attending Court. He will return to his duties at Columbus in about a week.

     The steamer T. J. Picket was sold at Pt. Pleasant, last Wednesday, by the U. S. Marshal of West Va. Capt. Wm. C. Newton, of this city, was the purchaser, price $3500. She was bought for her machinery, which, it is understood, will be put in a new boat the Captain contemplates building.

The Gallipolis Journal
February 24, 1870

     On Thursday night last some miscreants, practical jokers familiarly called, pulled out, across the side-walk on the Square, every movable article they could find—the plows from Walker & Kerr's—boxes, barrels, &c., from Zehring's and Cadot's, and opening one of the doors of the cellar of Calohan's old stand, thus endangering the life or limb of every passenger on the Square. We do not wish to attribute inefficiency to the police force, but as this outrage took place before 10 o'clock, it would appear that the authorities must have been either inefficient or insufficient.

     The following citizens of Gallia county are members of the United States Grand Jury, now in session at Cincinnati, to-wit: Dr. W. W. Mills, James C. Priestley and James F. Irwin.

     On Monday, Sheriff Blazer, with a sufficient posse, steamed up the river with the packet Oriole, a short distance, until he met the towboat Charley Bowen; then, with his assistants, went aboard the tow of that steamer, detached two of her loaded coal barges, and landed them safely at our wharf. The Captain of the Charley Bowen drew his revolver, and threatened serious results, but the Sheriff and his assistants didn't scare worth a cent, and the work went on to the end without any accident or casualty. The coal and barges were the property of the Averill Coal Company, of Kanawha, and were attached in an action of debt, at the suit of Messrs. Aleshire & Co. of this city.

The Gallipolis Journal
March 3, 1870

     In Greenfield township, Gallia county, Ohio, recently, two little children, a boy and a girl, of Richard Evans, were left by their mother playing in the orchard, when the eldest, a little girl, four years of age, wandered to a creek which the heavy rains of the night previous had much swollen. The child's absence being discovered by its mother, the alarm was given, and after a search of an hour and a half, the dead body was discovered lodged in the branches of a willow tree which hung in the water, about three hundred yards below the point where the little girl had walked into the water. Ironton Journal.

     The Gallipolis Post Office Case.—Of this case, in the United States Court, in Cincinnati, the Times of that city, of Monday, says:

The trial of Ed. S. Newton, of Gallipolis, charged with robbing the mail, was called up and by mutual agreement postponed until the April term, and the witnesses discharged until that time, and perhaps finally, as there does not appear to be anything in the case.
     The M. E. Church, in this city, under the pastoral care of Rev. Mr. Davis, an efficient worker in the Master's cause, is evidently feeling the tidal wave of religious awakening which is sweeping over several parts of the country. Meetings are held nightly, are well attended, and intensely interesting. Let the good work go on until all shall be interested.

The Gallipolis Journal
March 10, 1870

Our Railroad

     After much necessary time spent in preliminary arrangements, the committee appointed by a meeting of citizens to inaugurate the railroad movement, have had filed a certificate of incorporation. The certificate was filed in the office of the Secretary of State on the 3d, and the organization is known as the Gallipolis, McArthur and Columbus Railroad Company, with a capital stock of $1,500,000 in shares of $50. The corporators are—H. S. Bundy, of Jackson county; Andrew Wolf, T. B. Davis, J. W. DeLay and Daniel Wills, of Vinton county; and Edward Deletombe, Charles D. Bailey, Wm. Shober and Lewis Muenz, of Gallipolis. The road is to extend from Gallipolis to Logan, via McArthur. At Logan it connects with the Hocking Valley Railroad, thus making a short route from the mouth of the Kanawha river to Columbus, and the great and growing Northwest. [This is followed by speculation on the benefits of the railroad, and the specific miles from one town to another.]

     In the Ohio Legislature, March 1st., Mr. Bradbury presented the petition of 31 citizens of Ohio township, for a law authorizing sub-school district No. 2, in said township, to become a seperate [sic] school district.

     This well-known club will give their first Soiree on Tuesday evening, March 15th. Tableaux and Plays will make up the Programme of the evening. Our young friends have formed the club within the last few weeks, and have been working with diligence to produce something worthy of the patronage of our citizens, and from what we have heard and seen we expect a very agreeable entertainment. The programme proposed is a judicious selection of pieces, grave and comic, which cannot fail to interest all. "The Trial of Shylock" from the "Merchant of Venice," will be produced in appropriate costume.

     The County Commissioners assembled in regular session Monday. Present, Col. J. M. Clark, and R. P. Porter, Esq. Mr. Powell, we are sorry to learn, was detained at home by sickness. On Monday, the report of viewers in the matter of the petition of John L. Nida, and others, for a county road, was read the first time. The road will probably be established. The contract for the building of a bridge across Indian Creek, near Ridgway's, in Raccoon township, was awarded to Ansel Lawless—$2.50 per perch for the stone work, and $265 for the wood work. The contract for the Barren Creek bridge, in Springfield township, was given to Daniel Glassburn, for the sum of $164. The report of the viewers in the matter of the county road petitioned for by G. A. Ewing and others, continued from the December session, was read the third time, and established. The county Treasury was examined, and found in a safe, healthy condition. Tuesday, the road in Walnut township, petitioned for by W. D. Hall and others, was established. The Board will probably adjourn Wednesday evening, or Thursday morning. A vote on the turnpike question will be ordered for the April election.

The Gallipolis Journal
March 17, 1870

     Our city authorities should do something to abate the crowd of idlers which almost every evening, in warm weather, congregates about the corner of Second and Court streets. At times it is almost impossible for a lady to pass there, and if she does succeed in doing so, it is at the risk of hearing words which she should not hear. Last Saturday evening was one of those occasions. There was not only a crowd, but one man wanted to fight whether or no, and as usual in such cases, was guilty of loud and unbecoming language. The Council, or the police, should look into this matter.

     The certificate of the Gallipolis Building and Loan Association was filed in the office of the Secretary of State on the 13th. Capital stock, $50,000—shares, $200 each. This is an organization of our colored citizens. The corporators are Zachariah Allen, G. S. Jones, Mulligan Conner, Daniel R. Whiting and Madison Bowls.

     We have but little to add to our report last week of the doings of our County Commissioners. Bills to the amount of $1199.68 were passed upon, and ordered to be paid out of the Revenue fund. The Court House yard received the attention of the Board, and the following order was passed:

     Ordered, That the playing of croquet and all other games upon the Court House grounds be strictly forbidden; also that horses and cattle shall be kept out of such grounds. The Sheriff is charged with the enforcement of this order.
     A tax of one mill on the dollar was levied for Bridge purposes. The board adjourned Wednesday noon.

The Gallipolis Journal
March 24, 1870

     Peaches, in a general way, are reported killed by the late severe weather. Mr. James Preston, the largest grower in this county, after a careful examination of his orchard, reports his crop almost entirely destroyed. This is bad news. We dislike very much to loose [sic] this valuable fruit, even for one season.

     Mr. Matthew Lasley, one of the many good citizens of Cheshire township, has sold his large possessions in the township, with a view of removing West. Mr. Isaac Boatman, since the war a resident of Mississippi, is the purchaser. Mr. Lasley will sell his personal property, at auction, on Thursday, March 31st.

     James H. Clendenin, of this city, of the sophomore class of Yale College, has recently obtained a third prize for English composition.

     Sheriff Blazer has three boarders—one for shooting with intent to kill; one for house breaking with intent to murder, and one for insanity.

     The Gallipolis and Kanawha packet, the Kanawha Belle, changed owners Monday night, Capt. Christy selling both boat and business. Price, $10,000. The new owners are Geo. W. Cox, James A. McClurg, F. L. LeClercq and Wayne Kerns, of this city, and William Ripley, of Portsmouth. Capt. Cox takes command, and Kerns attends to the office. The public will find the new officers not only gentlemen, but thorough businessmen. Success to the new company.

The Gallipolis Journal
March 24, 1870

No. 3 in a series of articles called Historical Sketches
     Prominent among the pioneers of our county are such names as Safford, LeClercq, Holcomb, Tupper, and many others no less worthy—men mighty in strength, resolute in spirit and upright in integrity, as the felled forests, the fertile fields, and the lustre of their names bear undying witness.
Col. Robert Safford.
     This bold, active, enterprising pioneer was born in Vermont about the year 1772. He came to Gallipolis with the French emigrants in 1790, and may be said to have been the first English settler of Gallia county. He was among the most enterprising and untiring in his exertions while building up the new settlement. But in common with the majority of the pioneers of Gallia county, the history of most of his adventures and hardships belongs to the unwritten.
     That he was a skillful woodsman and experienced trapper hunter, is evident from the fact that he was engaged by the celebrated Daniel Boone, during a trapping season on Raccoon river, in this county. As it is not generally known to the many youthful admirers of the great Kentucky hunter and Indian fighter, that he honored our own county with his presence, I will give a short account of that visit, as Col. Safford delighted to tell it to his friends.
     At that time, Boone was living at Pt. Pleasant. Having determined to try his luck on this side of the river, he hired as an assistant one Fleming, and they commenced their voyage up the creek, but on arriving as far up as where Thevenin's mill now is, Fleming got sick and was obliged to return to Gallipolis. He recommended in his stead Col. Safford, and Boone hired him. But he proved to be such an agreeable companion and so valuable [an] assistant, that he gave him an equal share in the proceeds of the season's work. Among other things Boone presented him with [was] one of his favorite traps called "Isaac." Boone had all his traps named. They camped at "The Cave," a splendid rock house about one half mile above Adamsville, on Raccoon creek—here they lived for six months, trapping the beaver. They divided up the work so that one went up the creek while the other went down.—The upper limit was "The Rock," an immense gorge of driftwood at the mouth of Strange's run, several hundred yards long. At this time hostilities had ceased on the frontier, and our trappers were not molested by hostile Indians. But once during their absence some prowling band did "pile" things in the camp, and carried off some dried deer skins, probably to make thongs to take away stolen horses from Virginia, a trick which they were well up to at that time. At times they were annoyed by the visits of hungry wolves, and they determined to rid themselves of their nightly serenades. Accordingly, they killed and dressed a deer not far from camp, well knowing that the scent of the blood and offal would attract the wolves to the spot, they set a spare trap in the following manner, intending to have some fun, and, as you will see, they did. Bending down a stiff sapling, they chained the steel trap to it, then by means of a forked stake driven into the ground, the trap and the sapling were held firmly down. But things were arranged in such a way that when an animal sprung the trap the sapling would spring up, and—well, anyone with a lively imagination will see the result.
     All was ready and our hunters were sitting by their evening fire; they heard the dismal howling of the wolves, but they listened for a different sound. It came, at last, a piercing yell of agony, and they hurried to the spot. There, suspended by his hind legs, his fore paws just tipping the ground, was a huge black wolf. It must have been a wild exciting sight, there in the moonlight, to see those glaring eyes, and hear the snapping of his glistening teeth.—But all emotions of pity were quickly changed to irrepressible laughter, when, jumping about in vain efforts to escape, the springing sapling jerked his wolfship high in the air, and swung him to and fro howling with fear, rage, and pain. Tired of the sport Safford raised his trusty rifle to end it. But Boone forbade. "No use wasting powder and lead on a captured wolf," said he, and seizing a handy club he dashed his brains out in an instant.
     In May, 1808, Safford was elected Colonel of the 3d Regiment, Ohio Militia, a post which he filled with honor to himself and credit to his county. He was a member of the first Legislature of Ohio, and frequently represented our county in both branches of that body, afterward. He lived on his farm in Green township where he became a substantial farmer, and was highly respected by all his neighbors. He has been dead several years, leaving a large number of descendants. E.

The Gallipolis Journal
April 21, 1870

     Attention is called to the notice of a grand classical and popular Concert at Alleshire's Hall, next Wednesday evening, April 27th. This promises to be an unusually rich musical feast. Mr. Lewis is a genuine Welsh artist, with a rich, manly voice, of immense compass and refinement. Miss Lewis is an extraordinary firm contralto. Altogether, the occasion promises to be one of rare entertainment to our citizens, and we hope to see the Hall crowded with an intelligent and discriminating audience.

     Capt. Holloway retires from the command of the famous steamer, Fleetwood, having accepted of the Cincinnati agency of the Ohio Salt Company.

     The Kanawha packet, Mountain Boy, came in on Saturday night with one of her smoke pipes down, having during the high wind of that day, been driven into the timber along the bank of the river.

     The Circus, last Thursday, brought a crowd as usual. The balloon ascension was a success. It took an east course, and landed in a cleared field on the Virginia side of the river.

The Gallipolis Journal
May 5, 1870

     But few persons have a true knowledge of the illuminating value of gas. In Ohio, this matter is regulated by law. The act, passed April 6, 1866, provides that gas shall not be merchantable in this State which has a minimum value of less than twelve sperm candles; that is, a burner consuming five cubic feet per hour, shall give a light, as measured by the photometric apparatus in ordinary use, of not less than twelve standard sperm candles, each consuming one hundred and twenty grains per hour. This is the standard, below which gas is not merchantable, but usually, where the coal is good, and the works in complete order, the illuminating value of gas is about that of from fourteen to sixteen sperm candles.
     Taking into the account its value as an illuminator, gas is undoubtedly the cheapest light in use. The price of gas in this city is fixed at four dollars per one thousand cubic feet. Take a five foot burner in use say three hours each night—and it will take near ten weeks to burn one thousand feet, costing four dollars. If it has only the minimum value—twelve sperm candles—where will you find a cheaper light? And then, consider its safety, as well as its cleanliness, over "fluids" especially, and one can well calculate its enhanced value over all others as an illuminator.
     R. T. Coverdale, Esq., has the contract for making and putting up the new lamp posts, for the city, for using gas. He furnishes the posts, iron, in weight from 280 to 300 pounds each, lanterns, burners, connection pipes, every thing complete and ready for lighting, for $41 per post.

     C. A. Seidler's store, at Bay's Bottom, this county, was robbed Monday night, last week. The Post office was connected to the store, and among the things stolen was $40 worth of postage stamps.

     The fine packet, Kanawha Belle, Capt. Cox, has added a new texas, which improves her looks very much. The carpenter work was done by Mullineaux, Lawson & Co., and the painting was done by Johnson & Cochran. Business in the Kanawha is lively, and the regular packets are determined to fully accommodate it.

     The city Council last week, re-elected Mr. W. C. Bailey as Wharfmaster.

     Dr. O. E. Davis, formerly of the U. S. Hospital at this place, was a passenger on the Fleetwood Sunday evening. He, with several other Masonic officials, were on their way to Middleport to organize a Lodge of Knight Templars.

     Captain Ben F. Hall, formerly pilot of the Fleetwood, has been selected as the new commander of that steamer, vice Capt. Holloway, resigned, and has already entered upon his new duties.

    H. Willis, of Springfield township, this county, was taken to Cincinnati, last week, on a charge of passing a promissory note without the proper revenue stamp attached. He was examined before Commissioner Halliday, and the evidence being insufficient to make out a case was discharged.

     The Philothalian Club are actively rehearsing for another entertainment. They have recently rented Aleshire's Hall, which is being decorated handsomely for them—the stage remodeled and enlarged, and [they] intend having a new drop curtain of quite a novel character. The center will be a vignette landscape, around which will be painted a variety of scroll-work, in every convolution of which will be contained a card of any merchant of the city who may wish to advertise in this manner. We have been informed that the drop curtain at "Wilhelm's Hall," Portsmouth, is got up after this fashion, and has turned in a handsome sum to the spirited proprietor, as well as being beneficial to the merchants. We have no doubt our curtain will be extensively patronized.

     The Common Pleas Court, Judge W. B. Loomis presiding, began its Spring term in this city last Thursday. The Grand Jury was impanneled [sic] and E. A. Stone appointed foreman. The jurors are John Morton, Wm. Womeldorff, Amos Ripley, Alfred Morton, George Reese, T. Wetherholt, Jonah R. Ralph, W.R.B. Stevens, W. D. Rose, Ephraim Lambert, William Null, E. A. Stone, Lewis D. Clark, John R. Smithers and Olden Salphin. Remained in Session until Saturday, issuing 5 indictments; one for murder, one for shooting with intent to kill, one for obstructing highway, and two for assault and battery. It also made the following report: "The Grand Jury respectfully report that they have examined thirty-four witnesses and have found five indictments; that they have visited the county jail, and find the rules observed, prisoners as well-cared for as could be expected, as far as the Sheriff is concerned; but would suggest that something should at once be done to more thoroughly ventilate the room in which the prisoners are confined; it being in our opinion 'unfit' in its present condition to become the habitat of any human being."

The Gallipolis Journal
May 19, 1870

     The following gentlemen have received their appointment(s), from Gen. Hickenlooper, United States Marshal for the Southern District of Ohio, to take the Census in Gallia county. We give the name and territory assigned to each:
Dr. W. W. Mills—Gallipolis city, and Gallipolis and Addison townships.
Capt. Benj. Martin—Cheshire, Morgan and Huntington townships.
E. A. Stone—Raccoon, Springfield and Green townships.
Jacob Kerns—Ohio, Guyan, Clay and Harrison townships.
Amos Ripley—Greenfield, Perry and Walnut townships.

Gallia Academy—Social Reunion
     There will be a social gathering of the present and former students of the Academy and their friends at the school buildings on the afternoon of Wednesday, June 22d. Prof. Sears will be present to receive his numerous friends and pupils, and it is the desire of the managers that all who have ever been connected with the Institution should return and for the time renew their youth and youthful acquaintances, and attest by their presence and zeal, their love and loyalty for the old school. Special invitations will be sent to all away from town so far as names and location(s) can be ascertained, and all will be invited by public notice.

     The incorporators of the Gallipolis, McArthur and Columbus Railroad have ordered the opening of books for subscriptions of stock. See advertisement in another column. Let everyone be ready to respond at the proper time. Railroads cannot be built without money, and town and country, in this fast age, cannot expect activity and material growth, without Railroads. Get ye ready, therefore, to answer the call for money.

     Remember the Concert by the Public Schools to-night, and to-morrow night, Thursday and Friday. The beautiful Opera of "Laila" will be the charm of the evening. "Laila," Miss Minnie Stewart—Fairy Queen, Miss Lalla Vance—songsters of more than common merit. We expect to see the Hall crowded.

Gallipolis, May 11, 1870. Mr. Editor—Sir:
     Wishing to have published through the medium of your invaluable paper, the Fifteenth Amendment jubilee excursion, we submit the following, hoping it may be beneficial to those that are careless and unthankful: A portion of the colored citizens of this place, who appreciated the event of the promulgation of the Fifteenth Article to the Constitution, completing the greatest social change since the nation was spoke into existence, did exhibit as above mentioned. For two centuries and a half, the negro of this boasted republic, had no rights which white men were bound to respect, such was the decision of an eminent Judge of the land. That much despised race, classed with four footed beasts and creeping things, have emerged from under the rod of despotism. The Fifteenth Amendment has spoke into existence 4,000,000 of people, comparatively speaking, elevating them equal with the laws of the land, religiously, politically and morally. If ever in the annals of American history, the colored people should celebrate and offer thanks to the Almighty, the departed Lincoln, President U. S. Grant and Congress, it is the 30th day of March, A.D. 1870. Is not the hand of an all-controlling Providence in all this? Can you not hear in it the voice of nature and of nature's God?
     In consideration of the above, those that participated in the jubilee, convened at the Baptist Church, sang an appropriate hymn, prayer by Rev. J. B. Stepto. After which, the grand Marshall (A. J. Smith) who is well qualified for the position, formed the company into procession, and marched to the elegant side-wheel packet Oriole, that lay waiting at Dufour's landing. She is a fine commodious boat, and her officers are deserving all honors that a traveling public can confer upon them, for in brief, they are gentlemen. She departed with the excursionists at 12 M. reaching Cheshire at 1 P.M., distance twelve miles. The party there went ashore, marched to Mr. Mauck's orchard. The company divided up in groups spreading the contence [sic] of their baskets which the amiable ladies had provided for the occasion, such as roast, chickens, pies, cakes &c. As it threatened rain, Mr. Mauck, who has always been a friend to that much abused race of mankind, gave them privilage [sic] of holding their exercises in one of his buildings. The Emancipation Proclamation, read by Miss Betty Webster, was commendably executed. Immediately following, G. S. Jones read the Proclamation of the 15th Amendment. Appropriate addresses were delivered by different individuals. Mr. Speers, of Pomeroy, made a very able speech, touching upon the many important duties devolving upon the newly enfranchised race. All were landed safe at home at 4 o'clock P.M. , and properly dismissed at the place of starting.
     To the committee who labored so energetically to make the event a success, against an opposing element, may they in like manner be successful in every matter of justice. G. W. Viney, J. Mason, G. Mason, Com.

The Gallipolis Journal
May 26, 1870

     The alterations to the "Star House," by its new owner, Mr. J. C. Shepard, has [sic] added very much to its appearance. The three stories have been made into two, thus making of the lower story two of the finest business rooms in the city. These improvements, with his flag-stone pavement, and that of Mr. J. J. Maxon, have improved the appearance of things thereabouts very much.

     The census-takers get two cents for every name taken, ten cents for every farm, fifteen cents for every productive establishment of industry, two cents for every deceased person, and two per cent of the whole amount for names enumerated for social statistics, and ten cents per mile for travel.

     Capt. Sickles new Gallipolis and Ironton packet will be called the James Fisk, Jr., who, it is reported will furnish the boat with a fine piano.

     The Grass Crop on the Public Square.—A change in the sale of the grass on the Public Square has been made. It will take place next Saturday, May 28th, instead of as heretofore advertised. Hour and place the same as advertised.

     Sheriff Blazer went to Columbus, last week, and brought back with him John Antona, a convict in the Penitentiary, who has been pronounced insane. Antona was convicted of burglary and arson, at the October term of the Gallia County Common Pleas Court, 1867

     The following comprise half the cabin and all the deck receipts from passengers on our two prominent packets for the month of April to-wit: Fleetwood, $4,834; Ohio No. 4, $3,250.

The Gallipolis Journal
June 2, 1870

     Capt. Blazer took Evan D. Perry, a lunatic, of Perry township, to the Longview Asylum, near Cincinnati, last week.

     The grass, as it stands, on the Public Square, was sold Saturday to Mr. A. Newton, for the sum of $23. There is a fraction less than five acres of it.

     Capt. Geo. W. Cox has purchased the interest—one-tenth—of Mr. A. W. Kerns, in the Kanawha Belle, at the rate of $10,500 for the whole boat.

     Field and Lawn Croquet is becoming in this country, as in Europe, a national game, and one, which from its health-giving influence, our fair country-women will not soon relinquish. We are pleased to see that Messrs. Wasson & Kennedy, of the Book-store, are getting in a fine stock of this truly delightful game. Price, $6.00, $7.50 and $10.00 per set.

     Lieut. Bates, of Gen. McCook's staff, was here Saturday to examine the condition of the graves of the buried soldiers in our Cemetery. The design is, we understand, to fence and otherwise improve the grounds.

     Mr. Henry Beall has purchased the two vacant city lots on the corner of Second and Pine streets. Price $2,300.

     The Porter Building & Loan Association, this county, has filed its certificate of incorporation. Capital stock $100,000, in $100. shares. The incorporators are Messrs. W. R. Atkinson, Ansel Lawless, C. D. Fillmore, David Summers, Benj. W. Sisson, D. L. Womeldorff, A. H. Daniels, and D. W. Morehouse. Knowing as we do, the usefulness of these Associations, especially to mechanics and laborers, we are glad to see them multiplying.

     Mr. V. L. Bear, working at the planing mill of Messrs. Mullineaux & Lawson and Co., had two fingers of his right hand cut off by the sash saw, last Friday—one at the middle joint, and the other below.

The Gallipolis Journal
June 9, 1870

[From the Hillsboro News.] Letter From Gallipolis. Gallipolis as it Was—A Reminiscence of the War—A Handsome and Thriving Town—The Uhrig Brothers—The Pomeroy, Gallipolis & Cincinnati R.R. via Hillsboro, &c

     GALLIPOLIS, O., May 24, 1870. Dear News: As I landed yesterday from the steamer Ohio No. 4, and marched up the beautifully graded and graveled wharf that lies in front of the Public Square in this city, I raised my eyes to the spot where once I encamped with many other Highland laddies, members of the 60th O.V.I., under command of the gallant Col. H. W. Trimble. Half closing my eyes, I fancied I saw a row of tents stretched across the Square, and a line of sentinels pacing slowly to and fro around the enclosure, while within, hundreds of "boys in blue" moved about, performing the various duties pertaining to camp life, or engaged in its recreation. In imagination I heard the roll of drums, the inspiring music of the Hillsboro Cornet Band, and saw the long line formed for Dress Parade, under the supervision of our most excellent Adjutant, John M. Barrere. But in reality, all this "pomp and circumstance of war" has passed away, and the camping ground has been graded and leveled, enclosed and planted with elms, maples and other shade trees, and a fine crop of clover and grass covers the once bare ground and obliterates the sentinel's well trodden beat and the sites of the various tents that once dotted its surface.
     Gallipolis occupies one of the handsomest locations on the river; has a most excellent wharf; what is destined to be a very beautiful park on the river front; is regularly laid out; has plenty of room to "spread herself," (which she seems determined to do) and is substantially built up. Its growth and improvement is slow compared to some other towns, but like the tortoise in the fable she may yet win the race. Quite an interest is felt in the success of the projected Railroad from Pomeroy through here to Cincinnati, via Hillsboro. There are several wholesale establishments, and many fine retail stores, and all doing a fair business. The Kanawha Valley trade is one of the most important to Gallipolis. Yesterday, a storm passed over the city, whirling the dust in suffocating clouds through the streets and around the corners, and doing some slight damage to one of the buildings in town by tearing off the tin roof and carrying it off toward the river.
     Messrs. Adam and Jacob Uhrig, formerly members of the 60th, and residents of Hillsboro, are living here. Adam married here and has gathered around him quite a little family of boys and girls. He is engaged in the Grocery business, and, we believe, is doing well, as he deserves to—being industrious, sober, honest and kind-hearted. The boys of the gallant "Sixtieth" no doubt remember the "girls of Gallipolis." They will be glad to learn that many of them have changed their names, gone to house-keeping on their own hook, and there are now many "girls of Gallipolis" ( and "boys" too) that were not here when the "yearlings" (as some of the Highland lassies were pleased to term the gallant Sixtieth—though, I'm assured, "only in fun") "awoke to the reveille" on the banks of "La Belle Riviere" at this point. We remember Gallipolis with gratitude and will always hold in grateful remembrance the kind offices of her true and noble-hearted women, as shown to the sick in our hospital and elsewhere. Success to the Railroad that promises to bring this pleasant city in direct communication with the "Model Town."
                   T. Raveling

The Gallipolis Journal
June 9, 1870

Terrible Accident
     On Friday last, a son of Mr. Joseph Tallut, of this place, aged about three years, in playing near the Furniture Factory of Messrs. Fuller, Gatewood & Co., accidentally fell into the well supplying the boiler, which was about 65 feet deep. He was not missed for some hours, when on searching the well the body was found. It is believed he was instantly killed. It seems one of the planks covering the well was so fitted as to turn on the edge, for the purpose of examining the pump, and the child in stepping on the short side of it was at once precipitated, as through a trap-door, to the bottom. The Coroner's jury found a verdict in accordance with the above facts.

     Rev. Geo. B. Sturges, formerly of Gallipolis, has been appointed rector of the Episcopal church organized at Sandusky, Ohio.

     Messrs. Newsom and Dunbar, late of the Ohio No. 4, have bought one-half interest in the Gallipolis Wharfboats, and will take charge of the same on the 25th.

     The County Commissoners commenced their regular June session on Monday, and adjourned to day, Wednesday. Business light—not a road case before them, an unusual thing. Before the adjournment Col. J. M. Clark filed his resignation as a member of the Board, preparatory to a removal to Indiana. We are sorry to lose the Colonel, as he was both an upright officer and a good citizen. The Probate Judge, Auditor and Recorder have control of the vacancy.

     The colored Sons of Temperance, of this city, celebrated the anniversary of their organization by appropriate ceremonies last Friday. The Pomeroy band furnished the music.

     Strayed from the subscriber, living in Gallipolis, about ten days since, a large white cow, red ears, left horn been knocked off, had a bell on when she left. Any person giving information, or returning her, will be suitably rewarded. J. R. Downey, at L. P. Maguet's Drug Store

The Gallipolis Journal
June 16, 1870

     Our young friend, E. S. Maxon, of this city, is at present a guard in the Ohio Penitentiary, and it would seem from the following that his path is not a very smooth one. We copy from the Statesman:

About 8 o'clock yesterday morning, officer Maxon, of the penitentiary, while walking around his shop, was attacked by a negro convict, named Evans, with a knife, but by the timely interference of some of the other prisoners, and Mr. Maxon's revolver, Evans was secured before there was much damage done to the officer. Mr. Maxon had punished him the night before, which was the cause of the attack.
     Ed. A. D. Fillmore, a distinguished singer and author of hymns, music and music books, died in Milford Sunday, June 7th, in the forty-seventh year of his age. Mr. Fillmore was a native of Gallia county, Ohio, his parents being natives of Connecticut. Since he was fifteen years old his residence has been mostly in or near Cincinnati. In 1843, he united with the Christian Church (Disciples), and in 1847 commenced the publication of music books. As a teacher of music and a composer as well as compiler, he soon became well known, and his travels in the interest of Church and Sunday-school music and hymnody, extended into most states of the Union. He also wrote several beautiful hymns which are now in general use.
In 1855 he was ordained as a preacher of the gospel, and served in that capacity in Paris, Illinois and Fulton, Ohio, for several years; and while traveling as a preacher of music he acted at the same time as an evangelist. Simple as a child, original to his conceptions, and pure in his tastes, he had considerable power as a preacher. Always cheerful and buoyant, he made friends wherever he went, and shed a good influence around him. His death will bring sorrow to thousands of friends in various parts of the land. He leaves a wife and several children.—Cin. Commercial.

     A man by the name of Fred. Baeden, was arrested last Thursday for stealing a trunk from the wharfboat, the property of J. H. Montgomery. The trunk was found where he had left it. He was arraigned before Mayor Damron, and for want of $300 bail, sent to the county boarding house to await the action of the Grand Jury.

     Work is being pushed vigorously and satisfactorily on the Gas Works. With no unseen delays, the city will have the luxury of Gas light by the first of August. Our citizens have taken hold of the matter with their accustomed liberality. Seventy-five or eighty consumers have already had their premises fitted up, and it is expected that over one hundred will have done so by the time the works are ready to furnish the gas. In addition, the city will have 80 or 90 public lamps. The well known firms of Messrs. Kling & Muenz, and Messrs. Enos, Hill & Co. are the fitters, and have secured experienced workmen in that line, while the former firm, and Mr. Geppert, at the Queensware store, keep a fair stock of fixtures.

     Our good-looking young friend, A.A. Stewart, Esq., was married yesterday afternoon to Louie E. Woodruff, at the residence of the bride's uncle, Mr. J. W. Jackson, 135 West Ninth Street. The ceremony, which was witnessed by a large number of friends, was performed by the Rev. Henry D. Moore, of the Ninth Street Congregational Church, and was brief but impressive.—Cin. Commercial. The happy pair are here at present, spending a few days with the father of the bridegroom, R. L. Stewart, Esq.

The Gallipolis Journal
June 23, 1870

     Mr. L. B. Menager, well and favorably known to most of our readers as a former resident of this city, died at Pt. Pleasant, last Friday, aged 61 years. We presume we shall be furnished with an obituary notice for next week.

     Prof. A. G. Sears, of Galesburg, Illinois, for many years the wise and popular Principal of Gallia Academy, arrived here Saturday to attend the reunion festivities of the teachers and scholars of that institution, which occurs to-day. Wednesday. His friends, and they are co-extensive with his acquaintances, will be glad to learn that he is in good health, and apparently as vigorous as ever. He is the guest of his brother-in-law, Mr. F. L. LeClercq.

     The very interesting ceremony of the dedication of a church took place here on Sunday last, at the old Baptist Chapel, on Third street—recently purchased by the German Protestant congregation. The building was handsomely decorated with evergreens and flowers, and was filled to overflowing by a respectable and attentive audience, amongst which were many persons belonging to the various Christian denominations in the city.—The meeting was presided over by the Rev. M. Deis, who performed the solemn services proper for the occasion, and concluded by an eloquent and impressive address. The choir was large and the music sweet and well selected.

     Mrs. E. Cottrell, residing in Clay township, Gallia county, Ohio, was born in 1790—married in 1806—has had 16 children, 96 grandchildren, 130 great grand children. Many have done well, but she has done better.—She enjoys good health and bids fair to live many years yet.

     Mr. Isaac Cook died in this city last Wednesday. His disease was inflammation of the bowels, contracted while South with a trading boat. He commenced life in this city, and had by prudent management and industry, acquired substantial property.

     The new Building and Loan Association has received its certificate of incorporation. Its name is the "Gallia Building and Loan Association." Capital stock is $100,000, in shares of $200 The corporators are W. Y. Miles, John T. Halliday, Wm. Shober, J. H. Weil, J. M. Kerr, E. P. Ralph and John A. Hamilton.

     Rev. C. H. Lawton will deliver a lecture on the Chinese in California, at the M. E. Church, on Thursday evening. Lecture to commence at 8 o'clock. Admission, adults, $.25 cents; children, $.10. Part of the proceeds of the lecture will be given to the Sunday School.

The Gallipolis Journal
July 7, 1870

     The great excitement of the week has been a steamboat race, from New Orleans to St. Louis, between the famous steamers R. E. Lee and Natchez. Our latest news from them is at Cairo. At that point the Lee was about an hour ahead, having gained 56 minutes over the Natchez from New Orleans up. Her time to Cairo was 3 days, 2 hours and 4 minutes, the fastest time on record.

     Mr. A. M. Collins, of Boston, Mass., the eloquent and popular temperance lecturer, State Deputy and lecturer for the Grand Division, Sons of Temperance of Ohio, delivered his first lecture in this place on Tuesday evening, at the M. E. Church. It was one of the most effective lectures we have ever heard, and we are glad to know that it accomplished much good. He will lecture again this (Wednesday) evening. Go and hear him—he will interest and entertain you.

     The new Gallipolis and Ironton packet, Jas. Fisk, jr., was at our wharf Tuesday, on her first trip. She is a neat craft. Her hull is 130 feet long, 26 feet beam, 5 feet depth of hold, with capacity for 200 tuns. The cabin [deck] is full length, with accommodations for 75 passengers. Her officers are— Sickles, Captain; Clerks, McFarland and Hurd; Pilots J. Parsons and Ed. Williamson; Engineers, Jacob Helper and Frank Neal–all first class men. Good luck to the Jas. Fisk, jr.

     Mr. James Mullineux, Jr., lost one of his fingers at the mill of Mullineux, Lawson and Co., last week, by a circular saw.

The Gallipolis Journal
July 14, 1870

     A young boy of Mr. James Thaxton, Springfield township, was dangerously wounded by a pistol shot, last week. The pistol was discharged by his sister, the ball entering the mouth and coming out the ear.

     Messrs. Bailey & Hayward, Druggists, have removed to the corner of Second and Locust streets. This is preparatory to the erection of a new building at the old stand, by its owner, Mr. J. D. Bailey. The building will be 33 feet front by 60 deep, and two stories high. Messrs. Mullineux, Lawson & Co., are the contractors.

     The Republican Central Committee of Gallia county is requested to meet at the office of Joseph Hunt, Esq., on Saturday, July 16th, at 2 o'clock P.M. The following are the Committee, to-wit:—Joseph Hunt, R. Black, Dr. W. W. Mills, Dr. James Johnson and Wm. Nash.

     By reason of the tearing down of the building, preparatory to the erection of a new one, in which Dr. J. A. Van Vleck has had his office, he has removed to his residence on Front street, on the square below the Woolen Mill, where his friends will find him ready and prepared to do as good work as ever, and that is as good as the best. He has lately received a certificate from the Ohio Dental Association, testifying to his ability and skill in his profession, which though proper and deserving, adds nothing to his reputation where he is known.

     A lengthy memorial by Mary Miles is dedicated to the memory of her late friend, Mary A. Booton.

The Gallipolis Journal
July 21, 1870

James H. Clendinen, of this city, was awarded the third prize at Yale College, last week, for English composition.

Base Ball
The contemplated match game, between the "Red Hots," of Jackson, and "Actives," of this county, was played on the Fair Grounds, Saturday afternoon, 16th inst. The Red Hots were the winners, by a score of 29 to 23. The playing on the part of the Actives, during the first four innings, was loose, whilst the Reds played from the first, with an energy that showed them determined to win. [. . .] The return game between them [Actives] and the Red Hots, will be played at Jackson, at an early day. Look out for a close contest next time.

The new steamer built at Brownsville, Pa., for Captains H. N. Bailey, W. C. Newton, and James Newton, was at our wharf Monday morning, bound for New Orleans and Red River. She is a neat and commodious craft. We trust she will be successful in filling the pockets of her owners.

The Gallipolis Journal
July 28, 1870

     S. Blagg and A. Raynor, of Raccoon township, were taken to Cincinnati, last week, by Deputy U. S. Marshal Richardson, charged with selling liquors without payment of special tax. On Wednesday they had an examination before Commissioner Halliday, in that city, resulting in being sent to jail, for want of $300 bail, to await the action of the court.

     Prof. Caldwell informs us that Hon. E. E. White, editor of the Ohio Educational Monthly, and Hon. W. D. Henkle, School Commissioner of Ohio, will certainly be present at the Teacher's Institute, to be held in this place during the week commencing August 29th. These gentlemen are among the best educators in the State, and their presence here on that occasion should call out a full attendance of both teachers and friends of our public schools.

     During the storm, last Thursday, the dwelling house of Mrs. Eliza McGath, Green township, was struck by lightning—passing down by the side of the chimney, and doing considerable damage to weatherboarding and glass—but fortunately injuring none of the inmates.

     Mr. James Moats caught, last week, in the river, a yellow cat fish which weighed seventy eight pounds.

     The young son of Mr. James Kerr, of the firm Walker & Kerr, had his arm broken, Saturday, by being thrown from a horse.

     The Grand Show—Campbell's Zoological and Equestrian Institute—will give two exhibitions tomorrow (Friday) afternoon and evening. You will be there, of course.

     A wheat stack belonging to Mr. Jacob Holly, living near Yellow Town, this county, containing from 250 to 300 bushels, was set on fire and destroyed last Friday night. Who ever heard of a meaner act? We hope the parties who did it will be caught, and made to suffer all the law will permit. Even a little sorer punishment than the law allows would not be amiss.

     Mr. G. D. McBride, the music teacher, came near to meeting with a serious accident last Friday. He rode his horse to the river for water, and went too far in, his horse and himself going over the abutment. Luckily, both got out with nothing more serious than a good wetting, although at one time it was feared the horse would be lost, as he got his head under one of the coal boats, and with some difficulty extracted himself. This should be a warning to others not to be caught in the same predicament.

The Gallipolis Journal
August 4, 1870

     At a regular meeting of the Philothalian club, held on Tues., the 2d inst., the following resolution was submitted and unanimously adopted:

     It having pleased the Great Disposer of all things to remove from among us Miss Mary J. Morgan, one of our most brilliant and admired members, and feeling that some some tribute of respect and esteem is due, not only to her memory, but to the feelings of her sorrowing and bereaved family,
     Resolved, That the action taken by the President, with respect to the badges worn at the funeral, be approved; and that each member be requested to wear some similar mourning token for the space of thirty days from this date.
          The Gallipolis Journal August 4, 1870 Mr. S. T. Wilson and Jno. L. Charles, have purchased the Eagle Mills, at Pt. Pleasant, of Mr. Chas. Creuzet, of this city, paying him $5,000 for the same.

     Mr. Nash:—The citizens of the 1st Ward have tolerated the Hog nuisance for the past two months, and would be pleased if Marshal Langley would pay his compliments to that branch of his official duty. If he has room in his pound, and the weather permits, will he be so considerate as to give the battalion of porkers now running at large, in violation of ordinance, some little attention, and oblige 1st Warders.

The Gallipolis Journal
August 11, 1870

     H. M. Onderdonk, Esq., formerly of this city, is now editor of the Hempstead, Long Island, Inquirer.

     Mr. Henry Morton, of this city, with his fast pacer, Sorrel Jim, won a race in Titusville, Penn., on Monday. A telegram to Mr. W. C. Bailey says the other horse was "shut out." The stake was $1,000–$500 a side. Mr. Morton makes his next visit to Buffalo, N.Y. The New York Yankees will find Sorrel Jim hard to beat.

     Mr. James Hannan, a well and favorably known citizen of our city, has been appointed Superintendent of the Gas Works. In our opinion, the choice is an excellent one. The stockholders will find him honest, and the consumers a gentleman.

     Mr. Amos Robinson, of Gilroy, California, formerly of Morgan township, this county, sends us a paper containing the following in regard to the death and estate of William Guy. He was a former resident of Addison township, this county, and still has relatives in this section. He was killed, it is supposed, by the Indians. We copy from the Gilroy (California) Advocate:

Worth Looking After.—William Guy, who was murdered on the 7th inst., and about whom we spoke last week, was not, as then stated, a native of Pennsylvania but of Ohio, so we have been informed by parties who were on intimate relationship with some of deceased's children in the latter State. There were $460 found in his carpet-bag at the place where he was murdered, and we are informed that he had a note and mortgage calling for seven thousand dollars against a well-to-do farmer in Yolo county in this State. This being so, it is the duty of some person acquainted with his family, East, to write and inform them of the facts, in order that they may have an opportunity of promptly attending to the matter, and save the estate from being squandered and swallowed up by greedy adventurers and hungry administrators. His age was 45 years.
     News reached here Sunday, of the death, on the previous Sunday, at LaCrosse, Wis., of Mrs. Julia Bigelow (neé Newton), aged about 21 years. She was a granddaughter of the late Mr. Zenas Baxter.
The Gallipolis Journal
August 11, 1870

     Mr. Nash:—Please announce in the Journal that there will be a Sabbath School Celebration, September 3d, (Saturday) in the grove near Westerman Chapel, Springfield township, to which all Sabbath School friends are cordially invited to participate—coming with good cheer and their baskets filled with eatables. A special invitation to all Christian Ministers. By order of the Committee, Obadiah Denny, Ch'n. Moses Miller, Sec'y

     Treasurer Sisson returned from Columbus Tuesday night. He is now ready to pay out the township funds, and is anxious to get them off his hands.

     The colored Mutual Aid Society, of this city, celebrated its 4th anniversary last Thursday. After marching through the principal streets, they repaired to the Fair Grounds, where they had speeches, &c. It was a very creditable affair.

The Gallipolis Journal
August 18, 1870

     The Union School Board has contracted with Messrs. Kling & Muenz, of this city, for apparatus for heating the school building with steam. This will be much better than the old system of stoves.

     At the Gas Works, Tuesday afternoon, there was some excitement. The Holder, being full, had been throwing off Gas all day–bubbling up through the water–which, being noticed by a rather too inquisitive young man–in search of knowledge probably–he lighted his match and set fire to the escaping gas. In a moment the flames shot up into the air, fifteen or twenty feet, and created no little alarm to both the experimenter and the citizens residing in the immediate vicinity. By prompt action as well as great presence of mind on the part of the employees, it was soon extinguished, without damage to person, and but little to the Holder.

     On Friday night, four or five persons, who with their age and position in the city, should have known better, amused themselves by hurling rocks at the dwellings of peaceful inhabitants on Second street. And meeting a young gentleman returning from an evening call, commenced the same game on his body corporate. He, of course, skedaddled, leaving the field to the inebriates. We shall not give the names, as we understand that one, at least, of the city functionaries, is in possession of all the facts.

     The son of Mr. Wm. Walker had his leg broken by a fall from a horse on Sunday. Dr. Morgan was sent for, and put it to rights as far as possible.

The Gallipolis Journal
August 25, 1870

     Our fellow-citizen, J. W. Miles, is finishing a fine monument for the wife of Mr. J. P. Hanson, living a few miles back of Gallipolis, Ohio. The price is $450. It is a fine piece of workmanship [. . .]. Catlettsburg (KY) Herald.

     Two shooting affrays occurred on Thursday morning, in a saloon, when a man had his front teeth blown away; the second about breakfast time, on Second street, where a man got shot in the leg in three places. The person who was concerned in the first affair lies in jail, in default of bail for $1,000. And the chief actors in the second are out on bail, and under the doctor's care respectively. Neither of the wounded men were [sic] hurt.

     On Thursday morning, early, some thieves managed to obtain an entrance into the Wharf-boat, and having veen found out, were rather roughly handled by the persons in charge, one or two shots were fired, but we have not heard of any fatal effects therefrom. A box or two of candy broken open was all the loss known to have been the result of the burglary.

     An accident of rather an unusual character occurred to a young son of Mr. C. Secom, on last week.—An insect, of some kind, stung him in the foot, when the part began instantly to swell, and quickly spread over the entire body, which within a quarter of an hour had quite the appearance of a person suffering from dropsy. By the aid of stimulants, freely administered internally, the inflammation gradually subsided, and he is now out of danger.

     Mr. Paul Henking will connect his class in modern languages and painting with the Academy, and a rare opportunity will thus be afforded to that Institution, for acquiring a knowledge of Italian, French and German, from a native teacher. The Academy opens on Monday, the 5th of September, with a full corps of instructors.

     Mr. J. Hamilton has removed his coal boats, and office, to the landing opposite the Dufour House. He is well supplied with good coal.

The Gallipolis Journal
August 25, 1870

Murder on the Chesapeake and Ohio R.R.
     On Monday last a man named Robt. Hamlin, late of this city, was shot dead on the first section of the Railway this side of Charleston, W. Va. The facts, as far as at present ascertained, are as follows:
A young man named Welch had been cooking for the workmen in one of the messes, but for some cause his services were discontinued and he was paid off. On his receiving his pay a deduction was made for some bed clothing which was observed to have been secreted in his bag or box. To this deduction, Welsh took exception, and having ascertained that Hamlin was the person who had given the information respecting it, he went to Charleston, purchased a revolver, returned to the vicinity of work, and meeting Hamlin after some words, shot at, and killed him, the fatal shot passing right across and through the abdomen. Hamlin died on the packet Huntington, Tuesday evening, on his way to this city. Welch is still at large.

     The Colored Baptist Association held their final meeting, at the Fair Ground, on Sunday last, and was largely attended. From an early hour in the morning until long past noon, crowds of persons, colored and white, arrived in buggies, wagons and every conceivable mode of conveyance, until the approach to the meeting place became quite choked up. Five steamers added their living freight to the throng, and about two o'clock the largest gathering of colored people that ever assembled at Gallipolis were [sic] present. Nevertheless the crowd were [sic] perfectly quiet and orderly, and although refreshments were to be had, in plenty, no unseemly conduct marred the quiet religious deportment of the hundreds who have but lately escaped from the lowest state of bondage; on the contrary, their whole demeanor might be compared much to their advantage with many a camp meeting of the white race, at which we remember to have been present—and to have heard of.
     Shortly after one o'clock P.M. the exercises were opened with a hymn and prayer, at the terrmination of which Rev. J. M. Meeks, of Circleville, addressed an attentive audience, in a discourse of nearly an hour's duration, and with an eloquence and force such as have seldom or ever heard excelled. His text was taken from one of the epistles of St. Paul, which he explained with a clearness and precision, which proved him to be a theologian of no ordinary capacity and research After another excellent sermon, the meeting adjourned, to assemble again at the churches in town in the evening. Not a single accident or unpleasantness occurred during the whole day.

     The Universalist Association, held in this city, commencing on Friday and terminating on Sunday, was well attended. On Sunday, their neat and comfortable Church was crowded. The preaching was of high order. There were many friends from abroad in attendance.—Over $400 was raised for their College at Akron.

The Gallipolis Journal
September 1, 1870

     On Sunday evening last the Rev. Mr. Strauss held an examination of his pupils, in the Jewish Synagogue, corner of Court and Third streets, which was one of the most interesting of its kind that we have ever had the pleasure of attending. After a few preliminary remarks from Mr. Strauss, the exercise opened with a translation of a portion of the Holy Scriptures from Hebrew into German, following which a German hymn—then German reading, Hebrew reading, and German spelling—after which the class was examined in the Bible and arithmetical numeration in German, &c.&c., all of which were gone through with in a most satisfactory manner, and seemed to afford much satisfaction to the parents and friends of the youthful pupils, who attended in full force to witness the results of Mr. Strauss' labors. Mr. Strauss ended by a short but very eloquent address, in which he appealed to his hearers not to neglect the cultivation of the Hebrew and German languages; the first on account of its connection with the Book in which is recorded the revealed word of God to man, and the latter for the sake of that land from which he and most of his hearers derived their common ancestry.
     He exemplified, by what they had heard to-night, what may be effected, in twenty-two months, toward the perpetuation of the Hebrew and German languages, with mere children, and by eight Hebrew families, and the further advances that might be made if the German parents, who numbered over sixty in this city, would unite and procure instruction, in the mother tongue, for their offspring, and showed that the acquirement of that language had not only a patriotic tendency, but was of much commercial importance at the present time, when the flood of immigration from that portion of Europe was becoming every year greater, and adverted to the fact of the number of advertisements, which daily appear in the public papers, calling for assistants who can write and speak German. Mr. Strauss was listened to throughout, with great attention, and the meeting separated apparently highly pleased with what they had heard and seen.

     We learn that the shoe shop of Mr. Seidler, at Crown City, was struck by lightning, in the storm of Monday evening. The bolt went down the flue, scattering bricks and other material, in every direction. No other damage done.

     The little steamer "Jessie" made her first trip on Sunday last, with a large party, down the river as far as the Clipper Mills. Her machinery appeared to work satisfactorily, and, with a slight alteration in her furnaces, she will no doubt prove a success. She is the property of Capt. T. Spencer, who intends her for the Red River trade. Her hull, which is an exceedingly nice model, was built at Parkersburg, her upper works and cabin fitting in our city, and her engines, boilers &c., were manufactured by Messrs. Enos, Hill & Co., and reflect great credit on that firm.

     The largest stock of School Books ever brought to this market, has just been received by Messrs. Wasson & Kennedy, of the Gallipolis Book Store. There has been a great reduction in the retail price of the school books since the first of August, and their customers will get the full benefit of it. Their prices are always the same as those of the publishers. They give special attention to ordering all miscellaneous books. And any book, published in the United States, will be furnished by them at the advertised price, so that parties save nothing by ordering books through the mail, besides runnning the risk of receiving them in an injured condition.

The Gallipolis Journal
September 8, 1870

     Died, in Henderson, Kentucky, on the 26th day of August, 1870, John S. Feeney; aged 48 years.
Note: Buried in Fuller Cemetery

     The body of Richard Pogue, who was drowned from the steamer James Fisk, Jr., while on his way to attend the Colored Association in this city, was found in the Ohio river, opposite Kelly's landing, last Saturday evening.

     The following is the result of the examination of candidates for teachers, held on Saturday, the 3d inst. There were fifty one applicants in all, 17 ladies and 34 gentlemen. Out of this number 13 failed to obtain certificates, and 3 withdrew. Of those who failed, there were 7 in English grammar, theory and practice, 21 in arithmetic and grammer [sic], theory and practice. One in spelling and grammar, theory and practice, and three in theory and practice. 16 obtained certificates for 6 months, 17 for twelve months, and 2 for eighteen months. Of all the applicants Miss Lydia A. Lasley had the highest general average, and Mr. Alonzo E. Bing, the next.

     We were favored with a call from Prof. J. H. Hoose, President of N.Y. State Normal School, and E. Everett Henry, of Western Reserve College, and correspondent of the Cleveland Herald, both on their way from Cincinnati Teacher's Institute, to Charleston, W. Va., to participate in the Institute held there, commencing Tuesday, Sept. 6th. Mr. Henry was here, at Post Head Quarters, during the Morgan raid, and expressed great surprise at the growth and improvement of the town, and remarked that if we only had a Railroad, Gallipolis would soon be a city of the first class, of which fact we have not the slightest doubt.

     Mr. Roman Menager has sold out his interest in the Woolen Factory to the LeClercq brothers.

     The Mite Society, for the benefit of Addison Chapel, will be held at the residence of H. H. Gates, in Addison township, Thursday evening, Sept. 8th. All friends interested in the cause are cordially invited to attend. A general good time is expected.

The Gallipolis Journal
September 15, 1870

     A valuable pointer dog, belonging to Mr. R. Aleshire, was poisoned on Tuesday night. It is to be hoped, for the credit of our city, that this was accidental, and that no malicious intention could be entertained, by any citizen of Gallipolis, against a gentleman so respected and useful, and one who gives so much and so continuous employment, as Mr. Aleshire.

     The steamer C. P. Huntington received Monday a full set of colors for the boat, a gift from President Huntington, of the C. & O. Railroad, in honor of whom the boat is named. There are five pieces, as follows:—American ensign, 12 by 18 feet; Burgee, 10 by 25 feet; Private signal, two of them, 8 by 12 feet; and the American Jack, 8 by 10 feet. They are made of the best materials, and are altogether a splendid set of colors, worthy of the liberal character of the donor.

     A young son of Mr. C. D. Bailey met with a serious accident on Monday. He was witnessing the raising of some ice from his father's ice house, when the handle of the windlass slipped from the hands of the man working it, and, in its swift, rapid turn, struck the boy on the head, producing a very serious cut. At first it was thought it would prove fatal, but we rejoice to learn that he is now in a fair way of recovery.

     Evan J. Jones, of Raccoon township, was given the Scholarship to Ohio University, at Athens, to which the county is entitled.

The Gallipolis Journal
September 22, 1870

[For the Journal]
     Mr. Editor:—Having visited the exhibition held at the colored Baptist Church, on the 15th and 16th, by the "Hyspanolain Club" for the benefit of the new Baptist Church, I desire to make known through your columns the success achieved by the performance. The performance was a brilliant affair, there was no such word as fail in any of the pieces. Much credit is due to Mr. J. C. Napper as stage manager. Every thing was arranged in perfect order; no time lost between plays. Every play greatly applauded. I would say here to my colored friends, that I feel amply paid for the .25 cents I gave you, and would willingly give .50 rather than miss it. They had some splendid pieces, and well characterized, all played with the spirit and the understanding.

     The Fifteenth annual Fair of the Gallia county Agricultural Society opened last Wednesday, and closed on Friday. The attendance the two first days, was slim, but it was made up on the last day, when the crowd numbered full three thousand. [. . .] Vanden & Sons made a fine display of Thrashers, Reapers, Mowers, and other agricultural implements. Miles & Reeves had a fine specimen of marble work, on the grounds, in the shape of a monument. J. E. Pitrat was present with his valuable improvements in Housekeeping—Biscuit board, flour chest, &c. In the horse line [. . .] "Orphan Boy" stock was largely represented [. . .] Mr. James M. Mills' stallion received the first premium for the largest and best show of colts. Mr. J. W. Devacht's three-year-old stallion also received the first premium in its class.—In yearlings, Mr. F. Holcomb exhibited a fine specimen of the "Whip Tiger" stock [. . .] Dr. W.W. Mills was given the first premium for exhibiting the best brood mare[. . .] and the best gelding of any age. There was a good show of cattle. [. . .] best milch cow, Peter Knopp; best fat cow, James M. Mills; best two-year-old bull, John A. Rodgers; best two-year-old heifer, Dr. W.W. Mills; best bull calf, E. M. Mills. Altogether the Fair may be classed as a success. [. . .]

The Gallipolis Journal
October 13, 1870

     Mr. Geo. L. Johnson, well known in steamboat and other circles, died very suddenly, Thursday morning last, at his residence in Newport, Ky. He was in the act of taking a drink of water when he fell dead. He had recently returned from New York, where he had made arrangements to engage in railroad business. He was a prominent and active steamboat agent, and leaves a wife, five children, and a large circle of friends to mourn his sudden departure. His wife is a daughter of the late Mr. John Hoy, of this city.

     Rev. A. M. Collins, State Deputy Sons of Temperance, is doing a good work in this county. He has inaugurated quite a temperance revival. He has organized Divisions at Adamsville, Rodney, Patriot, &c. His meetings have been well attended, and he has added some two hundred names to the grand temperance army. He is an efficient worker, and we are glad that he is meeting with good success. Mr. Collins requests us to tender his thanks for the general and uniform hospitality he has received. It will not soon be forgotten.

     We rejoice to learn that the LeClercq Bros. propose to rebuild their Woolen Factory, recently destroyed by fire. We understand they have already contracted for the building. It is to be 110 by 60 feet, one story high. They expect to have it under roof this fall. Everyone will pray for success to their enterprise. Messrs. T. S. & H. N. Ford do the carpenter work, and Mr. R. Bray the brick work.

     The hop at Henking's Hall Monday night was well attended, and withal a very pleasant affair. Our German friends understand these things, and know how to make them occasions of great joy and pleasure.

     Charles Webb, brother of John Webb, who was a private of Co. E, 23rd Reg't, Ohio Vols., will hear of something to his advantage by calling at the office of R. L. Stewart, Gallipolis, Ohio

The Gallipolis Journal
October 27, 1870

     Put your fire arms in order—well loaded with powder and ball—for thieves are about. We have heard of two or three attempts the past week, in which they were successful. Mrs. A. LeClercq, Saturday night, lost all her chickens, and Mr. Alex. McIntire also lost a number of his with several Guinea fowl.

     Mrs. A. R. Souls, daughter of the Postmaster at Gallipolis, who was arrested some time ago upon the charge of opening valuable letters and abstracting the contents, was before Commissioner Halliday again yesterday. She waived an examination, and was held to await the action of the Grand Jury, which will soon be empaneled.–Cin. Gazette, Oct. 20th. A mistake—the transaction nor the parties have any connection with the Gallipolis office. It should read "Rodney" in place of "Gallipolis."

     BIG FISH.—Joseph Drouillard, Esq., seems as popular among the big fish as he was formerly with the people, when they thought no person but "old uncle Joe," was competent to fill two of the most responsible offices in the county, that of Treasurer and Clerk of the Court. The old gentleman, however, has retired from active business life, but makes it a point once a year to indulge in his favorite sport of fishing. Last week he tackled two ot the 'heavy weights' and came out victorius. They weighed respectively 75 and 86 pounds. Mr. D. is in the 75th year of his age, and encountered these fresh water whales successfully.

     Some sneaking thief entered the mill of Messrs. Aleshire & Co., last Thursday night, during the absence of the watchman at the river, and carried off two or three sacks of flour. He was not out of sight when the watchman returned. The watchman put after him, but the thief made the best time and escaped.

     Jones, the Barber, has been actively engaged, for a week or two, enlarging and refurbishing his establishment. He is now fully prepared to pursue the tonsorial art to the entire satisfaction of everyone. Give him a call.

     We understand that Dr. A. S. Combs, of Centreville, and others, propose to form a company for the purpose of visiting the West and locating lands. Many of those going are soldiers, who go to take up land under the late homestead act of Congress. About thirty have already signified their intention of joining the expedition. Others desiring to go should correspond with the Doctor. This is an excellent opportunity for soldiers, as well as others, who wish to visit the West and locate, as the managers of the expedition are men of brains and experience.

The Gallipolis Journal
October 20, 1870

     A coal float, containing 1200 bushels coal, belonging to Mr. Joshua Canady, sunk [sic] at the wharf Friday night. The boat was raised, but most of the coal was lost.

     Lieut. C. C. Aleshire, U.S.A., on leave of absence, will return to duty at Dry Tortugas, before our next issue. He returns with the hearty good wishes of his numerous friends here.

     Mr. W. H. McCormick, the Livery stable man, lost a fine horse Friday night—found dead in his stall Saturday morning.

The Gallipolis Journal
November 3, 1870

     Dr. W. S. Newton and lady celebrated their silver wedding last Friday evening. A goodly company of friends were present on the occasion, all seemingly pleased and agreeably entertained. The presents were extensive and valuable.

     The Coroner, Dr. C. D. Wall, was called upon to hold an inquest on the body of a small infant found in Thomas Hill's field, about one mile from the city, on the 27th day of October. After examining several witnesses the jury returned the following verdict: "The child came to its death by some means unknown to us, the jurors." The child belonged to one Sarah Lewis, a colored woman.

     MONSTER ICE-HOUSE.—W. H. McCormick is determined to keep things cool during the coming summer. He has just finished the largest ice house that has been built in this town, near his concerns on Third street. It is twenty-nine feet six inches wide, thirty-five feet four inches long, and twenty feet eight inches deep. The walls are of stone, averaging two feet thick and contain over 227 perches of solid masonry. It is computed to hold over 500 tons of ice. A big thing on ice, Bill.

     A man who gives his name as Rose Payne, was arrested on Tuesday by Marshal Langley, at the Gallipolis Bank where he had presented a $20 greenback for the purpose of having it exchanged for smaller notes. The note was a counterfeit, and three more of the same sort were found in his possession. The prisoner is a stranger in this section, alleges he can neither read nor write, but refuses to give any account of himself, or his residence. It appears that on Monday evening he gave a colored man of this place six $20 bills of the same character—all counterfeit. They were returned to him soon afterward. The counterfeits are well executed, and calculated to deceive. Our business men should be very careful in receiving any notes of this denomination, as quite a number of them are in circulation.

     We understand that a "Farmer's Club" is to be organized in Addison township, very shortly. Its meetings will be held at Addison. This is a good time in the year to form these Clubs, and we hope to hear of others. They are useful institutions, giving farmers a chance to talk over matters about the farm, and exchange views as to the best times to sow and reap, and how to cultivate, which can not fail to be valuable to them. We would be happy to publish the minutes of their meetings.

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