The Gallipolis Journal
July 8, 1852
On last Saturday evening, R. Spry, D.D.G.M., of Portsmouth, conferred the degree of Rebecca on a number of Scarlet members of Ariel Lodge, in this place, and their wives. All were highly pleased with the Degree. It is one of the most sublime productions belonging to the Order. On the same evening the following officers of Ariel Lodge were installed for the ensuing term: C. R. Sterneman, N. G.; H. R. Bell, V. G.; R. Aleshire, Sec'y.; J. J. Cadot, Treas.
Mr. Charles Giles, after an absence of three years and a half in California, arrived here Sunday evening. We understand he accumulated enough of the dust to satisfy him for the wear and tear.
The Gallipolis Journal
August 19, 1852
Messrs. Lamartine & Sullivan would respectfully announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of this place and vicinity that their YACHT is now lying at the steamboat landing, prepared to do all kinds of daguerrotyping, from the smallest size fine rings up to the largest size fine frame and cases. Family groups of any number neatly taken and put up in good style. Please give us a call soon, our stay will be very short. Pictures taken in all kinds of weather.
Vinton Law School
Anselm T. Holcomb proposes to give a course of instruction upon the principles of Law and Equity---consisting of Recitations, Lectures and Examinations; and secondly, in the practice of law--embracing the discussion of the various forms of legal instruments and judicial proceedings, together with exercises in the Moot Court. The whole course will be arranged and conducted in a mode suited to BEGINNERS, and with a view to include, as far as possible, a general outline of the law. The Students will be expected to furnish themselves with the following textbooks, the last editions of which are recommended: Walker's Introduction to American Law; Blackstone's Commentaries, of which Wendell's edition is recommended; Kent's Commentaries; Greenleaf on Evidence, Vol. 1; Gould on Pleading; and Jeremy's Equity. Students can have access to the Law Books in my library. The lectures will commence on the first day of November and terminate on the first day of March. The terms are $25 for the term, payable in advance, and no deduction for part of the time. Good boarding can be had for $2 per week. Any additional information in regard to the School, will be cheerfully given upon application, by letter or otherwise, addressed to ANSELM T. HOLCOMB
The Gallipolis Journal
May 5, 1853
Last Saturday, Wm. Ross was elected Justice of the Peace in Ohio township, in place of John L. Waugh, and Austin Barton was elected to the same office in Morgan township, in place of Daniel Fultz. The trustees of Gallipolis township have advertised for an election of a Justice of the Peace, in the place of John Hoy, deceased, on the 14th inst.
The Gallipolis Journal
July 7, 1853
A Good Day's Work. Jonathan Hamilton, on Saturday, the 25th ult., cut on the farm of Mary Coffman, in this county, three hundred and eighteen dozen sheafs of wheat. That is hard to beat. Mr. H. received $3 for his day's work.
The 4th in Cheshire. A friend who was present has furnished us with a few notes of the way the 4th was observed by the citizens of Cheshire township. All who were present from this place speak in high praise of our neighbors up the river. "The 4th at Cheshire was observed in the good old-fashioned way. The public exercises were in a beautiful grove of forest trees about one mile from the village. It was a delightful spot. There was a large collection of people present, variously estimated from one to three thousand. The Declaration of Independence was read by Asa Bradbury, Esq. He is an excellent reader, and his prefatory remarks were very appropriate and well timed. Two addresses were delivered upon the occasion, one by Mr. J. M. Curtis. It was a rare production for this 'benighted region' --well delivered and universally praised and admired. The other by a Mr. Giles of Pomeroy--subject 'Freedom.' He handled the subject ably. Though a close and methodical thinker, he is a fine speaker--easy and graceful. His speech was full as well received as the former. Dr. James Panky, president of the day, contributed much to the entertainment of the audience, by humouous remarks and anecdotes at intervals during the proceedings. A public dinner was served up in great style, with an abundance of the very best for all present. And there was the Pomeroy Band that gave forth sweet sounds to please the ear and cement the party into one glorious whole. The best of order prevailed--all was peace and happpiness. Long live the good people of Cheshire!"
The Gallipolis Journal
July 14, 1853
The Town Council of Gallipolis, at their last meeting, appointed the following gentlemen a Board of Health, to serve until March next: Dr. John Sanns, John Hutsinpillar, Reuben Aleshire, Alexander Vance and D. H. Goodno. F. Mathers and Jas. Vanden were appointed a committee to have the engine house removed to some suitable place, and to have the engines repaired.
The Gallipolis Journal
February 2, 1854
A Circular Fox Hunt will come off in Addison township, Gallia county, on Friday, Feb. 3rd, the boundary lines to be as follows: To commence at the house of Jacob Gross, thence along the road to Greenland school house, thence across the hill to John George's, thence up the Athens road to McCoy Ralston's lane, thence up the road to Esq. Vanzandt's, thence along the road to Eligah Berry Jr.'s, thence along the road to the place of beginning. The hunt to commence precisely at ten o'clock on said day. No firearms of any description will be admitted on the ground. No dogs to be brought on the ground except Hounds, and they to be led until the lines are closed up. No horns are to be sounded until the signal is given by the firing of a cannon in the centre.
The Gallipolis Journal
May 18, 1854
Early Settlers of Ohio
The Marietta Intelligencer in noticing the death of Phinehas Matthews, late of this county, says: In Prof. Andrews' sermon on the occasion of Judge Cutler's death, he mentions Mr. Matthews as one of the party that accompanied Judge C. to Ohio in 1795. The entire party consisted of Ephraim Cutler, Col. Israel Putnam, Israel Putnam, Jr., Dr. William P. Putnam, George Putnam and Phinehas Matthews, with their families, so far as they had families. We understand that Mrs. Tupper, widow of Gen. Edward Tupper, and then the wife of Dr. William P. Putnam, is the only survivor of that company. She resides in Gallipolis.
The Gallipolis Journal
January 25, 1866
The Trustees of Gallia Academy are moving in the matter of erecting additional buildings. An expression of public opinion as to the size of it, would aid them in adopting a plan. Let the people act promptly in the matter and all will be well.
On the 22d day of Dec., last, the body of a newly born female infant, was found on the edge of Sandfork creek in Walnut township, near the residence of David W. Boggs. A small cord was found wrapped three times around its neck, and evidently caused its death by strangulation. No clue as yet as to the perpetrators of the deed. Justice Ripley held an inquest on the body, and furnishes us the facts as stated.
Dr. John Morgan has located in our city, and tenders his professional services to the public. The Dr. has served nearly three years in the Army as surgeon, and assistant surgeon, giving him great experience in his profession. Personally we know him to be a very clever gentleman. He will be found for the present at the residence of Mrs. Mary Clendendin, opposite the Universalist Church.
The Gallipolis Journal
February 1, 1866
I have sold the "Journal Office" to Capt. Wm. H. Nash, U.S.A., to take effect 1st February 1866. He will fill all subscriptions paid me in advance to this date. Subscribers in arrears, will settle with me to 19th November, 1865. After that date, Capt. Nash is authorized to receive payment. This sale or transfer will not affect the interests of the patrons of the Journal, which will be published as usual.
Our connection with the Journal as Editor and Proprietor, ceases with this issue. For more than two years past we have faithfully endeavored to place before its readers such matter as was deemed most conducive to the interests, not only of Gallia county, and the State of Ohio, but of the whole Union. During the war, the Journal gave no "uncertain sounds" as to its peculiar tenets. An ardent friend and advocate of all measures calculated to strengthen the Government, sustain our armies in the field, and encourage loyal men at home, it was also the relentless foe, of all who by word or deed, assailed the principles of American Liberty. The support rendered the Journal by the friends, and the bitter and vindictive hostilities exhibited by the foes of the Union toward it, are equally proof of the correctness of our course. We leave the office greatly enlarged and improved, with a largely increased subscription list, and an overwhelming advertising and job-work patronage. For this, we are profoundly grateful to the public, and shall ever bear it in remembrance.
Of the gentleman who succeeds us, it is not necessary that we should speak at length. He is a native, "to the manor born," and one known to almost every reader of the Journal. His radical Unionism needs no endorsement by us. All we need say, is that in his hands the paper will lose none of its good qualities but on the contrary we are assured will be greatly improved. [ . . . ] Our patrons will please accept our grateful thanks for the noble manner in which they have sustained us in our editorial career. May long life and prosperity attend them all. R. L. Stewart
Westerman High School
This school having proved to be eminently successful, the Trustees take pleasure in announcing that the Third Session will commence February the 20th, 1866, and continue eleven weeks. David W. DeLay, Principal. This institution affords superior advantages to young men desiring to prepare for College, as well as those of both sexes who wish to prepare for teaching and business pursuits. Tuition from $4.50 to $6. Incidental fee 4 cts per student. Good boarding can be had of families living near School, at $3 per week, rooms and fuel included. Further information can be had of J. N. Kerr, President, or Geo. Cherrington, Sec'y. of the Board.
The Gallipolis Journal
February 1, 1866
Old Folk's Concert in Costume by the Ladies and Gentlemen of St. Peter's Church, for the benefit of the Church Improvement Fund, will be given at Aleshire's Hall, on Thursday and Friday evenings, Feb. 8th and 9th. Upon this occasion the Public will be treated with a Choice Selection of old and popular Vocal and Instrumental Music in a style never before presented to the citizens of Gallipolis. The Gallipolis Amateur Orchestra will lend their valuable assistance throughout the Concert.. Doors will open at 7 o'clock P.M. Concert will commence at 7 1/2. Tickets 50cts. to be had at the stores of Messrs. John A. Robinson, Henry Onderdonk, J.& P. A. Sands, Bailey and Cherrington, Bailey and Ridenour, and at the door. For particulars see Programme.
Notice. Sealed proposals will be received by the Trustees of the Gallia Academy at the Secretary's Office, until 6 o'clock P.M. of Saturday the 24th day of February 1866, for building an addition to the Academy, where plans and specifications can be seen. R. Aleshire, Sec'y, Gallia Academy.
Capt. J. E. Fleming, A.Q.M. at this post, has obtained leave of absence to return to his home in the Shenandoah Valley, Va., where he was residing at the outbreak of the war and where he lost a large amount of property by the rebels. During his stay among us, the Capt., has gained the good will and esteem of all who became acquainted with him. His mild manner of doing business, at the same time prompt and thoroughly effective, gave unusual satisfaction. He carries with him the best wishes of a host of friends for his future prospects.
The Gallipolis Journal
February 15, 1866
We had the pleasure yesterday of greeting Capt. C. M. Holloway, late of the steamer Sherman, now of the firm of Hanley & Co., Cincinnati. He came up to attend the funeral of his mother, who died on Tuesday last.
Our enterprising fellow citizen R. Aleshire, Esq., has, during the past year, erected on Court street, a fine business block, which does honor to his public spirit and liberality, and credit to our town. The building is eighty feet deep, by forty five feet front, and three stories high. The first story is fourteen feet high, and is occupied by two splendid store rooms. The second story is twelve feet high and is divided into four rooms. The third story is sixteen feet high, and is wholly occupied by a spacious and commodious hall, reached by a wide and easy stair way, entering from the front. The hall is fitted up, at the back end, with a platform or stage, on either side of which is a dressing room. It is lighted by two splendid chandeliers of seven burners each, and taken altogether is a first class hall, a desideratum long needed in our town, and for the erection and fitting up of which, Mr. Aleshire deserves the thanks of our community. Six hundred persons can be comfortable seated in the hall. The architect and master builder was Mr. T. S. Ford, of the firm of Ford, Callohan & Co.
We notice that the repairs to the steamer Cottage No. 2, are nearly completed. The work has been done solely by Gallipolis mechanics, and, say judges, well done. She has been completely refitted and refurnished, and is a neat, trim packet. She expects to leave here for Kanawha next Saturday, and will run in the Kanawha and Cincinnati trade. Capt. James Newton has sold his interest in the boat, to Capt. S. C. Farley, who will take command. Capt. Farley is one of our oldest steamboat men, and is a competent and careful officer. Our young friend, Col. J. L. Vance, will have charge of the office—an excellent selection. We wish the boat, and its officers, abundant success.
The Gallipolis Journal
February 8, 1866
Lieut. Geo. D. Womeldorff left here some days since for the South, to disinter and bring home the bodies of Reuben Martin and Grasson M. Cole, members of Co. L, 7th O.V.C., who fell in the action of Ebenezer Church, near Selma, Ala., on the first of April, 1865. We wish him success. They were two noble boys, killed by Secessionism.
Our efficient board of county Commissioners, contracted with Mr. John Dufour last Friday, for the building of a stone bridge across Chickamoga [sic] creek, on the Portsmouth road. The bridge proper is to consist of two 20 feet arches, and twenty four feet wide. The entire length of bridge and embankments is near 300 feet. The road bed to be as high as the present bridge. The contract price is $5,000, Mr. Dufour entering into bond that it shall remain permanent and good for the term of two years. The Board would have been glad to have made the bridge some 4 feet higher than the present one, but the law not permitting them to enter into any contract for over $5,000, they could not do it. But there is a way of doing it yet. For $1,200 additional Mr. Dufour will agree to raise the bridge four feet higher than the present one, and we understand an effort will be made to raise that sum by private subscription. Mr. Adam Kling will receive subscriptions for that purpose, to whom all friends, who feel an interest in the matter, can apply.
Pursuant to notice, the stockholders of the Gallipolis and Ironton Packet Co., met at Ironton, O., when on motion, Mr. Haskell of Ky., was chosen Chairman, and W. T. McQuigg, of Ironton, O., Secretary. By ballot the following named gentlemen were elected directors:—George Clark of Ironton, O., Mr. Graham of Gallipolis, O., Mr. Poague, of Ashland, Ky., John Wilson of Burlington, O., Jacob Miller of Quaker Bottom, O. After which a committee consisting of George Clark of Ironton, Capt. Bailey of Gallipolis, and Capt. Samuel Crawford of Burlington was appointed to negotiate the purchase of a suitable boat. [Ironton Register]
The Gallipolis Journal
March 1, 1866
A Pleasing Incident of the War
Now and then a little human smile, brightens war's grim visage, like a flash of sunshine in an angry day. I remember one that I wish I could daguerrotype. The amenities of battle are so few, how precious they become! Let me give you that little "touch of nature that makes the whole world kin." Once on a time, the 3d Ohio, belonging to Streight's command, entered a town en route for Richmond, prisoners of war. Worn down, famished, hearts heavy and knapsacks light, they were horded [sic], like dumb, driven cattle, to wear out the night. A rebel regiment, the 54th Virginia, being camped near by, many of its men came strolling about to see the sorry show of poor supperless Yankees. They did not stare long, but hastened away to camp, and came streaming back with coffee kettle, corn bread and bacon, the best they had, and all they had; and straightaway little fires began to twinkle, bacon was suffering the martyrdom of the saint of the gridiron, and the aroma of coffee arose like the fragrant cloud of a thank-offering. Loyal guests and rebel hosts were mingled. Our hungry boys ate, and were satisfied; and for that one night, our common humanity stood acquitted of the heavy charge of total depravity with which it is blackened. Night and our boys departed together.
The prisoners in due time were exchanged, and are now encamped within rifle-shot of Kelly's Ferry, on the bank of the Tennessee, but often around the camp-fire I have heard them talk of the 54th Virginia, that proved themselves so immeasurably better "than a brother afar off," heard them wonder where they were, and discuss the chance that they might ever meet. When they denounced the "damnable Johnny rebs," the name of one regiment you may be sure, was tucked away in a snug place, quite out of the range of hard words. And now comes the sequel, that makes a beautiful poem of the whole of it.
On the day of the storming of Mission Ridge, among the prisoners was the 54th Virginia; and on Friday it trailed away across the pontoon bridge and along the mountain road, nine miles to Kelly's Ferry. Arrived there, it settled upon the bank, like wasps, awaiting the boat. A week elapsed, and your correspondent followed suit. The Major of the 3d Ohio welcomed me to the warm hospitalities of his quarters and almost the first thing he said was, "You should have been here last Friday; you missed the denouement of the beautiful little drama of ours whose first act I have told you. Will you believe?—the 54th was here. Some of our boys were on duty at the landing when it arrived. "What regiment is this?" they asked, and when the reply was given, they started for camp like quarter horses, and shouted, as they rushed in and out among the smoky cones of the Sibley's. "The 54th Virginia is at the ferry!" The camp swarmed in three minutes. Treasures of bacon, coffee, sugar, beef, preserved peaches, everything, were turned out in force; and you may believe they went laden with plenty, at the double-quick, to the ferry. The same old scene, and yet how strangely changed—the twinkling fires, the grateful incense, the hungry captives; but guests and hosts had changed places; the starlit folds floated aloft for the bonny blue flag; a debt of honor was paid to the utmost farthing. If they had a triumph of arms at Chattanooga, hearts were trumps at Kelly's Ferry. And there it was that horrid war smiled a human smile; and a grateful, gentle light flickered for a moment on the point of the bayonet. And yet, should the 54th Virginia return tomorrow, with arms in their hands, to Tennessee, the 3d Ohio would meet them on the bank, fight them foot to foot, and beat them back with rain so pitiless the river would run red.
B. F. Taylor
Steamboat Disasters
We have a list of steamboat accidents to record this week, with the loss of many lives. The steamer J. R. Gillmore, while entering the canal at Louisville, hit one of the abutments, knocking a hole in her, and sunk [sic]. She was loaded with a valuable cargo, and bound for Nashville. She was worth 28,000 dollars, and will, doubtless, be raised. The Sam Gaty was snagged and sunk in the Mississippi, on the 22d ult. The Winchester, a new boat, built for the Parkersburg and Pittsburg trade, was burnt to the water's edge, on her first trip, on the 23d ult., when near East Liverpool. From fifteen to twenty lives are reported lost by drowning. She was valued at 100,000 dollars and insured for 50,000 dollars. The C. E. Hillman and Nannie Byers, came in collision between Cincinnati and Louisville, on the 24th ult. The latter boat sunk [sic] almost immediately, with the loss of fifteen or twenty lives. The steamers Dictator, Luna, Leviathan and Peytona, were burned at the St. Louis levee on Monday night last, with a large amount of freight. Loss probably 500,000 dollars.
The Military State Agency at Gallipolis, closed yesterday, all claims for Pension, Pay and Bounty, or of discharged soldiers, will be immediately transferred to Colonel Royal Taylor, Com. of Soldiers Claims at Columbus, Ohio, by whom they will be prosecuted to final settlement without any charge to the soldier or his heirs. All claimants will be notified by letter of this change, which will not effect [sic] their interests in the slightest degree.
The Gallipolis Journal
March 8, 1866
Fire—Two Dwelling Houses Burnt
A fire broke out Monday morning, about 9 o'clock, in a one-story frame double house, on third street, near the corner of Cedar, owned by Mr. F. R. Wood, and occupied by Mr. T. B. Mitchell and Mr. Lewis Place. The fire started from a defective flue in the garret, and when discovered had burnt through the roof, soon placing the building beyond all hope of saving. We believe the furniture and goods of the two families were all saved. Loss about $1,200—no insurance. From this it communicated to the two-story double frame dwelling owned by Mr. John A. Moore, and occupied by himself and Mr. John S. Myers. This was also destroyed. The household goods of both families were principally saved. Loss about $2,000, covered by an insurance of $1,500 in the Aetna Co. The adjoining house was a two-story brick, owned and occupied as store by Mr. Isaac Cook. This was saved, although at one time it seemed impossible to do so. But by the noble efforts of the Fire Co., and citizens its safety was secured.. Mr. Cook's only loss was in a slight destruction of goods by removal. He was insured.
The remains of Grasson M. Cole and Reuben Martin, who fell martyrs to the Union cause, in a fight near Selma, Ala., April, 1865, arrived here on Saturday, and were interred, the former on Sunday, and the latter on Monday.
Gallipolis, March 5th, 1866
The meeting called to take preparatory steps to organize a fire department in this city met at Aleshire's Hall at seven o'clock P.M. and organized by calling W. R. Morgan to the chair. On motion J. S. Blackaller was chosen Secretary. C. C. Aleshire was requested to read the law of the State referring to the organization of fire companies. On motion of C. C. Aleshire, Messrs. H. McClurg, H. F. Wood and Jno. Lupton were appointed a committee to raise a force not to exceed sixty men for the Engine and Hose companies, and Messrs. W. R. Morgan and Jno. Clendenin to raise a company of not more than thirty men for the Hook and Ladder Company. On motion of Capt. E. S. Aleshire, C. C. Aleshire, H. F. Wood, and Jas. Leclercq were appointed a committee to draft a Constitution and By-laws for the Government of said Fire Department of the City of Gallipolis. A motion was made and carried that the report of the proceedings of this meeting be published in the City papers. There being no other business the meeting adjourned to meet Saturday evening at half past 6 o'clock at Aleshire's Hall. W. R. Morgan, Ch'm. J. S. Blackaller, Sec'y
The Gallipolis Journal
March 15, 1866
Capt. Moses Rife, of the 56th O.V.I., who has been in the service since the summer of 1861, arrived home last week, having been mustered out of the service. He brought with him the remains of his brother, who was killed in Gen. Grant's movement to the rear of Vicksburg.
The Gallipolis Journal
March 29, 1866
Jonesboro, Tenn., March 14th, '66
A few days ago, while riding out in the country, Sheriff Shipley of this place, pointed out to me the grave of an Ohio soldier, which is on the Hon. Mr. Nelson's farm. On the headboard there is written, D. S. Hannah, Co. L, 7th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. He came to his death while standing on the picket near this place. He fell, like all true soldiers, at his post. He was buried by some women, and his grave can be seen very distinctly by travelers, from the road. He was killed September 28, 1863.
By inserting this note in your paper, some of his friends may know where his grave can be found. I hope other Ohio papers will be kind enough to copy this. If any of the friends of the deceased desire further information, they can have it by writing to the undersigned. L. F. Drake
The above "true soldier" enlisted from Harrison township, and was the son-in-law of Mr. Stephen Martin.
The Gallipolis Journal
April 5, 1866
Ohio has four regiments of troops yet in the service,—three of infantry and one of cavalry. They are the 25th now in South Carolina; the 48th at Galveston, Texas; the 56th at New Orleans; and the 11th Cavalry at Fort Laramie.
Capt. W. H. Nash, C.S., U.S.A., left New Orleans on the 27th ult., for Brownsville, Texas, where he has been ordered to report to take charge of the C. S. department of the entire line of the Rio Grande.
Proceedings of the Board of Health, Gallipolis, March 23, 1866
Board of Health met; members present—A. Vance, R. Black, N. P. Fenner and C. W. Cherrington. The following resolutions were on motion adopted:
Resolved, That all swine in the city whether in pens, lots or streets, are considered a nuisance, and must be removed.
Resolved, That all privies in a dilapidated condition or not thoroughly cleaned are a nuisance, and must be abated.
Resolved, That all lots upon which water stands or collects, are considered a nuisance, and must be abated by filling or otherwise.
Resolved, That all water standing in the streets of the city is considered a nuisance, and must be abated. On visiting part of the city, the Board of Health found privies, hog-pens and other buildings, in a very bad condition, and hereby declare the same nuisances, and notify the citizens of the city that all premises must be cleansed thoroughly by the fifteenth of April, and all that are not cleansed by that time aforesaid, will be so done at the expense of the owner of the said premises by the proper officer.
Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in both papers of our city, and held as a notice sufficient to prompt immediate action on (the) part of citizens.
C. W. Cherrington, Sec'y.
The residence of Mr. Reuben Allen, in the upper end of this township, was entered last Thursday night, and robbed of a small sum of money and valuable papers. No arrests have been made.
The Gallipolis Journal
April 12, 1866
Charleston, West Va., Arpil 9th, 1866
Mr. Editor:—[ . . . ]
All of last week was occupied in the trial of Newton G. Sims, charged with the murder of Alexander White, the particulars of which I wrote you a few weeks ago. The trial closed at a late hour on Saturday evening, and resulted in a verdict of guilty of murder in the first degree. The State's attorney was assisted in the prosecution by Judge Summers, who was assigned to that duty by the court. The defense was very ably conducted by Captain C. W. Smith, who was stationed at your city during the war, and Mr. Wesley Mollohan, formerly a citizen of Gallipolis. It was purely a case of circumstantial evidence, though it must be admitted that the chain of circumstances established by the evidence adduced on the part of the State was very strong, and calculated to impress upon the minds of the jury an almost conclusive conviction of the prisoner's guilt. [ Our correspondent furnishes a detailed statement of the testimony given in the case, which, for want of room, we are compelled to omit.]
Strange to say, the prisoner has from the first, and still continues, to protest that before God he is innocent of the murder, although he admits that he ran off the horses. His counsel will move for a new trial before the close of the term. D.
Remember that Capt. Gerard, A.Q.M. commences the sale of the Hospital Buildings next Tuesday, the 17th. This is the last chance to buy cheap lumber.
A burglarious [sic] attempt was made last Saturday night on the jewelry store of Mr. Chas. P. Fisher, but the scoundrel made a dry haul. He effected an entrance by forcing the back door, but was scared off before accomplishing his purpose, receiving only a few trifling articles, amounting to not over five dollars in value. Rather poor pay for the chances he ran of serving the State for the term of five years. Several suspicious characters have recently made their appearance here, and we warn our citizens to be on the alert, and give them a warm reception. Of course we advise not to kill–unless you get good aim.
The Gallipolis Journal
May 24, 1866
Our townsman, Mr. Alfred Henking, of the firm of Messrs. C. & A. Henking, starts Tuesday next for Europe, to visit relatives and friends in (the) father-land. He expects to sail from Boston on the 6th of June. His family accompany him. They will be absent about five months. Our best wishes go with them, and our hopes for a safe return.
The Court of Common Pleas for Gallia county commenced its Summer term in this place last Monday, Judge Guthrie presiding. The docket is a large one, and as but one week is allowed for the sitting of the Court here, much business must necessarily be continued until next term. The following gentlemen compose the Grand Jury, to wit: Edward Hunt, foreman—John A. Eakin, A. L. Koontz, Isaac Chapman, S. M. Neal, Charles Wood, W. K. Deckard, J. J. Bing, W.W. Mills, Samuel Kerr, Matthew Lasley, S. G. Keller, John Irwin, Samuel Cole and A. Pierce. They adjourned yesterday morning, having examined 34 witnesses, and found 25 indictments, mostly for violations of liquor law.
The returns of the assessment of personal property, moneys, credit, &c., of Gallipolis city for the current year, show a valuation of $791,614. Last year it was $794,439, which was over $100,000 higher than any former year. The highest assessment previous to the war was a little over $262,000. With such a valuation, and with a liberality proportionate to the importance of the enterprise, our rail-road scheme must and will succeed.
The remains of seven Ohio soldiers, belonging to Gen. Mitchell's famous "Railroad Expedition," who were hanged by the rebels, have been removed from Atlanta to Chattanooga, where they have been properly buried.
The Gallipolis Journal
May 31, 1866
Mrs. Hannah Jolly, living a short distance below town on the river road, had a horse stolen on Monday night.
Mr. C. D. Fillmore, or Porter, was robbed of his carpet sack, containing over a hundred dollars in postal currency, at our wharf last week. See his advertisement.
The Court of Common Pleas did not finally adjourn until Monday, owing to the illness of Judge Guthrie. He had a severe attack of the Cholera Morbus on Friday night, and in consequence was confined to his room until Monday. The only State case, of importance, that was tried, was that of Wm. Mills for horse stealing. He was found guilty, and sentenced to three years in the Penitentiary. There were ninety-three cases on the civil docket, forty-nine of which were disposed of, and the balance continued.
The residence of Mr. T. C. Safford, of Green township, was entered, on Friday night last, and robbed of a small amount of money and sundry eatables. This is the second time Mr. Safford's house has been thus entered. He should be prepared the next time to give them a little cold lead.
Mr. Butcher is astonishing our citizens with his Atmospheric Churn Dasher. It does its work well and quickly—making butter in from 3 1/2 to 6 minutes. It is cheap and simple, and can be used in an ordinary churn or jar. See advertisement.
A column titled Steamboats lists seven packet boats that serve Gallipolis at this time—Edinburgh, Capt. J. L. Thompson; Cottage No. 2, Capt. S. C. Farley; Fawn No. 2, Capt. Samuel Hamilton; Kanawha Belle, Capt. Sam. Christy; Ohio No. 3, Capt. J. J. Blagg; Victress, Capt. E. Berringer; and St. James, captain not given.
The Gallipolis Journal
June 7, 1866
Mr. Editor:
The practice of "House entering" is becoming alarmingly frequent. One can scarcely take up a paper now days [sic] without seeing some notice of this kind. Your readers will remember the entering of the house of T. C. Safford, some time since, at which time the preacher spending the night with him was relieved of about fifty dollars.
This practice was slightly varied on Thursday last. While myself and family were absent from home, leaving our house as we supposed securely locked, the parsonage was entered, and on our return, we found to our surprise, the yard full of teams, our house thronged, a magnificent table set, and ourselves heartily welcomed. After dinner, at which over fifty persons had eaten, an hour of very pleasant social intercourse, concluded with some religious exercises and good singing, the party dispersed; all seeming much pleased, and the occupants of the parsonage found themselves the gainers by over sixty dollars in money, and the other necessities of life. This irregularity, is chargeable to representatives from Rodney, Mt. Zion, Fairfield, and Safford societies of Gallipolis circuit. The substantial benefit received, and the good will manifested, are highly appreciated.
J. W. Lewis, Rodney, Ohio, June 4, 1866
The Masonic fraternity of this section of the state propose to celebrate St. John's day, June 23d, at Pomeroy, by procession, oration, and dinner. The brethren here are arranging to attend. The committee having the arrangements in charge consists of Messrs. John Lawson, James Brown, and John C. Vanden. Brethren desirous of attending this celebration are requested to report to the above committee at an early day, that the accommodations may be such as to disappoint none who wish to go. It is expected that they will take their ladies with them. The committee will engage a comfortable boat for the excursion, leaving here in the morning and returning the same evening.
On Tuesday night, 22d inst. the "Double creek Saw mill" on the Ohio river about 18 miles below Gallipolis, was discovered to be on fire. The Steamer Gipsey was then about half a mile below the mill, on her down trip. The Captain immediately stopped the boat, and steamed back to the fire, ordering passengers and crew to be provided with buckets, and ready for prompt action. On reaching the mill all hands went to work and the flames extinguished. A few minutes later, and the destruction would have been complete. Such conduct on the part of the Captain of the Gipsey, and her crew, is worthy of note, and we record it with pleasure. It is hardly necessary to say that the Captain's name is Sam Beaty. Success to him and his "Gispey."
The residence of Mr. Charles Carel, the Artist, was entered by burglars on Monday night. They ransacked the house pretty thoroughly, but failed to make it a very profitable visit. They took friend Carel's pocket book, with the little change it contained, and sundry articles of wearing apparel of little value.
The Gallipolis Journal
June 7, 1866
A runaway affair occurred, on Saturday, in the lower part of town, which came near being very serious in its results. Two horses, attached to a farm wagon, started from near the Woolen Factory, and, as they turned the corner up Third street, they ran against a post which freed them of the wagon. With neck yoke and gears on, they ran up Third street, until overtaking a horse and buggy, in which was [sic] Mr. T. A. Roberts, a lady and a child, the horses parted, and thus attempted to pass. But, instead of so doing, the neck yoke caught the buggy, upsetting it and throwing out the occupants, and thus the three horses, the three persons and broken buggy—became one tangled mass, out of which it seemed almost impossible to rescue with life Mr. Roberts, lady and child. It was done, however, and we believe without any serious injuries to the persons thus in peril, though much battered and bruised by the collision.
The Gallipolis Journal
June 21, 1866
The 11th Ohio Cavalry, under the command of Captain Humphreville, left Fort Laramie on Saturday, homeward bound, for muster out. They are the last Ohio troops in service.
The colors of the 25th Ohio, just returned from South Carolina for muster out, were presented to Governor Cox, as the representative of the State, Saturday. The Governor responded to the presentation in a brief speech, explaining the necessities which had detained the regiment so long in the service. The regiment has been in six engagements since it received the colors, and lost six color-bearers.
[The following letters, signed EX, come from a contributor traveling and reporting from neighboring areas.]
Notes of Travel, Correspondence of the Gallipolis Journal, Ripley, W.Va., June 5th, '66
Editor Journal:
Notice of a tour through West Virginia this summer, may prove of sufficient interest to your readers, to merit space in your paper. Incidents of travel, character sketches of the people, of soil, climate and products, shall form the subject of the series, designed more to instruct than amuse, and confined wholly to facts on which the reader can implicitly rely. Your correspondent, landing at Ravenswood on the Ohio river, about halfway between Gallipolis and Parkersburg, and by the way a very pleasant village, took passage in a wagon for Ripley, the county seat of Jackson. Twelve miles travel over a war road and for its greater length through an unbroken wilderness, brings us to Ripley, a town of about 300 inhabitants, and in appearance somewhat resembling Rodney in you(r) county.
The court was in session, and town crowded with people. Lawyers from Parkersburg, Charleston and other places were in attendance, and apparently having enough to do. One Joe Smith, formerly a celebrated lawyer, of the place, and a man of talent, was also there, having traveled eleven days from Wythville [sic] in Virginia only to find himself debarred from practicing as an attorney, in the very court in which for years he was considered the most able and elegant advocate. Mr. Smith had been an original secessionist, and found it convenient to go beyond the confederate lines in company with a celebrated lawyer from Pt. Pleasant, whose name was also "a tower of strength" in Jackson sounty. Both these gentlemen have found their rights. A young attorney from Charleston was on hand, but found his services in the rebel army had cut him off from practice. He has concluded under the operations of the constitutional amendment, "to file his declaration of intention to become a citizen," renouncing his allegiance to the state of Virginia. The idea is a novel one, and worthy of trial.
Several returned confederate soldiers were in attendance at the court, in consequence of sundry bills of indictment found against them for "taking and carrying away feloniously(?)," certain horses belonging to their Union neighbors, and converting said horses to the use of the Southern Confederacy. Several of the accused parties compromised, by paying for the horses, and the others would probably follow their example. Verily, these returned rebels, are finding West Virginia Union men, terribly in earnest in demanding not only their rights, but enforcing them in such a manner as to leave no mode of escape through any technicalities of special pleading, or finely drawn theories of justice, as set forth by the conservatives themselves. They have determined "treason shall be made odious" and traitors punished whether the Federal Government will do so or not. They have concluded that those, who, under the plea of "State('s) Rights," took up arms to destroy the Government, shall be judged by their own rule, and punished according to State laws. Let those who feel disposed to censure them, for apparent severity toward returned rebels, think of what they were obliged to suffer for years at the hands of these men.
The wheat crop is almost a total failure throughout this section of country, and farmers say they will be obliged to purchase seed for the next crop. Corn, is in many places barely above ground, but should the season prove favorable, a tolerable crop may be expected. Grass is very short, and can hardly recover from the effects of the late dry weather, in time to afford even half a crop. The large amount of old hay yet in the country, will supply the deficiency. Oats very short, and not accounted of any importance. Of fruit, apples alone are seen, though the yield will be limited. Peaches are wholly destroyed. This county contains some fine lands for agricultural purposes. It is mostly heavily timbered and well watered. For sheep raising, it is most admirably adapted, and the farmers are already turning their attention to that business. An extensive woolen factory is just commencing business at Ripley, and will undoubtedly be successful.
Emigration to this county has already commenced, and an infusion of northern energy and spirit among the present inhabitants, cannot fail to produce satisfactory results. Land is held at very low rates, and an energetic farmer of moderate means, must do well, particularly, if wool growing be his chief pursuit. Considerable excitement exists in some parts of the county, relative to silver ores, several beds of which are said to have been discovered recently. If true, secrecy is so well observed by the lucky finders thereof, that no reliable information can be obtained in regard to them. So much for the county of Jackson at large, but as for the town of Ripley, as a town, it is unquestionably one of the best in the State—to leave. EX.
Wirt C.H., West Va., June 10, 1866
Editor Journal:
Did you ever observe the skill displayed in packing sardines in those boxes sold by grocers? The agent of the stage line from Parkersburg to Burning Springs must have served some time in the sardine business. His method of packing twelve passengers with their baggage into a hack originally designed for six, is worthy of admiration by all the world, except the twelve so packed. Their views are generally expressed in language more forcible than elegant and still more forcibly as the "masheen" moves slowly forward, for the space of six hours, over thirty miles of the most execrable road, poor suffering humanity was ever obliged to travel. The author of "Jordan" must have passed over this route for a harder road to "trabble" cannot be found. And then the hack itself, can only be appreciated when seen. All kinds of conveyances were suggested to Mrs. Partington, in order to ascertain the fame of the one in which she traveled, but in vain, until the old lady at last triumphantly exclaimed it was a "vehicle." That term may be safely applied to what the agent at Parkersburg, facetiously styled, a cooch. It was nothing more or less than a "vehicle." The proprietors of hacks, running from your town, might find it profitable to take lessons in the art of "packing" from our friend, the agent of blessed memory at Parkersburg.
The "oil fever" has lately broken out again in consequence of new discoveries recently made at Burning Springs. A Mr. Otterson struck ". . ." at 800 feet, on Friday week last, and the flow was so prodigious, as to exceed all former accounts however exaggerated. Fifteen hundred barrels per day was said to be the yield for the first three days. A "reliable gentleman" informed me to-day, that he was on the ground yesterday, and the yield was 600 barrels of pure oil. Another, well known as the Jones well, had previously been sunk to the depth of 800 feet, when the gas and oil burst forth with such force, as to break the tools, leaving part in the well. The gas took fire from the boilers and raged with such fury as to melt the fly-wheel and machinery of the engine. A large force of men were [sic] set to work digging up the ground as near as they could get, and throwing it over on the fire, finally succeeded in quenching the flames—the oil in the meantime forcing its way through the ground, and being gathered up to the extent of 400 bbls. This well is now yielding about 300 bbls. daily, but supposed to double that, if the tools remaining in it, could yet be extracted. Several other wells have been deepened to near 800 feet, but the scarcity of tanks, obliges parties to delay "breaking through" as they term it, until they are prepared to save the oil. Operators are firmly convinced that oil in inexhaustible quantities exists at the depth of 800 feet; and therefore a great many who abandoned their wells, at the depth of 500 or more, are preparing to go to work at once, and speculation bids fair to get up as high as at any previous period. The opinion is held by some, that the oil exists at various depths, and when exhausted at one level, all that is required, is to dig deeper until the next strata is reached—somewhat after the manner of the salt wells on Kanawha, many of which have been bored deeper, and water obtained, when apparently the well was dry. However this may be, the oil wells at Burning Springs have assumed an importance wholly unlooked for, and the rush of speculators thither is very great. Many who had sunk wells and fortune at the same time, are now on the alert to find their money where they supposed it lost. Many will succeed in doing so, by selling out, and allowing others to assume the risk.
A ride of twenty-one miles in the "vehicle" brought us to Elizabeth, the county seat of Wirt, and eight miles distant from Burning Springs. As a town it is rather more a facsimile of Rodney, than even Ripley. The road through Wood county, is barely passable, so much of it as passes through Wirt, is calculated to produce a violation of the commandment, forbidding profanity. The land in Wood county lies well, and is well adapted to grazing or stock breeding. That of Wirt, to—snake breeding, if we may judge by the enormous specimens of black "racers" that frequently made their appearance along the way side, much to the satisfaction of a corpulent Philadelphian, who was always on the alert to destroy the harmless creatures basking in the sun, wholly unconscious of their danger. An Irishman on board the "vehicle" exhibited the other extreme, and in his fear of the "shnakes" forbore to swear at the tortures of the moveable "hall" [sic] in which we were slowly toiling on our way to Elizabeth.
This town is considerably scattered. It might easily be crowded into your public square and ample room left to transact all business, that its citizens find to do, besides drinking whiskey. Although very little cleared land is visible near town, and the timber very fine, the landlord informed us, his fuel cost him six dollars per cord. The hotels are second rate, and fully up to the times as found in that section, yet better than found at one point on Kanawha. But better days are in store for this place. The oil wells in the county will bring capital, energy and enterprise into it. The money required to make the Little Kanawha navigable to this place and Burning Springs, has nearly all been raised, and the late discoveries at the latter place, will oblige it to be placed under contract at once. This will afford an outlet for lumber as well as oil, both of which Wirt county possesses very extensively. It cannot be long therefore until land will become valuable, and emigration flow into the county. Those who take advantage of the present low prices of land, and who are willing to "rough it" for a time can hardly fail to make a comfortable living for themselves and families.
The Constitutional Amendment was carried by a fair majority, which augurs well for the future. The Union men of Wirt county, are determined rebels shall not rule, and if they choose to remain among them, must take a back seat with sambo, for which we trust, they may be thankful, that is, the rebels.
The Gallipolis Journal
June 28, 1866
Dufour House—This popular, first class Hotel has recently changed proprietors, and been refitted and refurnished in a style warranted to secure the comfort and convenience of those who have the good fortune to stop there. The present proprietor is Mr. Jas. E. Richardson, a gentleman well and favorably known throughout the Southwest, in whose hands the reputation of this House will be fully sustained. We were shown through the ramifications [sic] of this building from cellar to attic, and found the rooms well ventilated, the building clean and nice as could be, besides every convenience for health, comfort and good living. In the second story is a billiard and refreshment saloon, very tastefully fitted up for the accommodation of those seeking amusement or exercise. Those who wish a safe and comfortable retreat from the heat, dust, noise and turmoil of city life, during the rage of the dog-star, will be happy in consigning themselves to the tender care of our friend Richardson, oof the Dufour House.
DROWNED, in the Ohio river, opposite the mouth of the Kanawha, June 25th, 1866, John P. Booram, aged 14 years. He had on a black and white check gingham shirt, and old blue mixed pants. If found, information of the fact, sent to the subscriber at Fair Haven, Ohio, opposite Pt. Pleasant, W.Va., will be thankfully received.
John B. Booram
It will be remembered that sometime in May last, Mr. C. D. Filmore, of Porter, had stolen from him, at our wharf, his carpet sack containing over one hundred dollars in postal currency. Not liking to thus loose [sic] his money without some effort to its recovery and the punishment of the thief, he has had the matter carefully looked after ever since, until on Monday last, he had arrested the supposed thief, whose examination will take place to-day, (Thursday) before Esq. Damron
The Gallipolis Journal
July 5, 1866
The National Dress Reform Convention has been holding its annual meeting at Syracuse, New York. Mrs. Dr. Walker gave a somewhat minute account of her recent arrest in the city of New York for "wearing men's clothing," and her vindication of the right to dress as she pleased. She advocated the rights of women to the elective franchise, and made the prediction that in less than ten years the women of America would walk side by side with the men to the ballot-box, and that many of the offices would, at that time, be filled ably and acceptably by the women of our country. Revel on in your bright anticipations, dear Mrs. Dr. Walker, and make the most of them, yet we fear, they will never be anything more than anticipations.
The Grocery store of Mr. J. C. Neal, in this city, was entered on Sunday night, and robbed of sundry articles. The thieves have been arrested, we understand, and a portion of the property recovered.
Our Theater goers can be accommodated at home next week. Mr. John T. Raymond, with his talented group of artists, will commence a series of performances at Aleshire's Hall next Monday evening.
FOR SALE Messrs. Dudding and Bowyer have a fine lot Pillows, Bedsteads and other useful articles in store, for sale at the Dufour House.
The Gallipolis Journal
July 19, 1866
We came very near having an extensive fire in our city last Thursday evening. One of the large chandeliers in Aleshire's Hall fell, scattering its inflammable material over the floor, which, igniting, seemed for a moment to threaten the destruction of the building. But happily it was soon extinguished, with but little damage.
This may fairly be called the "heated term." For three days, up to Tuesday evening, the thermometer has ranged from 96 to 101. It has been general over the country, and deaths by sun-stroke are noted in most of our exchanges.
The Gallipolis Journal
July 26, 1866
Coroner Wall held an inquest on the body of an unknown man, found in the Ohio river, in Clay township, on the 22d inst. The deceased was supposed to be about 35 years old, black hair, sandy mustache; had a red flannel shirt, check cassimere pants and pair (of) old boots; had in his watch pocket six dollars National currency and five cents in scrip, with two trunk keys. Supposed to have been in the water three or four days. [Webster's defines cassimere as a "twill weave, worsted suiting fabric, often with a striped pattern." E. Hughes]
On Tuesday night last, Rev. Mr. Gardner of the Methodist Episcopal Church, was ducked by some men at Georgetown, Ky. His offense consisted in preaching to the negroes.
The Gallipolis Journal
August 2, 1866
We paid a visit to the County Infirmary a few days since. We found Superintendent Watts at home attending to the duties of his position—looking after not only the interests of the County in the economical management of the institution, but after the comfort and well being of the poor committed to his charge. There are thirty-eight persons at this time in the Infirmary, of both sexes, and of all ages, from the babe to tottering old age. Their condition seems as well as could be expected under the circumstances. Their apartments are clean, and their food is such as to suit their several necessities; the Directors, wisely we think, leaving the question of what kind of food shall be supplied to the inmates, to the good judgement and discretion of the Superintendent. The farm crops of oats and corn look well. The oats were being harvested while we were there, and will turn out a fine yield. The corn was in good condition, and promises an average crop. Altogether we were pleased with our visit, as well as with the general appearance and management of the institution.
The tailor shop of Mr. Wm. Rust was entered Wednesday night of last week, and robbed of sundry articles of clothing, but the thieves were subsequently overhauled and the property recovered. They had an examination before Esq. Damron; one was discharged, and the other sent up to the Court of Common Pleas.
At the sale last Saturday, by the County Commissioners, for the rebuilding of the "Blessing Bridge," the wood work was struck off to Eri Tucker for the sum of $1992; the stone work to Elias McGath at $2.50 per perch. The total cost of the bridge will, it is supposed, be near $3,000.
Mr. Editor:—
IRA W. BOOTEN will be a candidate for the office of Recorder before the Union Convention. Mr. Booten served as a private in the 73d O.V.I. and was wounded, in the battle of Lookout Mountain, in the shoulder, by which he is rendered unfit for active labor, and hence asks to be remembered by the Union Convention.
A. LOGUE, Esq. is a candidate for re-election to the office of Probate Judge, subject to the decision of the Union Convention.
We are requested to announce Capt. C. W. CHERRINGTON as a candidate for re-election to the office of County Recorder, subject to the decision of the Union Convention.
Mr. Editor:—Please announce the name of Capt. JOHN H. EVANS as a candidate for County Auditor subject to the decision of the Union Convention. Capt. Evans having served in the 56th O.V.I. through all the campaigns, from Fort Donaldson to Vicksburg, is well worthy the confidence and support of the Union voters of old Gallia.
We are requested to say that JOHN C. VANDEN will be a candidate before the Union Convention, for the office of County Auditor.
Mr. Editor:—Please announce the name of JOHN L. GUY, as a candidate for the office of County Recorder, subject to the decision of the Union County Conventiton, and much oblige MANY VOTERS.
CAPT. MOSES RIFE, late of the 56th O.V.I., will be a candidate for the office of County Auditor, subject to the decision of the Union County Convention.
We are requested to announce the name of JOHN P. AMOS as a candidate for the office of County Recorder, and oblige many Union voters.
We are requested to announce Capt. WILLIAM GRAYUM as a candidate for the office of Probate Judge, subject to the decision of the Union Convention.
The Gallipolis Journal
August 9, 1866
Capt. C. C. Aleshire, of our city, has received the appointment of second Lieutenant in the Third Regiment of Artillery U.S.A. He is under orders to report to the commanding officer, at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor. Some time since he received the appointment of Brevet Major, U.S.V., for services during the war. We congratulate our young friend on his promotion.
On Sunday last, Mr. W. H. McCormick, hired a horse and buggy to a stranger to go down the road a short distance. But instead of going to the place agreed upon, he took the road to Athens, intending, no doubt, to appropriate the property to his own use. He was, however, overhauled at McConnellsville, and both property and thief secured.
Fort Smith, Ark., July 24, 1866
Mr. Nash: Dear Sir:
A few days ago, becoming tired of heated garrison walls and baked pavements, we procured a horse and crossed the Arkansas river into the Cherokee nation, where the tall forest trees looked cool and inviting. As we stood on the opposite bank inhaling the cool morning air and gazing at the brick walls of the city that would soon become heated with Sols rays, we could but pity the men that daily move along through the narrow, heated streets, with scarcely life enough to cheat a customer. But we were in the forest and soon forgot the heated and suffering humanity of our large cities, as we listened to the song of a lively bird as it made its morning toilet by a clear and warbling brook. We felt that —"There is a pleasure in the pathless woods, A rapture on the lonely shore."
Being a stranger in the country and under the impression that the Cherokees were the most indolent of all tribes, you can well judge of my surprise when, after a few hours ride, we (e)merged into an undulating and highly cultivated country, beautifully diversified with elegant farm houses, orchards teeming with lucious [sic] fruit, fields filled with shocks of golden grain standing like light houses amid the marked waves of stubble; herds of cattle grazing on the rolling prairie which, like a blue sea, stretches miles away in the distance. We rode a few miles through this delightful country and halted at an elegant brick mansion, the residence of a full blooded Indian of great wealth and influence among the tribe. We were heartily welcomed by the host. Our Junis (horses) were cared for, after which we partook of a very good dinner, served after the manner of our well to do farmers in Ohio. This tribe of Indians have [sic] attained a greater degree of intelligence and civilization than any tribe we have yet met. The country is very fine, well watered, and greatly adapted to the production of corn and wheat, of which quite an abundance will be raised this year. On our return to the city, we found the Gallipolis Journal on our desk. Need I tell you that it was welcomed like an old and tried friend, and how eagerly we looked over its columns to see who of our friends were dead or married. After carefully perusing the Journal we were pleased to know that its high toned gentlemanly editor still pursues the same course of loyalty, that has ever characterized his editorial career We wish him success.
The Gallipolis Journal
August 16, 1866
Burning of Bostona No. 3,
Correspondence Gallipolis Journal
Maysville, Ky., Aug. 9, 1866
Dear Sir:
At 20 minutes of 9 o'clock last evening, the Bostona No. 3 caught fire, and burned to the waters edge, one mile below Maysville. The boat is a total wreck. Number of lives lost unknown. Officers of the boat think all were saved, but passengers think differently. She had about one hundred passengers on board.
In two minutes after the alarm was given the fire was sweeping through the cabin. It caught fire from the lamp of the watchman, who had gone back to secure the tying of some cattle that had been taken on board at Maysville, broke the bottom out of the lamp, causing the oil to spill on some dry lumber, which caught on fire in an instant. The fire appeared to rage most terrific [sic] in the stern of the boat, the wind being in our favor while the boat was under headway; but so soon as the boat struck the sand bar, the fire came like a torrent up the bow, cutting every thing before it.
The pilot and engineer deserve special notice for sticking to their posts. The pilot stayed at the wheel until the texas (deck) was entirely enveloped in the flames, when he was compelled to jump overboard. Though he got badly bruised and severely burned, it is thought he will recover. No sooner had the bow of the boat struck the bar, than the engineer opened the mud valve, saving the explosion of the boilers, and perhaps the lives of half the crew. There was considerable powder in the magazine, but most all the passengers had reached terra firma before it exploded. There were 250 head of sheep on board, 16 head of cattle, and a heavy freight, all of which were consumed in the flames. The stock was all burned alive. None were saved.
All the baggage that was checked and in charge of the baggage master, was saved. My baggage was consumed in the flames, and all others that were in the state-rooms. It being very dark, and in the midst of a heavy storm, many of us jumped overboard before reaching land. The whole affair was a horrible scene, unparalleled by anything I ever saw, the dying groans of the soldier on the battle-ground not excepted. I think there were none from Gallia aboard but myself. I escaped admirably well, with slight burning on the head and neck. Most of the passengers were taken back by the ferry-boat to Maysville. They look rather hard this morning.
Most of the crew are on the Magnolia this morning, going on their trip. This is written on board the Magnolia.
Yours truly, L. D. Carter
The Gallipolis Journal
August 23, 1866
Election of Delegates
Mayor's Office, Gallipolis, Ohio, August 18, 1866
The citizens of Gallipolis Township met in convention. On the motion of S. A. Nash, Joseph Hunt was duly elected Chairman of the meeting and C. J. Menager, Secretary.—The object of the meeting being explained by the Chairman to be to select delegates to the Union County Convention for nominating county officers. On motion of S. A. Nash, a committee of seven were [sic] appointed to select the delegates. Said committee is as follows: S. A. Nash, J. G. Damron, C. D. Wall, A. O. Shepard, A. Lasley, Henry Graham, and R. Black. The committee returned the following persons as delegates to the County Convention, to-wit: Joseph Hunt, Wm. Walker, Jas. Mullineaux, Henry Shepard, Jno. Rodgers, R. Black, Jas. Gardner, J. T. Halliday, C. T. Bailey, Saml. Kerr, E. Deletombe, C. D. Wall, J. L. Kuhn and Isaac Calohan. Which report was adopted and the above named persons elected delegates. On motion the delegation have [sic] power to fill up the same on the day of the Convention if any are absent from the same. And these proceedings be published in the Journal.
Attest. C. J. Menager, Sec'y.
A couple of sharpies, a few days since, attempted to play the "grab-game" upon a green one, and were in the act of making off with his watch and money, when by the lustily [sic] cry of fire and murder, officer Williams was brought to the rescue, and the sharpies nabbed, and taken to the lock up. Subsequently they were brought before Mayor Damron, and fined in the sum of $15 each, and sentenced to five days in the chain gang. They, however, considering such "coercion" unconstitutional, broke out of the lock up, and left to work their game somewhere else.
Some fellow, with burglarious [sic] intent was endeavoring, a few nights since, to effect an entrance through the back door into the Jewelry establishment of Mr. C. P. Fisher, when he was startled by the discharge of a gun, the contents of which went through the door, but whether the thief was hit or not is not known. However, he suddenly left. Thieves must give Fisher's establishment a "wide berth," as his firearms sometimes explode without assistance from the inside.
The Gallipolis Journal
August 30, 1866
The Union Nominating Convention for Gallia county was held last Saturday. It was one of the largest delegate conventions ever held in this county, and was made up of good and tried men. The utmost good feeling prevailed, and the ticket presented to the voters of the county, is one, in an eminent degree, worthy of their confidence.
For Auditor, we have Capt. John H. Evans, of Centerville, a young man of superior qualifications, with a record, both in the army and in civil life, worthy of respect and imitation. Judge Logue is re-nominated for Probate Judge. He has served the people so faithfully during two terms, that there were found none to complain of him, and hence he was nominated by acclimation. For Recorder, the present efficient incumbent, Capt. C. W. Cherrington, was nominated. Having been a good officer for one term, he will be found for the second term equally attentive and prompt in discharge of the duties of the office. For commissioner–nuf ced. Rufus Beman of Perry township is the nominee for Infirmary Director. He is a careful, prudent man in all his business transactions, and will make an efficient officer.
Such is the ticket. Now, let us all turn in and do our utmost, not simply to elect it, for that is beyond peradventure, but to give it a larger majority than any former years.
Gallia Academy
The Fall Term of this Institution will commence on Wednesday, September 5th, 1866.
Teachers: A.G. Sears, A.M., Principal; Mrs. S. A. Sears, Preeeptress [sic], and Teacher in Ornamental Department; Misses Ellen M. Hibbard, Luella Hibbard, Sarah M. Hawes, Assistants; Madame Scheneberger, Teacher of French; Jas. M. Neal, Miss Eliza Sanns, Teachers on Piano. Instructions will be given in Vocal Music. Tuition—$4 to $7, per Term.
During the past year, additions have been made to the Library; the School building has been enlarged, the number of Teachers has been increased; and a course of study has been established. The Institution has a good Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus. Simeon Nash, Prs. R. Aleshire, Sec'y.
The Gallipolis Journal
September 6, 1866
The Str. Revenue Captain, Wash Kerr, running in the Cincinnati and Big Sandy trade, on last Friday night, struck a snag, near Buena Vista, and sunk [sic] in a few minutes.
The Union school will open on Monday, September 17th, under the superintendence of Mr. J. H. Caldwell, formerly of Warren, Trumbull county. Mr. Caldwell comes well recommended, as an accomplished and efficient teacher. The Directors of the Union school had a number of boys before Mayor Damron, last week, for breaking glass in the school house. After an excellent lecture from the Mayor, and payment of most of the damage by the parents, the boys were discharged. Next time, say the Directors, damage of this character will not be so leniently dealt with.
A colored deck hand died of cholera on board the steamer Argosa, at our landing, on Sunday evening. From those informed in regard to the matter, we understand that he was allowed to fight it out alone—lying on the deck of the boat with no attention or care from either officers or hands. Little humanity there.
The Gallipolis Journal
September 13, 1866
The Fall Term of the Gallia Academy opens with one-hundred and fifty students. We are glad to notice such evidence of appreciation on the part of the public, of this school, for we well know it is deserving of it all.
Mr. A. P. Rodgers has placed us under obligation for a basket of fine grapes, consisting of the following varieties, to-wit:—Diana, Catawba, Isabella, Hartford, Polific [sic], Concord, Taylors bullet, Tokaland, Clinton, Rebecca, Logan and Northern Muscadine. Mr. Rodgers has seventeen varieties under cultivation, fifteen of which are bearers this year. As a table grape we think the Concord has the preeminence, and, it being a good bearer, where but one vine can be planted and grown, we should recommend the Concord over all others.
The Gallipolis Journal
September 20,1866
Terrible Steamboat Accident
Explosion of the Allena May
We have the painful duty this week to record another of those steamboat explosions,—the more painful to us as the victims of it were mostly our citizens and neighbors. The Allena May, running as a daily packet between this place and Guyandotte, while on her upward trip, last Saturday, exploded her boilers near the head of Raccoon Island, about six miles below here. She had landed to take on a passenger, and was in the act of backing out, when the explosion took place. One boiler was thrown into the river, while the other was literally torn into shreds, pieces of it being carried hundreds of yards away from the wreck. The cabin, to near the middle of the boat, was completely destroyed, and blown overboard. Following we give a list of the dead and injured. The wonder is that there were not more killed, as they were all blown up with the boat, some landing in the water, some on the bank, and some falling on the deck of the boat.
Dead. John B. Shepard, of Gallipolis, passenger. He lived a short time, but totally unconscious. His skull was fractured in two or three places. M. Worley, deckhand, killed. A Hurlburt, colored fireman, fatally injured—died Sunday morning.
Injured.—Hamilton, Captain, bruised about head and hip—was blown into the river. Not serious. J. F. Downing, Clerk, badly burnt and bruised about head. Doing well. Andrew Overall, mate, burned about head—not serious. Robert Hamilton, watchman, strained in the back. Alfred Kinder, pilot, considerably bruised—was blown up and fell on the deck of the boat. John W. Hamilton, engineer striker, was badly jarred. Benj. Humphrey, steward, head bruised. Fred Boyce, cabin boy, slightly injured in hand. Isaac Wood, bar-keeper, slightly injured. Ezra H. Flowers of Guyandotte, badly burnt and bruised. He is at the residence of his son-in-law in this city, and is being well cared for. Mr. Flowers is well known in river circles as a prominent engineer. W. S. Locke, of Mason county, West Va., seriously burnt and bruised. He is at the National House. A. Griffiths, of Millersport, burned considerably about the head. Dr. W. F. Hannan, of Swan creek, slightly bruised. Polly Tilton and child—slightly injured. The clothes of the former caught fire; they were put out without doing serious damage.
Uninjured.—John Oliver, engineer, and (a) chambermaid.
There are reports of others being missing, but we could trace them to no reliable source. The Victor No. 3, and the Fawn No. 2, being at our wharf when the news of the explosion reached here, immediately went to the scene of the disaster, and rendered all needful assistance. The Nora, Capt. Blagg, also stopped at the wreck, and brought some of the dead and wounded to our city. The Allena May was originally the Gen. Meigs, built by the Government for the Quartermasters Department in the Kanawha valley. There was no insurance—loss about $4,000. As to the cause of the explosion, there are of course a variety of reasons. We have heard some statements in regard to the matter, that, if true, show almost a willful carelessness, on the part of some of the officers of the boat, of the safety of the lives committed to their charge. We trust the matter will be investigated by the proper authorities, and if there has been any gross neglect of duty on the part of anyone, let the law deal with him accordingly.
P.S. Mr. Locke died on Tuesday night.
The Gallipolis Journal
September 27, 1866
[For the Journal] Vinton, O., Sept. 20, '66
Ed. Journal: Sir:
As notice had already been given in your paper, of the several Union meetings in this county, Vinton's turn came last Tuesday, and accordingly a great many people gathered in from the county to hear the principles of the coming campaign developed. Hon. Jos. Bradbury came in the forenoon of the same day, and was called upon to "open his mouth" and teach them. He responded in a clear and able speech, giving a full explanation of the principles of reconstruction, according to Johnson and also according to Congress, the Johnson side was weighed in the balance and "found wanting" in many respects. Hon. Samuel Nash arrived late upon the ground, being called upon to speak, he made a few remarks, which were well put, but reserved his main strength for Ewington, the place where speaking is needed, where I understand he made an able and telling speech. But the main curiosity of the Vinton meeting was, that two copperheads were seen in, or about the Academy, during (the) time of speaking. One was in the house but stayed but a short time, the other an ex-captain of the 173 O.V.I., rode up by the side of the meeting house on his horse, holding an old shovel plow in his hands which he had brought to the blacksmith shop, to be mended, contented himself by saying to himself, "he that humbleth himself shall be exalted."
For the Journal. Shall the Criminal Set [sic] in the Judgment Seat and Council Hall
This is the question, the people must decide at the coming elections. The most momentous issues, that have ever been before the American people. In discussing the admission of the so called members of Congress, from the Southern States, ought we not to inquire, what is the status of the people that ask admission, and claim equality with the people of the loyal States. The constitution of the United States, declares treason to consist in levying war against them. Can anything be more clear than this and the punishment of treason is death, oh! says the President, do you propose to hang eight millions of people. The proposition is monstrous! Softly, Mr. President, we made no such proposition, nor do we know anyone in the United States that has. Nevertheless, every person that went into the rebellion of his own free will is guilty of treason, and the punishment of treason is death. The rebellion of the past six years, must be treated as a fact, and it cannot be covered up with resolutions or false theories. But it is asked triumphantly, how many would you hang? We would not be very particular about the number, but we would be sure to hang or exile enough to make treason odious, for all time to come, whether it was five or twenty-five. But, says someone, the Southern people have suffered enough already. They have suffered much, it is true, but they suffered as criminals while doing the criminal act, and suffered in consequence of the act. Admit the proposition, and if a man committed murder all he would have to do, would be to prove that he suffered while he was committing the act; that the murdered man made a vigorous defence; that he wounded his assailant, from which wounds the murderer was suffering. This is all that would be necessary to prove to a jury, and they would be bound to acquit the murderer. More than this, they ask us to put these criminals (or their allies the copperheads) into power, that they might rule over us. Will you do this, Union men? Will you, comrades, that have borne the burden and the heat of the day? We know you will not. Did not you fight to put down the rebels, that loyal men might rule? Vote for this and all will be well. Ewington.
The Gallipolis Journal
September 27, 1866
A boy supposed to be about 14 years old, fell off the Wharf Boat into the river last Thursday morning and was drowned. Coroner Wall held an inquest, and the jury returned a verdict of accidental drowning. He was a stranger here, supposed to reside in or near Cincinnati. He was about 4 feet 8 inches high, light hair, had on tweed round-about coat, checked shirt, cassimere pants, and high shoes laced in front.
The Cincinnati and Big Sandy Packet Company, and the Pomeroy and Cincinnati Transportation Company, have been consolidated, thus avoiding opposition. The consolidated company own(s) three boats, Telegraph, St. James and Fleetwood. The Telegraph will continue in the Big Sandy trade, and the Fleetwood, a new boat, and one of the finest and fastest boats above the falls, will run in the Pomeroy trade, while the St. James will make one trip a week to Wheeling.
We regret to notice that the late heavy rains and high water together have to a very great extent, damaged the new stone bridge building over Chickamauga, on the Portsmouth road. A portion of the embankment walls have already fell [sic], and it is feared that the arches are seriously injured. The full damage cannot be ascertained until the water recedes.
The Gallipolis Journal
October 4, 1866
The Union Meeting
Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, which prevented large numbers throughout the county from attending, the Union meeting in this city on last Wednesday, was a decided success. Hon. J. T. Wilson opened the meeting in a short but excellent speech. Hon. Sam. McKee, of Kentucky, delivered one of the best speeches it has been our lot to hear for years. So far from being "a Kentucky blackguard," he gave us a candid, clear, and logical statement of the issues of the day, in language so definite that the dullest could understand. His description of the feelings of the rebels, living in their midst as he does, was decidedly different from the rhetorical picture of the prodigal son, given us by Gov. Pillsbury the Monday previous.
In the evening Mr. Bundy addressed a large audience, showing up the treasonable plots of President Johnson in strong colors. The meeting was enlivened by the music of the Middleport Brass Band, whose services were obtained by the liberality of our Cheshire friends. The people of Cheshire had made arrangements to come to the number of 400 or 500, but the rain frustrated their plan. Large numbers would have been present from other sections of the county, but were prevented by the same cause; yet, notwithstanding all this, there was a large attendance, and every body went away satisfied, and determined to roll up a larger majority than ever this fall, in the cause of right.
Mr. Jacob James, a well known citizen of Green township, was seriously injured last Monday, by a runaway team running into and smashing his buggy.
The Army and Navy Journal of Sept. 4th officially announces that Capt. W. H. Nash, has been made Brevet Major in the regular army for "faithful and meritorious services in the Subsistence Department, during the rebellion, to date from Nov. 17th, '65.
Some considerable excitement has existed in Cheshire for the last few days, in consequence of cholera. Mr. Geo. Knupp [sic] died on Saturday, and Mrs. N. E. Mauck on Sunday. There are reports of other cases, but they do not come in a reliable shape.
The Gallipolis Journal
October 11, 1866
R. L. Stewart, Esq., of this City, was thrown from his buggy on Monday last, and considerably battered and bruised, although we are happy to say not seriously. A colored man, who was driving, was also thrown out and somewhat injured.
Mr. Thomas Halliday, after an active business life of over thirty years in our town, has retired, having sold his hardware establishment to Messrs. John A. Vanden and W. H. Hutchinson, who will continue the business at the old stand, under the firm name of Vanden & Hutchinson.
By telegram from Washington, it is announced that Mr. A. Scatterday has received the appointment of postmaster here, in place of Mr. Drouillard, Esq., removed. Reason—Mr. Drouillard could not support the policy of A. Johnson and Mr. Scatterday could. Office cannot buy some men—others it can.
The favorite Pomeroy packet, St. James, is back again in her old track, under the command of Capt. Frank J. Oates, and our young friend and townsman, Alex Halliday, in the office. She passes Gallipolis up Tuesday and Friday nights, and down early Wednesday morning and noon Saturdays.
The Court of Common Pleas adjourned on Tuesday last. We have room to note only the Penitentiary cases. John Mitchell, stealing mule, 5 years in the Penitentiary. A. J. Jeffers, Grand Larceny, 4 years in the Penitentiary. Walter Russell, Burglary, 3 years at Reform Farm. James Carroll, John Reynolds, and Joshua King, Burglary, the two former 2 years each in the Penitentiary, and the latter 2 years at Reform Farm. Guy Lewis, Grand Larceny, 2 years in the Penitentiary. Jacob Miller, Grand Larceny, 2 years in the Penitentiary. Wm. Shope, Burglary and Grand Larceny, sent here for trial from Lawrence county, found guilty, but the prisoner had left before the return of the verdict. A pretty good list for one term of Court.
The Gallipolis Journal
October 18, 1866
Sheriff Waddell left on the Fleetwood on Monday, with eight prisoners—six for the Penitentiary, and two for the Reform Farm. One of them, A. J. Jeffers, attempted suicide a few days since, by hanging. He tore a strip from one of his blankets, and with it proceeded with the business in earnest. When found and cut down he was nearly gone—an hour and a half elapsing before he fully recovered.
On Sunday night last, Mr. Jno. W. Irwin, of Morgan Centre, had a horse stolen. On Monday, officer C. A. Clendenen, Jr., arrested the thief with the horse. He gave his name as Daniel Gould.
We are indebted to S. B. Rathburn, Esq., Clerk of the Union School Board, for the following enumeration of scholars for the current year, to-wit: White males, 580; Females 585; Colored Males 120; Females 150. Total 1435.
We understand that the Rev. Wm. Thompson, of St. Peters Episcopal Church, in this city, has resigned his Pastorship of this parish, having received and accepted a call from the Parish at Kewanee, Henry County, Illinois. The well wishes of his many friends here will go with him to his new field of labor.
Madame Seiminski will give one of her inimitable concerts at Aleshire's Hall to-morrow (Friday) evening, assisted by a large corps of amateur performers. The leading feature of the evening will be the lady's brilliant and unique performance on the flute, of which instrument she has a masters control. [Followed by a review of her performance in Cincinnati.]
The Gallipolis Journal
October 25, 1866
Loss of Ohio from the War
It appears from statistics lately published by the Provost-Marshal General, that Ohio, lost during the war 286 officers and 6,351 enlisted men killed in action; 143 officers and 4,565 enlisted men who died of wounds received in battle; 167 officers and 14,540 enlisted men who died of disease contracted in the army, making a total loss, of Ohio troops, of 26,046—596 officers and 25,450 enlisted men. A comparison of these figures with the total of deaths in the whole army, shows that Ohio contributed about one-twelfth of the officers, and one-tenth of the enlisted men of the combined armies of the United States. Of these losses the infantry lost 22,767, while the cavalry only lost 1,986, and the artillery 883. The total of men furnished during the war, reduced to the three years' standard, by Ohio, was 237,976; by Indiana, 152,283; and by Kentucky, 70,348. Accordingly, Ohio has lost about one in nine of her soldiers, Indiana one in eight, and Kentucky one in ten.
W. H. Langley, of Gallipolis, Ohio, is the man who has $300,000 insured on his life. The prayer of the insurance fraternity is: "May he enjoy a happy old age." Mr. Langley is said to be the largest insurer in the United States. Travellers Record.
The busy activity of our wharf, and the piles of freight that cover it, impress one with the conviction that our place is fast becoming a city in fact as well as in name. We have justly earned the reputation of being one of the busiest ports on the Ohio river. Besides the regular Cincinnati boats, we have a large number of local packets, doing a thriving business. They should receive the patronage of all, as they are building up a large trade for our city, and are always ready to accommodate parties by all the means in their power. We are pleased to see that Mr. Hamilton has taken time amid the press of business, to improve the looks of the wharf-boats; which by their new coat of white are greatly enhanced in appearance.
The Gallipolis Journal
November 1, 1866
Accidents. A colored woman in the upper part of town was burned to death last week. She was sitting before the fire knitting and fell asleep, when a spark set fire to her clothes and she was burned so severely that she died from the effects the next day. We were not able to learn her name. Monday evening a lady passenger, in stepping from the Kanawha Belle to the Wharf-boat, fell into the river, but was fortunately rescued without serious injury.
We were shown, last week, some fine specimens of Cannel Coal, taken from the farm of Mr. H. Gilman, near Porter in this county.—The vein is stated to be from three to five feet thick. The premises, we believe, are under lease for mineral purposes, to Mr. J. H. Weil of this city.
The dwelling house of Mr. John Clark, of Morgan township, was destroyed by fire yesterday week. But a small part of its contents was saved. It caught from a defective chimney. No insurance—loss about $1500.
In the march of improvement of our city, the elegant Parsonage of our M.E. friends is a feature worthy of notice. Those who thought "it would be some better than the old one anyhow," should call and inspect for themselves. Messrs. Ford & Bro. the architects deserve great credit for the fine style and finish of the building—it being decidedly the best of its kind in this place.
Workmen are engaged in adding the third story, and otherwise remodeling and improving, the brick business house of Mr. Joseph Drouillard, on the corner of Court and Third streets
The premises known as the "Sherman House" were purchased last week by J. J. Poole, Esq. price $3,000.
A Match Game of Base Ball was played on the Public Square last Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, between the Gallia and Academia Clubs, the former composed of the business young men of our city, the latter, of the students of the Academy. The contest was between the "first nine" of each club. Nine innings were played, and, at the close the Gallia club [members] were declared the victors by 23 tallies, the score standing as follows:—Gallia 85, Academia 62. Both clubs did some fine playing, and though the Gallia was "too much" for their younger competitors, the latter excelled them in some respects, especially in catching, and have the credit of making the largest score—20, on a single inning.
This game of Base Ball, which has become "the rage" throughout the country, has been introduced here but a short time, but if the proficiency already attained is any index of the future, we may count on our young men soon to be able to compete successfully with clubs abroad. We are glad to see the revival of such games, that furnish recreation amid the toils of business and confinement of study, building up the physical powers and giving a healthy activity to the mind.
The Gallipolis Journal
November 8, 1866
[The following is a description of Gallipolis as described by visitors from Portsmouth, who then reported it in their home newspaper, and then was reprinted by the Journal.]
[From the Portsmouth Republican]
Gallipolis Correspondence, October 25, 1866
A Halcyon Day. We took advantage of the fine weather to visit the "city of the Gauls," as the translation of the name of the town indicates. We had some scruples as to taking advantage of the weather, but as the weather has no scruples as to taking advantage of poor mortals, we ignored ours and went. The day of our visit was one of autumn's perfect days, bright and very warm, yet with an unspeakable gentleness both in its warmth and brightness. The West Virginia hills as seen from the top of the Dufour House, covered with woods, presented a beautiful picture, a painted landscape, in which scarlet and gold and emerald hues were beautifully blended.—There was also a haziness in the atmosphere, delightful to behold. At times gazing at the distant hills and woodlands they would seem to be but half in this world and half in the spiritual. The haze seemed to wrap all distant objects in a sort of dreamy unreality, and to extend its influence even to immediate ones. The smoke of passing steamers hung idly in mid-air as though loth [sic] to leave its parent earth, and to sail away into unknown invisibility. One wanted to stay ourdoors all the time and drink in the glorious sunshine, and enjoy to the extent of his capacity the glorious day which God is favoring us with. Your local was complaining of the want of something on the subject of the remarkable fine weather. Let this suffice him. It will also serve to inform the Portsmouth people that they have not all the present meterological phenomena to themselves. (We call the present kind of weather phenomena, on account of its rarity in these parts.) But I did not start out with the intention of giving a discourse on the weather. I was going to say something about Gallipolis, its business and people.
Business Men. Our stay in the town compassed but a few hours, but during that time we were placed under many obligations by the following gentlemen: Mr. W. G. Fuller, Mr. Walter K. Ramsey, Mr. Edward S. Aleshire, Mr. S. Y. Wasson and Mr. M. V. Kennedy for the kindness they manifested to us, and especially for the courteous manner in which they showed us through the respective establishments with which they are connected.
Furniture Establishment. Messrs. Hayward and Fuller have an extensive furniture store in a new, handsome, large and modern constructed brick building on the corner of Third and State streets. The building presents quite an attractive appearance outside, but its chief beauties are inside. With open stairways the contents of three floors are at once presented to the eye on the entrance. The effect is excellent and is heightened by the tasteful blue curtains of all the windows, which mellow the light and show the furniture to superior advantage. From Mr. Fuller we took our first lesson in the art of selecting window shades to harmonize with the furniture of a room. It is astonishing how window shades, curtains and blinds may be made either to disfigure or beautify the accompanying equipments of rooms. But though Mr. Fuller teaches the art of beautifying by harmony and of toning light to suit color and shade, yet nevertheless he exhibits his articles in any light the customer may desire. He who can by coqueting [sic] of nature and an artful arrangement of shades and colors make a plain object look rich and elegant, is to that extent a benefactor of mankind, for he has thereby enhanced the intrinsic value of the article, without increasing its cost. The dealer who can teach his customers this art, will make a fortune where the man who does not understand how to make nature, without money and without price price, enhance his articles, will sell nothing. We ascended the open stairway about ten feet, being half distance from the ground floor to (the) floor above, when we were on the second floor rear and by turning about we could again view the contents of three floors, viz: the first floor front, the second floor rear, (on which we stood) and the second floor front. This display from this part of the building was also very tasteful and attractive. The walls of the second floor front were hung with handsome engravings and fine pictures, which item(s) assisted in heightening the display. We would like to itemize and describe all the attractive features of this unique establishment, but time and space forbid.—We have examined and inspected many large furniture houses in Cincinnati, and we know of none, unless it be Mitchell & Rammelsburg's, where the furniture is disposed and selected with more taste and more happily arranged and displayed, or where the building was better prepared and calculated for the purpose in which it is used. Portsmouth may have houses having more stock, but she has none whose stock is so well displayed, nor any whose buildings are so well calculated for the business, or whose wares are more attractively arranged and exhibited. In fact, gentlemen of their business talents must necessarily do well. The short time we were in the town we saw a number of wagons returning to the country with furniture.
Langley's Dry Goods, Etc. Mr. Walter K. Ramsey is salesman in Mr. Wm. H. Langley's large general store. Mr. R. is a Philadelphian, lately removed to this state. Mr. Langley is the proprietor of the mammoth flouring mills of Gallipolis, and is better known as a wheat and flour dealer than as a retail goods merchant. Mr. L. spends most of his time in New York, watching the markets. He is said to have 40,000 barrels of flour stored in New York city at this time. He buys his wheat and grain in Chicago, St. Louis, Indiana, Kentucky and Minnesota, and ships his flour to New York. It is only since last spring that Mr. L. has added a general store to his other business.
Aleshire's Flour Mills. R. Aleshire & Co., are proprietors of the Eureka Flour Mills, and dealers in flour, wheat, mill feed, etc.—To the courtesy of Mr. Edward S. Aleshire we are indebted for being conducted through the whole large manufactory and for being carefully initiated into the intricacies of the machinery and the novelties of the processes.
Patent Flour Cooler. Among the parts of the machinery novel to us, was a patent cooler, for cooling the flour just after it has come warm from the burrs. This is a circular room ten feet in diameter and fourteen feet high, through which a perpendicular six-inch cylinder passes; a bar the length of the diameter of the room passes through the cylinder at right angles, at the foot. Into this bar, on each side of the cylinder, are fixed small square two inch pieces of board, which rake the flour with the revolutions of the cylinder, at an angle of 65 degrees to the radius perpendicular to the bar of wood into which they are fastened. The flour coming from the pipe, which conducts it from the burrs, is thrown on the floor of the circular room. At opposite sides of the room, near the circumference and over which the bar with little shovels passes, are two five inch square orifices. The flour is thrown by the feed spout into the center of the room. The small revolving shovels push it outward from one to another until it falls into the orifices of the receptacles below, where it undergoes the next consecutive process. By the time it is pushed from center to circumference, by the small shovels, every particle has been exposed several times to the cool air, and hence it is ready for the next process.
Patent Bran Duster. A second novelty was a patent bran duster. It was enclosed in a cylindrical box, in shape of a burr stone, and hence we could not view its operations. The newly ground wheat, husk and all, went into it, and at one orifice came out pure bran entirely and thoroughly separated from the shorts, middlings and flour, while at another came out pure and unmixed flour. This process does away, in part with the work of the belting cloth. The work of the little bran duster is done so very completely that not the slightest particle of flour is left in the bran thus separated. We supposed it so closely ground that it would be valueless as a feed, but were told that it was still useful, and was quite a remarkable article.
Western Wheat Markets. The Messrs. Aleshire buy their wheat in the western markets, as does Mr. Langley, and also from the domestic markets. Until the two years past they were able to supply themselves from the home markets, but since the two successive failures of the Ohio and Kentucky crops, they have been obliged to purchase in Chicago, St. Louis and other western markets. They buy considerable Illinois spring wheat. They sell flour and feed extensively in this place, among others to M. B. Gilbert & Sons, Anderson & McFarland, and M. W. Thompson. We, for the first time had explained to us the difference of flour made of Eureka, Andrews, Continental, Baltic, Milwaukee and Atlantic wheats. The first is white wheat, the second white and red, the third red, and the three latter are spring wheats.
The Book Store. Messrs. Wasson & Kennedy have a very handsome book and fancy store, which presents many attractions to invite the admirers of what is choice in literature or chaste and elegant in bijouterie [jewelry]. The gentlemen are of pleasing address and manners, energetic and enterprising, and will undoubtedly meet from an impartial public that success they so well deserve.
Et Cetera. Mr. Miles has a large dry goods and notion store, which does considerable jobbing, particularly up the Kanawha. Messrs. Geppert & Pitrat have quite a neat and tasteful queensware, glassware, and China store. We might have become acquainted with many other merchants and traders, but our time was too limited. We may speak of others at a future time.
Base Ball. Gallipolis is afflicted with base ball. The disease is yet in its incipient stage, and if properly physicked (as it was in Portsmouth on the 18th inst.) may not prove troublesome. There are two clubs, that of the young gentlemen's and that of the academians, or students of the Gallipolis Academy. They are, as yet, amateurs, but in the last few days have began [sic] to talk of challenging the Scioto Club of Portsmouth.
The Gallipolis Journal
November 22, 1866
Fatal Affray
A fight occurred last Thursday evening in a Store at Rankins' Landing, in the lower part of this County, which resulted in the killing of Westley Drummond. A party were [sic] drinking at the Store, when a fight arose between Drummond and a man by the name of Smith. Drummond succeeded in throwing Smith upon the floor and holding him down, when Smith drew a knife and stabbed him in the temple. Drummond lived but 24 hours after receiving the wound. Smith was brought up Tuesday morning, and committed to jail. On the same day there was a fight between a young man by the name of Chapman, and another, in which Chapman lost an eye.
Capt. A. Donnelly, formerly of this place, but now residing at Morrow, O., is paying our city a visit. He looks hale and hearty, and rural life seems to agree with him wonderfully.
In our report of the death of Elias McGath, caused by the discharge of his gun, it was stated that the charge entered the mouth and passed out at the back of the head. We are informed that the charge both entered and passed out at the back of the head, making a furrow in the skull, thus giving it the appearance of but one wound. We are happy to make this correction, as, from the previous statement, it might be inferred that the death was intentional and not the result of accident as was really the case.
We have to record two deaths by drowning during the past week. One man fell into the water from the Viola, while lying at our wharf, and he perished before assistance could reach him. Another was lost by falling overboard from the Liberty No. 4, while the boat was under full headway. We were unable to learn the names of either. The large number of deaths by drowning that have occurred at our wharf, ought to be a warning to all to exercise the greatest caution, as the majority of the accidents have been directly attributable to carelessness.
Mr. McBride appoints a meeting at the M.E. Church, Saturday at 2 P.M., for all the young folks, and all beginners, who wish to enter a Primary Class in vocal music. The object is to form a class of beginners, that there may be more uniformity, hence a better opportunity for all to receive instruction. It is absolutely essential to insure the formation of the class, that all who intend to become members, be present at the first meeting on Saturday. Parents wishing to send their children, should have them present at that time.
The Gallipolis Journal
November 29, 1866
[Abstract of an article entitled Historical Sketches. Battle of Pt. Pleasant–Logan's Speech–French Settlement at Gallipolis–Western Antiquities–Mound Builders. From the New York Journal of Commerce.
Gallipolis, Ohio, October 30, 1866
I pencil you a few hurried jottings from the shores of La Belle Riviere, as the early French voyageurs and Parisian artisans who settled at this point in 1790, persisted in calling this fine and really beautiful stream.
[ . . . ] The point (from) whence I send this letter is somewhat famous as that where, about the beginning of the closing decade of the last century, a colony of French settled and made their homes. It was a novel spectacle to the wilds of the West to see Parisian artisans struggling for subsistence, where the hunter and sturdy frontiermen could scarcely hope to live! It was a cruel deception on those simple-minded denizens of the crowded metropolis to carry them far into the interior, and compel them to dig or die! Still, they did dig, and many of them survived the shock which the violent transition had produced. Many of them, however, returned to la belle France. The Gallic names still recognized here, and found inscribed upon tombstones, show that not a few remained to strive for fortune in the New World. A stroll through the old cemetery adjacent to town was not without interest. Where the old stones have been permitted to remain, the inscriptions were full of interest to the historian; but where they have been displaced by new monuments their value and interest wholly ceases.—Take the family of Bureau. The inclosure contains but a single new marble monument, having on two of its faces the simple inscription, "In memory of J.P.R. Bureau, and M.E.C. Marrett, and their daughter Mary;" the reverse, "In memory of Samuel F. Vinton, and Romaine M., his wife, and their son John." Not a date to indicate the time of demise, or any fact of the least consequence. You will recognize in the name of Samuel F. Vinton that of a statesman of no meagre ability. In his day and generation, he was a power in the halls of Congress. This omission of dates should, by all means, be corrected. The chief value of monumental inscriptions is to give facts and dates. On one of the tombs I noticed a date which fixes the period of the French arrival at this point. "Clodius Roman Menager, died Jan. 17, 1835, aged 78 years. A native of Normandy in France, he emigrated to this country, and settled in Gallipolis, Oct. 19, 1790." Many of the "rude forefathers of the hamlet" sleep here, but I have not time to write more on this subject. The original proprietor of the land had enlarged views of town lots and squares. The squares, as they are called, would make, in length, six such blocks as stretch up Broadway from Wall street. A "public square" of about five acres was left in front of the town, which appears to have been especially appropriated by the cows, dogs, and hogs. In the evening I spent here, "all the world, and his wife and children" were out in full force to witness an exhibition of rope walking by some wandering disciple of the Harlon Brothers. I would suggest in all friendship to the town authorities to inclose and "beautify the "Square" as soon as possible. An ancient mound formerly stood a short distance back of the Square. The vandal spirit which everywhere marks the progress of the age, consigned this beautiful monument of the past to destruction. It was cut down and removed several years ago. Its contents were interesting, but I cannot now describe them. Another but smaller tumulus stands in the garden of an elderly lady, about 150 yards from the site of the large structure. It is quite symmetrical, with an altitude of about 10 feet. The former was probably 20 feet in height.—Had it been preserved, and the public square made to embrace it, what an attractive feature it would be found for the town!
This is a highly interesting region to the archaeologist. Ancient earthworks abound on every hand. On the Virginia side, a short distance below, on the farm of Charles Beale, Esq., are some interesting remains. One which I visited a day or two since, is an ellipse, the walls rising to the height of twelve or fifteen feet. It is about 245 yards in circumference. Some others occur in the immediate vicinity, with tumuli, &c.—Being pressed for time, I could not examine these interesting remains of an extinct semi-civilization, but propose doing so at an early day. On the hills adjacent are the evidences of man's labor carved upon rocks, &c., while on the lower terraces near the ruin an ancient burial place has been revealed. It is barely possible the latter may owe its origin to the common red man who once occupied the beautiful valleys. Numerous specimens of the stone age have been gathered from the broad alluvial plains. Some of them are unusually fine. The fictilia [clay or earthen ware] is coarse and rude. I have seen a fragment of a vessel which must have had capacity to contain several gallons. Some laminated pieces of copper have been found in mounds and elsewhere.
It was reported some years hence that a mound had been examined near Gallipolis which contained a regularly constructed arch. This was erroneous. The principle of springing the arch, and locking it with a key, was not understood by the Mound-builders. No regularly constructed arch has been discovered among the monumental remains of the Mississippi valley. At Yucatan, and throughout the home of the ancient Toltecas, the arch has been found, but not further north.
Death by Drowning
A simple minded young man, name unknown, said to belong to the Gallipolis Infirmary, got aboard the Viola on her last upward trip, at Rankin's Point. He was put in charge of one of the hands, who put him to bed, but during the absence of his guardian he arose and walked into the river, and was drowned. Every effort for his recovery was made by the officers of the boat, without avail. Portsmouth Republican
Mr. Anthony Drouillard, eldest son of Joseph Drouillard, of this city, has returned to his old home, after an absence of 19 years, most of which time he has spent in California.
Fatal Result of an Accident
Viney, the colored man, who was shot in the wrist, while hunting, as noticed in our week before last issue, died last week Tuesday from the effects of the wound. His arm was amputated, but lock-jaw having set in, it was found impossible to save him.
Mr. Jonathan Hamilton's new Wharfboat has arrived, and that gentleman is busy getting it ready for service. It will be a fine, large and commodious boat, with first class accommodations for the public. Its dimensions are as follows: length 156 feet, 40 feet across decks, 7 foot hold, with a capacity of 700 tons. The boat will be ready in a short time, to take the place of one of the old ones. Mr. Hamilton is determined to keep up with the needs of our river business.
The Commercial Department of Gallia Academy, goes into operation Monday, December 3d, under the management of Thos. B. Smith, former Superintendent of Duff's Mercantile College, Pittsburg, Pa. The position held by Mr. Smith in the above well known College, together with the flattering testimonials in his favor, from prominent teachers, are a sufficient guarantee of the ability of the gentleman to manage this department. The new Academy Hall will be devoted to the uses of the Commercial Department. The very low price of tuition, far below that of Commercial Colleges abroad, should induce all, who wish to obtain a thorough business education, to attend this school at home, where the expense will be slight and opportunities for learning as ample.
Light in Dark Places. We are glad to see that a decided and much needed improvement has been made on the upper side of our Public Landing, by establishing a number of lamps, from the Dufour House along the Wharf to the river. Our citizens are indebted to Mr. Jas. E. Richardson, Proprietor of the Dufour House, for this improvement. That gentleman, with commendable energy, collected the necessary funds, erected posts, and furnished lamps, and is determined to keep up the enterprise. Those hapless individuals, who have been compelled to wade through the mud to the river, dark nights, will fully appreciate this blessing.
The roof of the lower Wharfboat caught fire, last Friday, from a stovepipe that passed from the office out through the roof. Mr. Downing, one of the attaches of the boat, by his timely discovery of the fire, succeeded in subduing the flames, before any material damage was done. Had it not been discovered just in the nick of time the fire would have proved very disastrous, as the wharf-boats, with their rich load of freight, would, without doubt, have been entirely consumed.
The Fleetwood laid [sic] at our wharf Monday night, for the first time, under the new arrangement. She leaves here for Cincinnati about breakfast time, Tuesday morning. The change was inaugurated, Monday night, by our young folks, with a dance aboard the boat. The dance was kept up till a late hour, and all enjoyed themselves hugely.
Our butchers have gone into winter quarters, and are prepared to supply our citizens with meat at all times. The following shops are in operation: Holcomb's, Second street, a few doors above the Garnett House; Long & Gartner's, Second street, below Priestly's corner; Denny's, Second street, above the Sherman House; Shartz's, the upper side of the Public Square, between First and Second streets; Kennedy & Son's, corner of Second and Spruce streets.
The Gallipolis Journal
December 6, 1866
The Iron-clad Gun-boat, Carondalet [sic] , whose name has become historic, by its participation in the naval engagements, in southern waters, during the rebellion, has been purchased by Messrs. Bailey and Morton, of this city, who design to fit it up as a first-class wharf-boat.—The boat now lies just above the public landing, and though dismantled, its iron mantle stripped off, and machinery removed, its massive hull, and the heavy timbers of its upper works, still give one some idea of the great strength of the craft and its efficiency as a vessel of war. The boat will make an excellent wharf-boat, as the hull is very strong and its capacity for freight immense. We wish Messrs. Bailey and Morton success in their enterprise.
Sudden Death
Mrs. Mitchell, an old lady, aged 64, came to her death in a terrible manner, last Saturday in this city. We learn from Mr. Atchinson Cole the facts in the case. Mr. Cole, while passing, was called in by Mrs. Gibson, the daughter of the deceased, and was asked, if they could not obtain some support from the town, as they were in destitute circumstances. While talking, the old lady entered the room, in very bad humor, and, making some remarks, attacked her daughter. The latter, to escape her, withdrew to the back room. Mr. Cole started to leave, but, being called back, found the mother in a towering passion, and fighting the daughter, having torn her dress badly. She was taken off, when, after standing a few seconds, she suddenly reeled, and would have fallen, had she not been caught. She was laid upon the bed, where, after two or three gasps, she expired. It seems as if the terrible passion, with which she was transported, was the direct cause of her death. The facts all go to exonerate the daughter from any blame in the matter whatever. The woman's own evil passions hurried her, unprepared, into a dreadful eternity.
Drowned, a man by the name of Detalant, fell into the river from the Wharf-boat, and was drowned Tuesday night. He was sitting in the office, and when the St. James came in, started out, and in attempting to cross from one Wharf-boat to the other, fell between them and was drowned.
The steamboat Jonas Powell has been siezed and tied up at our landing by the Deputy U.S. Marshal, Mr. Jas. E. Richardson, and will soon be sold, at public sale, to satisfy claims against the boat.
Mr. John Smithers, who resides just above town, met with a bad accident last week. He fell from the loft of his barn to the ground floor, and was seriously bruised about the head and arms, though not dangerously hurt.
The Gallipolis Journal
December 13, 1866
There was almost another case of drowning at our wharf, Thursday night. A man, name unknown, fell in between the Fleetwood and a coal boat, but was caught in time to save his life. Deaths by drowning at our wharf are becoming appalling in their number. Cannot steps be taken to prevent, in some degree, at least, this loss of life?
On Friday, the 7th inst., the members of the Gallia Base Ball club, played their last game of the season. They commenced at 3 3/4 P.M. and stopped at 4 3/4, it being then too dark to continue. At that time they had played 8 innings, and the score stood 21 to 10. We have noticed a steady improvement in this club, which bids fair to give them an honorable position among the clubs of this section of the State, and doubt not, in the contests of the next season, they will win laurels. By order of the Directors the season is now closed.
Don't forget the Sabbath School Re-Union at Aleshire's Hall this Thursday evening. The ladies will have everything in nice order. Oysters will be served at any time during the evening. Major Clark's office will be opened for [a] reception room for the ladies, and the Telegraph office for the gentlemen,—both in the second story of the building.
Orphan Boy
Capt. J. W. Devacht, has disposed of this celebrated stallion to Capt. Augustus Donnally, formerly of this place, but at present an extensive farmer and stock raiser near Morrow, in Warren county, this State. The price paid was $1000, which we conceive not moreo than one-third the value, for undoubtedly he was the finest and purest blooded horse ever introduced into Southern Ohio. The farmers of Gallia should never [have] permitted this horse to leave the county, but we are gratified that many of them who are able, and could appreciate pure blood, have secured colts from this celebrated horse. Capt. Devacht is entitled to the thanks of the farming community for the noble exertions he has made toward improving the stock of this section, and Capt. Donnally will be appreciated in Warren. We congratulate the farmers of that country upon their good fortune.
3200 sacks of wheat were delivered at the wharf-boats of this city, in one day, last week, consigned to our millers. The failures of the wheat crop in this section have compelled our millers to bring all their wheat from the West. Large quantities have arrived here, almost daily, during the year, and the above amount, the receipts of a single day, will give one some idea of the immense quantity of wheat consumed by the flouring mills of our city.
Proceedings of County Commissioners
The Board commenced their regular December session, Monday, December 3d. The following proceedings were had:
Petition, by N. E. Mauck and others, for a road in Cheshire, was read, and view granted. View to be made Dec. 22d. Petition, by C. D. Bailey and others, for the establishment of an alteration of a road, beginning at Rodney and ending at the new bridge across Chickamauga, near John Rodgers'. Petition read and view granted. View to be made Dec. 19th. Alteration of county road in Green township, petitioned for by W. W. Gibson and others, was established, whereupon C. N. Palmer and John Cheney gave notice of appeal. A contract was made with R. M. Cochrane, for painting the interior of the Court-house. Appropriations were made from the Revenue Fund amounting in the aggregate to $1023.14. Appropriations were made from the Bridge Fund amounting in the aggregate to $540.94. The Board spent Tuesday in the examination of the new bridge across Chickamauga, the Jail, and the Infirmary. Board adjourned Friday, Dec. 7th.
We had the pleasure of witnessing an exhibition of light gymnastics by the pupils of Gallia Academy, last week, Wednesday. The new Hall is used for this purpose.—The pupils are divided into three classes. The smaller children of both sexes constitute one class. The young ladies form the second, while the young gentlemen make up the third class. Music is employed to enliven the exercises. The pretty costumes, the military marching, the intricate movements, and the many motions, that bring by turn, every muscle of the body into action, present a pleasing sight to the visitor. The exercises, in which the children and young ladies engage, are of a light and easy character, and can be practised by the youngest without harm. They are well adapted, not only to keep up the general health of the scholars, but also to give them that suppleness of form and grace of movement, that beautify the body. The young gentlemen engage in exercises more violent, and better suited to their stronger frames. Dumb bells, rings, and wands, have been provided, to vary the performance. We are glad that gymnastic training is being introduced into the schools of our city. Let it be further extended, till it receives its proper place in the course of instruction.—In this connection, we shall next week, give an article on the benefits of a systematic training in gymnastics for children.
36 Marriage Licenses were issued from the Probate Court of this county, during the month of November.
Gallipolis, Ohio, Dec. 11th, '66
Mr. Editor:
Next week being the examination of Union Schools, it is thought best that the 3d and 4th Divisions of Visiting Committee, be present; which will consist of the following: D. B. Hebard, W. Nash, W. S. Newton, John Gates, I. R. Calohan, C. D. Bailey, Mrs. A. Cole, Mrs. H. R. Bell, Mrs. J. T. Halliday, Rev. Mrs. Arthur, Mrs. Wilson, and Mrs. S. Carel. Wm. S. Newton, Sec'y.
The Gallipolis Journal
December 20, 1866
Correspondence Gallipolis Journal, Campbell Ill. Nov. 28th, '66
Friend Nash:
You will please forward the "Journal" to me. Please to send me back numbers to Oct. 1st. I am here in Cumberland county, Ill., and I think it is a fine country—about half timber and half Prairie. The soil is very black and rich—land is worth more here than farther west, but it is still reasonable, considering the facilities this country affords, checkered as it is with railroads and the best of marketing towns near. We live this winter on a nice Prairie, 3 miles wide by 12 long, situated 6 miles north of Prairie City, 12 south of Charleston, and 18 south east of Mattoon.
Land rates from $16 to $35 per acre, but it is all land. Our neighborhood is composed almost entirely of Ohio men, some 20 families from Delaware, O. I like this country well enough to stay here awhile at least, and have rented a good farm—will get possession 1st of March. I think that it is better to rent than buy at present, and I know from what I see that it is better to rent here than own farms in the hills of old Gallia. Every thing is very plenty and cheap here, in fact this is a part of the great Egypt of the west, and it would do anyone good to see the vast fields of corn and other products of the west.
I wish you was [sic] here to take a prairie chicken hunt with me. Small game is very plenty—chickens, ducks, quails, squirrels and rabbits, any amount. My family is very well and like the west, as Nasby says, muchly.
Yours truly,
B. B. Lasley
The Rev. Henderson Judd, having accepted the call to the Rectorship of St. Peter's (Episcopal) Church, there will be regular services each Sunday, at 10 1/2 o'clock A.M. and 6 1/2 P.M. We are pleased to learn the Vestry have purchased the valuable property of Chas. Henking, Esq., thus securing a comfortable and tasty home for their Rector. Several of our churches have, the past year, shown the interest they feel in the comfort and well being of their ministers, in this commendable way; thus releasing them from those corroding cares, which retard their usefulness in this high and holy calling. To the members of other churches, we say, "Go and do thou likewise."
Personal. We noticed yesterday the presence in our city of Lieut. M.V.B. Kennedy of Gallipolis.—The Lieutenant served his country faithfully during the war and was not mustered out until February, 1866. He is engaged in the book business in the above mentioned city, and all who form his acquaintance will find him a very agreeable and pleasant gentleman.
Portsmouth Republican
The Gallipolis Journal
December 27, 1866
Dr. E. H. Grant, a practical Geologist; has been making examinations of the Coal deposits of this vicinity and speaks in high terms of their richness. We understand he has purchased of Chas. Miller, of Pt. Pleasant, 600 acres of Coal lands, three miles above that place, on the Kanawha.—He has associated with him Mr. Geo. Hamilton, one of our Coal merchants, and these gentlemen expect to have the Coal in our market in a few days. If our citizens can be furnished with a first class article of Coal from banks at our very doors, it will be a great advantage to all.
Interesting services were held at St. Peter's Church, during Christmas. The Church was tastefully hung with evergreens. Services were held Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. The assemblage of the Sabbath School children Christmas night, and the interesting exercises on the occasion, formed a pleasing scene, and well repaid us for attending.
We learn from private sources that W. B. Putney, Esq., lately Superintendent of the Union School, has commenced the practice of law in New York City. He is connected with the law firm of White & Soule, of that city. We wish him success, and are certain he will gain it.
The pews in the 1st Presbyterian Church will be sold on Thursday night, Jan. 3d, 1867. Those having pews already will be considered wishing to retain them if no notice is given to the contrary. Those wishing pews are respectfully requested to attend. BY ORDER OF TRUSTEES
As usual, on Christmas, bad whiskey got the upper hand of sundry persons, and brought them to grief. There was a serious row, Christmas Eve, in a low grocery, at the upper end of the city, wherein a conflict of the races occurred. There was a little shooting, intersperced [sic] by way of variety! A ball grazed one man's ribs. Policeman Lasley had a narrow escape, a ball passing through his whiskers, below his chin. No one seriously hurt. There was some disturbance Christmas day, whiskey, again, being the "motive power." As a general thing, however, the day passed quietly.