January 6, 1876
They are suffering from the affliction of almost impassable roads in this county,
Fred, son of Postmaster Mullineux, of Gallipolis, accidentally shot off a portion
of a finger on Christmas day.
John Fulton Brown who was recently sent to the penitentiary for forgery, is
the son of a Methodist minister.
As the result of a personal difficulty recently between Mr. Lorenzo Clark, of
Morgan township, and his son William, aged about twenty-one years, the former
had his skull fatally fractured as is feared.
10, 1876
The M. E. congregation, of Gallipolis. are building a 140 feet spire to their
It is complimentary of the morals of Gallipolis that the city lock-up was last
week without an occupant.
Mr. S. R. Bush, of
raised the past season an ear of corn, which contained by actual count, 1896
A new M. E. Church was dedicated at
Crown Point
last Sabbath. Rev. David H. Moore, of
The people of this county are experiencing the annual tribulation at this season
of being wholly without McAdamized roads.
Athens Messenger
17, 1876
Wheat throughout this county is looking well.
Seven in the jail of this county at the close of the week.
The Gallipolis Journal says that there is more gambling now going on in that town
than ever before.
This county, not to be behind, reports a ghost as having been seen in "Oil Hollow," Morgan
The prisoners confined in the jail of this county made an unsuccessful attempt
to break out on Tuesday night of last week.
Advices from
state that
Secretary Bristow will give us a Board
of local inspectors, with our city as headquarters, with district attached. --[Gallipolis
A young colored man named Harvey Robinson, living in
fell into the fire, recently, and was so severely burned that his life is
despaired of. He was subject to fits.
Athens Messenger
February 02, 1888
Mr. George Pool, an aged citizen of Clay township,
Gallia county, recently died suddenly.
Miss Sophronia McGath, aged nineteen, died at
her home near Blessing's bridge in Green township, recently.
Mrs. Frances Ward, wife of Engineer Wm. Ward, Jr.,
died at her residence, on Front street , Gallipolis, recently of pleuro-pneumonia.
Adam Ruble's saloon, Swanson's store house and
an ice-house belonging to the saloon property, but rented by J. E. Fargo
were destroyed by fire at Cheshire, one day last week.
The Gallipolis Journal says: Mr. Lou. Muenz's
parents are among the very oldest people in the county. Conrad,
his father is 91 years old and lies abed all the time. Annie Marie,
his mother, is six weeks older, but looks ten years younger.
James and Alexander Brock, who about two years
ago were sent to the penitentiary for the burglary of Silverman & Co.'s
store at Gallipolis, were indicted at the present term of court for burglary
of Wall Bros.' cigar store and John B. Clendenin's store-room. Their
time in the penitentiary expired recently, and they were immediately
arrested and taken to the Gallia county jail to await trial on the new
Athens Messenger
Feb. 9, 1888
Mrs. Frank Hern, aged 82, who lived near
, recently
fell dead with heart disease.
An extraordinary series of revival meetings is represented as being in progress
at the Christian church at
. An
encouraging revival is also in progress at the M. E. church there.
Editor Vance of the Gallipolis Bulletin is in
the claims of
Hon. Irvin Dugan, of
to a Judgeship in one of the Territories. The effort to secure for
him the endorsement of Senator Payne has failed.
Wednesday night of last week Alderson Boster's storehouse, situated at Moody,
was burglarized, but the loss will not exceed twenty-five dollars. Circumstances
point strongly to one Charles Williams as having
done the job. Williams
has borne a fair reputation until recently, when it was found he had forged
several saw mill orders and raised the money on them. Williams left for
parts unknown last Thursday morning.
Charley George a resident of
a young man of twenty
years, enamored of a certain young lady and out of employment which prevented
marriage and the care of a wife, became discouraged,
one day last week, and took the morphine route to the next world. He left
a letter explaining his conduct and claimed to know exactly what he was
doing, naming those who should officiate at his funeral services.
He leaves a widowed mother helpless. The young lady was also a resident of
Athens Messenger
February 16, 1888
The December tax on the saloons of
county amounted
to $2,650 on the
total number, twenty-nine. Twenty-six of these are
located in Gallipolis, and yield $2,350.
Mrs. Isaac Boatman, a very estimable lady of Kyger,
county, recently died. She
was about forty-five years of age, and had a wide reputation as a charitable
and Christian lady.
Citizens of Gallipolis are considerably agitated on account of the efforts of Congressman
Hogg, of
W. Va.
, to have the
from the former place and established at
Point Pleasant
The Gallipolis Journal says: Mr. E. E. Waddell was a constant user of tobacco, chewing
and smoking, for 45 years up to last April, when he sawed right off, and has
not used any since, and in the meantime has gained fifteen
pounds and is much
improved physically.
May 17, 1888
Mrs. John Ecker, aged 62, recently died at her late home in Green township.
If a bill now before Congress is passed, Gallipolis will be entitled to a public building
for post-office purposes.
The Directors of the Gallia Agricultural Association met, one day last week, and
arranged the premium list for the next Fair. A handsome gold charm, the
badge of the American League of Wheelmen, valued at $50, will be offered as a
premium for the best bicycling.
One day last week Capt. Alfred Kinder died at his residence near Clipper Mill,
very suddenly, of heart disease. He
had been fishing and was in the yard
adjoining the house, cleaning the fish he had caught, when he complained of a
pain in his back, straightened up and fell backwards. He was 68 years old.
About four years since Mr. Adam Ruble, of
had some money stolen
from his home, and could never obtain any trace of it. One
of the coins
taken was an old copper cent, coined the year he was born, and worn
by him as a charm for a long time. A week or two ago the same piece was
taken in over Mr. Ruble's counter, but during his temporary
absence from the store. He registered the money by certain marks he had
put on it years since, and thinks it has never been far from home during the time
intervening since it was stolen.