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News Items from various newspapers 1841-1899

Transcribed by Joyce Robinson
Original spelling and punctuation left intact
Copyright © of work and time only apply

The Republican Compiler
August 30 1841

Better Times Coming--Harrington, the late President of the Gallipolis Bank, was sent to the jail of Gallia county, Ohio, on the 5th last, for fifteen years, having been convicted of extensive swindling transactions behind the counter. A few more such examples will prove highly beneficial to the community--Pennsylvanian

Gallipolis Journal
25 December 1851

The stage, which runs between this place and Chillicothe, was upset last Monday evening about 8 o'clock, as it was descending the hill, coming into town, the other side of the Chickamauga bridge. There were seven passengers aboard, five of whom received more or less injury. Mr. L. P. Maguet, of this town, received considerable injury on the head and shoulders; Mr. Aaron Whitaker, of Charleston, was bruised about the face and shoulders; William Hagerman's arm was badly sprained; Mr. Vicers [sic] of Kanawha county, received a bad cut on the head; John Coon's arm slightly injured. None, we are happy to learn, received any dangerous injury.

CHRISTMAS - The Ladies' Sewing Society of this place will give a Fair and Supper in Mr. Drouillard's store-house, on this (Wednesday) evening. As the proceeds will be applied to the improvement of the Presbyterian church, the ladies hope to merit and expect to receive a liberal patronage. Let all who desire to spend a pleasant evening give the ladies a call.

The Gallipolis Journal
March 11, 1852

Senator Cushing is now at home attending Court. By the way, the following by the Columbus correspondent of the Cleveland True Democrat, is a very true picture: "Alonzo Cushing represents the district of Lawrence, Gallia, Meigs, and Vinton, and of course is a whig. He was born some forty years ago in Fredonia, New York, of English parents. He is married, and a lawyer by profession, is 5 feet 9 inches high and weighs 180. He has quite black hair, and sports a fine fringe of black whiskers. He is of sanguine bilious temperament, with a well developed head. As a politician, he is, if anything, an ultra conservative, and most cordially hates demagoguery. But there is "a laughing devil in his eye" that shows him able to appreciate a good joke, and he seldom lets an opportunity slip to strike fun out of even the iron dullness which sometimes surrounds him. In debate he is generally to the point, if not on the subject---sarcastic and severe, and a little too apt to throw a brickbat when a smoother missile would do as well. He is free and courteous in his manners, and manages to keep out of serious difficulties. He makes a good, substantial Senator, and ranks far enough above the average to make him observed in the House. He is independent and fearless in his expression of his opinions and adheres to what he thinks right; and if I mistake not, would as soon get rid of an enemy by making up and forgiving him as in any other way. If politics don't change round too much, he will be apt to come back."

The Gallipolis Journal
March 11, 1852

FOR CALIFORNIA - Jas. Johnston, Warren W. Womeldorff and Return Womeldorff, left here on Thursday last for the land of gold. They go by the Horn.

The Gallipolis Journal
December 23, 1852

Gallia Academy
On the 18th inst., the stockholders in the Gallia Academy held an election, and Simeon Nash, L. B. Menager, John Hutsinpillar, Robert Black, F. Carel, Julius Regnier, and Lewis Newsom were elected Trustees. The Trustees met on Monday evening and organized by electing Simeon Nash, President, R. Black, Secretary, Pro tem. We are pleased to find that the board is unanimous in opinion that it is to the advantage of the institution and that of the town, that the lots of the institution be immediately brought into market. That subscriptions of stock will be taken, and with some available funds of the institution, a good and substantial building will be put up. In all of which we heartily concur, and say go ahead, gentlemen.

The Gallipolis Journal
February 3, 1853

Notice is hereby given that a petition was presented and filed with the Commissioners of Gallia county, at their regular session in December, A.D. 1852 praying for an alteration to the State road leading from Sample's Landing to Gallipolis, commencing at or near the forge in Ohio township, running back to the foot of the river hill, through lands owned by different individuals, to Teen's run in Clay township; thence the best route across said run; thence back from the river near the foot of the river hill the most practicable route for a good road through lands owned by Phillip and Andrew Cubbage, Jas. McClellan, James Riggs, R. Hay, Jas. Flack, Samuel Cole, B. W. Riggs, Robert Dye, W. Sheets, Truman Guthrie and Wm. F. Goolden, to Raccoon Creek at a place called Rocky Ford; thence across said creek through lands owned by M. Lowry, Jacob Riggs, James Gatewood, Grasson Davis, Jno. Martin, Geo. Pool, Thos. Willey, heirs of Jas. Coffman, John Nesbit, Nahum Ward, Travis Brown, Mary, Anselm T. and A. M. Lasley, to a bridge across Long Run; thence to a bridge across Mud Run; thence across said ridge to the left at the foot of the river hills, through lands owned by Auburn's heirs, William Walker, to a creek near the Gallia Furnace Landing; thence to the left of A. Bentley's house and crib, through lands owned by Bentley, Thompson & Co., William Walker and Charles Creuzet, to the west end of a bridge recently erected across Chickamauga creek on the Portsmouuth road in Gallipolis township; and that at the March session, A.D. 1853, said petition will be read and the legal proceedings taken for a survey and establishing of said road.

The Gallipolis Journal
April 21, 1853

The trustees of the Gallia Academy have finally succeeded in purchasing a lot for the erection of an Academy. The place selected in known as Sann's orchard, (most every boy in town knows where that is), on Fourth street, between Court and State. We highly approve of this spot for the Academy building, not only as regards convenience but as being entirely free of the business range.

The Gallipolis Journal
April 28, 1853

We met Col. Robert Safford last Thursday, and he informed us that he had just returned from a trip of two weeks from Philadelphia, which city he had not visited for fifty-six years previous. Col. Safford is now eighty-five years old--he "cut the first tree" on the ground where Gallipolis now stands, and few better know the privations and hardships of early pioneer life, yet he still "walks erect" and retains to a remarkable degree the vigor of earlier manhood.

Adams Sentinel, Gettysburg , PA
Nov. 29, 1858

Fire at Gallipolis, Ohio
The Court House at Gallipolis, Ohio, was entirely destroyed by fire, on Monday night, but the papers and documents in it were all saved. The fire is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary.  The building cost $12,000, and was insured in the Etna for $5,000.

Portsmouth Times
Jan 6, 1872

Jacob Fultz, an old and respected citizen of Gallipolis, died at his residence the 21st inst. He was born in Wurtemburg, Germany, on the 20th of Febraury, 1790, and came to this county in 1833. He first settled at Steubenville, but removed to Gallia county in 1835. He was a wagon master under the Emperor Napoleon at Waterloo. He was a good citizen, respected by all who knew him.

Portsmouth Times
Feb. 14, 1874

Gallia county will build a bridge over Symmes Creek and one over Big Campaign Creek. Proposals received until the 24th of February.

The Athens Messenger
March 25, 1875

     Gallia county supplies the Pomeroy market with beef cattle.

     Samuel A. Nash, Esq., is a candidate for Mayor of Gallipolis.

     “Have you shot anybody” is the daily morning salutation at Cheshire.

     Mr. James Mullineux has been appointed and confirmed Postmaster at Gallipolis.
     The tax duplicate of the City of Gallipolis for 1874 is $1,949,339, and the tax collected thereon $50,682.81.
     The old Regular Baptists are carrying on a protracted meeting at Bethlehem, Rocky Fork, under the conduct of Rev. Mr. Adkins.

Athens Messenger
July 29, 1875

     The Gallipolis Cadets have received their uniforms.

     They have a large and enthusiastic Hayes Club in Gallipolis.

     Horse stealing has, latterly, been carried on with unusual spirit and animation in this county.

     James B. Aleshire, of Gallipolis, has been appointed to a cadetship in the Military Academy at West Point.

     Mrs. Grubb is in jail, at Gallipolis, for shooting and wounding a hotel clerk named West, for "talking" about her.

     By falling from a scaffold at the Union School House, in Gallipolis, recently, Mr. W. H. Johnson, painter, was slightly hurt.

     John N. Beard, Esq., who is referred to as one of the most active and energetic young business men of Gallipolis, died on Monday of last week.

     An unoccupied house in Addison township, belonging to Thomas Shaver, was, recently, burned down. Supposed to have been struck by lightning.

     Charles Adkins is his name. He stole a mare from his cousin, Wellington Bruce, last Thursday, and cantered Rosinante to Gallipolis, where he disposed of her to Leopold Frank for $30.

     Two Martin women were, recently, sent to jail of this county, by Judge Unroew, for an assault with intent to murder another woman., They were subsequently taken out with a writ of habeas corpus.

Athens Messenger
September 09, 1875

     Gallipolis would seem to be swarming with thieves. The total expenses of the late Institute, of this county, were @225.75. There were twelve prisoners in the jail of this county at the close of the week.

     The Republicans throughout this county were enthusiastically awake and active.
James Aleshire, of Gallipolis, passed the physical examination at the West Point Military Academy.

     T.J. Neal's house, in Walnut township, was visited by thieves, Sunday of last week and $15 taken.

     Miss Hannah U. Maxon, recently a teacher in Gallipolis, has accepted a like position in Springfield.

     George King, of Gallipolis, left for Germany on Tuesday of last week, to get his fortune. The amount is $40,000.

     Dr. W. B. Guthrie has been appointed City Physician, of Gallipolis, for the ensuing year by the Board of Health.

     James Carter, a collier for the Keystone Furnace company, and living in the upper end of Huntington township, recently committed suicide by hanging.

     Some fellow, says the Gallipolis Journal, went to the hen roost of Jim Bashore the other night and was about to "inquire within." when he received a dose of shot liberally distributed, which operated as a "notice to quit."

     Some man went to the house of Mrs. Bryan, in Addison township, one day last week, while the men folks were absent at work on the farm and finding her alone drew a revolver and pointing it at her, told her to keep still while he helped himself. He took $50 in money and such other things of value about the house that he wanted and left. It is probable that the robber watched the house until all men had left. Gallipolis Journal

Gallipolis Bulletin
January 5, 1876

Transcribed by Henny Evans                                                                           Top of Page

New Year 1876
     Bonfires on the Public Square, the firing of cannon and ringing of the church bells greeted the opening of the new year. The warmth of the night enabled one to remain out as long as one pleased, and the consequence was that the streets of the town were not wholly deserted the whole night long.
Our citizens are greatly indebted to the vigorous and efficient action of the Centennial Committee of Thirteen for the successful manner in which they carried out the wishes expressed by the Public Meeting.___ The demonstration was one that the city can well be proud of.
     It is impossible to enumerate the special cases, as it would be far easier to notice the failures to illuminate. Each one appeared to do all possible. We cannot fail however to speak of the beautiful gas jets at Mr. R. Aleshire’s, showing in a blaze “1876”
     The workmen employed in the Foundry of Enos, Hill & Co., on Third Street, erected an arch over the street, on which was this inscription, in letters two feet long, made of gas pipe, each letter and figure being shown by jets of burning gas: “WELCOME 1876.”
     This was admired by all as the great feature of the night in the way of illumination.
Passing around with the procession we did intend to notice all the illuminations, but find it impossible to do so, as we have not space

Gallipolis Bulletin
March 1, 1876

Transcribed by Henny Evans

Golden Wedding
     Last Wednesday, February 23d, being the 50th anniversary of the marriage of our townsman, Mr. John Priestly, to his wife Hannah. The event was celebrated by a re-union. One who was present on the occasion has furnished us with a brief sketch of the affair which took place at the family residence, on Front Street.
     They were married at Luddinden Chapel, England. The party, consisted of a few invited guests, among which were Rev. R. Breare, Mrs. Breare, Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy, together with the lineal descendants of the family, viz: Mr. and Mrs. James Priestly, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Priestly, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Priestly, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beall, Mrs. B.___ being the only daughter. Four children, twelve grand children and one great grand child, little Alice, daughter of Mr. A. G. and Jennie G. Beall.      
     Rev. Breare officiated in his usual style, if not more so, in his address to the venerable, aged and worthy couple who had passed through a half century of married life, quietly, though unostentatiously, had enjoyed all the comforts of life and lived to see their children and grand children favorably situated. Mr. Richard Priestly, presented his father with a fine gold headed cane; Mrs. Richard Priestly, presented a pair of gold spectacles to Mrs. John Priestly; Mr. Henry C. Priestly, presented to his father, also a pair of gold spectacles; Mrs. H. C. Priestly, presented a fine gold breast pin to the aged mother-in-law; then came the congratulations &c., after which refreshments and dinner, which was very nice indeed and enjoyed by the entire party.
     Every attention was paid and compliments interchanged to the aged pair, and the day passed pleasantly away, one which seldom occurs in the marriage life---therefore the impression made by the kind, affectionate and appropriate remarks of Rev. Breare, not only to the venerable and worthy couple, but to the children and grand children, and guests also, will no doubt be remembered, appreciated and practiced through life.

Portsmouth Times
June 21, 1876

A Reverend Rascal Elopes with a Faithless Wife
     We have another tale of domestic infelicity, with,sad to say, a professed minister of the gospel mixed up in the case. Until a few months ago, J.D. Prose, a well-to-do farmer residing at Patriot, Gallia county, O., was living pleasantly with his wife, and nothing had occurred to mar the happiness of their quiet and unpretending life.
     Some time last winter, a stranger named David C. Daily, came to their home and represented himself to be a cousin of Mrs. Prose, and assumed the garb of a minister. He was kindly treated, and invited to make their house his home. Here he remained for about three months, when he obtained the consent of the unsuspecting husband to accompany Mrs. Prose on a visit to some relatives at Parkersburg, W.Va. The pair left, on the 4th February last, with a horse and spring wagon belonging to Mr. P., but never reached the house of the relatives. Nothing was heard of them until a week or two ago, when a letter was received from the truant wife by some of her relatives saying they could reach her by letter at Portsmouth.
     Mr. Prose came down to the city and put the matter in the hands of Marshal Williams, and returned home. Yesterday morning the Reverend Daily called at the post-office for a letter, but, under the surveillance of the Marshal, he was immediatly apprehended and placed in the station-house.
     It seems the pair have been living, for some time, in Kentucky, about 3 1/2 miles from Portsmouth, on Anthony Thompson's place. An officer was dispatched yesterday afternoon to secure his wayward companion. The Sheriff of Gallia county has been notified to come after them.
     The woman, it is reported, is repentant, and anxious to go back to her wronged husband, and he seems disposed, notwithstanding her faithlessness, to take her once more to his home and bosom. It has finally developed that the Reverend scamp is an old offender, and has heretofore been an inmate of several prisons.

The Portsmouth Times
January 13, 1877

     W. H. H. Sissox, Clerk of Gallia county, died on the 24 th ult., of consumption.

     In a quarrel, Jesse Burnett killed Shabe Cornwell, in Gallia county, by striking him in the temple with a piece of coal. Cornwell’s death was instantaneous

Athens Messenger
January 30, 1879

Joint Meeting of the Bars of Gallia and Meigs counties with reference to the death of Hon. Simeon Nash. Gallipolis, O., Jan. 22, 1879
     The members of the Bar in Gallia and in Meigs county, pursuant to arrangement, met at the Mayor's office at 11 A.M., to take appropriate action upon the death of Judge Simeon Nash, and to arrange for attendance upon his funeral today.Hon. J. Cartwright, of Pomeroy, was appointed Chairman, and C. M. Holcomb. Esq., of Gallipolis, Secretary.
     On motion six pall bearers were appointed, two from the Board of Trustees of Gallia Academy, two from the Meigs county Bar, and two from the Gallia county Bar. From the Trustees R. Aleshire and E. Delecombe were appointed; T.S. Montague and J. Cartwright from the Meigs Bar, and Jos. Bradbury and A. Vance from the Gallia Bar.
     On motion a committee of three, consisting of Gen. C.H. Grosvenor was appointed a committee of arrangements for the funeral.
     On motion a committee of three, consisting of Gen. C. H. Grosvenor, Judge J.P. Bradbury and Hon. Jos. Bradbury were appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the feelings of the Bars of Gallia and Meigs counties, to be presented to and spread upon the records of the Common Pleas Courts of the twelve counties in the Seventh Judicial District of Ohio, the Supreme Court of Ohio, and the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Ohio; to publish, and to present the family with a copy of the same, together with suitable remarks made upon the deceased, to be furnished the committee by members of the Bar of the several counties. Judge Bradbury, upon his request, was excused from service upon the committee, and Judge Cartwright substituted by the meeting.
     On motion the Secretary was ordered to furnish a copy of these proceedings to the papers in Gallia, Meigs and Athens counties for publication, and to present a copy of the same to the family of the deceased.
     Adjourned until 1 1/2 P.M. to attend the funeral in mourning and as a body.
J. Cartwright, Chairman
C.M. Holcomb, Secretary                                                                                 Top of Page

Athens Messenger
March 11, 1886


The Gallipolis Treasury is out of funds.

At Gallipolis the liquor saloons are permitted to keep open until eleven o'clock at night.

Mrs. Ruth Brown, aged 73, widow of the late James Brown, of Gallipolis, died, Sunday of last week.

J. Winn Hustinpiller near Gallipolis is about to leave for central Dakota, which he will make his future home.

Wm. G.Roush, of Cheshire, one of the strong featured and sturdy farmers of that region is about to remove to Kansas

Circuit Court convened, at Gallipolis, last Thursday, March 4th, with Judges Clark, Bradbury and Cherington on the bench.

Mrs. Elizabeth Shober, widow of the late Wm. Shober, of Gallipolis, died, very suddenly at her late home in that city on Sunday evening of last week.

A colored man named Holland, from Middleport, went to Gallipolis last week where by permission of Mayor Alexander he voluntarily began work on the chain gang of that city to aid his brother in working out his sentence for carrying concealed weapons.

The Portsmouth Times
April 30 1887

Transcribed by F. K. Brown

Shocking Affair!
The Quiet Village of Haverhill the Scene of a Bloody Tragedy!
Dr. W. L. Northup Shot and Instantly Killed by A. R. McCoy

A Feud of Long Standing the Cause of the Bloody Deed

Excitement in the Village and Surrounding
Alfred McCoy, Brother and Two Sons Arrested and Confined in Jail.
     No place on the river is prettier, more quiet or peaceful than the village of Haverhill, in this county. In the heart of the finest agricultural portion of the county, surrounded by a people noted for culture, the orderly ways and peaceful pursuits of life, with the spire of its church pointing heavenward amid green fields, charming gardens and umbrageous foliage, it is the very ideal of a rural village in an old and orderly community.
     What a place for a tragedy! Who would suppose that in such peaceful surroundings the passions of men were at work, and that deeds of blood could happen? Yet such is the dark picture. The entire community was startled Wednesday evening on receipt of news that one of her most prominent citizens had shot and killed another citizen equally prominent, and that two oldest and most respectable families of this and adjoining counties had been made to figure in a dark and horrible tragedy? The affair is sad and unfortunate, and as there is hot blood at work on both sides, it were well if people would suspend judgment at least until the facts have been sifted, as they will be at once, by the Grand Jury.
     Of course, both sides have their story to tell, and both sides have their friends, whose stories also go out, and the consequence is nothing but the stern sifting of the courts can throw proper light upon the subject. Friends of Dr. Northup claim that he (deceased) was a quiet and good citizen, and that ??? his only fault (if it was a fault) was being what is termed a temperance fanatic," and that his killing was the result of his zeal in this direction. And so the stories go on both sides.
     The TIMES has carefully gathered all the facts and information that could be leaned from reliable sources in Haverhill and vicinity. It is as follows: There had been trouble between the doctor and Alfred McCoy for several years, in fact ever since his location in Haverhill, about the year 1878. His last disturbing act resulted in the tragedy. Last Wednesday morning he killed three or four guineas belonging the little son of Alf's and threw them over an embankment. About three o'clock the same afternoon he came up the pike and stopped in front of James McCoy's, who also keeps a store on the opposite side of the street from the store of Alf, where several children of James and Alf were playing. Alf slowly went his way at the same time down the pike and joined the group. His little son asked the doctor when he was going to pay for the guineas. How much are they? said he, to which he boy's father replied, "One dollar." The doctor became enraged and said, "it is more than I will pay for them," the same time striking at McCoy. Alf ran and the doctor followed him, slashing at him with his knife, lacerating the arm from the shoulder to the elbow, Alf then managed to pull his revolver, still backing, and raised it and just as he fired, the doctor started to turn, going as far as his boarding house, Ault's. Here he was reinforced by Charlie Ault, who met the doctor and handed him a pistol. The doctor then returned as far as Birch's residence, pointing the weapon at him. One of Alf's sons thought that his father would likely be shot down and brought him a gun. He discharged both barrels at the doctor which took effect in his side, proving fatal. Charlie Ault handed the revolver to the doctor, then came at Alf with two bricks. He was informed that he would be hurt if he threw the bricks. He dropped them the gun, was then empty. After the shooting, Pearson, son of Alf McCoy, went down to the river, stepped into a boat which contained a small brother and a son of James McCoy, and started with them for Greenup, where they were going with the mail. They were shot at by several parties and finally returned.
     If this statement be true it would appear that the shooting by Alfred McCoy was in a desperate quarrel, and as the evidence may show, in self-defence. The friends of McCoy claim that if he had not shot the doctor he would have met like fate, according to previous threats.
     Six weeks prior to this circumstance occurred in which the doctor evinced an ugly disposition toward the McCoys. Northup had stated, so it is said, that Mid(?) Birch, was a pauper from the South. Birch made a visit to the doctor's office to demand an explanation and he was assaulted with a paling, which was broken over the visitor's lead. He was also driven into the stable. Pearson and Tom McCoy, son of Alf, heard the quarrel and went over, but no sooner had they put in an appearance than the doctor turned his attention toward Pearson, shooting at him with a revolver, the ball missing its mark and taking effect in his father's house. The hired girl barely escaped the leaden missile. Not long since the doctor asserted to a gentleman in that vicinity, that he had "worn out his pockets by carrying a pistol to kill Alfred McCoy." Again he stated that he "intended to do up Alf McCoy, and if he did he had the courts with him, so that he would be protected."
     About two years ago Northup had Alf indicted for selling liquor. Mr. McCoy keeps a tavern and general merchandizing store, and to accommodate a certain class of his customers deals in liquors on a small scale. While he was spending one Sunday in Kentucky Northup had a minor visit Alf's store and prevail upon his clerk to fill a bottle with whisky, claiming it for sickness, Alf was thereupon indicted in court, convicted upon that evidence.
     The doctor also built a barn several years ago, infringing upon Alf's line, over which there was a dispute. It too resulted in an assault upon Alf by the doctor, striking him with a trace chain.
     About two weeks ago the doctor was in this city, and in an interview with a gentleman said that "he expected to have trouble with Alf McCoy, and he did not know how it would terminate, but he expected to slay him,"
     Dr. Northup told James McCoy, the postmaster, a short time since, "that he had nothing against him and was his friend, but he intended to put a ball in Alf." When the doctor was making an assault upon Alf with his knife last Wednesday, McCoy doubtless thought that it was life or death from the threats that the doctor had made upon various occasions, which prompted the shooting.
     As to James McCoy, the postmaster of Haverhill, he is not in any way connected with the affray, and there was no reasonable foundation for complaint being filed against him. He simply closed the door of the postoffice, as any peaceable citizen would do, not desiring to keep open house while the combatants were brandishing their fire arms.
     Tom McCoy, who is under arrest, took no part in the fight. The wholesale arrest of the McCoys, four in number, is intended to give the shooting the appearance of a brutal murder, and aid in the prosecution of the case, and persecution of the McCoys. Alfred McCoy has never had any disturbance with anybody but Dr. Northup. He has always been a peaceable, law abiding citizen, is a member of the G A. R. Post, served under General Custer, and his neighbors would be slow to believe that he would shoot in cold blood.
     Pearson and Tom McCoy, sons of Alf, and James McCoy, were brought down on the train, and taken to jail Wednesday night. Doctor A. Sellards prevented the officers from arresting Alf, on account of his weakness from the loss of blood. He had bled profusely and if the flow of blood had not been stopped promptly it is said he was in great danger of bleeding to death. He was brought down by boat Thursday noon.
     It is reported the killing was done by all the McCoy brothers. There are only four McCoy brothers. There are only four altogether, to-wit Alf, who did the shooting, James, the postmaster, who is under arrest, but should be released, A. P. the traveling salesman for C. P. Tracy & Co., who was in Catlettsburg, at the time, and Robert, who was also in Petersburg. Thomas, who is under arrest is merely a ten year old son of Alf, and took no part, and Pearson is another lad of Alf's who carries the mail between Greenup and Haverhill.
     Dr. W. T. Northup, the man who was killed, belongs to the Northup family of Gallia county, one of the oldest and most respectable of that county, has ancestors being among the original French pioneers, who settled Gallia and the eastern part of Scioto counties. He was a man of fine physique, and of undoubted courage. He was a bachelor, and practiced medicine in the neighborhood, and quite largely among the people of the [...] Furnace region. We have never heard anything against his character. He had positive opinions on the temperance question, and being a fearless man never sought to conceal them. Of course this made him enemies and kept him in hot water, while at the same time it made him strong friends among those of his own way of thinking.
     The tragedy is a horrible affair, and is to be deplored by all good citizens. Dr. Northup's body was taken to Gallipolis for burial.

Gallipolis Journal
May 11, 1889

     Dr Wm. K. Patton and Barbara A. Boston were married in Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 9, 1840. Mr. Patton was born in Quebec, Canada, in 1816, and settled in this county in 1853. His wife was born in Sunfish, O., Oct. 2d, 1823, and died July 27, 1878. She was the mother of the following children: Catherine L.L., born June 4, 1841, resides in this Tp.; Mary Jane, June 13, 1844, died Nov. 16, , 1848. Elizabeth Oct. 5, 1846, died Nov. 27 1848.
     The parents of Mr. Patton were Jno. H., and Elizabeth (Wilson) Patton. His father was born in 1789, and died Jan’y 7, 1834. He was a teacher by occupation. Mr. Patton’s mother was born in 1797, and died Aug. 20, 1850; they both died in Pittsburgh, Pa.
     Mrs. Patton’s parents were Jacob and Catherine (Risher) Boston. Her father was born in 1788, and died March 12, 1857. Her mother was born March 12, 1786, and died Feb. 11, 1869. Mr. Patton was a physician residing in Mercerville, Ohio. Died April 17, 1889, aged 73 years at time of burial.

Contributed by Henny Evans

Athens Messenger                                                                                       Top of Page
May 15, 1890

     Gallipolis will celebrate her 100th anniversary October 17th, 18th and 19th. Col. John L. Vance is chairman of the executive committee, which insures the success of the celebration. The event is a most important one and we hope that it will prove a pleasant one to the good people of Gallipolis.

Newark Daily Advocate
July 28, 1894

The Gallant Old 91st O.V.I. Holds It Reunion Tuesday
Gallipolis Outdoes Herself in Doing Honor to the Old Veterans--Dr. Warwick of Lucasville, and Capt. E.E. Ewing of This City, Honored

    The gallant old Ninety-first O.V.I. held its reunion at Gallipolis yesterday, a large number of the old veterans being present. Concerning the reunion the Journal says:
    It was a gala day in the city today. Flags waved and fluttered from scores of business and private houses. The music of the fife and drum was mixed up with the dazzling splendor of the sun, the fine breezes and the throngs of people, and we were carried back almost to '61, when the streets were full of volunteers enlisting to do battle for the glorious cause of the Union.
     The G.A.R. Hall, the headquarters of the boys, was nicely decorated by fair hands, and made as cheerful and pleasant as possible.The reunion opened at 10 o'clock with Dr. Warwick, of Lucasville, Scioto county, in the chair. Adjutant Longbon was made secretary. The address of welcome was then made by Capt. J.M. Alexander in a beautiful and touching manner. It was responded to, also, in a feeling manner by Capt. E.E.Ewing.
     Col. John L. Vance then delivered his address on the battle of Winchester, which occurred just thirty years ago today, July 24, 1864. The address was received with great pleasure and hearty approval. This was followed by a short experience meeting in which several old veterans accounted interesting experiences and incidents.
     The organization for the ensuing year was then made--President Warwick and Secretary Longbon being continued. The morning session was now adjourned until 2 o'clock, and when it assembled the crowd was so great that it was moved and carried that all adjourn to the court house, which they did, and the audience filled the court room.
     Lieut. Newt Warwick, the old commissary of the regiment, related some lively experiences. He was followed by Capt. Ewing, the famous Tom Tag of Lawrence county; Capt. A. D. Crossland, the old quartermaster of the regiment; Capt. J. M. Alexander, who related his experience as orderly sergeant in escorting 31 of John Morgan's men to Columbus, and many others.
     The Journal also runs cuts of the leading members of the regiment, among them being a double column cut of Capt. E. E. Ewing, of this city, and one of Colonel John A. Turley. In commenting on them the Journal has the following to say:
Lieutentant E.E. Ewing
The original orderly sergeant of Company A was here. Thirty years ago today he was severely wounded at Winchester, and left in the hands of the enemy. Hopeless as his case might seem, a combination of circumstances resulted in what could not be improved upon for his welfare. He was kindly cared for by a loyal citizen, through whose kind attentions he was brought to recovery.
Col. John A. Turley
It is a source of much regret that Col. Turley can not be present at the reunion of the 91st Regiment today. He is now an old man indeed, though the boys thought him old when he so gallantly led them more than thirty years ago. He is now seventy-eight years old, and it may be said that the once sturdy oak is now in the sear and yellow leaf. As he sits in the quiet of his room his mind is doubtless going back to the stirring scenes that today will be commemorated by speech and song. The boys will send him greeting, and well we know their words of cheer will warm the cockles of his heart.
Major J. B. Warwick arrived this morning in time to preside at the opening exercises of the reunion. No man in the regiment was more faithful in the performance of his duties as surgeon than Dr. Warwick. He knew every man and all about his frame, and none received more cordial greetings than he today.
     Tuesday evening the closing exercises were held in the Gallipolis court house in the presence of an immense throng. On this occasion Capt. Ewing read an original poem of great merit, which was greeted with tumultuous applause.

October 10, 1895
The Evening Democrat

To Improve the Ohio
     A Permanent Organization Formed at the Cincinnati Convention
By the adoption of a constitution and by-laws a permanent organization of the Ohio River Improvemnet association has been perfected. The plan of M. R. Sulzer of Madison, Ind., for an Ohio River commission similar to the Mississippi and Missouri river commission was adopted, but on the advise of General C. H. Grosvenor, Congressment Evans, Bromwell, Hulick, Hemingway and others. the resolution was reconsidered, tabled and the executive board authorized to represent the association in Washington and elsewhere.
     The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, John L. Vance, Gallipolis; Secretary E.P. Wilson, Cincinnati; treasurer, J.D. Parker, Cincinnati; vice presidents, John F. Dravo, Pittsburg; E. A. Burnside, West Virginis; F.A. Laidley, Ohio; W.W. Hite, Kentuck; W. B. Halliday, Illinois.

Athens Messenger                                                                                       Top of Page
Jan 16, 1896

Mr. George Glenn, storekeeper at the State Hospital, spent several days last week at his home in Gallia county.

Mrs. G. B. Haynie and children of Chicago, who have been visiting Mrs. Haynie's sister, Mrs. U.G. Miller, returned home Monday.

Newark Daily Advocate Sept. 15, 1896  
Eddie O'Brien Was Married Yesterday Noon to Miss Belle Betz, of Gallipolis

Eddie O'Brien, who held down first base for the Newark team in good style all summer, is married.  His bride is a Gallipolis young woman, formerly Miss Belle Betz.

Last evening's Columbus Dispatch contains the following account of the marriage.
     The marriage of E. O'Brien and Miss Belle Betz was celebrated under unusual circumstances about noon at the parsonage of Rev. Dr. J. C. Jackson, Sr., pastor of Wesley chapel.  The couple reside in Gallipolis and the bride has been visiting in this city for a few days with her uncle at 141 North Water street.
     The groom came to the city on a morning train in company with the Marshal of that city, who bore a license for the marriage of the couple.  Taking a carriage at the union station and going after the bride the Marshal drove to the parsonage and as both were of age and the proper credentials were shown they were made one.  Later they went to the home of the uncle of the bride and after a short stay here will return to their home in Gallipolis.

Athens Messenger
April 20, 1899

Mariage Licenses
Benjamin F. Ely, Cheshire, Gallia county, and Julia L. Tedrow, Lysander.

Athens Messenger and Herald
June 8, 1899

Marshal for Alaska
     A political plum in the shape of a lucrative appointment has fallen squarely into the hands of Mr. Samuel Murphy an attendant at the Athens State Hospital. On Sunday he received telegraphic information to the effect that he had received the appointment of United States marshal for the territory of Alaska at the snug salary of $3,000 a year. Mr. Murphy has been an employe of the instituition for sometime, and has been faithful in the performance of every duty. He is a resident of Gallipolis and with his wife and interesting little daughter makes his home on Congress street. He is one of Gallia county's staunch Republicans, and has taken a prominent part in the politics of that county. Mr. Murphy's headquarters will be at Sitka, Alaska, and it (is) probable that he will assume the duties of his new position about September 1. His many friends in Athens and Gallia counties congratulate him upon his good fortune.

Athens Messenger
September 28, 1899

Traveling Salesman arrested here Saturday
     A man giving his name as Fritch and representing a medical supply house of Philadelphia was arrested here last Saturday on the charge of absconding money from a hotelkeeper named Bryan in Gallipolis. It seems that Fritch had been boarding at Bryan's hotel for sometime and owed him about $80. Not having the money to pay he told Mr. Bryan that if he would give him a draft on the house for which he was traveling for $80, thus covering his board. Mr. Bryan complied with his request and the deal was made.
     The draft was sent in and payment refused, so Bryan became alarmed about the money that he had given Fritch. He came to Athens, found his man and swore out a warrant for his arrest before Justice Logan, who issued an order to return Fritch to Gallipolis for trial.
     Fritch states that he is getting a salary of $100 a month and that he asked Bryan to hold the draft until September 27 when it would be due, but that request had been made too late as the draft had already gone. He received a letter from the firm for which he works stating that they would positively refuse to honor drafts made by their traveling salesmen. Fritch seemed to have a perfect horror of going to jail so arrangements were made where he was kept at the hotel under guard. He was taken to Gallipolis, Monday and the house for which Fritch was traveling learning the trouble their salesman had encountered relented and honored the dragt thus settling an unpleasant matter for Fritch.

Athens Messenger
Dec. 7, 1899

George H. Huhn, for a number of years engaged with the Hocking Valley as agent at Glen Ebon, has been transferred to Cheshire, Gallia county. Mr. Huhn is an experienced railroad man and his transference to a better business point is a just recognition of his ability.