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News Items from various newspapers 1921-1967

Transcribed by Joyce Robinson
Original spelling and punctuation left intact
Copyright © of work and time only apply

The Lancaster Daily Eagle
May 21, 1926

     Gallipolis, O, May 21 -- (AP) --- Deputy Sheriff VINTON WALKER left today for the Ohio penitentiary with his son, LEE WALKER, who was givien an indeterminate sentence by Common Pleas Judge White after being found guilty on two sharges of rape.

Transcribed as seen by Joyce Robinson

Unknown Newspaper
April 1927

Married at Pomeroy  

Miss Jessie Baker of this city, a student in High School and Prof. Lester Berridge, teacher at Crown City, slipped away to Pomeroy Monday afternoon and were married, leaving for Kansas to reside. Both are prominent young people who have a host of friends here who wish them very joy.

Transcribed from a newspaper clipping by Joanne Galvin
[Date of Marriage: 23 April 1917]

Athens Messenger
June 26, 1927

Missionary Weds

Announcement of the marriage of Miss Melvina Reid of Gallia and the Rev. W. H. Reitz of Rodney, former Sunday School missionary of Athens county, has been received by the Rev. Lelah Weatherby. The marriage was solemized on June 11, at the home of the bride's parents in Gallia. Mr. Reitz formerly of Lititz, Pa., is a Methodist minister now on the Rodney circuit.

Merchant Confesses to Arson

John Bashore, one of Gallia county's best known merchants, was arrested and later confessed, according to State Fire Marshal donavan and Deputy Miller, to the burning of his large general store and postoffice at Angola, near here, on the night of Oct. 3. The Bashore store was well insured.

Athens Messenger
November 13, 1927

Squire R. Dunn, one of the oldest lawyers of Gallia County bar was seriously injured today when struck by an automobile on Main Street driven by Joe Neal. Squire Dunn was rushed to Holzer Hospital.

Gallia Times
May 23, 1930

Cheshire School History

The following bit of Cheshire school history was written by Miss Cora Rupe of Cheshire in the class of 1904, and was read by her at the meeting of the alumni association last week.

In 1860 there was established at Cheshire an institution of learning known as the Cheshire academy. It was a large, two-story brick structure and is remembered and revered by many. For a number of years this was a pay institution, but the venture failed financially and the building was then used for a public school. It was occupied as a high school until the present structure was built.

The first commencement was held May 13, 1898. The class consisted of but two members, Urson Hooper and Bessie Fargo. Prof. E. S. McCall was superintendent. Since that time there have been 29 commencements. The years 1900, 1906, 1907 and 1918 had no classes.

From the Cheshire high school there have gone out in the world 224 boys and girls with diplomas lauding their alma mater. Of this number 142 were girls and 82 boys, most of whom are filling places of trust and value in our country. Two of the boys are ministers of the gospel; a large number are teachers.
The largest class was in 1927 when 19 graduated. The smallest class was in 1901 and 1903 when only one person received a diploma. The class of 1929 had the largest number of boys_10. The class of 1927 had the largest number of girls_13. One colored girl was graduated in 1899.

There have been fourteen superintendents. Prof. Adriel Welker served the longest_seven years. The Bumgarner family has the largest number of graduates, there being ten. In one family the father, mother and four of their children have received diplomas. They are Mr. and Mrs. Hortie Shaver and children. In several instances both husband and wife are graduates.

From the alumni six members have been taken away and are waiting on the other shore. They are Garnet Coleman Bloss, class of ’99; Marie Pinney Rupe, class of 1913; Ina Rife Rupe, class of 1914; Hanley Roush, class of 1919; Frances Fife Church and Luther Pinney, class of 1920.
This year marks the fourth annual alumni banquet, all very enjoyable.

     You, a graduate of Cheshire high,
     Who have wandered far away;
     Don’t you hear us calling, calling,
     Won’t you come back some day?

     Don’t you feel the heartstrings pulling
     Toward the loved ones waiting here?
     How can you stay away much longer
     From the school you love so dear?

     Come back to our alumni banquet,
     With all its joys and charms;
     The home folks here will greet you
     With love and open arms.

     Come back to dear old town,
     To the schoolmates you used to know;
     We will welcome you most heartily
     For we have missed you so.

     Some of the graduates will be absent,
     Who have gone to well earned rest;
     Though we miss them still we love them,
     God knows and does what’s best.

Transcribed by Henny Evans

Athens Messenger
July 16, 1930

McIntryre Has Lot in Old Cemetery
New York Columnist Arranges For His Burial In Gallipolis

O.O. McIntyre, the famous New York columnist, when he quits this world, will be brought to his home town of Gallipolis, where he sprouted his literary pin feathers. His last resting place will command a view of the beautiful sweep of the Ohio River and the town of Gallipolis.

Monday marked the completion of a transfer by which the noted columnist becomes the owner of a burial lot in the heart of Mound Hill Cemetery at the brow of the hill which overlooks the river.

The lot was purchased from Mrs. J.C. Shepard who came into possession of it in 1899? It is in the older part of the cemetery and one of the choice lots.

Athens Messenger
Dec. 8, 1930

Last of Type

Keno Bridge Was Only Covered Bridge Remaining in Meigs County. With the passing of the old covered bridge at Keno, Meigs County has no more of these bridges. The dozen or more such bridges of a few years ago have been replaced by steel structures. The neighboring county of GALLIA has many such bridges. It is said that there are still more than half a dozen crossing Little and Big Raccoon Creeks in the northern part of Gallia County.

Unknown Newspaper

Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Baker, of Northup, delightfully celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage, Sunday at the home of their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Sigler, First Avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. Baker (America Northup) who are still active and enjoying life, were married March 24, 1880, at Northup, near their present home, and with the exception of a few years which they spent in Illinois they have lived their entire life in that vicinity.

Sunday was a happy day for them for they were surrounded for the occasion by all of their children and their families. These included Mrs. Frank Heil, with Mr. Heil and son, Wayne, of Malta, O., Mrs. Lester Berridge, Mr. Berridge, daughter June, of Detroit, Mr. Wilbur Baker and two daughters, of Springfield, Ill., Mrs. Bernice Anderson, Virginia, Ill., Charles Baker, at home and Mrs. Sigler. Other relatives who enjoyed the gathering were Mrs. Baker’s sister, Mrs. M. T. Blessing and Mrs. Blessing of Rolfe, Iowa, Mrs. Mary Pickens, of Springfield, Ill., and Mrs. Maria Niday, of Gallipolis, Mr. Baker’s sister, Mrs. George Houck, of Lincoln, Miss Kate and Miss Edith Northup, of Cincinnati, Mrs. Emma Northup, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Northup and two sons, Harlan and Jimmie of Northup, Mrs. Charlotte Sigler, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. McHenry and daughter, Mary Anna and Betty Jean, and W. W. Sigler of Gallipolis.

An elaborate dinner was served at noon, at which Wayne Heil, eight year old grandson invoked the Divine blessing. Following the dinner a royal social time was enjoyed, beginning with the opening of the gifts which were showered upon the “happy couple”. These were brought in by little June Berridge piled high on a serving wagon and were opened with much merriment. Mrs. Hilda Berridge then read a letter from Mrs. Flossie (sic—Vausie) Smith, of Los Angeles, Cal., sister of Mrs. Baker, who was unable to be present. June Berridge gave a most artistic interpretation of fancy dancing. One of the most pleasing feature(s) of the whole day was when Mrs. Baker donned the bridal veil of her mother, Mrs. Ansel Northup, and was serenaded by the youngsters, who demanded and received a treat.

Transcribed by Joanne Galvin, great granddaughter of Jacob and America Baker

Unknown Newspaper
August 1931

Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary With Dinner Sunday  

On Aug. 24, 1881, Mr. Frank Leaper and Miss Josephine Berridge were married at the home of the bride’s father, Neal Berridge, the ceremony being performed by Hugh Plymale, uncle of the bride. This marriage consummated fifty years ago, has continued happily, and was celebrated Sunday, Aug. 23, 1931, at Mr. and Mrs. Leaper’s home on Third Avenue, with a large gathering of friends and relatives. At noon, an elaborate dinner was served, twenty-three “wedding” cakes being brought in for the occasion. One, a golden wedding cake was presented by Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Garrett, and another by Mr. and Mrs. Boothe, was graced by a miniature bride and groom. Although fifty years seems a long time, Mr. and Mrs. Leaper, no doubt have many happy years before them, as the former is in his 72 nd year and the latter but 69, and both are strong and active.

The happy couple are the parents of three children, and have nine grand children and five great grand children.

Mr. and Mrs. Leaper had with them all of their children, Chester Leaper, wife and four children, Betty, Nancy Jo, Jimmy and Peggy Lee, Mrs. Blazer Wetherholt, (Mary Leaper), Mr. Wetherholt and daughters, Beulah and Eleanor of this city, and Elmer Leaper, wife and son, John, of Columbus. Others present were Mr. Leaper’s only brother, Albert Leaper, wife and daughters, Hilda and Mildred, of this city, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. C. B./ Booth and daughters, Marjorie, Jean and Frances of Huntington, Mr. and Mrs. George Groves, Mrs. John Jay and Albert Goodwin of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. George Craft, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Wise and two children, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Klicker, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Steger, Mr. and Mrs. James Carter and son Cecil, Robert Irion, Rev. John L. Porter and wife, Mrs. Sarah Harrington, Mrs. John A. Plymale, Mr. and Mrs. George Haffelt, Mrs. Effie Dickey, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Gooch and two sons, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Smith, Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Garrett, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Porter, H. H. Porter, Mrs. Ruth Smith, Charles V. Porter, Mrs. Allie Simms, Mrs. Dora Frownfelter, Z. Williams, Mrs. Rhoda Wise, Mrs. Mina Neal, Miss Naomi Plymale, Miss Mollie Roadarmour, A. Cottrell, Fred Baker, T. R. Smith and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steger, Bonnie B. Carter and Mrs. Rosetta Porter. Of these guests two were present at the wedding, Mrs. Groves of Columbus, niece of Mrs. Leaper, who was but a small girl and Albert Leaper.

Transcribed by Joanne Galvin

Athens Messenger
Sept. 1, 1932

Gallia Youth Wins

William Houck's Barred Rocks Take Second Place at Fair
Willilam Houck, a student in the vocational-agricultural department at Gallia Academy High School, won second place with his pen of barred Plymouth
Rocks in the vocational-agricultural division at the Ohio State Fair.

Ends Vacation

Miss V. Mildred Miller, directress of nurses at Holzer Hospital, returned to her duties after a month's vacation spent in Cincinnati, and at her home here.

Athens Messenger
October 14, 1932

Walter Boyd Accused of Murdering Brumfield July 30.

     With the state's calling 18 new witnesses yesterday, 78 persons have been summoned to testify in the murder trial of Walter Boyd which begins Monday in Gallia County Common Pleas Court.
     Total witnesses for the Boyd murder trial are in excess of that for any recent murder trial including the Eddie Peppers trial in November, 1927. Peppers was the only man ever sent to the electric chair from Gallia County. Of the 78 persons subpoenaed, 45 are to testify for the state and 33 for the defense.
     Selection of a jury satisfactory to both the state and counsel for Boyd is expected to take all of Monday with witnesses called for 9 o'clock, Tuesday morning.
Prosecuting Attorney Harry M. Miller will be assisted with the states's case by R. M. Switzer. Counsel for Boyd is H. W. Cherrington and Hollis Johnson.
     Boyd is accused of murdering Fred Brumfield on the night of July 30 near Boyd's farm residence back of Swan Creek. After Surrendering himself to Sheriff Charles H. Swansan, he was indicted of first degree murder, the first first-degree murder charge to be placed against a man in the county since 1927.

Athens Messenger
Oct. 14, 1932

Judgment Granted
Buckeye Building and Loan Company Is Favored

Gallipolis, Oct.14. Buckeye Building and Loan Company was granted judgment yesterday by Judge C. E. Peoples, Meigs County, sitting on the Gallia County bench, against Ellsworth Rose, Carrie E. Rose and William Rose, for $2,225.30 with seven percent interest from Oct.12, 1932. The judgment is against property owned by the three in the city of Gallipolis.

Divorce suit of Shepherd Lewis against Elizabeth Haynes Lewis was dismissed yesterday at the request of the plaintiff. Lewis had claimed that his wife was guilty of gross neglect and desertion.

Suit of James H. Taylor vs. Alonzo R. Baker for recovery on a congovit note has also been dismissed.

Dam 26 Repaired
Several New Steel Wickets and Horses Arrive

Gallipolis, Oct. 14 Several new steel wickets and horses have just arrived at Dam 26, below here, from Pittsburgh, and are being installed by government lockmaster, Thomas Lanthorn. Repairs to Dam 26, and the lock this past summer and fall have made this river plant almost good as new. Over $75,000 was spent by the government at No. 26, known as the "Hoodoo Dam," owing to the several accidents to occur there but without loss of life. This lock and dam was built by govenment employes, not contractors, and washed out the first time the dam was put up into position to form a pool above.

Marine Hospital Notes

Gallipolis, Oct. 14-- Three patients were registered today in the United States Marine Hospital here. They are Carl Staats, of Henderson, W. Va., steward of the Steamer Robert Noble, who was injured by a fall on the boat.

John Wright, also of Henderson, is also receiving treatment. He is off the Steamer Julius Fleishman. Capt. John Mills, veteran riverman, of Maysville, Ky., will be discharged from the hospital today. Captain Mills, a former well-known ferryboat operator and engineer, will leave here to go on the Greene line Steamer Chris Greene in the Cincinnati and Huntington Trade for a short time.

Holzer Hospital Notes

Gallipolis, Oct. 14 Ernest Caudill, Thurman, R..D.1, was admitted for treatment of an infected leg.

Coupe Stolen

Gallipolis, Oct.14 A coupe owned by Randall Warden was stolen near the Wagner Warehouse at the corner of Grape Street and Second Avenue, between 10 and 11 o'clock Wednesday night, according to Chief of Police John Fraley. No trace of the car has been found.

Marriage License

Gallipolis, Oct. 14 A marriage license was issued yesterday to Frank H. Ruff, 23, farmer, Thurman, and Marie Patterson, 24, a teacher, Thurman.

Is Administrator
Gallipolis, Oct. 14 Prosecuting Attorney Harry M. Miller has been appointed administrator of the estate of his father, Arthur Miller. Bulk of the estate is left to his widow.

Gallia Court News

Homer J. Ward has filed suit against Caroline Lewis, asking a judgement for possession of Lot 33, Block 12, in Maple Shade, now a part of the city of Gallipolis.
Ruth Leest has been appointed administratix of the estate of Rachel Leonard, deceased.

At District Meeting

Miss Hattie Cromley, secretary of the Gallipolis office of the Ohio Bell Telephone Company, attended a district meeting of secretaries of the company, at Lancaster, Wednesday.

Road Material Arrives

A carload of corrugated culvert has been unloaded at the county garage on Route 7. the culvert will be used on new construction work this year, according to County Surveyor F. A. Haskins.

Drops Loot in Church

A velvet choir cloth taken from the First Presbyterian Church was recovered by local police Wednesday night at 11:30 o'clock, when a Negro youth dropped it in his escape from the church. No arrests have been made.

Personal Mention

Mrs. Melvin Rose and daughter, Helen, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Dull at the French City Hotel, over Sunday.

Hospital Notes

Mabel Mills, Gallipolis, was discharged yesterday.

Young Child Dies

Norma Lorene Rupe, Kyger, eight-month-old daughter of Floyd and Gaye Rupe, died yesterday morning in Holzer Hospital of an acute intestinal ailment. She was born Nov. 4, 1931. Funeral arrangements are in charge of a Bidwell undertaker.

Athens Messenger
October 14, 1934

Boiler Crew Home

The Acme Boiler Shop crew of this city, in charge of Charles Arthur, manager, arrived home last night from Louisville, Ky., where they repaired the boilers of the Steamer Fairplay, owned by the Campbell Transportation Company, Pittsburgh. The Fairplay's steel hull, was formerly the Henry Laughlin and was built by the Jones and Laughlin Steel Company. The Fairplay now tows oil products for the Gulf Refining Company between Cincinnati, Portsmouth and Louisville.

The Charleston Daily Mail
March 03, 1936

Operation Building Lost

At the Gallipolis Dam in the Ohio river, the temporary operation building, located in the river wall, was swept from the wall on Sunday. The crest of the rise caused slight damage to the permanent operation building when several windows were broken.

Gallipolis Daily Tribune
July 1937


     On Friday, July 16, 1937, the front page of the Gallipolis Daily Tribune announced "3 HURT WHEN CAR OVERTURNS, THERON [sic] MYERS CRITICALLY". The secondary headline stated the "Popular Girl's Skull Is Fractured In Accident Near Stanley Plymale Home Early Last Night -- Nancy Leaper and Jordan Wheeler Receive Minor Hurts".
The accident happened at about 8:30 PM about half a mile below Clipper Mill. Tharon's car was driven by Jordan Wheeler, 17, the son of Earl Wheeler. The Myers vehicle was traveling at a high rate of speed, came upon a slow moving truck. Tharon told Wheeler "to step on it" and get around the truck. At the same time, Tharon pulled the throttle and Wheeler lost control of the Chrysler coupe.
     All three grabbed the steering wheel, but were unable to bring the car under control before it hit a telephone pole guy wire. Upon hitting the guy wire, the car went airborne and flipped over.
     Members of the Stanley Plymale family came to the aid of the teenagers. A passing motorist, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Dorton, helped transport Tharon to Holzer Hospital. Wheeler got into the back seat with Tharon. Nancy either rode on the running board or sat beside the Dortons, the article is not entirely clear on this point.
Upon arrival at the hospital, the blood spattered Tharon was given a blood transfusion. The donor was Cyril Mayhew, who was at the hospital visiting Charles Mayhew. Tharon was bleeding from her ears, nostrils, and mouth. A spinal puncture showed blood in the spinal fluid. The loss of blood made necessary a second blood transfusion the following day. This time the donor was Alva Myers.
     Jordan and the other passenger, Nancy Leaper, 15, suffered relatively minor injuries. Miss Leaper suffered a fractured collarbone, a small cut on the forehead, and bruises on her legs and back. Tharon suffered a skull fracture and a massive loss of blood. The article indicated she was not expected to live, stating that she "was terribly, perhaps fatally, injured".

Saturday, July 17, 1937, the front page of the Gallipolis Daily Tribune stated "MYERS GIRL STILL IN GRAVE CONDITION -- FATHER NOTIFIED".

    At 7:30 A.M., Tharon took a turn for the worse and Dr. Holzer was summoned "to the side of the girl whose fate holds hundreds sort of spell-bound". Another blood transfusion was necessary and her uncle, James Myers, served as the donor. The article notes another "spinal puncture....(and) a washing out of the stomach" was performed. These actions seemed to improve Tharon's condition.
     Tharon's father, Carl, was located with his touring companions (Col. Ecker, S.B. Huntington, C.C. Ingels, and Sheriff Hatfield) at the entrance of Yellowstone National Park. Mr. Myers announced that he would locate the first available plane to bring him back to Ohio.
     Tharon's mother was distraught by the news of her daughter's worsening condition and required medical attention.

Two days later, on July 19th, the Tribune announced "CONDITION OF THARON MYERS MORE HOPEFUL".

    A skull operation was performed on the evening of July 18th and Tharon made it through the procedure without the need of another blood transfusion. The Tribune went on to state that Tharon had been able to take some water after the operation.
Carl Myers arrived in Gallipolis at 9 A.M. on Sunday. He flew from Jackson, Wyoming to Billings, Wyoming. Then he caught a transcontinental flight to Chicago, arriving there shortly before midnight on Saturday. Leaving Chicago at 4 A.M., he reached Cleveland at 7 A.M., where Dr. Holzer's plane flew him to Gallipolis.

On July 22, 1937

    Dr. Holzer is quoted in the Tribune as stating Theron's "temperature was lower and (the) fear of spinal meningitis was lessened", he added that she "showed faint signs of approaching consciousness." He did admit the change for the better was "slight and various complications may arise to offset all that skill and tender care can do for her".

On July 29, 1937

    Sadly, Tharon lost her fight for life at 3 A.M. on July 29, 1937. The Tribune's headline stated "THARON MYERS DIES INJURIES SUSTAINED IN AUTO ACCIDENT". The secondary headline announced "Funeral For Popular Girl Whose Life Hung In Balance For Two Weeks Set For Sunday At 2 O'clock In Presbyterian Church".
     This article gave a full account of the accident. The three young people were heading south on Rt. 7 in Tharon's Chrysler coupe, with Jordan Wheeler behind the wheel. As they neared a large truck, Tharon urged Jordan to pass the truck. She pulled out the throttle and this caused Jordan to lose control of the car. The vehicle crashed into a telephone pole and all three were thrown out of the car.
     Jordon Wheeler escaped almost uninjured. Miss Leaper suffered a broken collarbone and minor cuts and bruises. Tharon was thrown onto the pavement and suffered three fractures of her skull and a badly bruised skull. She never regained consciousness.

Contributed by Jeff Hayes

Gallipolis newspaper
ca 1939-1942

Wickline Honored

W.A. Wickline
Chosen as head of the High Schools Principals Association of the district embracing Richland, Ashland, Knox and Morrow counties, was the subject of complimentary "write-up" in the Sunday edition of the Mansfield News-Journal.

Mr. Wickline has been superintendent of the Lexington schools for six years. He has been engaged in school work 21 years, 17 of these as superintendent.

He was formerly active in wrestling, boxing and football. He is a Mason and Methodist.

From the Mansfield paper the following lines were taken:
"Chosen by the school men belonging to the Ohio High School Principals association in District No. 23, composed of Richland, Ashland, Knox and Morrow County to head their organization for next year. This shows the respect held for Mr. Wickline by his associates in the part of the state where he resides.

Bill Wickline, as he is known here, was born and reared at Rio Grande. He graduated from high school there in 1915. He graduated from Rio Grande College in 1922. He received his Master's degree from Ohio State University in 1933. He studied the full summer quarter at the University of Washington at Seattle in 1939. He is the son of the late John and Jessie Cherrington Wickline.

He was married to Norma Russell of Vinton, Ohio, and they have four children, Jessie Mae 17, Billy 15, Bodley 8, and Emelyn 6. He has traveled widely taking his family with him. His oungest son, Bodley, may be the holder of a record since when he started to school at the age of six had already been in all 48 states and 2 Canadian Provinces.

Wickline is the author of a book which is to come from the press before a great while, entitled, "A Man-Made God".

He has received personal encouragement in the production of this book from Louis Bromfield, the novelist, and from Hendrik Willem Van Loon, well-known author. It is dedicated to a friend since his boyhood days, Arthur Jenkins, of near Rio Grande."

Transcribed by Joanne Galvin

Athens Messenger
March 18, 1946

Gallia Men Receive Military Discharges

Gallipolis--Twenty-seven Gallia County men were discharged from the armed services the week prior to March 14. Included were: Hobart Rose, Bryant W. Belville, Albert Morris, Robert S. Rees, John D. Ferguson, Glenn W. Green, David A. Ball, Craig O. Puke, Lowell O. Edwards, Orsen A. Fallon, Charles D. Green, Miles J. Carpenter, Thurman E. Pickett, Eugene C. Saunders, Charles W. Baker, Denver L. Davis, David W. Thomas, William A. Callicoat, James W. Johnson, John T. Betz, Phillip H. Cordell, Clarence M. Vickers, Norman Stewart, James T. Farmer and Loren C. Haskins.

Athens Messenger
May 12, 1965

Mathias Will Includes Bequest Of $74, 873 To Holzer Hospital
The Holzer Hospital Foundation today announced the receipt of a bequest of $74,783.64 from the estate of Roy Mathias, retired school teacher and life-long resident of Raccoon Twp.

Dr. Charles E. Holzer, Jr., chief of staff, said the bequest is unrestricted. Mathias, 82, died Sept. 17, 1963 in Holzer Hospital. He was born in the Ebenezer community. He began as a $30 a month school teacher.

His wife, the former Jennie Price, who was also a school teacher, preceded him in death on May 11, 1951. They had no children. Together they amassed the small fortune by supplementing their teaching salaries by income from their farm.

Mr. Mathias before his retirement had been a teacher in schools in Gallia, Jackson and Vinton counties for 36 years. Prior to his death he made his home with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Elias in Pleasant View.

Vernon McCoy, Vinton funeral director and executor of the Mathias estate, said the retired school teacher also willed the Ebenezer Church Cemetery and the Vinton Memorial Park Cemetery each about $12,500.

Athens Messenger
Dec. 18, 1967

[This article is in reference to the Silver Bridge Disaster.]

Names of victims of the disaster whose bodies have been recovered are as follows: Melvin CANTRELL, 40, Gallipolis Ferry; Gerald MCMANUS, 51, South Point; Neal BLACKBURN, Richmond, Va., Mrs. Maxine Ellen STURGEON, 35, Kanauga; Paul D. WEDGE, 54, Point Pleasant; Victor TURNER, Point Pleasant; Darlene MAYES, Gallipolis; Darius Northup, Gallipolis Ferry; Nora Isabelle Nibert, Horace D. Cremeans, Gallipolis; Alvie Bernard LANE, Gallipolis Route 1; Robert Eugene TOWE, 33, Cana, Va.; James F. MEADOWS, 32, Point Pleasant; Timothy H. MEADOWS, 3, Point Pleasant; Mrs. AlmaDUFF, 47, Point Pleasant; Cecil COUNTS, Gallipolis Ferry.