Pine Street Cemetery

referred to as the Old Cemetery, is located within the city of Gallipolis. It is the oldest and possibly the second largest cemetery in the county, although Gravel Hill in Cheshire Township is about the same size. Mound Hill in Gallipolis with over 5,000 burials is the largest. Many of the first French settlers are buried here. During the Civil War there was an army hospital in Gallipolis and many soldiers from both the North and South were sent here for care and during that period the mortality rate for battle wounds and for infectious diseses such as typhoid fever was high. Many of those who died were buried here in the Pine Street Cemetery in the military section (see photo on bottom right). Because parts of the cemetery are very old there are many stones that are no longer readable. To preserve the inscriptions that are still legible, all the markers in the cemetery were photographed starting in the summer of 2010 and finished in 2012.